InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Sango's Interesting News ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 12- Sango’s Interesting News

Sango slept peacefully, though in the back of her mind she was jealous. Sango didn’t want to admit it, but she envied what Akemi and Sesshomaru had, something she didn’t have currently. She wanted a relationship with someone that would care for her as much as Sesshomaru did Akemi, fretting over her like she was a child.

She woke up to see her father peeking into the room to see if she was awake yet. With a yawn she stretched and sat up. “What’s wrong father?” she asked him curiously. He strode into the room with confident strides, though there was the lack of confidence that seemed to shine in his eyes that worried her.

“Sango, I received a phone call this morning from a wolf pack,” he started as he pulled a chair up to her bed and sat down. Sango nodded figuring they had to capture or kill a rogue pack member killing others off or something of that variation. Boy, was she wrong. “Their prince, Kouga, has just been visited by the youkai matchmaker. She’s named you as his mate-to-be.” Sango stared at her father stunned as he finished speaking. After a few minuets he sighed and prepared to leave as she seemed to stunned to speak.

“What happens now?” Sango asked as he stood. He looked at his daughter and was surprised. She was looking down, but it was obvious by the tone of her voice she was upset.

“You move in with them in a week,” he said softly. “You and I both know, there’s no use fighting this.” Sango nodded as she sighed heavily. “Maybe you should spend the day with Akemi.”

“Yeah, maybe I’ll do that,” Sango said as she climbed out of bed. Her father left her alone as she got ready for her day. As the water fell in the shower she leaned against the wall and just started to cry as her body was wracked by shaking sobs.

Akemi woke up to find Sesshomaru trying to sneak out of their bedroom fully dressed for work. She noticed him stop to turn when she moved and crossed her arms with a pout. He sighed as he saw her, she knew his willpower to leave was draining rapidly and if he didn’t make it out that door, he wouldn’t today. He put his briefcase on a chair by the door, walked up to her, and kissed her harshly as he picked her up. Her back against a wall, they kissed until they had to come up for air.

“I have to go to work today,” he grumbled. Akemi sighed and nodded.

“I figured,” she said softly. She gave him a teasing grin. “Doesn’t mean I can’t tease you a bit, does it?” She ground herself against him making him groan slightly and lay his forehead against her shoulder.

“Keep that up and when I get home you’re going to be screaming for the whole mansion to hear.” he warned her. Akemi smiled at the predatory glint in his eyes and shrugged as if it wasn’t much of a threat.

“Is that a promise?” she teased. Sesshomaru put her down gently and sighed as he looked her up and down a few times. She wore a giant t-shirt and panties to bed, both were white and thin, it’d be nothing for him to rip them off of her at the moment, but he was threatening to be late if he didn’t get out of that cursed room and get to his job.

“We’ll see when I get home,” he said as he gave her a gentle kiss. “But I have to go, I’ll call you later.”

“Alright, love, have a good day at work,” she said as she kissed him back and let him go with a coy smile. She could see she would enjoy teasing him in the mornings before work. With a sigh she went and grabbed a shower to prepare for the day, wondering what she was going to do.

As Akemi walked into her and Sesshomaru’s room she found her cell phone ringing. “Hello,” she answered as she pulled out some jeans and a tank top with her underwear.

“Hey Kems,” Sango said softly, her nose stuffy from crying. “Can I come over?”

“Sango, what’s wrong? Yes, come right over.” Akemi said worriedly.

“You’ll never believe it...” Sango mumbled as Akemi heard her fumble for her keys and purse, “not in a...a million years...”

“What won’t I believe? Is everyone over there alright?” Akemi asked worriedly. Sango was one of the shortest tempers Akemi had ever met, but she’d also never hurt anyone with that temper but herself.

“They’re fine,” Sango said as Akemi heard her enter her car. “I’ll be there in ten.”

“Alright, calm down and get here. We’ll talk.” Akemi said as they hung up and threw her clothes on. She brushed her hair and ran downstairs to meet with Sango as she pulled up. She noticed Inuyasha and Kagome in the garden and sighed, it looked like Inuyasha was begging for some kind of forgiveness still.

Akemi watched as Sango’s bubblegum pink Acura MXD pulled into the driveway. Through the windows Akemi could see Sango was a wreck. She walked up to the car as it turned off and watched Sango get out, she seemed overly stressed and miserable.

“Sango, what’s wrong?” Akemi asked as she walked up and hugged her lifelong friend. Sango burst into tears on her shoulder as she tried to explain what happened.

“I’ve been match made to a youkai!” she wailed as Akemi held her at arms length and looked at her stunned.

“To who?” Akemi asked her surprised. She put an arm around Sango’s shoulders and led her into the mansion. They entered the living room and Akemi immediately grabbed the tissues and handed her one.

“Some wolf named Kouga,” Sango said as she sniffed and accepted the tissue. Akemi sat down and thought for a moment before her eyes widened at the thought.

“Kouga? As in heir to the largest wolf pack in Japan? That Kouga?” Akemi asked as Sango shrugged. “Sango that’s not a horrible thing, he can provide and care for you, he’s a prince. Literally.” Sango just looked at Akemi, eyes puffy, and nose runny.

“Akemi, what am I?” she demanded. Akemi sighed and nodded.

“Yes, it seems highly unusual that a taiji ya would be matched with a youkai, considering your job, but it’s also unusual to stick a miko with a hanyou.” Akemi said reminding her of Kagome and Inuyasha. “If she did this then something is written in your pages that you didn’t know about.” Sango sighed and nodded as she looked down. “I know, it’s a shock, you saw me when I was matched. Now look! You can be as happy as Sesshomaru and I.”

“Or as happy as Kagome and Inuyasha,” Sango said pointing out the window. Akemi sighed as she noticed Kagome yelling at Inuyasha and him yelling right back. Both were in each other’s faces, bright red, and obviously furious at the moment.

“Kagome also came into this unwilling and thinking she could get out of it,” Akemi said as she looked at Sango. “You know better. Come, we’ll go out, relax a bit, maybe get a hold of Kouga for you two to meet and figure out what to do for you.” Sango sighed and nodded as she calmed down. Akemi was the only one allowed to see her cry, not even her family saw her cry.

“Alright, you’re right. I know better, I’ve been overreacting.” Sango said as she sighed heavily.

“No, you just were in shock. It happens, I was in shock. You grow up thinking of Cinderella stories and such and what you want to grow up to be. Not that someone will be picked out for you to marry and your choice is basically gone.” Akemi said knowledgably. Sango nodded as she realized her father knew this was coming, the mental breakdown of lack of freedom and that Akemi knew what to say and do to cheer her up. She smiled weakly at Akemi and nodded again.

“Alright, why don’t we do something...go get something to eat?” Sango suggested as she sighed.

“And then we’ll go shop at the mall or whatever.” Akemi said as she nodded in agreement. Sango got up with Akemi and hugged her.

“Thank you, Kems,” Sango said weakly.

“It’s alright, it’ll be alright,” Akemi crooned to keep her calm. As Akemi headed up to her room to grab her shoes she passed Izayoi. “Izayoi, do you happen to have Kouga’s phone number?”

“I have a Kouga’s phone number,” she said with a smile. Akemi followed her down the hall to Seiji’s study. “A wolf, huh?”

“Sango got match made to him, I want them to meet before anything else happens,” Akemi said as Izayoi nodded in agreement. She was obviously surprised as she handed Akemi the number. “Thank you, Izayoi.” Akemi said and left the room. She grabbed her shoes and got downstairs to see Sango had freshened up in the bathroom.

“Ready? Izayoi gave me a phone number to get a hold of Kouga should you want to talk to him, or if you want me to set up a meeting with him.” Akemi said as Sango nodded, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do but it was obviously something. They walked into the garage to Akemi’s Jaguar XK convertible. Sango sat down and buckled up as Akemi got in and they headed out.

“Where do you want to eat? Are you really hungry?” Akemi asked as Sango sighed and thought. Idea number one, get her mind off of Kouga.

“I guess we can hit our usual cafe for some sandwiches and coffee.” Sango said with a shrug. Akemi nodded and headed to a small cafe not too far from where she knew Sesshomaru worked. They parked and walked in to find a table for two open and sat down. Sango sighed as she thought about what she wanted to eat while Akemi looked around curiously. It was always a treat to come in here in the morning, when they were in high school it was always impressive to be accepted by the adults of the business world and then art school they would spend the day watching people for Akemi’s paintings.

“Can I get you ladies anything?” a waitress asked politely.

“Yes, I’ll have an iced latte with a lightly toasted plain bagel and cream cheese,” Akemi said as the waitress nodded. Sango looked over real quick.

“I’ll have the same, please,” Sango said softly as the waitress ran off to put their orders in. Akemi smiled weakly at her friend before practically jumping when someone touched her shoulder. She looked up to see none other than Sesshomaru and Seiji.

“Scare me much?” Akemi quipped quickly. Sesshomaru smirked and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“Punishment for this morning,” he whispered. Akemi just smiled as she shrugged while the two joined them. “And what brings you two out and about this morning?” Sesshomaru asked them both.

“Nothing much,” Akemi said with a shrug. Sango watched as everyone moved around and flowed with their lives. She didn’t know if she could do that as a forced mate. “We used to eat here before classes in high school and art school, so we’re here for sentimental reasons.” Sesshomaru nodded as Seiji looked around and watched Sango curiously, it was obvious she wasn’t very peaceful today. “Why aren’t you two at work?”

“Oh,” Seiji said with a shrug, “the office is boring today. We figured we’d grab a bite to eat before our ten o’clock meeting.”

“Oh really, with who?” Akemi asked curiously.

“Kaigaishii, Kouga,” Seiji said as he thought about it. Jumped at the name and looked at the two surprised. Akemi just shrugged as Sango looked at her desperately. “What?”

“ had better tell them,” Akemi said as Sango sighed and shot her an annoyed look.

“Your matchmaker just recently paid him a visit,” Sango said annoyed.

“So?” Sesshomaru said with a shrug.

“Sango was the one named as his mate-to-be,” Akemi said delicately as Sesshomaru and Seiji looked at her surprised. “Yeah, it hit us both like a ton of bricks too.”

“Congratulations dear, you should both stop by the office and meet him then.” Seiji said as Sango looked at him surprised. Akemi smiled as she thought.

“If Sango agrees, we can go out and get her a lovely new outfit and do that,” Akemi said as she smiled at Sesshomaru. He couldn’t help but smirk as he felt her foot pull at his pant leg a little.

“I guess it would be a good idea, wouldn’t it?” Sango said softly.

“That’s how Sesshomaru and I knew we’d hit it off,” Akemi said as their food was brought and the waitress took the two males’ orders. She offered Sesshomaru a bite, who happily accepted it, and sipped her drink. “Besides, I think you should do it to see what kind of a guy he is to prepare yourself.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Sango said as she nodded. “What time should we be there?”

“Around 3 the meeting should be finished,” Sesshomaru said as he thought. Sango nodded as Akemi smiled happily.

“We can hit the mall, my treat, buy some really hot new outfits to drive them crazy with.” Akemi said as Sango chuckled and ate. Sesshomaru sighed as he thought of what it would take Akemi wearing to drive him crazy with. Groaning and his head hitting the table Akemi and Sango giggled as his father sighed and shook his head.

“To be young again,” he grumbled as he thought about when he was courting Sesshomaru’s mother and then Izayoi. Both females had made it their mission to tease and torture him, Izayoi still does most of the time. The girls giggled as Sesshomaru shook his head as their orders arrived.

As they finished up, Seiji paid the bill despite the others’ reminders that they could pay for themselves. They left the shop together and parted until three o’clock.