InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Just a Simple Date ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 17- Just a Simple Date
Akemi and Sesshomaru arrived at the mall two hours later to find Kouga before finding Sango. She smiled surprised as Kouga walked up with them and giggled with Akemi as Sesshomaru and Kouga watched the two girls. “Sesshomaru figured we could do a double date,” Akemi said as Sango looked impressed before they giggled together again. Akemi smiled as she took Sesshomaru’s hand and walked with him as Sango and Kouga walked together beside them.

“So, love birds,” Akemi said giggling as Sango smirked. “When’s the big move in date?”

“I don’t know yet,” Sango said as Kouga shrugged.

“We’ve decided to take this one step at a time, particularly because Sango and her family are human and taiji, also because of all the problems Inuyasha’s been having.” Kouga said as Akemi nodded.

“Though there are success stories,” Sango said with a knowledgeable smirk as Kouga looked at her confused. “Well, there’s our resident couple here,” Sango said as Kouga looked at her surprised before smirking at Sesshomaru and Akemi.

“Well, congratulations love birds, it does look like there are success stories.” Kouga said as Akemi smiled and shrugged. “So now comes the fun part, finding a place of your own.” Akemi giggled and nodded as Sesshomaru nodded in agreement.

“I know, I’ve already started looking.” Sesshomaru said as Akemi looked at him surprised. “You didn’t think we were going to continue to live with father and Izayoi?”
“No, you just didn’t tell me,” Akemi responded with a shrug. “I would like to help, I have to live there too.” Sesshomaru smirked as he nodded while remaining silent while they walked past a few shops.

Sango and Akemi made their way around the mall via the route they usually took. Kouga and Sesshomaru also made their way around the mall via the girls’ usual route, only they were under bundles of bags. Sesshomaru didn’t look merely as perturbed as Kouga did shocked when they were done, as he was used to Izayoi and her compulsive shopping. As they made their way to their cars to drop off the bags before dinner, Akemi and Sango grabbed the car keys and opened them up.

“Where to for dinner?” Sango asked as they met back up to figure out what they wanted to eat.

“Lets go out,” Kouga suggested. “Follow me.” He ran to his car, which wasn’t parked far from Sesshomaru and Akemi’s. They got Sango to her car and all took off after Kouga and to his desired dinner destination.

“I can’t go in there!” Sango shrieked when they pulled up to the restaurant. Kouga looked at her confused as Akemi shook her head defiantly. Sesshomaru looked at them surprised as Sango shot Kouga an annoyed look. “I’m hardly dressed for this place.”

“You’re dressed fine,” Kouga said consolingly as he put an arm around her shoulders and started to walk her towards the building. “I don’t know why you’re worried, I think you look beautiful.” Sango blushed as Akemi remained defiant outside the building.

“Mate,” Sesshomaru said softly as Akemi looked up at him, “lets go inside before the sun goes down and you get cold.”

“I’m not dressed for this place, this is a nice restaurant, I don’t want to be stared at.” Akemi said softly. Sesshomaru nuzzled her and sighed as he thought, he knew despite his ability to win Akemi over, he wasn’t going to be able to talk her into that building.

“Why don’t you two go, we’ll have dinner where my mate is comfortable,” Sesshomaru suggested. Kouga nodded as Sango smiled weakly.

“Call you later, Kems,” Sango said as Akemi nodded and waved before being led back to the car by Sesshomaru. She remained silent as he drove around before just taking them home.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. Sesshomaru looked at her confused for a moment and then nodded in recognition of what she was apologizing for.

“There’s no reason to apologize, you weren’t comfortable eating in that restaurant in your regular clothes. If you want we can go one night, just the two of us, dressed up as much as you want.” Sesshomaru said as Akemi looked at him with a sad smile.

“How did I end up such a lucky girl?” she asked as she moved some of his hair from his face. Sesshomaru smirked a little before pulling her close and kissing her softly. “Do you love me?” she whispered to him after they parted slightly.

“Uncontrollably,” he responded in a whisper before kissing her again. “Come, why don’t you model your new clothes for me?” Akemi smirked and nodded as she slid out of the car and took some of her bags from her mate before entering the house with him.

Sango blushed as they entered the restaurant and noticed a few people stare. She wasn’t sure if it was because of their clothes or because of who she was with. It wasn’t like Kouga wasn’t known, in fact he was quite the opposite.

“Can I help you sir?” the maitre d’ asked as he stood behind a podium.

“Yes, I’d like a table for two, please,” Kouga said as he pulled out some money and handed it to the gentleman. “Preferably where we’ll have some privacy.” He looked at the bill Kouga handed him and then down at the seating chart. They always had room for this type of customer.

“Of course, this way sir,” he said as he slid the money into his jacket breast pocket and pulled two menus. He led them towards the back to where there was a window but really no one around them to stare. Sango sat down and happily accepted the menu as Kouga took his own seat.

“This place is so expensive,” Sango said surprised.

“Nothing is too good for you,” Kouga said as Sango blushed. “Please, order whatever you want.” Sango nodded as she searched the menu for something to eat.

“It’s a shame Akemi didn’t want to come in here,” Sango said softly.

“She wasn’t comfortable, and really if you had further expressed discomfort we would have found a different spot to eat.” Kouga said as Sango nodded and thought about it.

The waitress came up and offered them both glasses of water and asked if there was anything they’d like to drink while looking thru their menus. Kouga ordered them a bottle of wine to start with as they continued to ponder the ultimate question, what do they want for dinner?

The waitress returned with the bottle of wine and opened it for them just as they decided what they wanted to eat. Kouga smiled at Sango as the wine was poured and waited for her to let the waitress know of what she wanted. Sango smiled back with a slight blush at how much she knew he was going to pay for this dinner, certain the bottle of wine alone would be half the bill.

“Are you prepared to order?” the waitress asked softly.

“Yes, I’d like the cordon bleu please,” Sango said as the woman smiled and nodded as she wrote that down. “And a Cesar salad.”

“Of course,” she said before turning to Kouga, “and you sir?”

“I’ll have the steak, as rare as you can make it, please.” Kouga said while handing her their menus. The waitress took them with a smile, nodded, and went off to put the menus away and their orders in.

“I thought you preferred raw?” Sango said surprised before sipping her tea. Kouga shrugged and nodded.

“And I’m sure you’re used to seeing someone, youkai or not, eating raw, bloody meat.” Kouga said as Sango sighed and nodded a little. “So, I’ll slowly adjust you to it so when we’re home I can at least eat it there.”

“Alright,” Sango said nodding in agreement. It was only fair that he adjust her to it. Granted, he knew he wasn’t getting a good night kiss out of her with blood dribbling down his chin. “So, do you work during the day like Sesshomaru does? Or are you just inheriting everything with no plan on keeping an eye on it?” Kouga chuckled as he thought.

“I work part time, per say. I work in the family company learning how to take care of it, but I only go in two days out of the week. So for the rest of the week I’m at home working on a computer and keeping the fort down while father goes in. I don’t plan on going in more than those two days when I get the place, if ever.” Kouga explained. “I don’t know why Sesshomaru goes in, he doesn’t need to. Though he does pull a paycheck and everything that is written out for him. He makes about a quarter of the company’s profit.” Sango looked at him surprised.

“So it’s a billion dollar company...” Sango said as she figured out how much he made. “So Sesshomaru makes two hundred fifty million dollars?” Kouga nodded as Sango thought about it.

“He’s been working there for about six years now,” Kouga said, “and knowing Sesshomaru, whose actually a tightwad with money, he’s saved every penny. So he really has about one point five billion.” Sango just slid back in her seat surprised as she thought about it.

“And how much do you have?” she asked curiously. Kouga chuckled.

“Getting greedy there Sango?” Kouga asked amused.

“No, actually now I’m just curious. I mean yeah, Kems has a boat load of money for herself now, but most people I know are paupers compared to you guys.” Sango said honestly. Kouga chuckled and nodded in agreement as he thought.

“My father’s company pays me about a third of what’s made in a year there. It varies from year to year, so last year we made a cool thirteen million dollars, because sales have been going up. It’s hard working against those Kosenjous, hopefully this merger will help. So I made about four million three hundred thousand, give or take a couple thousand.” Kouga said as he thought about it. “I’m sure you’ll have fun at the mall, otherwise it’s hard to spend.” Sango giggled and nodded as she thought about it.

“I wonder what kind of an apartment they’ll pick out,” Sango said as she thought about it.

“Knowing Sesshomaru, he’ll find a house before he finds an apartment.” Kouga said as Sango smirked. “Because also knowing him, he’d like a pup or two sooner or later.” Sango nodded as she thought about it, wondering if Akemi was in her fertile time when they mated the previous night.

“I think that’d be cute, a baby Akemi or Sesshomaru running around. Of course, knowing Akemi he may be a little terror some days, but that’s still a cute thought.” Sango said as she daydreamed a little. Sango was certain that she’d be helping to take care of Akemi and Sesshomaru’s children, merely because she’d love to play with them. Then she’d get her own to play with, which would be more fun cause she’d get to keep them.

“So, what would you like to do after dinner?” Kouga asked her curiously as their food arrived. Sango shrugged as she looked surprised at the large amount of food for her portion.

“I don’t know, what would you like to do?” Sango said as she practically stared at the size of his food stunned. “The portions are very big.”

“Yeah,” he said amused by her face.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to finish this,” Sango said as she nibbled on her food. Kouga chuckled and nodded. “Definitely taking it home for lunch tomorrow.”

“That’ll work, look I’ve provided you with two meals,” he said proudly. Sango smiled and nodded as they both prepared to dig in to their large meals.

They ate for a good portion of an hour, conversing as they ate in hopes to hold their appetites long enough to finish most of the meal. For Sango it didn’t work, though Kouga easily got through his steak by the end. They had her food wrapped up to go and headed outside.

“A movie?” Sango suggested. Kouga nodded as they got in their cars and they headed off.