InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate -- The Sequel ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Five

He could feel the rage pooled deep, pushing his lust to a higher level. He needed his Mate, his Kagome, to bare his child. It was an ache, a lust that tore apart his body from the inside, that he wanted to howl from the agony—from the desire that he HAD to.

Kagome stared up into his blood red eyes and she swore she saw crimson flames burning behind the blue irises. “Oh, Inuyasha…” She whispered. Her body was still rippling with aftershocks from the orgasm. No, his demon wouldn’t hurt her.  But he might very well likely kill her with sex. She could barely move as it was and he’d already taken her twice. Just twice? She shivered and ran a hand through his silky silver hair.

Her knees burned from scrubbing the ground. “Inuyasha, it’s alright. It’ll happen…” She whispered, trying to soothe his Demon’s fire, whatever was driving him to this length. “It’ll happen…”

And he thrust into her again before she’d even finished the sentence. It didn’t hurt this time, not with his seed and her own arousal easing the way. He thrust hard and heavy, his hips slamming against hers and grinding, halting her words. She cried out, her fingers twisting in his hair from the movement. Shock filtered through her. She could feel him in her, thick and heavy, throbbing with intensity. God, he’d already come twice. All in under an hour and he was ready again?

He wasn’t giving her time to stop and think, to even get over that shock before he was thrusting again. It didn’t seem possible that he could keep going, that he just could, but he was. His hips recoiled and thrust, forcing his cock into her body over and over again at a hard, furious pace. He thrust over and over, his thoughts pouring into hers with each thrust, each slam of his hips.

He wasn’t stopping until she carried his pup. If it took all night, weeks…more…She would take him over and over…

His hands fisted in her hair, gripping tight and jerking her head back so that she was staring up at him as his face twisted and contorted with pleasure. ‘Watch me, Mate. My Mate…our child…’

She stared up at him as he thrust into her, felt his cock go deep with each heavy jerk. She watched his crimson eyes nearly close as he moved, his hair nearly covering the jagged stripes on his cheek. She watched him as if in slow motion. She could feel him pounding away into her but above, his face moved slowly, his hair moving inches with his body. It was so…pleasure hummed through her body, hot and heavy where they were connected.

“Inuyasha…” Kagome gasped, her arms wrapping around his shoulders as her body burned beneath his. He growled against her shoulder and his thrust intensified, digging her body into the ground beneath her. With each thrust she felt another jolt in her body, her very veins…”Inuyasha…” She whispered as white hot heat tore through her body, nearly sending her into another climax.

His head jerked up, his crimson eyes staring down at her intently as he stopped thrusting, his body buried deep in hers. All he did was stared down at her before a low hiss escaped, a deep rumble from his chest. Her cheeks burned, her body on the verge of climax and she didn’t understand…why. He. Had. Stopped. The heat in her body intensified and then she could feel her body hurtling towards another climax without him even moving.

She heard him growl through her climax, gripping her hips as she cried out her name. It was fast and brutal, clamping her body around his and then he wasn’t even there anymore…Her eyes flew open as her body contracted around nothing, but still the white hot heat was there, the ecstasy as her body struggled to come down from the high. Through blurred vision she saw him hit barrier, his body slamming up against it before he slid down.

And all the while those hot, crimson eyes stared at her. Hotter than before. Scorching. She didn’t understand…she moved and gasped at the pleasure before it faded just as quick and then…She jerked her head up—she could feel his eyes on her. Something was…wrong. Her cheeks were hot, her body like liquid as she rolled up onto her knees…and lifted her hand. And stared. Her nails were sharp, like claws and…She lifted her hand to her burning cheeks and she didn’t have to see it to know. She saw her image reflected back at her through Inuyasha’s eyes.

She looked the same except for those jagged streaks on her cheeks—exactly like Inuyasha’s. Need rose up, thick and heavy, tearing through her body. But more than that, the need to Mate. The need to fuck and be dominated…to dominate…She took a step back, shocked to hear the growl rumbling in her throat, as Inuyasha stalked towards her.

Gods…something had changed her. Inuyasha had changed her…somehow.

She rose to her feet and took another step back, her eyes never leaving Inuyasha as he continued towards her. The thought was there in her mind—defiance. Not for spite, but because he had to prove himself. And she wanted to see that. The fight, the hard push to own her…

She was in shock but the desire over road that. Inuyasha over road that because she could feel the lust coursing through him when he saw her. Realized that she was no longer human—for now.

She never even saw him move. All she felt was the heat of his body behind her, his hand on the back of her neck as he pushed her to her hands and knees. The hand at the back of her neck pushed her cheek to the ground as he dropped his body over her back, his cock riding against her ass cheeks.

‘Mine. Mate.’

His words were a snarl, inside and out, a soothing caress—ownership.

She could feel the pride in him, the thought that he’d proved his right to her. But she broke his hold with a swift twist of her head and rolled from beneath him. She knew she’d never have been able to do that if she’d been human…She still couldn’t take it in that she somehow had his Demon blood running through her body.

As she stood she could feel his seed trickle down her thighs and his gaze was instantly drawn. A snarl ripped from his chest and he launched himself at her. She twisted, moving to the side. His hand twisted in her hair, a brutal hold as he jerked her backwards so that her back came up against his chest. One arm wrapped around her stomach and the other around her shoulders, efficiently locking her against his body.


Instantly she felt it. The knowledge, the satisfaction that he’d proven himself to her, beaten her, and all in a manner of minutes. She could feel the sudden strength leaving her and her body sank against his, the intense feeling of being human filling her once again.

He spun her around, his hands cupping her face, careful of his claws and then he was slanting his mouth over hers. She could feel his curved fangs dangerously close but never pricking as his tongue speared into her mouth, kissing her senseless before he growled into her mouth. He did that a lot, she realized. And then his hands were sliding down, cupping her shoulders. He pushed her down and her mouth went dry as she realized what he wanted. What he was going to do.

He didn’t wait. With his hands fisted in her hair again and his cock pointed directly towards her, he slammed her head down onto his cock. Her mouth opened over him but he was going deep, all the way.


‘Until I come, Mate. Until I fill you with my seed. Until. You. Carry. My. Pups.’ Inuyasha snarled the words into her mind as he tossed his head back at the hot feel of her mouth and throat enclosing him. It wasn’t like the other times he’d fucked her mouth. No, this time he wanted her upright. He could go deeper, her throat tighter this way.

He relished the sounds she made as he thrust into her mouth, as he jerked her head forward to meet him. The gags, the tight clasp of her throat as it expanded to take him. His hips worked back and forth, his thick cock sliding in and out of her mouth at a fast pace. But he had to watch her. Feeling her hands, her nails on his thighs weren’t enough.

He forced his eyes open and peered down, watching as his cock stretched her lips before disappearing into her hot, waiting mouth. Over and over, his cock glistened as it sank deep. God, each gag she made, each cough turned him on more. And he loved her all the more because she took him. Her mouth was heaven, almost as good as the rest of her body but nothing was as perfect as the place between her thighs. That—was his and his alone. His haven.

He thrust again and held deep, letting her feel the warning pulse of his cock deep in her throat. His head fell back again, his eyes sliding closed as he just held there. He felt her swallow and groaned as her throat contracted around him from the movement.

He had to have her. Now.

He jerked his cock back so fast that she gasped, sucking air into her lungs and almost falling back. He caught her and sank to the ground with her, her thighs cushioning his. He spread them wide, his hands cupping the back of her thighs as he held them up and then he was thrusting into the wet, hot heat of her body again.


Sorry it's taking me so long. Been really busy and I just haven't had time to write anything. I'm trying to finish this for you guys, since I did start it after all and I know everyone is loving this! Thank you all so much! I know I tend to write stories, get them going and then not finish...but I'm working on it! Lol. I'm going to try to finish this for you  guys but I have another story in my mind, well, another couple that is just begging for me to write them...Kouga and Kagome...just trying to think of a story line. But I hope you liked this chapter. ^__^

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