InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ A New Adventure ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: After due consideration, and some rather frantic sounding reviews, I have gone over my carefully planned out outline and chucked it out the window. In order to get the next story where I want it (and I'm sticking with the working title, Fire and Ice) I need to do some more work here. Now that I'm outline-less again I can't even guess when this is going to end. I think I have five chapters to go now. This is really like the song that never ends. Honestly. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm your little pet, and as long as you feed me I write.
Ack, Dyquem, I wanted to use that age old writing technique of skipping over those issues. I've been trying to figure it out myself for awhile now. I hate it when reality intrudes on my plot! Plot, what plot? Anyways, I'm going to kind of play it by ear, but hopefully you guys won't be too ticked if I skip details in favor of pacing.
Sesshomaru's first instinct was to strike the hawk down where he stood. There was a tense moment while the two taiyoukai stared at each other, waiting to see what the other's first move would be. Rin looked back and forth between them, not thrilled at the idea of throwing herself in between them again. Of course the inu-youkai knew what had happened the previous night, and he wanted to rip the hawk's throat out.
Rolling her eyes, Kagome smacked her mate on the arm. “Knock that off. Its fine and you know it.” She walked over to the rather pale Rin and pulled her pendant out from underneath her kimono. Katsuro reached out to put it in his mouth, but the miko kept it away from him. He settled for pulling his mother's necklace into his mouth instead. “This is so beautiful, Merkamou.”
Seeing that Sesshomaru was backing down, Merkamou relaxed as well. “Arigato, Kagome-sama.”
“Drop the title, you're family.”
The blunt command was rather startling. “As you wish, Kagome.”
“And that means no killing, Sesshomaru.”
“Hn.” There was a final appraising look before Sesshomaru looked away. He had no reason to kill the hawk, but his instincts had not fully accepted Merkamou's new status. `He is practically a pack member now. The impulsive, loud idiot is now pack. I should blame Kagome for this.'
Since everyone was backing down Rin felt free to breathe again. Mizuki slipped out from behind her father to look at her sister's new necklace with her mother. “Did Merkamou-sama give this to you?”
“Hai.” Rin bent down a bit so her sister could see the pendant.
“It looks a little bit like Mama's.”
“Close, Mizuki-chan.”
“So you are going to the Southern Lands.”
Rin flinched at the statement. “Well, yes, since Merkamou is lord there, and he does need to go back. I cannot just stay here, not really. But I can come back and visit all of the time, it's really not all that far. And you can come and visit me, since I am not going to know anyone and I will miss my sister, and . . .
“Rin.” Both Mizuki and Sesshomaru brought the tirade to a stop.
“Gomen, Sesshomaru-sama. And Mizuki-chan.”
`That is downright creepy.' Kagome shifted Katsuro to her other hip and pried her necklace out of his hands. “Do you know when you two are leaving?”
“We have not discussed it. I would prefer not to leave the court unattended for too long, with my mother in exile and very unhappy about it. And I would prefer to beat the gossip back to my lands. I want to take them by surprise and not let them have a chance to be resistant.” Merkamou looked over to Rin for confirmation and got a nod in return.
“Then you are going to need to go really soon. You know how gossip travels. We could probably have everything packed and ready in a matter of days.” It was hard for Kagome to say those words, but she knew how important this was. She had been through the problems that Rin was about to face, and she wanted Rin to have every advantage.
“Days?” Rin looked rather pale again. `I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I think I am going to be sick.'
Merkamou put his hand under Rin's elbow when he saw her sway. Mizuki looked at the familiar contact, and locked eyes with the hawk. She had not completely forgiven him for the fight with her father, and she stared at him for a long moment before giving a slight nod and looking away. If Merkamou was not mistaken, she had brushed her fingers across a throwing dagger tucked into her obi. `What is it with this family and threatening me? I am not certain I will be any safer as a member of this pack.'
“Days, Rin-chan. I'll let Kumo know what we need to do and get the essentials taken care of. Anything else we can send after you. Merkamou is right, and this will be much easier if the nobles don't have a chance to get set up against you. Broadside them, and don't let them see you coming.” Looking at Katsuro let Kagome get her emotions back under control.
“My sister will help. I am sending Takashi back with a message for her today, so she will know we are coming. She is not fond of ningens herself, but her support of me is absolute.”
“Great.” Trying to keep from being sick, Rin shook her head at the description of the sister waiting for them. “With allies like that who needs enemies?”
“Merkamou, I'm going to kidnap Rin-chan for awhile to get things settled. I'm sure you can find something to do.” A glance over her shoulder pulled Sesshomaru into his mate's maneuver.
“You have work to do.” The inu-youkai moved away without a glance behind him.
“I think he means me.” Merkamou bowed to the group in the hall. “If you will excuse me.”
Kagome waved him away, concentrating on Rin. “How are you doing, Rin-chan?”
“It is all happening so fast!”
“It has to, Rin-chan. You were there when I started with Sesshomaru.”
“What happened?” Mizuki looked rather concerned.
Kagome tipped her head to the side and looked at her daughter. “You haven't heard that story?”
“I think the Captain started to tell it once, but he stopped.”
“Well, it was not very popular for your father to have a miko for a mate, so a group of youkai attacked Rin and me in the garden at a party.”
“So that is why you keep saying that you hate parties!”
“Exactly. I should have Rin-chan tell this one, since it really is her story.”
Rin blushed. “It is your story, Kagome-chan. I was just along for the journey.”
“What happened?” Mizuki was not about to be swayed from this story now that she was finally going to hear it.
“Like I said, a group of youkai attacked. I held them off with a barrier, but I get tired pretty fast doing that, especially with them attacking it. They had a barrier of their own, so Sesshomaru didn't know I was in trouble, and when he did find out he had to get it down to save me.” Kagome smiled to herself. “And it was Merkamou that came charging down from the palace with him and brought the barrier down.”
“Really?” Mizuki looked down the hall where the hawk had disappeared. “I never knew that.”
“There's a reason he has a room in the family wing, Mizuki-chan.”
“You are selling yourself short, Kagome-chan. You purified several of those youkai with your hair combs.” Rin was also smiling in memory. “And I remember throwing up afterwards, and it was Merkamou that was with me.”
“You threw up?” The pup made a face at her sister. “Why would you do that?”
There was no response for a long moment as Rin looked at the wall. Kagome glanced at her friend before answering Mizuki. “Rin-chan killed two youkai that night, and she had never been in a fight before.” She looked over to the exterminator. “You were too young, jo-chan.”
“It does not bother me anymore.” Rin shrugged it off. Nobody but Merkamou knew that she had suffered from nightmares for two years after that night, or that she still suffered from nightmares from the assassination attempt on Katsuro and Mizuki.
“We need to find Kumo. But knowing her, she's probably already got everything organized and has been just waiting for the word.” Kagome lead the group down the corridor towards her study. “She knows everything that happens in this place, usually before me.”
`I never thought this day would come.'
Rin stared at Sesshomaru while her belongings were secured to Ah-Un. She had surprisingly little that she wanted to bring with her, and most of it would fit on the dragon. Non essentials would be following after her at a normal traveling pace. The fact that Ah-Un was coming with her had been a surprise. She had expected to leave him with his owner, but Sesshomaru had insisted that she take him.
“He is yours.”
Tears were threatening to put in an appearance as Rin looked around the courtyard. Mizuki was helping her mother tie down the bundles while Shippo distracted Katsuro. Merkamou was talking to Sesshomaru quietly, off to the side. Left to her own devices, Rin could feel her emotions trying to escape. The last few days had been a blur of moving things, packing things, and going through her room. Many of her old clothes had been moved to Mizuki's room, and the small blade that Sesshomaru had given her was tucked away to wait for Katsuro. Her room had looked so odd, with the flowers gone and her clothing packed away.
Kagome had been catching her up on the politics that were going on, everything from the current relationships between the great Lords to the stories that Merkamou had told her of the Southern Lands.
“Don't trust anyone. At all. They do not like you, and will not respect you until you can force the matter. Don't go anywhere alone, and don't meet with any of them. Merkamou trusts this sister of his, but I don't know if you should. Supporting her brother is great and all, but how convenient if the ningen were to have a little accident. They are so fragile, after all.”
“But Kagome-chan . . . “
“No buts, Rin-chan. This is the way the game is played. After you have been in charge for awhile you might be able to find some that you trust, but they have to earn it, the same way you have to earn their respect.”
“Can I do this, Kagome-chan?”
“You better, Rin-chan. I know you can do it, if you march in there like you own the place and never back down.”
Rin shivered in memory of that conversation. It was one thing to fight in battle, but this was an entirely different kind of fight. On a field she knew who her enemy was, but now it could be anyone. This was not an opponent squaring off with her, it was a knife behind a door.
Even Jaken had talked to her about the challenges she would be facing.
“Hai, Jaken-sama?”
“Are you really going to the Southern Lands with Merkamou-sama?”
“Hai, Jaken-sama.”
The little toad had shaken his head. “It will be very hard, girl.”
“I know, Jaken-sama.”
“Be careful. If you cannot find anyone trustworthy to assist you, ask Sesshomaru-sama and see if I can be spared for a short while. It will be hard to find anyone to cover important duties such as mine, but if it can be done I would be available for a short time.”
“Really, Jaken-sama?”
Stupid girl, Sesshomaru-sama has left you in my charge many times! If something happened to you I know his rage would be taken out on me!” The little toad had stomped his foot at her.
“Of course, Jaken-sama.” Rin dropped down to her knees to grab Jaken in a hug. “Rin will miss you, too.”
“Put me down this instant, insolent child!”
`That is a much more pleasant memory to focus on. And if things are as tough as Merkamou and Kagome say they will be, I may very well ask if he can come and be my assistant for a time. I will need someone I can trust.' Rin looked towards the sun that was now well over the trees. `We need to get going.'
“You're too young for this, Rin-chan.”
The exterminator turned to face Kagome, who was now carrying Katsuro. “I am the same age you were when you came to Sesshomaru-sama's home.”
Kagome stopped and counted on her fingers. “I guess you are. I can't help but feel like I'm throwing you into a pit of tigers, though.”
“I will not be alone. Merkamou will be with me.”
“You watch his back, and he will watch yours. You should be more careful what you wish for, jo-chan. I'm pretty sure this is not what you had in mind.”
Merkamou was looking over at them, and Rin smiled. “Close enough.”
“It's just too cute for words.” Kagome giggled as she grabbed her friend in a hug, almost smothering Katsuro. “I can't believe you are actually going!”
“Neither can I. It still does not seem real.”
“And I keep turning around and expecting to see a little girl. A little girl with messy hair holding out a handful of flowers and chasing after Sesshomaru.”
Rin eyeballed a lock of hair that had fallen across her gaze. “I have not changed that much.”
Katsuro was reaching for Rin, so she scooped him away from Kagome, letting him pull on her loose hair. “Ah, little brother. I must come back to teach you how to hunt so we can go out together. How does that sound?”
There were squeals of delight as she tossed him up in the air, making his eyes shine.
Kagome pulled Rin over to Ah-Un. Mizuki was keeping her eyes on the dragon, her back tense as she checked over his tack. Katsuro was handed back to his mother.
The pup visibly braced herself before turning to meet her sister's eyes. “Hai, Rin-neechan?” The eyes, expression, and voice were all as smooth as glass, but Rin's eyes were on her sister's hands. A small drop of blood fell to the ground.
The exterminator dragged her hanyou sister into a tight hug, refusing to let go even when she squirmed. “I will miss you, Mizuki-chan.”
The resistance melted away, and Mizuki buried her face in Rin's shoulder and hugged her back. “I will miss you too, Rin-neechan.”
Pulling back, Rin wiped the single tear off of Mizuki's cheek.
“What are the rules, Rin-neechan?”
Rin smiled brightly at her sister. “No running, no yelling, no swearing, no hitting.”
“No challenges. I will see you soon.”
“I promise, little sister.”
Mizuki pulled herself back together, ignoring her mother who was anxiously examining her hands.
“You shouldn't do that, Mizuki!” Kagome wiped the blood off her daughter's palms.
“It is fine, Mama.” The voice was back to its usual cool tones, with no sign of her distress showing. “They will be healed before you could even find bandages.”
Sesshomaru was watching his daughter as he walked over, following Merkamou. Mizuki met his eyes. She would talk with him later, when no one else was around.
“Are you ready, merlin?” Merkamou was rather concerned, since Rin had barely ate or slept for the last three days.
“Just about, Merkamou.” Rin was staring at Sesshomaru. He had been there, walking just in front of her, for almost every part of her life that she could remember. He had brought her back to life, and had saved her life several times. And now she had to say good bye. “Uh . . . “
“Just say it, jo-chan.” Kagome hissed in her ear.
Rin darted forward and threw her arms around Sesshomaru's waist. “Rin will miss you, Sesshomaru-sama.”
Shock kept the inu-youkai frozen for a moment. Slowly, he set his hand on his ward's back with a feather light touch. “This Sesshomaru will miss you as well, Rin.”
Pulling back, Rin wiped the last of her tears away. She gave him the same open grin he had seen for many years. “I have to go.”
Merkamou bowed to Sesshomaru. “A pleasure to see you again, Sesshomaru-sama. I look forward to our next meeting.”
There was a nod in reply, which was the response Merkamou had been expecting.
“Lady Mizuki, you must come visit and grace my court with your presence.”
Mizuki's eyebrow popped up.
“Kagome . . . “
The miko grabbed him in a hug. “Take care of her for me, Merkamou. I know she'll take care of you.”
“Of course, Kagome. I am certain that I will see you soon. I will be so very bored in my own lands.”
“I somehow doubt that.” Kagome shoved him towards Ah-Un, where Rin was waiting. “Get going, before you spend another night here. I swear you should just move in.”
Rin nodded, picking up Ah-Un's reins. There was a flash, and the taiyoukai was replaced by a flash of flame. He led the way, soaring over the walls.
“Wait up, you big jerk!” Ah-Un took to the sky, chasing the streak of fire. “If you loose me you will have to come back and get me, and that will take even longer!”
The family in the courtyard stared at the departing couple. “Does anyone want to bet on how long it will be before those two destroy the Southern palace?”
“Hn.” Sesshomaru walked towards the palace. `I would give it two months at most.'
“I think it will last a year, Mama.” Mizuki watched the dragon as it disappeared. “They will be very busy with the court for about that long, and then they will be bored.”
“You're more optimistic then me. I give it six months.” Kagome cuddled Katsuro, who was also looking up at the sky. “I think it's time for someone's nap.”
“I think I will take Shou out for some exercise.” The pup prodded the dragon that was draped across her shoulders, sleeping soundly. “Wake up, Shou.”
With a mighty yawn, the little dragon stretched and blinked his unusual eyes. He drifted to the ground and changed into his larger side.
“Come on, Shou.” Mizuki took off for the gardens with her dragon right behind her.
Kagome sat in the entranceway of the courtyard, watching her daughter play in the gardens. `It will be so different without her.' Katsuro was squirming, so his mother set him in the grass. He promptly took off after his sister, putting in a surprising bit of speed considering he was crawling.
“Katsuro! Get back here! Mizuki, stop so I can catch your brother! I know you can hear me, young lady! Stop, and stop that dragon!”
The hissing flame zipped around Rin. “Cool?”
“Kagome-chan uses it.”
“Ah, so I take it that you like your new home?”
Rin looked down at the compound that sat on a cliff overlooking the sea. The view was spectacular, with seabirds catching the drafts to soar over the buildings. “It is amazing.”
“Just wait until you see all of it. I am certain that you will want to overhaul the gardens, since I did nothing with them.”
The exterminator's pulse accelerated as she looked over her new home. “Then you should show me, Merkamou.”
The flame shot straight down, leaving Rin and Ah-Un just hanging in the sky. “Hey, I did not mean like that!”
By the time the dragon had touched down Merkamou was already back to his usual form and hugging a beautiful female.
`That had better be his sister.' Rin bit back her jealous response, staying on Ah-Un as she carefully watched the youkai around her. The game had started now, and she had no intention of making a stupid mistake.
“Akane, come and meet the merlin.” Merkamou was leading the female with matching red hair over. “Merlin, this is my sister Akane.”
The two ladies bowed to each other, watching with cautious eyes. Akane had the same hair and eyes, but her face was more guarded. She was dressed in more subdued colors, seeming very calm next to her brother. She offered a small smile. “I am certain you have a name other then the one my brother chose for you.”
“My name is Rin.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Rin-san.”
“We should go inside, since we have been traveling for two days.” Merkamou watched as Rin easily swung down, not looking particularly tired. “I am going to show the merlin to our rooms. After that we can talk. Perhaps over dinner?”
“I will see you then, brother.” Akane bowed slightly before disappearing back into the palace.
Rin fidgeted when servants took her belongings to her room. She could have done it herself, but the bundles were untied and taken away before she could even comment. Another servant was leading Ah-Un away, watching the dragon with wide eyes. The two heads looked at each other before snapping both sets of teeth at the servant. There was a squeak, and the servant was gone.
“Ah-Un!” Rin marched over to the dragon, hands on her hips. “Stop that! No eating the youkai unless I say so!”
The two heads drooped, looking at her from the tops of their eyes.
“Now go to the stable and behave, or I will not bring any treats down to you later.”
Slinking like a dog that had been scolded, the dragon took itself to the stable.
Merkamou led the still annoyed ningen through the halls, quickly getting her lost.
“Where are we, Merkamou? I will never find my way around.”
“Sesshomaru's palace was much worse. How could you get lost here?”
“I did not grow up here. You better not leave me anywhere, or I will never find my way back.”
Chuckles echoed down the corridor as Merkamou slid a door open. “Somehow I think you would find a way, if for nothing more then to deliver revenge to me.”
“True.” Rin followed him into a large room. Her eyes went immediately to the large doors on the other side of the room that were open, leading to a place to sit and look at the ocean. “Sugoi.”
“I am glad you like it, merlin.” The hawk set his hands on her shoulders, standing behind her. “This is what I miss the most when I travel.”
“I can see why.”
“It seems that we beat the gossip here. No one knows who you are, or why you are here. I am sure they will put it together quickly enough, but they did not have time to plan or make alliances.”
“At least we had that much luck.” Rin let her head fall back onto his chest. `At least I have a fighting chance.'
“It will be a fight, to be certain, but I do not think you will have the difficulties of Kagome. Sesshomaru has set a precedent, taking a ningen. And my court is not quite as bloodthirsty. Most of the troublemakers were destroyed after that night in the gardens. I do not think any of the survivors care for a repeat of that. I also have a taiyoukai heir for the time being, so they will not start fussing about the hanyou heir right away.”
“So I may live through this?”
“Are we going to have a discussion about the self pity again, merlin?”
Rin stuck her tongue out at him. “Fine. We fight. I have not lost a battle yet, and I do not intend to start now. Court nobles should be easy pickings after dealing with assassins and warriors in battle.”
“Much better.”
“What is a hawk or two after dealing with a dragon?”
“Excuse me?” Merkamou threw her over his shoulder. “You were saying, merlin?”
“Put me down, you beast!”
“As you wish.”
The new Lady of the South was dumped in an ungainly heap on the bed. “You jerk.”
“Hai. And we both smell like that dragon. Perhaps I should show you where the bath house is?”
“Since you have to share a bed with me, I think that would be in your best interest. Intrigue can wait until I am clean again.”
“Although, with that particular fragrance, you might be safer from an assassin.”
Merkamou bolted for the door with Rin right behind him. “Quit running away!”
“Somehow I do not think that would be a good idea.”
Servants and courtiers scurried for cover as their lord bolted down the hall, chased by a ningen in unusual and almost scandalous clothing. Rumors rippled after them, trying to figure out who that strange female was. What had their lord done now?