InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Akemi's Homecoming ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 11- Akemi’s Homecoming
Akemi stayed a second night before she started to wake up and reveal that she was healed. The doctor, impressed with her healing as he figured hanyou didn’t heal as fast as youkai, left her in the custody of her mate-to-be. Sesshomaru had clothes brought for her and smiled as he walked out the door, pushing her in a wheelchair, to his car. Akemi protested the chair but couldn’t get away when the doctor said hospital policy.

“So, what do you want for dinner?” Sesshomaru asked as they drove home.

“Something edible,” Akemi said with a nod, “hospital food shouldn’t be considered edible.” He chuckled and nodded as they drove along. It wasn’t until they got out of the city did Sesshomaru pull over and Akemi looked at him confused. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said as he faced her. Before either one of them knew it, he had pulled her into a crushing hug and was kissing her passionately. “But don’t you ever scare me like that again.” She smiled and nodded in agreement as she kissed him softly on the lips.

“I’m sorry mate,” she said softly. He shook his head and kissed her softly before both sat properly in the car and he took off again. Akemi smiled as she felt him take her hand and hold it over the shift.

They pulled into the driveway and Akemi was surprised to see her father’s car and Sango’s car there as well. They walked in to a small party to welcome her home from the hospital. Akemi smiled and hugged everyone as they all welcomed her back. She was seated on the couch as everyone sat around her, scaring her a bit but making her feel welcomed none the less.

“So what has everyone been up to?” Akemi asked curiously.

“Worrying over you, kitten,” her father said as she shrugged.

“Kinda couldn’t help it there, daddy,” Akemi said with a shrug. He sighed and nodded as she curled up a bit.

“Still tired?” Sango asked curiously.

“Kind of, but it’s nothing I won’t recover with another night’s sleep.” Akemi said as she stretched a little. “I’m hungry more than anything. Hospital food is not under the list of edible things.” Sango chuckled as Akemi smirked a little.

“Akemi, when given the chance, can eat her own weight in food and not gain an ounce.” Sango said as Akemi shrugged a little.

“I wish,” Kagome and Izayoi said in unison before smirking. Akemi shrugged as she scratched at her ear a little.

“Akemi’s notorious for eating her own weight in seafood,” her father added. “But tonight, I’d wager at least double.” Akemi scowled as they all laughed at her.

“Whatever,” Akemi said as she crossed her arms and looked away pouting. She smirked as she got poked in the arm by Sesshomaru.

“So, what else is new?” she asked as she unraveled herself and faced them all.

“Nothing else here,” Inuyasha said with a shrug. “Kagome’s still not talking to me.”

“Oh? About what?” Akemi asked confused.

“Kikyo, what else? Gets arrested and I still get the cold shoulder.” Inuyasha grumbled.

“Oooohhh,” Akemi said as she thought about it. “I figured it was because you didn’t tell her such an important thing like having a nut job after you while Sesshomaru told me and thus putting her in danger for that nut job because who knows what she would have done when she found out about Kagome.” She sighed at the end and took a breath to catch up. Inuyasha shook his head and shrugged as Kagome nodded in agreement. Sango just smirked as she watched Akemi interact with this group, it was obvious she fit in well with them, which cut her worry about this match made mating thing.

Dinner was ready after a few more minuets. They all sat and Akemi happily enjoyed her favorite dish, as requested by her father. Sesshomaru watched as everyone enjoyed dinner together happily.

“Well, Kitten, I have to get going,” her father said half an hour after dinner. Akemi got up and hugged her father. “I’m glad you’re alright. Now no more scaring any of us.”

“Yes sir,” Akemi said as her father smirked. He left the mansion after a few minuets and Akemi returned to her seat by Sesshomaru. She smiled as he wrapped an arm around her.

“So, Sango, what’s new?” Akemi asked curiously as she relaxed. Seiji and Izayoi had pardoned themselves to their room after Darien left.

“Nothing much, just work,” Sango said with a shrug. “The gallery is doing well, granted it’s new so everyone’s curious and buying small things, but what can I do but enjoy it as I get it.” Akemi nodded in agreement as she thought about it. She had been planning to open something like a gallery but everything that came up stopped it, at least temporarily. She could always join Sango.

“That’s good,” Akemi said as she sighed. “I just keep drawing, as always.” Sango smiled and nodded.

“Well,” Sango said as she looked at her watch, “I think I need to get home. Kohaku is there and I’m sure Akemi needs her rest. The doctor did say you need to continue resting. Nothing extraneous.” Akemi rolled her eyes as Sango grabbed her stuff. “We’ll talk tomorrow, Kems.” Akemi nodded as she got up and hugged Sango before walking her to the door. Sesshomaru got up and headed towards the stairs, waiting for Akemi before continuing up.

“Why don’t we go up to bed?” he suggested as Akemi shrugged and nodded. She figured he was doing as Sango suggested. He took her hand gently and led her up to their room. Akemi smiled as she sat down and fell into the bed.

“I don’t think I’ve ever missed a bed,” she said happily. Sesshomaru smiled. “You seem only to do that for me.”

“What?” he asked as he laid on the bed next to her.

“Smile,” she said as she gently slid a finger down the side of his face. Sesshomaru gently took her hand and kissed it. “I had you worried.”

“Yes, you did,” he said gently. “I didn’t know what I would have done if you had died.” Akemi snuggled into him a little with a small smile.

“I’ve grown on Maru-maru.” she said softly. He chuckled as she giggled and wrapped his arms around her.

“You certainly have,” he said as he looked her in the eye. Akemi placed a hand gently on his cheek as she smiled at the sincerity. Both had grown on the other, separation was no longer an option for the two. Akemi’s death would have resulted in a very angry, mourning, and eternally alone Sesshomaru. The same would be for Akemi should anything ever happen to Sesshomaru, though the likely hood of loosing control of her youkai blood was also there.

“You know,” he said as he thought about it, “I believe you called me mate earlier today.” Akemi blushed a little as she tried to hide her face in his shirt. He chuckled as he felt her snuggle further into him. “Now what are you doing? You females sure are weird.” Akemi looked up with a challenging glance and smirked as he grinned.

“Well, you males are unusual.” she said with an air of superiority. Sesshomaru rolled them over so he was laying on top of her and gently nipped her on the nose playfully. Akemi giggled before he leaned down and kissed her softly. Akemi kissed him back innocently at first and growing more passionate as she slid her arms around him.

“Do you think it’s too early?” he asked her softly as they parted to catch some air. Akemi shrugged as she thought about it. Sesshomaru nuzzled her, his face hiding in the crook of her neck, as he thought about what he wanted at that moment.

“Would you wait if I asked you to?” she asked him curiously as she patted his hair and sighed contently.

“Of course,” he mumbled into her neck. “Not willingly of course.” She laughed a little as he sat up. “But I’d wait until you were ready. No sense in forcing you, considering the insanity you’d create against me.” Akemi smiled mischievously and shrugged a little as he sighed and curled up against her again. “How’s your side?”

“I’m fine, mate,” she said as she lifted her shirt. “See? No hole, no bandages, no blood, just skin. I’m fine.” He sighed and nodded as he gently touched the light scar on her side from where she was shot. He leaned down and kissed her side, smirking to himself at the spike in her scent. He did it again enjoying her scent as it slowly became that of arousal. Despite the obviousness of their lack of knowledge, neither seemed to care.

“I think a little kitten likes to be kissed on the tummy,” Sesshomaru growled playfully. Akemi giggled and shrugged as she looked away innocently.

“I don’t know what you mean,” she said, continuing to act innocent. Sesshomaru kissed her again, this time on her belly button. She giggled madly as he chuckled to himself.

“And your ticklish, this is a good thing to know,” he teased some more. Akemi giggled and laughed some more as he continued to kiss her stomach. He growled lazily as she scratched him gently behind the ears, all the while laughing at his attention to her bellybutton.

After a bit Sesshomaru made his way back up to her lips and kissed her with the same passion as he did in the car earlier in the day. When they both parted for air, Akemi blushed but smiled as she held him close. Sesshomaru gave a shuddering sigh as he rested his head against her chest, listening to her heartbeat as it calmed a little from the fun they were having. He held her against himself tightly as he thought.

“I know it’s been a week, but I love you mate,” Sesshomaru said hoarsely. Akemi smiled sweetly at him and kissed him on the head.

“I know, I love you too mate,” she said softly back. Sesshomaru lifted his head and gazed into her eyes with a weak smile. Slowly he leaned down and gently kissed her.
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O.o Sesshomaru and Akemi have finally admitted their love. Granted...yes, it's only been a week but who couldn't fall in love in a week? Who I ask you?! Anyway, soon there may be a lemon or two, I haven't decided and depending upon the site it might be a different version. How, again I'm not sure. I know fanfiction (dot) net frowns upon lemons much less than mediaminer (dot) org does. So we'll see. Enjoy!