InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate -- The Sequel ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to keep writing ‘Mate’ and thank you for the courage and the push to write a sequel. I honestly don’t know how long this is going to be so I’m just winging it. Here is the long awaited sequel that you all wanted…

But if you have not read ‘Mate’, then I suggest you go and read it or you probably won’t understand.

Chapter One

Kagome was happy. More than happy. She had always imagined a life with Inuyasha , imagined having him care-free with her, nothing holding him back. And that was everyday of her life now. She’d made the Feudal Era her home, along with Inuyasha—and he’d accepted her with open arms when he’d come to grips with his Demon side. His Demon side rarely came out; after, she guessed, getting what it needed; but she knew it lurked inside of him still. She caught glimpses of Him when Inuyasha took her body, but he was satisfied.

While his Demon was calm, if you could call him calm, around her, he was almost hostile towards anyone else. No one would come near him when he was in his Demon form and his Demon would allow no other person around her. Possessive, anyone?

Not that she minded.  

She was looking forward to the day when they could have a home together. A real home, a place for just the two of them. Right now they traveled too much, trying to find the remaining Jewel shards. With Naraku finally defeated and Kikyo laid to rest, there was nothing but the Jewel shards to hold them back. When that final battle was finished, then and only then would they have a home to call their own.

She glanced up at the night sky and ran her hands through her wet hair, squeezing out the excess water. Her body was fully healed and there wasn’t a scratch, there wasn’t a bruise to tell of what she had been through with Inuyasha’s Demon. It had taken a while for her to calm Miroku and Sango, to explain to them that she was alright.

Sango’s worry had brought about another one of her own. Was she pregnant? It had been what, almost a year since Inuyasha had claimed her, since his Demon had marked her as his own? She ran her hands down her smooth, flat stomach and paused. It was amazing that she hadn’t gotten pregnant. As many times as Inuyasha’s Demon had made sure that she took every drop of his seed, it didn’t make sense that she wasn’t pregnant. It wasn’t as if she didn’t want a baby. Yea, she knew it was dangerous right, especially considering how much they traveled. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was barren but she pushed that thought aside. The last time she had went to the Doctor in her world, her Mother had put her on birth control. That had been a long, long time ago but she’d been fertile then—very much so fertile.

Not that she didn’t want a baby. She kind of did.

She ducked beneath the water again, closing her eyes as she washed the excess soap off her body before she came up for air. Warm hands caught her shoulders and cool, soft lips caught hers. She recognized them instantly and lifted her hands, sliding them up into the thick, silvery hair. “God, I love you, Inuyasha.” Kagome whispered against his lips.

This was more than she could ever have dreamed of, more than she could ever have wanted. As his lips moved over hers, she felt his hands move lower on her hips and then he bent his knees. His hands cupped the back of her thighs and lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist. Even though he was still fully clothed she could feel the long, hot and hard length of his cock pressing up against her. She pulled back, laughing softly. “Inuyasha, you’re getting your clothes wet.”

He chuckled. “And? It’s not like they won’t dry.” Besides, the water only reached his thighs. A little water never hurt anyone. He gripped her thighs tighter, pulled her closer and thrust his hips, grinding. “Dammit, Kagome.” He groaned at the feel, his cock throbbing.

“It’s not my fault that you’re insatiable.” Kagome teased, her fingers flexing as a shudder raced through her body. God, that felt good.

“Eh, wench, it is your fault.” It was her fault for looking at him like she did every day. It was her fault for being so damn sexy. It was her fault for making him love her so damn much. Hell, he just couldn’t get enough of her. “Someday we’ll have a place of our own to do this…” Not to mention a real bed. A blanket under the stars didn’t count and a bed in someone else’s Hut didn’t count.

“I don’t care, Inuyasha. I have you, thats all that matters.” Kagome murmured as she tweaked one of his dog ears, caressing the soft tip.

“I can think of something else that matters…” Inuyasha murmured. He tightened his hands on her hips and moved her subtly over him, letting her feel the thick length through his clothing. “I think it matters a lot…” He shifted his hold and gripped her thighs again and then bit her neck teasingly. “Don’t let go.” He muttered as he released one of her thighs. His hand moved between them and then his cock was springing free, thick and heavy between them.

He heard the instant hitch in her breathing and smelled the arousal that filled her body. Her scent was like no other. A heady, sweet scent that rose, teasing his senses. It seemed as if it had been forever since he’d last been in her body. Forever being just this morning. Hot and quick. Kagome was a little shy, still, about Miroku and Sango knowing. Oh, they knew alright, but Kagome found it a little embarrassing that they knew when it was going on…Inuyasha almost smiled. Humans. But he tried to keep it private for Kagome’s sake. Sure, he didn’t want anyone else watching them—or seeing Kagome naked for that matter—but it drove him crazy waiting till Miroku and Sango were asleep, much less away.

Kagome felt the heavy slide of Inuyasha’s cock between them, moving, searching and then she felt the thick head press against her wet body. Her heart was thundering in her ears as she felt his hands settle over her hips again and then he pushed her down. She dropped her head, her forehead resting against his shoulder as he steadily pushed, forcing the thick length into her body at a slow, steady pace as he just stood there. Holding her. The feeling never got old. It was hot and heavy, a sensual seductive feeling that left her body hot and burning for more. Finally, finally he thrust deep, the head butting up inside her. She could feel every vein, every hard throb that pulsed in her insides.

She shifted her hold and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her arms tangling in his hair. It took her a moment to realize that he was still fully clothed while she was completely naked. “Inuyasha.” She whispered, her voice slightly muffled by the press of her lips against his shoulder. “Take off your clothes.”

“I will. Just not now.” Because he wasn’t going to stop. Hell if he was going to pause just to take off his clothes. He lifted her slowly, pleasure racing through his veins at the slow, hot feel of her tight body releasing his. “Jesus, so fucking tight.” He gritted out through his teeth. He lifted her slowly before pulling her back down, her body sucking in every inch.

Going slow was an option. He wasn’t scared of hurting her. His Demon side had proved that. Going slow was meant to tease. Going slow was a different side, one that was meant for a different kind of pleasure. The sensual slide of each slow thrust proved that, almost—almost—just as pleasurable. But not quite. He didn’t realize how erotic it could feel to hold a completely naked Kagome in his arms while he was still fully clothed. He wouldn’t mind doing this more often.

Inuyasha thrust over and over. Slow, heated upward strokes that filled her body before he left her empty. His hips rocked, his ass bunching every time he moved. Kagome tightened her arms around his shoulders and rocked her hips. When he thrust up she lowered her hips, meeting him halfway, taking him. He groaned at the move and she repeated it. The thrust of his hips became less pronounced as she started moving on her own, though he didn’t stop completely. She could move easily in this position, up and down and he held her. “Inuyasha…” Kagome whispered, rocking her hips over him, taking the slow thrust into her body again.

She lifted her head, watching as his eyes opened. It didn’t surprise her, no shock, as she caught glimpses of red veins at the corners of his eyes. That was his Demon, always there on the edge. It was as if the two had bonded, especially at times like this. She could see Him in Inuyasha’s eyes, watching her, but there in the background none the less. He was always content to stay in the dark now. “I love you both.” She whispered.

“Ah…fuck, Kagome, I love you, too…” Shit, she was always so tight. Gripping him, rippling around him. He widened his stance in the water and felt the sand shift beneath him, his feet sinking a little deeper before he stood firm again. Inuyasha gripped her hips tighter and thrust up hard, his cockhead butting up high and hard inside of her. She gasped, the sound music to his ears. “Like that, Kagome. Just like this.” He thrust again, hard, thrusting deep and heavy so that she gasped again and moaned. “God, I love hearing you.” He grunted out as he started thrusting his hips forward and up, keeping a tight grip on her so she didn’t shift or slip away from him. Sometimes he could take her slow and come just like that. Sometimes he couldn’t. This was one of those times.

Before long he was thrusting up into her at a hard, heavy rhythm. Through the pleasure tearing through his veins he could feel her clinging to him, her cries muffled against his neck as he slammed into her. The water rippled around his thighs and her calves with each movement. Her cries of pleasure alone could drive him to release but he held his back, swearing as he fought it. He didn’t want to come before she did. But she was close. He always knew when she was close. Ah fuck—“Kagome.” His head fell back as he hissed her name through clenched teeth and started slamming up into her. He thrust and thrust, felt the heaviness of his balls rocking as he took her.

He thrust and held, his body freezing as he lodged deep inside her. His senses locked, homed in on the scent rising up from her body. It was more powerful than her arousal and his body tensed, visually shaking as it took hold of everything. It was strong, calling out to his body. Jesus—Kagome was fertile. His senses homed in on the one egg inside of her body, ready but so dangerous. One egg was precious but weak. Not likely to form fully.

Something stirred inside him at the knowledge that her body held one fertile egg. The chance that he could fill her with his sperm, see his child grow in her body. Grow heavy with any child of his. But one egg…A savage need rose up and a snarl filled his mind.

‘Let me.’ The familiar snarl filled his mind. It wasn’t a request. It was a demand. His Demon hadn’t made a full appearance since he’d come to realize He meant Kagome no harm. Inuyasha didn’t fully understand why the Demon wanted out now, not until he roared at his insides, struggling to surface. He wanted to take Kagome; He wanted to fill her with his sperm until it was impossible for her not to be carrying his seed. He would take no chances, not when her body was fertile. ‘Let me.’ It was a savage, brutal need that filled his insides and Inuyasha didn’t even stand a chance of stopping Him, even if he’d wanted. One moment he was there and then the next, darkness engulfed him.

“Oh God, Inuyasha, move.” Kagome whispered, begging. Her body was so close. She really hated when he did that. She didn’t consider that a tease—it was torture. She rocked her hips, ignoring the biting pain of his claws in her hips. He moved closer, his cloth clad chest pressing against her breasts. His hands slid down and around, cupping her ass and hauling her body flush against his. She swore he went deeper, throbbing harder inside of her.


The subtle, soft growl filled her ear and she jerked her head up at the word “Mate”. Inuyasha didn’t call her Mate—his Demon did. Shock filtered through her at the sight of his Demon. His crimson eyes stared at her, heated, filled with lust and the demon markings marked each cheek. She wasn’t scared, no. She just didn’t understand why or how his Demon had come out. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized—knew—what he wanted. It was evident from the hard throb inside her body, obvious from the thickening of his cock inside her. His Demon was stronger and just like before, his cock threatened to tear her body apart.

But it was far from pain.

She knew what she was in for. His Demon was more violent than Inuyasha—nothing about him was slow or gentle. Her eyes widened as he jerked her harder against him again. It didn’t matter that he was deep inside her; he just ground himself against her and started walking towards the shore line. Her tongue slid over her lips and his crimson eyes followed the movement. The moment they reached the shore line he sank to his knees and dropped her onto her back. He followed; his body flush against hers and then started thrusting—slamming into her body at a hard, steady pace.

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