InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Like a Pissed off Youkai ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 8- Like a Pissed off Youkai

Kagura and Kikyo were known for not being bright, especially in the Takahashi household. Today was absolutely no exception for the two of them. They had pulled up in a stolen car out front of Takahashi mansion, where there were now scores of police officers and reporters running around at the bidding of probably one of the richest families in Japan. Stupidity point number one.

They got out of the car, confusion wracking their brains for what could possibly be going on. Naraku had left them earlier in the day to prepare to see their handsome stalkees, so they were quite honestly unsure of what he was doing at the moment. Instead they were now being questioned as to why they were trying to get into the mansion.

“We just want to see our courts!” Kikyo yelled annoyed. This confused the one officer, thus causing him to request that at least one of the Takahashi’s come and identify the two females before letting them into the building.

“What do you two want?” Inuyasha snapped as he walked up with the chief of police behind him. Kikyo looked ecstatic that Inuyasha had been the one to come and not Sesshomaru.

“Baby, I wanted to come see you!” Kikyo said excitedly. “But what’s going on?” Inuyasha gave her a blank look as the chief looked prepared to step into the conversation.

“Idiot, go away,” Inuyasha mumbled before turning and walking into the building. He almost ran into the chief. “Why haven’t your men gone in there and gotten them out yet?”

“They’re still moving, we’re going to corner him as soon as he stops the truck, Mr. Takahashi. Onigumo, Naraku is a dangerous man, we don’t want him to turn and harm the women with him. I highly doubt you or your father would want him to kill your mother and mate-to-be.” Inuyasha sighed and shook his head as the commotion started behind him. He turned to see Kikyo and Kagura looking flabbergasted as they tried to get in.

“Naraku? What’s he done now?” Kagura demanded annoyed as the officer got them back to their beginning point.

“What mate-to-be? I’m your court!” Kikyo yelled angrily. At this Sesshomaru and Seiji came out to see what was going on. Sesshomaru sighed and shook his head as he rubbed at the bridge of his nose.

“Not now,” he muttered as he thought.

“What do you know about Onigumo, Naraku?” the chief demanded as he nodded to two officers. Both females jumped as cuffs were being put on their wrists. “We’ve been looking for him for a very long time.”

“What’s he done now?” Kagura demanded. “He’s been staying with us, unwillingly for us.”

“Speak for yourself,” Kikyo snapped. “Since when do you have a mate-to-be?”

“Since we were match made,” Sesshomaru said annoyed. “And if you two gave him the idea I’ll make sure you’re both in severe pain for a long time if I don’t get my mate-to-be back.” Kagura and Kikyo looked at him startled as Inuyasha nodded in agreement while the chief pointed to a room.

“Put them in there, make sure they touch nothing, I’ll be in to interrogate them.” he ordered his men. Kagura and Kikyo were drug away as they tried to get away while the chief turned to the family behind him. “Gentlemen, how do you know these two ladies?”

“Ladies? Since when?” Inuyasha snapped back. “They’ve been bothering us since high school. Insisting that they’re supposed to be our mates, they’re just pissed because we’re a few of the guys at school that wouldn’t fuck them with a ten foot pole.” The chief sighed as he thought.

“They’ll be out of your hair for a while at least, they’ll be arrested for harboring a fugitive. That’s a five year sentence, but if they know nothing of what’s going on, that’s all they’ll get.” the chief informed them before walking off. Inuyasha stormed up to his room while Sesshomaru immediately pulled out his cell phone and text messaged Akemi.

“Well,” Akemi said as she smiled weakly at Sesshomaru’s text, “Kagura and Kikyo were arrested for harboring our kidnapper, who is already a fugitive.” Izayoi just sighed and shook her head as Kagome looked at them confused.

“Who are Kagura and Kikyo?” she asked curiously. Izayoi looked at her worriedly as Akemi looked at her confused.

“Inuyasha didn’t tell you?” Izayoi asked. She figured her son wouldn’t tell her, he hated telling anyone bad news. Kagome shook her head as Izayoi nodded. “Kagura and Kikyo are two girls that the boys knew since they were in school. Back in those days they used to follow them around like love-sick puppies. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were never attracted to the girls, their morals were less than loose. But the two constantly wanted Inuyasha and Sesshomaru to mate them, all because they’re to inherit their father’s money should anything happen to us, heaven forbid. Every so often they write the boys to remind them of what they want and that they haven’t forgotten about them. The two had written Inuyasha and Sesshomaru about a week ago.”

“Sesshomaru told me the day the letters arrived, afraid I’d be mad at him,” Akemi said as she smiled weakly at the thought. At the time she hadn’t worried in front of him but always in the back of her mind. She figured this was a hint that they were trying to get clever. Kagome nodded as she looked down and thought. She didn’t know if she was angry with Inuyasha or not for not telling her.

“Well, we have to get out of here,” Izayoi said with a sigh, “I’m tired of sitting here.” Akemi nodded as she stood up carefully and looked at the truck.

“The police are holding back, which means he must have something he’s threatening them with. Besides us of course,” Akemi said as she felt around the truck. She sighed as she sat in front of the back doors and melted the metal with her finger. She looked out the hole to see the cops back a few car lengths but no other vehicles. She pulled out her cell phone and sent a message to Sesshomaru. “Sorry ladies, we might actually have to jump out of a moving vehicle today.” She watched as the police fell back further.

“When?” Izayoi asked worriedly.

“Now,” Akemi said as she kicked the door with all her strength. The doors flew open as she hit them and they watched as the police practically stopped in surprise. She stood up with Kagome and Izayoi beside her. “I can only carry one of you, I’m afraid. He’s moving too fast to catch up again.”

“Don’t worry about me,” Kagome said as she prepared to jump out on her own. She pointed to the side where there was grass. “I’ll land over there.” Akemi nodded as she picked Izayoi up bridal style. Quickly they jumped out, Kagome landing and rolling on the grass and Akemi landing on her feet in the center of the road as the police flew by them after Naraku. Two stopped and walked up to the three of them.

“Ladies, we’re here to take you home,” he informed them. Akemi nodded as she put Izayoi, thoroughly shaken from her jump, on the ground and allowed them to lead them to their cars.

They arrived at the mansion to see the circus and Izayoi sighed and shook her head. Only her husband would create such insanity in her quiet home. They got escorted back into the mansion to see their boys standing there looking worried and practically smothering them as they hugged and kissed and welcomed them home.

“I still want him found,” Seiji said as the chief nodded.

“My men are on his heels, he’ll be caught any minuet from now.” he assured the powerful youkai. Seiji nodded as he led Izayoi upstairs to their room. Sesshomaru just snuggled with Akemi in a chair as he reveled in her scent and was happy to have her safe and sound again. Kagome allowed Inuyasha to hug and welcome her home in the fashion he was currently comfortable with in front of his family, though she was still a little annoyed he hadn’t told her about Kikyo.

The four of them watched as Kikyo and Kagura were escorted out and lead to police cars. Both girls were shocked to see Akemi and Kagome, though still struggling to get away. They just stared at the house as the policemen pulled away to take them to their new home, a holding cell.

“Ladies, I’m afraid you and Mrs. Takahashi must come down to the precinct for a statement. They’ve captured Onigumo, Naraku.” the chief said as Seiji walked downstairs. He sighed and nodded as he turned to get Izayoi while the girls prepared to leave with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.

“We’ll drive them,” Seiji said as Izayoi came down. She had changed and looked a little upset at having to go to the police precinct to give a statement.

“Of course, Mr. Takahashi,” the chief said with a nod, “I’m sure you’d rather you make sure your family is safe.” He nodded in agreement as they left the house.

Sesshomaru let Akemi in the limo first, sliding in next to her, as the others slid into the limo as well. Akemi sighed as she rested against him almost tiredly, though he knew she was wide awake now. This is probably the most action she’s had in a long time.

“Akemi was so quick,” Izayoi said as they rode behind the police chief’s car. “Figuring her cell phone as a beacon and how to get away.” Kagome nodded as Akemi smiled bashfully. “Though I don’t think I’m going to be jumping from vehicles ever again, that scared me the most I think.” Seiji chuckled as he hugged her a little.

They walked into the precinct with reporters surrounding them, taking pictures, and demanding statements already. Seiji was planning on making one wide statement after the women made theirs inside, but the reporters didn’t know that. They sat down in one of the interrogation rooms and each woman made her statement, each confirming what the other two had said.

Seiji was in another room waiting for them to finish when he noticed Naraku walking by in cuffs. He just glared at the younger hanyou angrily as he was marched past, though the hanyou showed no signs of fear or worry. This worried Seiji Takahashi, as normally one with no fears and worries is capable of doing just about anything. Like getting away from the police holding you, taking one of their guns, and shooting it off at random in the police house...wait...did he just do that?

Seiji looked to where the girls were to see the three get pushed to the ground by the chief of police and other officers, but by the scent of blood it was already too late. Someone had been hit by the bullet Naraku shot off. Officers were covering the demented hanyou so that he couldn’t be seen, though the gun by their feet was an obvious indication that he had done as Seiji thought. It had seemed like a dream, when the gun fired it wasn’t like what he thought it would be. His fears rose when he saw Izayoi and Kagome stand up, blood on them but not their own. He tried to grab Sesshomaru, but that was like trying to grab a wet bar of soap, difficult even for the best.

Sesshomaru collapsed to the ground next to the hanyou he was meant to mate, her blood soaking through his pants at the knee, but he didn’t care. He whimpered a little to her, heard her mew slightly, but the gaping hole in her side continued to pour blood. He looked up at the chief as he kneeled next to her as well, he looked somber and white, as if he had taken the bullet himself. He shook his head miserably at Sesshomaru.

“Unless the paramedics get here within the next five minuets and get her to a hospital, it won’t matter,” he said to him softly. Sesshomaru looked down at Akemi and then over at the pile of police officers. His eyes flashed red as they stood up and hoisted Naraku up as well. His shot was clear, he didn’t care of the consequences, all he cared about was her. Sesshomaru stood up and just as his father shouted a warning three dart holes entered the side of Onigumo, Naraku. He fell to his knees screaming in pain as the poisons raced through his system, but no one seemed to care. Sesshomaru fell back next to Akemi and nuzzled her cheek with his forehead as he propped her up against himself to hold her.

“What did you do to Onigumo?” the chief demanded.

“Nothing that will kill him,” Sesshomaru growled as he held his mate. The paramedics came rushing into the room and looked at the two injured. The police pointed to Akemi, saying she was worse off and everyone watched as she got carted out of the room. Seiji sent Izayoi and Kagome after her while everyone looked at Naraku and then Sesshomaru.

“What did you do?” the chief repeated.

“He’s filled with a poison that is slowly eating at his nerves, soon he won’t feel any pain but the poison as it eats him alive. There is no antidote.” Sesshomaru said angrily. “Jail is nothing if he had killed her, his torture will be worse for all the crimes he’s committed.” The chief sighed as he thought. To try Sesshomaru for attempted murder wouldn’t be easy, even the district attorney would point that out. He has a powerful father, his motives were purely instinctual, and the youkai court it’d be put through would have allowed Sesshomaru to punish him anyway, because the kidnapping would have been pushed through a youkai court. Shaking his head the chief walked away, ordering Naraku to his own holding cell and that a guard was to be posted at all times. A physician would come to see the despicable hanyou and there would be guards in the room with them both.

Seiji grabbed Sesshomaru and pulled him and Inuyasha along. They would take the limo to the hospital to see how Akemi’s doing. During the ride he planned on yelling at Sesshomaru, though the feeling was a small deja vu thing. It was like Sesshomaru was a pup and beat up on his younger brother while they were out because of something stupid. Only this wasn’t something stupid, and it wasn’t his younger brother. Naraku was a dangerous criminal and Sesshomaru did something that, though youkai would commend it, humans frowned upon.