InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Kagome and Inuyasha ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 18- Kagome and Inuyasha Sitting in a Tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G Finally!
Kagome went home with her mother that afternoon, after meeting with Inuyasha and Izayoi. Her mother was silent and she barely noticed she was in such deep thought. She was sorry for being mad at Inuyasha, she didn’t understand it herself. She had agreed to start over with Inuyasha, that meant moving back into the insanity of Takahashi mansion.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” her mother asked her for the millionth time. Kagome fought not to roll her eyes as she nodded.

“Yes, mama, it is. I want to start over, see if Inuyasha and I can work out. If we can’t, we can’t and we’ll be allowed to part our separate ways, but I want to at least try.” Kagome said as her mother sighed and nodded for the millionth time. Kagome had been confused as to why, when she hugged her, Izayoi had whispered to her to be strong. She now knew what she meant, her mother’s persistent nagging of the subject.

“I just want you to be happy,” her mother said as she drove. At this Kagome did roll her eyes, for her mother’s idea of her happiness almost had her thrown into youkai court and explaining why she wouldn’t return to her mate-to-be’s mansion. Some would have called her sick for leaving in the first place.

“I’m fine now, mama, Inuyasha and I are going to attempt this and we’ll see what happens. If it doesn’t work out I’m not going to be devastated.” Kagome informed her. “That’ll be a decision Inuyasha and I work out together on. Because who knows, maybe we’ll be fine after this and mate and have lots of puppy-eared children.” If she had been looking at the older woman, she would have noticed the look of worry creep across her face. Since all this has started Kagome hasn’t said a word about schooling, and now it was more family talk with Inuyasha. They got back to the shrine and Kagome got out of the car and headed up to her room to pack once more.

“Are you going back?” Souta asked as he walked into Kagome’s room to see her packing. Silently she nodded as she looked around for anything she might have forgotten. “Mama’s freaking out in the kitchen.”

“Of course she is,” Kagome said with a heavy sigh.

“When do you leave?” he asked her softly.

“When I’m ready,” Kagome said softly. “If you want, you can visit you know.” Her brother smiled at her and nodded excitedly as Kagome continued to look around her room.

“So, what are you looking for?” Souta asked confused.

“I’m just double checking myself, though I can always come back and get it or have you bring it when you visit,” Kagome said as she sighed and thought. “But you know me, it’ll drive me crazy until I find it.” Souta laughed and nodded in agreement, mainly that his sister was slightly insane.

After another hour of her family’s questions and demands of happiness before Kagome went insane and decided to get moving. With final hugs and final tears, Kagome pried herself from them and slid into her car. With a heavy sigh and some doubt in the back of her mind, Kagome left the shrine.

The drive was silent, mainly because she didn’t turn on the radio. She thought of everything that has happened that led to this point and sighed as she wondered how she got into this mess. Then it hit her, the matchmaker. A well guarded youkai secret that she had nothing to do with until her name was spoken. Part of her still wished she hadn’t been named, but it was a very small portion compared to the part that was happy she experienced all this.

She pulled up to the mansion to see Inuyasha washing his car, the same thing he was doing when she stormed off. It seemed to be his way of keeping himself preoccupied. He looked up at the sound of her car and smiled at her weakly as she got out. She smiled back as he walked up to her and hugged her tightly.

“Welcome back,” he said softly as he inhaled her scent happily. He had missed this scent. Kagome smiled as they parted and looked at each other. “The others have missed you, already mother’s planning on how to get you home.” Kagome smiled and shrugged as he moved to the trunk of her car. She opened it and watched as he grabbed her bags. “We’ll get you settled before moving everything and getting into an argument about where they all go and such.”

“Alright,” Kagome said happily as they headed inside. They stashed her things in their room and headed down to find the others. Izayoi and Akemi were in the living room with magazines and such to plan the small-ish party Izayoi was planning to celebrate Sesshomaru and Akemi’s mating. Both females happily hugged and welcomed Kagome back warmly.

“So, Kagome, everything’s alright now?” Izayoi asked curiously. Kagome smiled and nodded as she sat with Inuyasha and felt him squeeze her hand. “Good, Inuyasha was quite irritable when you left.” Akemi giggled and nodded in agreement as Kagome looked at him surprised. Inuyasha just flushed bright red as he looked away grumbling.

“So, Akemi, when did you guys finally mate?” Kagome asked curiously.

“After I got done talking with you, Sango and I got back here and she went home to prepare for a date or something with Kouga and I came upstairs and it was one of those one thing led to another kind of thing.” Akemi said as Kagome smiled and nodded. With that Kagome stood up and pulled Akemi along with her. Izayoi chuckled as Inuyasha looked at their retreating forms confused.

“Wait...what the fuck?” Inuyasha said before getting up.

“Don’t you dare,” Izayoi said as he looked at her, “ and your language. Allow Akemi and Kagome to talk, she doesn’t know much about this life and Akemi knows everything. And now that she’s mated, I’m sure Kagome’s got plenty of questions to ask her.” Inuyasha grumbled as his mother pulled him down next to her. “Now relax, before you know it Sesshomaru and your father will be home from the store and you can have Kagome back, because trust me, Sesshomaru will want Akemi to himself like he has for the past three days.” Inuyasha sighed and nodded in agreement as he thought about it.

It took a few more hours before Sesshomaru and his father returned home, though no one knew where they went or what they bought, as they returned with no bags or receipt. And as predicted, Sesshomaru said a passing hello to Kagome and kidnapped his mate to their room again. Kagome giggled as she watched before being welcomed back by Seiji and allowing her and Inuyasha to run off together.

Inuyasha and Kagome headed out to the gardens to talk and just spend time together. When she was there before, they believe, one of their problems was lack of communication and time spent together. This was because Inuyasha was off with his father and half brother figure shit out for himself and his mate-to-be and because Kagome was always off with the girls. In the end they didn’t communicate nearly as well as they probably should have.

“So, how was being home?” Inuyasha asked her softly. He really hoped she had been miserable and couldn’t wait to return to him.

“It was alright, mama was more happy than I was that I came home. But I think I needed that to clear my head and be able to think semi-reasonably.” Kagome said as he smiled and nodded as he thought about it. “How have you been? You look exhausted.”

“I’m fine, just missed you,” he said sheepishly as Kagome blushed with him and held his hand. They walked further and came upon a tree that had grown in an unusual sense. There was a branch that came up then went to the right sharply, looking kind of like a seat, and then up again. They climbed in it and relaxed, Kagome’s head resting on Inuyasha’s shoulder as his arm slid around her from behind. Nothing could have been better at the moment for either of them.

What the young couple didn’t know was that everyone was on their balconies watching as they wandered the garden and sat together on the tree branch. Really they were watching to see if the two kiss and makeup. Not that it necessarily mattered, but it was something for Seiji and Sesshomaru to make fun of Inuyasha with and something Akemi and Izayoi could fawn over later.

It was fairly bright out, despite the midnight velvet sky surrounding them, with the full moon floating lazily in the sky. The stars twinkled like diamonds as they relaxed together. Normally they’d be worried someone would interrupt them and embarrass them in someway. Tonight they didn’t really care, they just wanted to be together.

“This is worse than a movie,” Akemi muttered to Sesshomaru as they watched. He only silently nodded as the young couple before them...well...down in the garden below them just remained silent and still.

“At least in the movies, there was something going on,” Sesshomaru whispered back. He and Akemi snorted and giggled together as they watched, no one really paying them any mind.

Inuyasha knew they were being watched, just the feeling of four sets of eyes was on the back of his head. He tended to attempt to ignore it while with Kagome, but it was getting hard now that they were making comments. He had rolled his eyes at Sesshomaru and Akemi’s comments. But he didn’t get to them, he was very happy and not much would bring him down at the moment. Maybe the next time he and Kagome got into a fight.

“It’s so peaceful,” Kagome said with a sigh. Inuyasha chuckled and nodded, his head gently rubbing against hers. “No more fights?”

“Well,” Inuyasha said as he thought about it, “no more over stupid shit.” Kagome giggled and looked up at him amused. The glint in her eyes had not gone unnoticed by Inuyasha. Slowly they leaned towards each other, eyes slowly closing, and gently their lips touched. Akemi and Izayoi were heard gasping and giggling at them their males rolled their eyes. When they parted, both blushed and smiled at each other.

“Kagome and Inuyasha sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes puppies in the baby carriage!” Akemi and Izayoi shouted making the two blush further.

><><><><><><><& gt;<><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><>< ;><><><><><><

Yes, Inuyasha and Kagome are finally back together. Only took...what?...chapter 6 to now, and this is chapters? I dunno, a long time. But what can I say? Kagome knows how to hold a grudge here.


shahirah abal - Thank you for the Sesshy plushie! Thank you for reading and your comments!^_^

sailor-saturn550 - Thank you!

DepressedxSoulxWaiting - You have reviewed so many times, thank you!

FaiaTenshi - Thank you!

Jessica - Thanks, I dunno if it’s the best, but it’s great hearing it!

OcGoddess - Thank you!

brokenchaos - Thank you!

dewrose - Thank you!

Heather - Thank you!

You’re all the reason this story continues, and all the other readers out there who don’t post but still enjoy reading it. Thank you for making my story so popular, you’re my reason for writing. Hopefully it’s being updated at a pace perfect for you. Enjoy all and keep those reviews coming!