InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Moving Day! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

*Taps the microphone* Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. *Sighs and wishes she did own them* Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! *Waves wildly like a child*

Chapter 5- Moving Day!
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The weekend passed by as if it were merely an hour. Akemi’s room was filled with boxes of various things she wanted to keep, while others could stay behind in her father’s house. She moved into the kitchen tiredly for a cup of coffee and something to eat, she knew they’d be there soon and wanted to wake up before meeting her potential in-laws and mate.

She relaxed in the breakfast nook and sighed as she sipped her coffee. It was her last day of her “freedom” and then she was to be mated to Sesshomaru Takahashi. It was an interesting thought. Most girls wanted to become a Takahashi, of course it is normally for their vast amount of money and not the boys themselves.

“Good morning, Kitten,” her father said as he walked into the kitchen. It was obvious he had been up for hours and was just coming down for his tenth cup of coffee for the day. Her father, as much as he liked to deny it, was addicted to coffee in the morning, if he didn’t have a certain amount he was a monster to deal with. According to her father, youkai don’t get addicted to substances of any kind.

“Good morning,” Akemi responded tiredly. “What’s up?”

“Nothing, just getting some work done,” he said as she nodded and continued to relax. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing, just woke up, I was up late last night getting some last minuet packing done.” Akemi said as her father nodded. He knew she was up late, he had heard her well into the night bumping and banging things while she figured out what she wanted, what was thrown away, and what was staying. She had been doing so all weekend.

“Finished?” he asked her curiously. She nodded before sipping her coffee again. “That’s good, they should be here soon to move the boxes and Sesshomaru’s coming to personally get you at nine.”

“Alright,” Akemi said still sleepy, though part of her jumped excitedly at the sound of Sesshomaru’s name. Ever since their kiss, which repeatedly flashed through her mind every time she stopped and allowed herself to be preoccupied. She figured this was a reaction like most mates have, the connection they have to each other mentally or whatever it was that her father had told her about. She didn’t understand it, though she got a very vague idea about it.

“Well, relax and they’ll be here soon,” he told her and headed back to his office and paperwork. She watched him leave before getting up and heading up to her room with a second cup of coffee.

Kagome smacked her alarm clock as it alerted her to the hour, looking up weakly and trying to blink out the light. It only felt like she had just gone to sleep before the alarm had gone off. Rolling out of bed she hit the floor before crawling to her feet and stumbling into the bathroom. She showered, which woke her up some more, and dressed before going downstairs to find her mother, brother, and grandfather getting ready for breakfast. Her mother put a plate with eggs, sausage, and fried potatoes in front of her with a big mug of hot cocoa to help wake her up. Normally no one was awake at this hour, but it was a big day for Kagome and they all wanted to be there to say goodbye.

Silence filled the kitchen as they ate as a family together for the last time. Grandpa seemed too melancholy for words to describe, Souta looked on the verge of tears, and Mama seemed proud yet upset for her daughter all the same. It was never her intention for her daughter to be married off so young, without a proper college education and everything she wanted in life. But she knew that the Takahashi family would take care of her daughter properly, maybe allowing her to go to school part time until she and Inuyasha decided they wanted a family of their own.

At nine they all jumped when the silence was broken by the doorbell. Men in moving suits came in and were instructed to Kagome’s room with Inuyasha right behind them with a bouquet of wildflowers. Kagome smiled and blushed as she accepted them.

“Mama, Grandpa, Souta, this is Inuyasha Takahashi, my mate-to-be,” Kagome said introducing her fiancé to her family. They all shook hands with him, minus Grandpa who was still stunned she was marrying a demon of sorts, and said polite hellos.

“It’s nice to meet you all,” Inuyasha said bashfully. He was shy because he knew this family was partially fighting this. “I promise to take care of Kagome to the best of my abilities. If she wishes to go to school, knowing she’s only graduated from high school, I will gladly help her with school.” Mama seemed to loosen up at this and smiled weakly as she nodded. She knew the boy was looking for their approval.

“We should get going,” Kagome said softly after a few minuets of silence. Inuyasha nodded as they got ready to leave. He waited by the door watching as Kagome hugged and kissed her family, tears streaming down all their faces. “It’s not goodbye, I’ll be back to visit and such.” Kagome said trying to calm them down as tears streamed down her face as well.

“She’s right,” Inuyasha said as he stepped forward, “Kagome’s getting her own car to come and visit whenever she wants. I’m not going to try and control her like some mates do, that’s not how my father raised me.” Mina smiled and nodded as she hugged him, softly welcoming him to the family. “Besides, I’m sure Kagome would like you there to help plan the wedding and everything.” Kagome smiled and nodded in agreement.

They left the house, a little happier than Kagome thought possible with all the tears, and headed to Inuyasha’s car. This also caught Kagome’s attention, as it was probably one of the most expensive cars she had ever seen. “An Aston Martin?” Kagome asked stunned.

“Yeah, it’s one of them,” Inuyasha said with a shrug. Kagome stared at him stunned as he opened the door for her. She slid into the seat, noting the moving van already gone. It was comfortable, but she knew this car was primarily built for speed.

He took off, startling her, and headed out to calm her down some from her separation from her family. As he drove along he also enjoyed the ride to help calm their nerves about this big step.

Mean while Sesshomaru and the movers arrived at Akemi’s house. Sesshomaru smirked as he noticed the large building and figured that her father would spend anything to spoil his kitten. He knocked on the door and smiled as a maid opened the door.

“Yes?” she asked him warily when she noticed the movers.

“I’m here to see Akemi.” he said as she nodded and moved to allow him, and only him in. “They’re with me, they’re helping me move her to my house.”

“Until the master says otherwise, they’re not to come in,” she said sternly. Sesshomaru fought to keep himself from rolling his eyes as he noticed Akemi and her father walking towards the doorway. Akemi smiled as she walked up and was pulled into a hug. She hugged him back tightly and looked around confused for a minuet.

“I thought you were bringing movers,” she said confused.

“She wouldn’t let them in,” Sesshomaru said nodding to the maid by the door.

“Open the door, let them in, and make sure they’re careful with Akemi’s things,” Darien said as he gave her a sharp look. The woman nodded and opened the door and watched as they trooped upstairs. “Come Sesshomaru, we have a little time, lets all sit in the living room.” Akemi and Sesshomaru followed her father as the maid kept watch on the movers.

“So, everything is ready for Akemi?” he asked the younger youkai about his daughter. Sesshomaru nodded silently as he sat down next to Akemi, taking her hand gently and smiling at her.

“Of course,” Sesshomaru said as if it were obvious. “I wouldn’t be here if we weren’t prepared to welcome Akemi into our home.” Darien nodded as he thought. He knew Seiji Takahashi would make sure his daughter was properly provided for, he knew he would even more so after meeting her, but it still didn’t ease his worry.

“We have a room set up where everything will be placed and set up via Akemi’s decisions,” Sesshomaru said as Akemi smiled a little.

“Yours too,” she reminded him with a gentle tap on the hand. He smiled and nodded in agreement.

“We have a vehicle for her, if she wants to continue school she can, and whatever else she wants to do. Akemi is as free as she is now, if not more so.” Sesshomaru said as he relaxed with her leaning on him a bit. It was obvious Akemi was calm and content with both males around, he only hoped she was this way with his family around. He worried she would be nervous and shy, remaining quiet. Akemi didn’t come off as shy or quiet, but he also didn’t see her truly nervous.

“It’s not like I could fight it now anyway,” Darien mumbled to himself as he watched Sesshomaru gaze at Akemi. She was blushing under his attention and enjoying herself as she poked and prodded at him a little. When his cell phone went off, Sesshomaru headed outside to speak to whoever was on the other end. Akemi watched as her father sighed and looked around a bit. Though they were close, Akemi would never deny being excited to leave her father’s home. Being an only child, at least for her, had more disadvantages than advantages.

“We should get going,” Sesshomaru said as Akemi nodded and got up. “Inuyasha’s already headed there with Kagome.” Akemi looked at him confused. “His mate-to-be.”

“Ah,” Akemi said as she slid into her shoes. “Kagome...why does that name sound familiar?”

“I think her last name is Higurashi,” Sesshomaru said as both Darien and Akemi’s eyes lit up.

“Higurashi, Kagome is your brother’s potential mate?” Darien asked surprised.

“Yes, why?” Sesshomaru asked confused.

“If that boy makes it to a year with her, I’ll be surprised.” the older demon said without an explanation. Akemi just smiled and winked as Sesshomaru looked to her for answers before she ran off to grab her purse.

“We’ll visit soon,” Akemi said as she kissed her father on the cheek and said goodbye. They left the house as Darien watched, sighing with a sudden feeling of loss and loneliness. Akemi, to his great surprise, didn’t seem too upset about all this. He watched the Bugatti Veyron vanish off, the moving van long gone, and headed inside to wallow away in his own misery as he thought of what to do with himself now.

Akemi laughed as Sesshomaru sped around turns and such before really hitting countryside and letting the car fly. They came upon a cherry red Vanquish and slowed down as they drove side by side. Akemi noticed a hanyou with a human girl in the car, the girl looking a little worried as the hanyou cackled about how fast they were going. They never noticed them until Sesshomaru hit the horn and then sped off, knowing the hanyou was probably cursing him as they vanished over the horizon.

“That was fun,” Akemi said as they climbed out of the car. Sesshomaru chuckled as he walked towards her and put an arm around her. She looked in awe at the large mansion, really a tiny castle, before her and allowed him to lead her into the building. Inside it was warm and inviting despite the cold looking stone exterior. Before they got very far into the house they were met by, whom Akemi presumed, Sesshomaru’s father and stepmother.

“You must be Akemi,” the woman said as she hugged her warmly. Akemi was surprised and hugged her back a little confused. “I’m Izayoi, Sesshomaru’s stepmother, and this is my mate and his father, Seiji.” Akemi shook hands with him, something she was more used to anyway, and bowed politely. “Now, I’m sure you’re curious about the house, so we’ll let Sesshomaru show you around. Then we can all meet Inuyasha’s fiancé.”

“We might as well wait,” Sesshomaru said with a smirk as Akemi giggled, “they’re on their way. We passed them up.”

“You weren’t teasing your brother, again, were you?” his father demanded suspiciously.

“What’s a little tease?” Sesshomaru said as Akemi noticed a glint of humor in both males’ eyes, though their faces seemed to take on a cold mask of no emotions. His father sighed and shrugged, figuring it wasn’t worth the fight since it was already done. He knew how his sons drove anyway, he wasn’t going to argue that they weren’t safe but that they could always be safer.

After a few minuets of waiting Inuyasha stormed into the house and looked prepared to smack Sesshomaru. Akemi was sure he would, if their father hadn’t intervened and went to meet Kagome, thus bringing his youngest son’s mind back to the task at hand. Inuyasha introduced everyone to Kagome except Akemi, not really knowing who she was. Sesshomaru introduced his fiancé and smirked when Akemi smiled and shook hands with the girl. Kagome, despite her great desire not to, looked at Akemi as if she were something foreign to this planet.

“How?” Kagome asked surprised. Akemi smiled and shrugged innocently. “So you do?”

“Of course, I’d not have lies said about me,” Akemi said as most of the others looked on confused.

“How haven’t you purified yourself yet?” Kagome asked surprised. At this everyone seemed to have realized what they were talking about. Akemi chuckled and nodded as she thought about it.

“Oh, my father’s woken up a few times to a human daughter, because of my hanyou blood I can’t purify myself like I could Sesshomaru. After years of training I have it all under control. I promise.” Akemi said as Kagome nodded and thought about it. It made sense...somewhat.

“ you have a human night?” Kagome asked nervously. She’s asked hanyou this before, their response never really varied in the offended and unwillingness to tell department. Akemi just seemed to smile and nod.

“You’ll know when soon enough,” Akemi said as Kagome opened her mouth to ask her next question. Kagome nodded as she closed her mouth and looked around. The shock of the size of the house didn’t seem to sink in until that moment. Akemi already seemed to be suffering from awe, but not in the same sense.

“Sesshomaru, Inuyasha why don’t you both take the girls up to show them the rooms and then we’ll have a little something prepared to snack on.” Izayoi suggested as the two nodded and led the way up the stairs as Izayoi and Seiji walked off on their own on the first floor.

“This way,” Sesshomaru said as they got to the top of the stairs. They walked to the left as Inuyasha and Kagome walked to the right. “That door is father and Izayoi’s room, should you need either of them for anything.” He pointed to a large set of doors. Akemi nodded as she listened and followed him down the hall. “And this,” he said as he stopped by a set of doors, “is our room.” She nodded as he opened the door and revealed a large room with all of her boxes and some extras she figured were his. Akemi walked in and marveled at the size of the room before feeling Sesshomaru slid his arms around her from behind.

“This place is huge,” she said as he chuckled.

“Yeah, I know,” he said in amusement. “But we don’t have to go all out in it, we can decorate it as we want but leave it white. That way we don’t put too much into it before we decide to find a place of our own and everything.” Akemi smiled and nodded as she looked at him over her shoulder.

“I can agree to that,” she said as they walked further into the room. She giggled as Sesshomaru pulled her onto the bed. “And can I help you with something?” He grinned as she giggled again.

“Maybe,” he said as he slid against her and snuggled so that his face was next to her neck. He inhaled deeply, taking in her scent as she sighed and cuddled against him some. As they relaxed they fell asleep.

Inuyasha walked Kagome to their room, opposite of where Akemi and Sesshomaru went. Kagome looked around at all the paintings and such that lined the hallways. It was obvious a lot of love and care was put into decorating the large home.

“So, I’m sure this is kind of a surprise...” Inuyasha said smirking. Kagome smiled and shook her head.

“No, actually it’s not,” she said as he looked at her confused. “I figured you lived in some large place as you’re family is rich.” Inuyasha smiled and nodded as he opened the door to their room. Kagome looked at the size of the room and stared at the various things that caught her eye. She never imagined living in a room this big.

Already Inuyasha had started to decorate, not that Kagome was going to complain, she wanted his input. The bed spread was a brilliant red, the bed itself was black iron. It contrasted perfectly with the cream colored room. Also there were dark mahogany dressers that Kagome assumed one for her and the other for her mate-to-be. She walked to a doorway to discover their own private bath with a tub more than large enough for her and Inuyasha. She discovered also a walk-in closet that had some suits hanging up but plenty of room for whatever she wanted to hang up.

“So...what do you think so far?” Inuyasha asked shyly. Kagome turned to him and smiled.

“It’s great!” she said excitedly as she thought of what else she wanted to do to the room. Inuyasha smiled and nodded as she looked around some more before unpacking her clothes.