InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ The Waiting Game ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 9- The Waiting Game

They arrived at the hospital to see Izayoi and Kagome seated together waiting. Doctors and nurses were rushing around trying to figure out what they were doing and with whom. Akemi Kosenjou was a household name, courtesy of her father, and her poisons were almost as legendary as the youkai she had been chosen to mate. Sesshomaru sat down, paler than usual with worry, as his father went to make the fateful phone call to her father. Somehow with the kidnapping, location, bringing home, taken to the police for a statement, and shooting, no one had thought to call Darien Kosenjou, not that Seiji wanted to particularly now.

Seiji pulled his cell phone out outside the hospital and dialed the number. It was the same anticipation he had felt when he called the Kosenjous with the news that Akemi and Sesshomaru had been named by the matchmaker to mate together. Though it was a positive response he was waiting for, today he wouldn’t be surprised is Darien threatened to take his daughter away for lack of security.

“Kosenjou Residence, for whom are you calling?” a maid answered the phone.

“Darien Kosenjou, please,” Seiji said as he waited. She put him on hold, like the first time, and went to notify Darien of a phone call.

“Darien Kosenjou speaking,” he said over the phone.

“Darien, it’s Seiji Takahashi,” Seiji said awaiting the yelling that was sure to ensue.

“Seiji, I was just about to call, I just saw the news. Is everything alright? How were the girls kidnapped?” Darien asked concerned.

“Apparently Onigumo, Naraku was a shape shifter and kidnapped them at the request of two females stalking my sons, I promise we knew nothing of what to expect as they’ve never done anything drastic before now.” Seiji said as he sighed and thought. “But there is a problem.”

“Is Akemi alright?” Darien asked, his voice filled with worry. “The news reports someone was shot at the precinct.” Seiji sighed as he thought.

“I think it might be best if you came down to Sakura Memorial, Darien,” Seiji said gravely. He knew he would never want this call, but he was also uncertain as to how to put that someone’s daughter had been shot.

“Is she at least alive?” Darien asked, it was obvious he was fighting a sob in the back of his throat.

“Yes,” Seiji responded. “She’s in surgery now. I think she’ll want to see you when she wakes up afterwards.”

“I’m on my way, thank you for calling me.” Darien said as he started to move.

“Darien, I’m sorry we didn’t call you sooner.” Seiji said before they hung up. “I don’t know what came over me, I think if I had been thinking rationally...”

“I don’t think in this situation anything would have prevented this.” Darien said as he thought. “I don’t blame you, or your sons, Seiji. I’ll see you in half an hour.” With that they hung up and Seiji, with a sigh walked into the waiting room with the others. Sesshomaru was still pacing the floor as Inuyasha watched with an irritated look. Kagome and Izayoi also looked prepared to pace, though Kagome’s face was a mixture of anger and worry.

“Any news?” Seiji asked as he sat down with the girls.

“No, they’re still in there,” Izayoi said softly. “I don’t think they’re having an easy enough time without worrying about her poisons.” Seiji nodded in agreement as Sesshomaru just scowled deeper as he paced.

“Her father’s on his way, obviously upset but at least he’s not blaming us.” Seiji said as Izayoi nodded in agreement. He could hardly think of the jovial voice he had met when he called to request when Akemi would move in to mate his son being somber, he couldn’t imagine what kind of a wreak the other youkai would be in when he got there. Especially if there was bad news involved.

After half an hour Darien Kosenjou arrived with a young woman quickly following. He stopped when he saw them and walked up. “Seiji Takahashi, I’m Darien Kosenjou, Akemi’s father.” he said as both stood and shook hands. “This is Sango Tao, she’s Akemi’s best friend. Is there any word?” Seiji and Sango nodded to each other before turning to Darien.

“Nothing yet, they’re still in surgery.” Seiji said softly as they sat down.

“I can’t imagine what’s taking so long,” Darien said as he thought.

“Akemi does have some very dangerous poisons, I’m sure they’re just being careful so that no one else gets hurt.” Sango said encouragingly. Darien nodded as he thought. “Akemi’s a fighter, before you know it she’ll be fine. Then you can go back to figuring out how to pester her from afar again.” Darien chuckled as he thought while Sango sighed and looked at the waiting room.

Like the rest of the hospital it was white and barren looking. Nurses in colorful uniforms rushed around to meet the needs of patients and doctors alike. Doctors ran around looking after their patients and to communicate with family and friends of those sick and injured. There was one doctor speaking with an older couple, though Sango didn’t know them or who they had lost, she felt their pain as the woman wailed in horror and pain at the information she had lost someone special. Silently she prayed for that woman and that it wouldn’t come to that for them.

IR 17;d just like to thank those of you who have reviewed my story! I have a record breaking five, yes five, reviews! YAY!! Thank you to:

(for both your reviews)
And last, but certainly not least, shahirah abal (and yes I’d love an inu plushie, but really really love a sesshi plushie ^_^)!

Hugs and kisses to you all and lots of candy and cookies! Lol keep the reviews coming and keep reading all! Hopefully the story’s only getting better!