InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate -- The Sequel ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Four

Stupid woman. She was the most beautiful, the most strongest—she was HIS. How many times would he have to prove that he would never—never—hurt her? The old hag would have to be dealt with, filling his Mate’s head with such lies. He was tired of people coming between what was his. What was his was his Mate. Her body. His body was in such a painful state, so aroused, that he’d nearly come from touching her alone when he jerked her against him.

How dare she make him wait?

Inuyasha growled, his head falling back at the tight clasp of her body around his. How dare they stop him when he’d been so close to impregnating his Mate. No one would stop him now. He wouldn’t even stop himself. Not until his seed had taken route in her body. He was taking no chances…He gripped her hips and braced his feet on the ground and settled into a long, hard ride against the globes of his Mates ass.

Kagome was still struggling to accept the thick, hard flesh that had thrust into her body. But just like that, he was thrusting into her heavily, his hips slamming against her ass. She braced her hands against the grass, her fingers twisting in the uprooted ground. Kaede had warned her not to go near him, not even to let him see her but the old woman just didn’t seem to understand that Kagome could feel what Inuyasha was feeling. And Kagome was just a human. Those emotions nearly drove her to her knees.

But she knew her life was on the line. As desperate as his Demon was, his sex drive would be even more so. The need to impregnate her…

She gave a muffled scream as he suddenly shifted and then his cock was thrusting into her ass. She stiffened as his thick cock tunneled deep, driving deep and still he didn’t stop. He was thrusting heavily, his hips withdrawing and thrusting. Hard. Deep.

‘Me. You’ll only think of me, Mate.’ He snarled into her mind.

She gave a muffled sob from the pain, from the pleasure. It was a mixture of both; he’d done it because her mind had been wandering. And now she had to take it. One hand slid down her back, his claws teasing her flesh as he slammed into her ass and then his fingers twisted in her hair. He pulled her head back first, his hand fisted in her hair, and then pulled further back so that she was leaning up and then her back was pressed against his chest. He kept his grip in her hair and then slid the hand left at her hip down over her stomach and then between her thighs. He cupped her as his thrusts roughened, shaking her body. He thrust two fingers into her body, claiming her aching body even as his cock claimed her ass.

He thrust his fingers in time with his cock, filling her in both so that she was sobbing from the unfamiliar emotions. She cried out as he jerked his fingers out, cupping her right hip again and then he was thrusting his cock into her pussy again. He was thrusting hard, slamming into her body. His thoughts were filtering in. They were twisted, broken. The pleasure he was feeling was insane and hot. He’d never felt anything near this and the pleasure intensified as the seed boiled up from his balls, pushing up through the base of his cock.

Her body clenched down on his as she realized he was about to come. His thrusts were growing desperate, pushing his body harder and faster towards climax. She moaned, crying out as he started thrusting desperately, frenzied. She forced her eyes open as she heard a small pop and then the sound of sizzling flesh. He’d slammed one palm up against the barrier as he thrust, bracing his hand against it. The barrier was burning his palm but he barely noticed. And then he gave a hard, brutal thrust that had her feet leaving the ground and then he was cumming. She felt the hot pulse of his seed feeling her. Thick and heavy, so hot and wet. She cried out as his cock pulsed, forcing more and more of hot liquid into her body. He didn’t move once as he released inside her, just let it all go directly inside of her in a hot, heated jet.

He didn’t move until his cock stopped pulsing, until ever jet of seed had left his body. Even then, he didn’t pull out. His body was still too hard, still high on the pleasure that boiled his blood. And he was still so damn hard. It was too soon to sense any life in her body. Hours. He wasn’t stop, he wasn’t taking any chances. And he wasn’t leaving her body.


His voice was hoarse, a deep growl that was so fucking hot that she felt her body flex around his. He growled again and cupped her hips as he sank to his knees, pulling her body down with his. He pressed on the back of her neck insistently until she was leaving forward, bracing her hands against the ground. The moment her hands touched the ground he withdrew and thrust forward. He was slow, moving in and out and she could feel his hot gaze on their joined bodies. The thought that he was watching as her body took his sent a surge of heat coursing through her body, a flood of arousal to fill her body.

Her body was already hot and wet, slick, from his seed so that it was easy. She knew from experience so it wasn’t a shock that he was hard and ready after just cumming. He hadn’t even paused. The next thrust was a little harder than the last, his balls rocking forward against her pussy. His thrusts were slowly increasing until finally, not even minutes later; he was thrusting into her again at a heavy pace. The slap of flesh was loud in her ears, his grunts faint in her ears. Her breast hung heavy as he thrust, forcing her body into a slow hum of arousal so that she was clenching around him, tightening.

The next thrust had her coming. She cried out, her arms buckling. She sank forward so that her forearms were braced against the ground. Her body was still strewn tight from earlier, sensitive from his seed and the heavy thrusts that he had forced into her body so it didn’t take long. It tore through her, her body rippling around his.

Inuyasha roared at the first ripple that clenched down on his slamming cock. The feel of her coming around him nearly drove him insane with pleasure. He rose over her higher and started slamming into her, moving hard and fast so that he nearly lost the rhythm. He hunched half over her back, one knee scraping the ground while he crooked the other up, his foot flat against the ground to give himself better leverage against her body as he thrust. Why she had tried to stop him to begin with, he would never understand. The pleasure he could give her…She was his Mate. It didn’t matter.

He could feel his seed tearing up through his cock again, thickening him, pushing her body to further limits until he started thrusting heavily again. He growled heavily as he felt the first hot spurt. He didn’t hold still like last time. He kept thrusting as his body erupted in hers. He thrust hard, forcing each heavy spurt deep. That intensified the pleasure tearing through his balls and cock. His seed was still spewing out when he slowed, his mind searching out…

He growled savagely and flipped her over onto her back, his eyes burning as he stared into hers. They weren’t done. He still didn’t feel a spark of life. Almost…almost.

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