InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Sesshomaru's Vigil ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 10- Sesshomaru’s Vigil
Hours started to pass, Seiji and Darien took Sesshomaru’s place pacing the floor as Sesshomaru seemed to cower in a corner from the very fear of what was going to happen to his destined mate. No word came during this time. Kagome and Izayoi grew restless and shuffled around a bit, Sango sat and stared at the floor while Sesshomaru did the same. Inuyasha played a video game on his cell phone while his father and Darien spoke softly, though you could hear the rumble of frustration in both males’ voices.

“I’m getting sick of waiting, I want to know what’s going on with my daughter,” Darien said after a bit longer of frustration. The nurse at the desk looked at him surprised as he strode up with a determined look on his face. Figuring she was in for a battle of wits, she prepared for the worst this youkai had to offer. “I want to know what’s going on with my daughter, her name’s Kosenjou, Akemi.” he said sharply. Surprised at his lack of insults and pointed ness she nodded and looked down at her schedule before picking up a phone to call.

“Yes, this is Nurse Song at the front desk, Mr. Kosenjou would like to know the status of his daughter. Yes, alright...of course doctor, I’ll let him know,” she said before hanging up the phone. To say it was a long phone call would be a lie, but it was an important one all the same. “The doctor is on his way out now, Mr. Kosenjou. The surgery just finished.”

“Thank you, nurse,” he said wearily as he heard this. The ferocious face he had on when he approached seemed to age countless years before her and she nodded with a weak smile.

“Your daughter is a fighter, the doctors saw that when she came in and was still mumbling. I’m sure she’s going to be fine.” the nurse said softly before returning to her work. Darien smiled in appreciation before sitting down and sighing heavily.

“Mr. Kosenjou and Mr. Takahashi?” the doctor called. Sesshomaru, Seiji, and Darien jumped up at the same time and looked at each other confused. “Gentlemen, if I could speak to you over here.” They walked over slowly, like children approaching for a scolding.

“Akemi has made it through the surgery beautifully. In fact she’s already awake and requesting to see Sesshomaru and her father,” he informed them. Each male sighed heavily in relief. “She’s going to have to remain for a few days, just until her incision has healed properly. I worry her own poisons might harm her, though they weren’t much of a problem during surgery they were when we were sewing her up.”

“Yes, they are corrosive,” Darien said as the doctor nodded. “Sometimes it amazes me her skin can keep it all in.”

“Yes, well she’ll have to be careful with her side for a few weeks after her release. That’ll only occur if she looks good in a few days or until that happens.” the doctor said as he smiled a weak but encouraging smile. “When she came in we were worried she wouldn’t be as strong as she is now, but that’s a very good sign for her. She’s obviously a fighter and is very well loved. So I know when I release her she will be in good company and watched. For now only Sesshomaru and her father can see her, and I’d prefer if you’d make it quick as she does need her rest.”

“Of course, thank you,” Sesshomaru said as he prepared to run to her. The doctor pointed them down the hall and Darien and Sesshomaru left as Seiji went to inform the others of Akemi’s condition.

“Slow down boy, she’ll be there,” Darien said as Sesshomaru practically ran down the hall. Sesshomaru slowed down as the older chuckled and caught up. “She does listen to doctors fairly well, despite everyone else in her life.” Sesshomaru nodded as he thought. “But you’ll learn that in time.” Sesshomaru smirked as they walked together, not really responding.

“She’s a stubborn one,” Sesshomaru said as they peaked in the room. She was resting, eyes closed, machines hooked up all over, and IV in her arm.

“Yeah, she is,” Darien said as he sighed and felt a little depressed. “A vibrant kitten.”

“She figured out how to get them free,” Sesshomaru said as Darien smirked. “Apparently she didn’t like being used as a shield from the police, kicked the back doors of the truck open and got them out.”

“Sounds like kitten,” Darien said as they entered the room. Her head turned and she looked bleary eyed at them. A weak smile crossed Akemi’s face as they stood by her bedside. She looked beaten up and yet strong enough to get up and walk out if she truly wanted to.

“Hi daddy,” she croaked a little.

“Hey kitten, how are you feeling?” Darien asked her softly. She grunted as she moved a little to shrug. “Sesshomaru told me you’ve had quite a day.” She smirked weakly and nodded. “Now you can rest, nothing’s going to happen to you. Not here, not anymore.” Akemi sighed heavily as she closed her eyes and seemed to sleep again. Darien leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before leaving her alone with Sesshomaru.

“Are Izayoi and Kagome alright?” Akemi asked him weakly.

“Of course, I highly doubt you’d allow anything to happen to them,” Sesshomaru said as he pulled a chair to her bedside. “Do you want me to stay with you for the night? Or anyone? Your friend Sango is here, as well as all the others.”

“No,” she said softly, “they don’t need to see me like this...but you can stay...if you want.” It was obvious she was growing tired again.

“Then rest, I’ll be here if you need me. I’m just going to let father and them know so they can bring me a change of clothes.” Sesshomaru said softly. Akemi fell into a deep sleep almost instantly as he walked out the door. He wandered into the waiting room to see everyone preparing to leave.

“How is she?” Seiji asked him softly.

“She’s definitely a fighter, already talking, but just fell asleep. I’m going to stay with her tonight.” Sesshomaru said as he nodded. “She’s afraid of the others seeing her like this, attached to just about every machine in this place.”

“Can you blame her?” Seiji asked him as he sighed and looked at everyone. “I’ll send a servant, or your brother, with some clothes for you for tomorrow. You go back to her side in case she wakes up. Don’t want her panicking she’s alone or anything, it won’t help her healing.”

“I highly doubt she’ll wake up until she’s fully healed.” Sesshomaru said as his father nodded headed towards the door. Sesshomaru went back to the room containing Akemi. He sat down in his chair by her side and gently took her hand. He smiled weakly as she squeezed it and when a nurse came in.

“You must be her mate,” she said pleasantly as she recorded her vital signs.

“Betrothed,” Sesshomaru said as she nodded.

“You’re both very lucky she wasn’t hit a few more inches to the left or it would have been a fatal wound.” she said as Sesshomaru nodded and gently brushed the hair off Akemi’s face.

“I know, I thought it was seeing all that blood.” Sesshomaru said gently. The nurse watched as he lovingly made sure she was tucked in and resting comfortably before leaving the room. She knew the girl was in good care with him. Before settling down to rest and calm his frayed nerves, Sesshomaru kissed Akemi softly on the forehead and kept a hold of her hand before closing his eyes to rest.

The next morning Sesshomaru was woken up by another nurse taking her vital signs. What had truly woken him was her whimper of pain. He looked up and shot the human woman a warning look as she finished what she was doing and quickly left. He turned his attention back to Akemi to see her awake, but still in a daze like state. He squeezed her hand, dragging her attention to him. She gave him a weak smile and blinked tiredly.

“Good morning,” he said softly, “are you hungry?”

“No,” she said as she sighed heavily, “just tired.” He nodded as he thought.

“Get some rest, I’ll be here for a while,” Sesshomaru said as he thought. He watched as her eyes closed before kissing her softly once more and then relaxing in his seat. Though he was tired from all the stress, he was now awake courtesy of the idiot nurse with no bedside manners.

Finding a book in the bag his brother brought him, Sesshomaru sat back to read while sitting with Akemi. The room was secluded, mainly to keep paparazzi and other reporters away, so Sesshomaru didn’t worry about protecting her from every moron who happened to walk into the room. He looked up as the doctor and two nurses walked into the room.

“Good morning, Mr. Takahashi,” he said softly as he noticed Akemi asleep. “Has she woken up yet?”

“Yes, she was awake when someone took her vitals,” Sesshomaru said as the doctor nodded while looking at some of the monitors.

“Nurse, get her a new bag of saline and make sure someone brings her something to eat. The patient needs to keep healthy.” he ordered the one nurse. She rushed off to do as ordered as the other waited patiently, she’d be used if not by this patient than by another. “Set up a bath for Miss Kosenjou, she probably would love to clean up some,” he ordered the other nurse. She nodded and went to prepare as the doctor finished what he was doing. “Well, Mr. Takahashi, she’s a lucky girl. She’s making a quick recovery thanks to her blood and will probably be out sooner than I predicted. But I’ll want her at least one more night for observation.”

“Of course, doctor,” Sesshomaru said as he nodded and watched Akemi. She was resting peacefully again so he didn’t attempt to disturb her. The doctor left silently as the one nurse returned with a new bag of saline and attached it to her IV. Sesshomaru watched a bit before returning to his book and holding Akemi’s hand.

When the nurse returned with the food they attempted to wake Akemi up. Though she woke up almost instantly, it was rather reluctantly. She ate peacefully while food was brought for Sesshomaru. Then she was cut off from him via a curtain so the other nurse could bathe her. Despite some whimpering, and a great many apologies from the nurse, it was a fairly quick process.

“She’s all yours, Mr. Takahashi, remember no rough housing.” the nurse said as she tried to joke. He gave her a weak smile and nodded as Akemi settled back down to rest. “The doctor should return around three for his afternoon rounds. Any questions you have about her condition can be asked then.” Sesshomaru nodded again before the nurse left. He chuckled at how tired Akemi looked simply from a bath that she didn’t even have to do.

“It’s not funny,” she mumbled.

“Of course not,” he said soothingly. “Get some rest, I’m just going to sit here and read.”

“Alright,” she said with a heavy sigh before falling back to sleep. Sesshomaru read for a bit longer until a soft knock at the door drew his attention. There was standing the young woman from the night before, Sango. She walked in with a small bouquet of flowers.

“Is she asleep?” she asked softly. Sesshomaru nodded as Sango put the flowers by her bed. “How’s she doing?”

“Better, she just got bathed and fed so she’s going to be sleeping peacefully for a bit.” Sesshomaru said as he put his bookmark in and put the book away. “I’m sorry, we weren’t properly introduced, I’m Sesshomaru.”

“Sango, Akemi and I have known each other since the second grade.” Sango said as she sat down on the other side of Akemi. “It was a definite shock to both our systems when she said she was going to mate you. Not just because of who you are but because we never imagined our wedding days or anything like that, we figured we’d be alone forever.” Sesshomaru nodded as he thought about it. He never truly spent the time to imagine his ideal female, though she did end up with him. “When do they think she can go home?”

“In a day or so, the doctor said something about having her here one more night.” Sesshomaru said as he thought. Sango nodded as she watched Akemi rest. She knew by experience that Akemi was only resting because there were calming scents around. Sango knew that she was able to help calm Akemi when she went into one of her moods.

“She’s a fighter, that’s for sure,” Sango said as Sesshomaru nodded. “It scared me though, how close we lost her last night.”

“You have no idea,” Sesshomaru said as he watched Akemi snuggle further into her blankets. “The nurse who was in last night said if the bullet had been over a few inches it would have killed her.” Sango nodded and looked down as she thought. “I thought it had been fatal, with all the blood that was on the floor.” Sango watched as Sesshomaru, though his void mask, seemed to depress at the idea of Akemi dying. “But she’ll live and that’s all that matters now, getting her better and home.”