InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Trouble with a Capital K ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

*Taps the microphone* Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. *Sighs and wishes she did own them* Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! *Waves wildly like a child*

Chapter 6- Trouble with a Capital K
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The rest of the day, and a good portion of that night, was spent to unpacking Kagome and Akemi. Both girls seemed easily placated about how they wanted the rooms decorated, obviously both keeping in mind of their own places later on in life. At the moment Inuyasha seemed content with living at home until Kagome was done school and figured out what she wanted to do with her life. Sesshomaru was more occupied with the idea of moving out and starting his own family now that he’s found his mate, granted he hasn’t made her his mate but he knew that would come when they were perfectly comfortable with each other.

The next morning everyone slept in, they were tired. No one but Akemi and Kagome seemed to realize just how much energy packing and unpacking your life in as little as four days was really absorbed. Sesshomaru woke up before Akemi and smiled as he watched her sleep. Though they slept in the same bed, nothing happened. He was content to keep at her pace, not wanting to rush and upset her. After a bit he slid out of bed and got dressed. He headed downstairs to find Inuyasha tiredly eating breakfast as their parents did their usual morning rituals.

“Good morning, Sesshomaru,” Izayoi said happily. “Akemi’s still resting?”

“Yes, we were up most of the night changing the room so she’d be comfortable.” Sesshomaru said as Inuyasha nodded. He’d been doing that with Kagome for most of the night too. “I figured she should sleep, I’ll bring breakfast up to her.” Izayoi nodded in agreement as she ate a little.

“That’s a very sweet gesture. Your father did that for me after I moved in,” Izayoi said as she remembered, “granted I was distraught because he had kidnapped me from my family the day before.” She smiled as her mate cleared his throat nervously. Sometimes she was still a little sensitive on the subject. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both smirked into their food as they thought about the punishments their father had received from Izayoi for kidnapping her like he did. The story still amused them all greatly, but his punishments for bringing it up was so much more entertaining.

“Lord Sesshomaru, Lord Inuyasha,” a maid said as she walked in and bowed, “some letters have arrived for you.” She handed them their letters and vanished back into the house to continue her work.

“Odd, I didn’t hear the door,” Seiji said confused.

“Neither did I,” Sesshomaru said in agreement as Inuyasha shook his head. They were examining the letters as if they were bombs cleverly disguised. With a sigh, Sesshomaru grabbed a knife and slid it across the one fold to open it up. He pulled out a letter that was several pages long. The paper was scented strongly with pheromones and dyed bright pink, he was almost nervous to read it.

“Whose it from?” Izayoi asked concerned. Though he wasn’t her biological son, Izayoi took special care to treat Sesshomaru just like she would Inuyasha. Not only to prove there were no favorites, but so he’d look to her as a mother figure if he ever needed one.

“Kagura,” Sesshomaru said confused as he read the letter. Shaking his head he stuffed the paper that was making his head hurt from what was written on it, the color, and smell of it and tossed it all into the fireplace. Inuyasha was reading his own letter set up the same way.

“Kikyo,” Inuyasha said shaking his head as he threw it into the fire as well. “Sick, I swear they’re sick.”

“What did they want?” their father asked them sternly.

“The usual,” Sesshomaru said with a sigh. Inuyasha nodded in agreement as he thought about how to get rid of Kagura again.

“That’s not good, hopefully they won’t come to the house again,” Izayoi said as Sesshomaru nodded in agreement. That’s all he needed, Akemi and Kagura to meet face to face. That meeting could only end on so many terms and he worried about the ones for Akemi.

“We’ll just have to keep watch for them,” Seiji said as they all nodded as he sighed and sat back as he thought. Kagura and Kikyo were determined, of that much he was certain, but they were also quickly becoming trouble. At that moment Kagura and Kikyo were very dangerous to the happy futures of his two sons, as he was certain Akemi and Kagome would not be very receptive to two females claiming to be courts of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. “You should warn the girls.”

“Are you insane?” Inuyasha shot out. “I highly doubt they would be very positive with the idea of Kagura and Kikyo, let alone talk to us afterwards.”

“That’s only if they meet the two before hand, if they meet them after your explanations that would be a different story. You’re both rich and popular boys, of course there will be females after you, but if you explain the whole thing first then you’ll be in the clear.” Seiji explained. Sesshomaru nodded as he thought about it and sighed, there was really no way of getting around it. And it was better than getting in trouble for something he didn’t do.

“When they wake up, nothing’s going to happen until then,” Sesshomaru said as his father nodded in agreement. “But Akemi will at least find out.”

“Good, that will take care of everything right then and there,” Seiji said as he went back to eating. Izayoi sighed and shrugged as Inuyasha looked to her for some other kind of advice, really their father had a point.

After he got done eating Sesshomaru had the maid order a tray prepared for Akemi, though prepared to take it to her himself. He grabbed the tray and headed upstairs to his new room. He smiled as he found her still curled up under her covers comfortably asleep. He pulled a chair over and put the tray on it before sliding back into bed next to her. She stirred a little and looked at him tiredly.

“Hey you,” she said as she stretched a bit under the blankets. He smiled and snuggled a little against her. “It’s morning already?”

“Yeah, but you can stay here for the day and rest,” he said softly. She smiled and snuggled against him as she sighed contently. “How did you sleep?”

“Like a rock, you?” she replied. He chuckled and nodded in agreement.

“I brought you breakfast,” he said as she looked up and smiled some more.

“Thank you, but you didn’t have to,” she said as she slid up and pulled the tray onto her lap. Sesshomaru shrugged as he watched her happily eat. He waited as she finished eating and sighed as he put the tray outside the room as he thought of how he wanted to tell her about Kagura. He was sure that Inuyasha was also stressing out on how to tell Kagome about Kikyo.

“Well, I’m going to grab a shower,” Akemi said as she got up out of bed. Sesshomaru smiled and nodded as he relaxed on the bed.

He smirked as she came out half an hour later dressed for the day in a pair of jeans and a tank top. She sat down next to Sesshomaru and sighed heavily. “So, more moving today?” she asked him almost depressively. Sesshomaru smirked and nodded as they looked around.

“First we need to talk about something,” Sesshomaru said as she nodded and looked at him curiously. “There’s a slight problem?”

“What’s wrong?” she asked worriedly.

“Well, obviously my family has a little money,” Sesshomaru said as she smirked and nodded with a shrug. “That money, like most do, attracts the most interesting and desperate of people.”

“Of course,” Akemi said as she snuggled against him. He chuckled amused as he relaxed with her.

“Well, Inuyasha and I are constantly being stalked by two females; Kagura and Kikyo.” Sesshomaru said as she nodded. “Kagura’s the one stalking me and this morning we received a couple of letters from them. Demanding the usual; that we mate them and such, not that we obviously ever listen. I know they’ll be disappointed when they find out we’ve been matched to anyone but them but we figured we’d let you both know incase they try something...desperate.” Akemi smiled and nodded as she sighed. He slid his arms around her and watched as her eyes closed contently. “You can’t be tired.” She giggled and shrugged.

“Not tired, content.” she said softly as he smiled amused. “So what’s the plan for today again?” He shrugged as he thought about it.

“Nothing if we don’t want to,” Sesshomaru said as she nodded and seemed to be musing over what she wanted to do for the day, eyes closed, and a sigh of contentment escaping her ruby lips. Sesshomaru’s eyes closed as he rested with Akemi in his arms, the worry of Kagura escaping him.

Inuyasha wasn’t as worried about informing Kagome as Sesshomaru was Akemi. He figured unless trouble came their way, a letter was nothing to worry about. He walked upstairs with a tray of food for Kagome and found her dressed and practically ready to go bounding downstairs for breakfast. She smiled as she noticed the tray and sat down as he sat it next to her.

“Thank you, Inuyasha,” Kagome said as she accepted the tray.

“You’re welcome,” he said with an innocent shrug. “So, what did you want to do today?” Kagome shrugged as she ate happily. “Well, we can do anything you want to do. So think about it while you eat.” Kagome nodded as he relaxed on the bed, dozing in a bored fashion.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, it was a very different scene. It was a rundown apartment. There was a small television that had horrible reception, the paint was peeling down the walls in thick strips, the couch was moth eaten and threadbare, and the floor was filthy. Bottles covered the floors of varying colors and sizes, one of the three occupants was thrown on the couch and in a sort of daze between being passed out and aware of the world around her.

In the dingy excuse of a kitchen, was another female cooking something to eat for the three of them. The third was in the bathroom, a particularly dirty area of the apartment, contained the final roommate grabbing a shower. Most would look at this apartment and gag merely at the sight of it, let alone the fact that there were three, perfectly capable of working and living in better conditions, beings existing well within those four mold covered walls.

“Think they got ‘em, Kag?” the one off the couch asked as she rolled to the floor.

“I’m sure they got them by now,” Kagura said as she cooked. She rolled her eyes at the sound of the thump that was Kikyo rolling to the floor in a drunken stupor. “Not that it makes much of a difference, they never respond.”

“We’ll...we’ll have to go for a visit,” Kikyo said giggling. Kagura rolled her eyes and shook her head as she plated the food on three grimy plates. Kikyo had decided to celebrate their letters with a case of beer, which turned into a bottle of vodka, schnapps, southern comfort, and a few other random alcohols. Now Kikyo was barely moving and audible. Kagura was surprised she got that much out of her audibly.

“We’ll see,” Kagura said as she set the table. Kikyo crawled and slowly made her way to the table. Kagura wasn’t offering her assistance and was certain she’d accept none. Even drunk, Kikyo was too proud to accept assistance.

“Finally,” the third occupant snarled as he walked out of the bathroom dressed. “I thought you’d never get food ready.”

“Well, it is hard to procure food when there’s no money,” Kagura snapped back. “You expect us to cook you food but bring nothing home to help.” He glared at her.

“Naraku, Kagura, shut up,” Kikyo snapped as she woke up some more. “Money won’t be a problem soon enough. This time they’ll have to listen to us or we’ll just show up at their doorstep again.” Kagura sighed and shrugged as she ate while Naraku nodded in agreement. The rest of the afternoon went on in silence as they did their usual things; Naraku hiding away in a whole he called his room, Kikyo giggling madly at the television with nothing funny on, and Kagura wishing for a cleaner, nicer home to live in.