InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Fiasco at Takahashi Inc ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 13- Fiasco at Takahashi Incorporated

Akemi and Sango shopped for most of the day before returning to the mansion to change. Akemi smiled as they both walked out in new dresses; Akemi’s was deep velvety violet that hugged her curves all the best ways she knew to use to tease Sesshomaru. Sango’s was a little more conservative. It was black and knee length, it was sleeveless with wide straps covering her shoulders and pink ribbons tying up the front like a corset. She had on black heels that tied up her legs with satiny ribbons. Akemi’s shoes were violet sandals that matched the dress beautifully.

They left the house and drove back towards the cafe before arriving at Takahashi Incorporated. They walked in to see a woman behind a large desk taking calls and transferring them to the necessary people. She looked up and it was apparent by the look that grew on her face, she was not amused and didn’t really want to deal with these two.

“Can I help you ladies?” she asked in a voice that seemed only to show she was more snobbish than she ever needed to be.

“Yes, I’m here to see my fiancé, Sesshomaru,” Akemi said sweetly. The woman didn’t flinch or move.

“Mr. Takahashi is currently in a meeting and will not be out until much later, if you would like to leave a message I’ll make sure he gets it.” she said before turning her back on them. Akemi gave her back a dirty look before smirking and winking at Sango.

“Fine, I’ll just call Sesshomaru and have him come meet us,” she said loudly. The woman turned around to see Akemi pull out her cell phone and dial a number. After a few moments it was answered. “Hey mate, yeah she won’t let me upstairs to see you,” Akemi said as she glared at the woman. “Alright, see you in a few minuets.” She hung up the phone with a smug smile. “Mr. Takahashi is on his way down.”

“Right, I’m sure he is,” she said smugly, not believing Akemi for a bit. She resumed her work and jumped as Sesshomaru appeared after a bit. Standing up she watched amazed as Sesshomaru hugged Akemi tightly before giving her a quick kiss. He greeted the girl with her and took them both upstairs to the woman’s amazement.

“She didn’t believe that you were coming down,” Sango said as Sesshomaru shook his head as he sighed.

“She was father’s choice, I personally think she’s a waste of money,” Sesshomaru said as they rode the elevator up. “Kouga was informed of your meeting, agreeing that it was a good idea Sango. He’s anticipating meeting you.” Sango nodded with a heavy sigh. “Just calm down, deep breaths,” Akemi said calmly to her friend. “What’s the worse that can happen?”

“I can think of about a million things,” Sango said as she started to panic. “I don’t think I’m ready for this, I need to go home and change into something different. Apologize for me?” Sango got ready to push the stop button until Akemi grabbed her and pulled her away from the doors.

“No, calm down,” Akemi said as Sango looked close to tears. “Your a taiji, what’s he going to do to you? He pisses you off, you eliminate him. Think about it, Sango, you know there’s no running from this pairing, your father won’t allow it. Yes, he may not like it, hate it even, but he’s not going to allow you to run from something you know all about.”

“But I’m not a youkai or hanyou!” Sango shrieked. Sesshomaru rolled his eyes as Akemi smirked a little.

“Obviously, though you strike fear into the hearts of some like they do,” Akemi said as she fought not to chuckle. “Now, where is that confident Sango I know and love so well?”

“She died when she found out her future had been determined,” Sango said mournfully.

“I highly doubt you’re going to allow anyone to make decisions for you.” Akemi said knowledgably. “This is an unfortunate twist of things on meeting your perfect partner, this is your decision before you realize it. Trust me, if you go in there calm and confident he’ll love you as much as the rest of the world does. No crying or panicking. I know it’s hard, you saw me when I found out.” Sango took several shatteringly deep breaths as she nodded in agreement and forced the tears away. “Now I promise, Sesshomaru and I won’t be in an office far away, if he tries anything stupid come find us or Mr. Takahashi and we’ll put a stop to it.”

“Promise?” Sango asked as she watched both Akemi and Sesshomaru’s reflections in the mirrored elevator nod. “Alright,” she said as she took her final deep breath and forced herself to calm down. “I’ll do this.”

“Good, because we’re there,” Sesshomaru said as the elevator stopped and opened. There was Seiji waiting for them with a confused look. “Your receptionist didn’t want to let them up.” he said answering the unasked question of his father. Seiji sighed and nodded as he watched them walk off the elevator.

“Sango, follow me and I’ll introduce you to Kouga. Or would you like Akemi to come along for a little bit?” Seiji offered kindly. He knew it was a shock to humans, and Sango was a dangerous human to upset. Sango shook her head as she took a deep breath one final time.

“No...I think I’m ready,” Sango said as he nodded.

“Sango, Akemi and I will be in my office, right over there,” Sesshomaru said pointing out the office for her. Sango nodded and gave them a weak but appreciative grin before following Seiji, who also pointed his office out.

“Think she’ll be alright?” Akemi asked worriedly.

“He’s crash but I think she’ll be able to handle him,” Sesshomaru said as he took her hand and led her to his office. Akemi smiled as she watched him close the door and walk up to her. “Now, about this outfit...”

“You don’t like?” Akemi pouted as Sesshomaru shook his head.

“Not that, it’s very appealing.” Sesshomaru said as he gave her a predatory grin. “Now why would my kitten wear such a thing when visiting me at the office?”

“Punishment for the punishment for this morning,” Akemi said as Sesshomaru chuckled. He held her close as he kissed her lightly.

“Brat,” he said before taking her lips again.

Meanwhile Sango was escorted into an office to await Kouga’s arrival. Feeling awkward and unsure of what to do, she sat down as she looked around. She had never realized how nice the Takahashi building truly was. A mixture of black and white marble with silver railings and such, it was a very classy looking building with modern twists. She was drug from her thoughts as she jumped at the opening of the door. Seiji followed by a younger youkai entered the room as Sango stood up.

“Kaigaishii, Kouga, allow me to introduce Ijirashii, Sango. I believe she was named as your mate-to-be recently.” Seiji said as Kouga nodded and kissed Sango’s hand all the while looking her in the eye. Sango nearly fainted at the touch, let alone the smoldering gaze his icy blue eyes gave her.

“It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of such a beautiful woman,” Kouga said as he stood straight up again. Sango smiled and nodded.

“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Kaigaishii,” Sango said with a polite bow.

“Please, call me Kouga, after all we are to be mates, Sango,” Kouga said as Seiji smiled pleased that it was working out.

“I’ll give you two the chance to get comfortable while I run to my office to finish those contracts, Kouga,” Seiji said as the younger youkai smiled and nodded pleased. As soon as the door closed the two sat down.

“So tell me about yourself, Sango,” Kouga said as Sango nodded.

“There’s not much to know,” Sango said as she thought. “I just graduated art school with my best friend, Kosenjou, Akemi; we’re thinking of opening an art gallery together. I have a younger brother, and currently live with him and my father. My family is part of a prominent group of taiji ya.” Kouga nodded, his eyes flashing at the mention of the taiji ya. “Currently I spend my time painting, sculpting, and a lot of time with Akemi as she plans out her life with Sesshomaru Takahashi, actually.”

“Yes, he told me he was match made to a young neko hanyou,” Kouga said as he thought about it. “A vibrant thing spiritually, part miko part youkai. She must be interesting to keep under control.” Sango shrugged as she thought. As long as she’s known Akemi, no one has ever attempted to control her, at the very least not Sesshomaru or her father.

“No, most males tend to allow Akemi the freedom of what she wants or needs to do because she’s so vibrant,” Sango said as she thought about it. “So, tell me about yourself.”

“Well, there’s not much information I can tell you that’s not already out there. I’m due to inherit my wolf pack from my father, I don’t have any direct siblings, like you do, but plenty of pack siblings. Normally we’re all outside playing some type of game to keep ourselves preoccupied. Right now I’ve been honing my hunting skills and such to provide for my own family one day...” Kouga burst out laughing at the look of disbelief on Sango’s face. “I’m joking!” he said as he continued to laugh.

“I am to inherit my father’s pack, though it’s a reluctant inheritance, and I have multiple siblings.” Kouga said as Sango nodded enthusiastically with a weak smile. She knew what he had tried to do, calm her down from the apprehension of meeting him. “But I actually live fairly close to where the Takahashi’s live. I can eat meat cooked, though I prefer it on the closest to raw setting if it has to be cooked.”

“Understandable,” Sango said as she nodded. “Sorry if I seem a little uptight...this was a shock, to say the least, to me and my family.” Kouga nodded in agreement.

“Yes, I understand, even my father was surprised by it all. But we could never go against the decision of the Matchmaker, and when Seiji and Sesshomaru suggested meeting here, a neutral place. I figured it was a good idea. I know humans have this concept of love and courting that doesn’t make much sense to most youkai, but I think we can figure something out in our future together.” Sango smiled and nodded as she realized Akemi was right, this was a good idea.

“WHERE IS HE?” was shrieked from outside the office and everyone who heard it knew all good things were now coming to an end. Sango and Kouga rushed outside to see Sesshomaru and Akemi, though a little messed, looking on confused as Seiji and some security guards were trying to calm down a female ookami. Kouga groaned and shook his head as Sango looked at him confused.

“What’s wrong?” Sango asked softly.

“That’s Ayame, she’s princess to another wolf tribe, and thinking I’d mate her since we were like three. I’ve got no interests in her but she’s definitely got some in me.” Kouga said as he thought. “If she doesn’t mate a male by a certain time with some clout within her pack, she loses control to one of the males in line.” Sango nodded as she watched the female struggle with two of the guards. Kouga and Sango walked up to Sesshomaru and Akemi, who seemed a little more curious about the female to worry about their state of dress.

“THAT CHEATING...DOG!” Ayame shrieked as she spotted Kouga with Sango. She got free and marched over to them. “And who’s this whore?” she demanded. Both Sango and Akemi looked at her annoyed. Sesshomaru, hearing Akemi’s stifled growl, grabbed her arm to make sure she didn’t do anything inappropriate. Sango just gave Ayame an irritated look.

“This is my mate-to-be,” Kouga said calmly. “What are you doing here?”

“Mate-to-be?! That’s me, you cheating jackass!” Ayame shrieked in his face. She turned and glared at Sango as she waited to see what would happen. Kouga rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“No you’re not, Ayame, I’ve told you this before,” Kouga said in a bored tone. “The Matchmaker named Sango as my perfect mate, not you. I’m not mating you, now go home before you get into trouble you can’t get yourself out of.” Sango watched as Ayame gave him a pathetic look, tears filling her vibrant green eyes, and had to admit she was one hell of an actress.

“But you’re supposed to be mine!” Ayame whined as she allowed the tears to fall. Kouga groaned in annoyance but didn’t allow himself to cave this time, Sango was behind him and he knew who he was meant to be with.

“No, I’m not, now go home Ayame.” Kouga said for the final time. He turned around and smiled weakly at Sango before offering to take her back to the office so they could speak some more.

“Sorry about that,” she heard him say to her, “she’s a little crazy. Normally, when she’s in a good mood, she’s more calm.” Angry Ayame stalked after them and was about to strike at Sango when she felt someone grab her hand from behind. Looking she was startled to see Akemi’s claw pulling her arm back.

“Touch her,” Akemi said catching everyone’s attention and making them watch surprised. “And this arm will be melted off.” She drug Ayame to the security guards and shoved her towards them as Ayame glared at her. “Don’t give me that look, bitch, I could rip you to shreds for merely thinking of harming my friend.” Ayame allowed herself to be drug out as Sesshomaru drug Akemi back to his office to calm her down.

After another hour Akemi and Sango left the building, Akemi much more calmer than when Ayame was around. And headed back to Takahashi mansion.

“So,” Akemi said as they drove, “tell me about Kouga.” Sango blushed a little. “He seemed to like you, my dear Sango.”

“He was very polite,” Sango said as Akemi nodded, “and joked a bit to calm me down. I guess when I went into this meeting with him I was still a little apprehensive.” Akemi shrugged and nodded as she thought about it. “But we got along very well. In fact we’re thinking of going on a small date.”

“Great!” Akemi said happily as Sango laughed a little. “You can wear one of the new outfits from today!”

“Of course!” Sango said as they pulled up to the mansion to see Inuyasha washing his car with a disgruntled look on his face. Akemi sighed and shrugged as Sango gave her a questioning glance. They walked inside to see Izayoi looking sadly as she sat in the living room working on something.

“Is everything alright, Izayoi?” Akemi asked worriedly.

“Oh, hello girls,” she said surprised to see them. “How was meeting Kouga? Seiji called to let me know you were meeting him at the office but hasn’t called to let me know how it went.”

“Oh, it went fine, a slightly insane ex-girlfriend but nothing Sango’s Hiraikoutsu couldn’t handle.” Akemi said with a shrug. “So, what’s wrong? Inuyasha looks like he threw the world’s worst temper tantrum and still lost the argument.”

“He did, Kagome went home earlier today,” Izayoi said as she sighed heavily. “I tried to convince her to stay, saying we’d give her a room for herself and everything but she insisted upon going home. I don’t know if she’s going to come back.” Akemi sighed and nodded. It was hard to match make with a human, especially one who didn’t understand the rules of the match. Kagome didn’t understand many things, including her own powers, let alone what the matchmaker was to youkai. Sighing Izayoi returned to her work as Akemi and Sango headed upstairs.

“So, looks like only you and Sesshomaru are left to provide grandchildren.” Sango said as Akemi sighed and shrugged as she thought.

“Izayoi and Seiji can always have another baby, that’s not their concern. There are awful laws set in place once a match is made.” Akemi said as Sango looked at her confused. “I guess taiji aren’t necessarily worried about that as they are about what happens when a matchmaker makes her decision.” Sango shrugged as she thought.

“When a matchmaker decides who goes with who, there are binding contractual laws set into place. It’s like a business merger, one half does one and the other half does something else, but by contractual law they agree to it. Kagome, upon moving into here, bound herself to that contract. If she hadn’t moved in within a certain period of time, the matchmaker could be called back in and re-match Inuyasha with a more suitable female.”

“So if I never move in with Kouga, he could be ordered to meet with the matchmaker again?” Sango asked confused. Akemi nodded. “What will happen now?”

“Well, now Inuyasha must figure out a way to get her to move back in and agree to be his mate again. If he doesn’t by a certain time, it’s to be taken to a youkai court. That can turn into a fiasco in it’s own right. They can either terminate the contract, order Kagome to mate with Inuyasha unwillingly, or separate them to others to be mated. In the past, humans who didn’t know what any of this was, were tortured and murdered because of their reluctance to agree to the mating. At that time hanyou were abominations and as such no one wanted to have them. Youkai were also tortured for it as well, as they didn’t want half-bred offspring that would just be destroyed anyway.” Sango looked at her stunned.

“What if Inuyasha mates with someone without seeking the matchmaker and Kagome?” Sango asked concerned.

“They’re all to be killed; Inuyasha, Kagome, and the illegitimate mate.” Akemi said as Sango sat down stunned as she thought. “Just like if Ayame got her way you, Kouga, and her would be killed and your names wiped off your family trees.”

“That’s horrible,” Sango said stunned.

“That’s the youkai laws set in motion for such a thing,” Akemi said as Sango sighed and nodded. “I think we should go visit Kagome.” Sango nodded as they got changed and headed out.