InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Have never, do not and will never own the series.
A.N: I'm currently working on a fanfic but suddenly out of the blue I felt very naughty and whipped something up. This is my first lemon, so please enjoy.
His hair whipped through the wind as he ran, practically flew through the dark city. It was nearly one in the morning and the pissed half demon had other things on his mind than the time.
`This has gone on far too long! How dare she doubt me! Doesn't she know that I love her only?'
By the time he reached her apartment, his eyes were slightly red as his demon side slowly emerged, telling him to claim his mate once and for all. The door was not locked and he pushed it open roughly. He was greeted with a dark living room. His sharp senses picked the sobbing of a woman coming from the bedroom.
`Mate upset. Mate crying. Calm mate.'
By now his eyes were fully tainted with crimson, with blue irises. He rushed towards the bedroom, and flung the door open.
A raven haired woman sat on the edge of a king sized bed, sobbing her eyes out. Her luscious curves were covered by a flimsy nightgown. Her long perfect legs were bare and were dangling from the bed. She raised her dark blue eyes towards him and gasped. Ignoring the fact that his demon side had obviously taken over, she stood up, her hands on her hips and started yelling at him, her tears forgotten.
“Go to hell, Inuyasha! I hate you! How dare you show up, after making out with that whore, Kikyo! We are through! Get out!”
Inuyasha snarled, `Bitch needs to learn her place!' In a flash, he had her pinned to the wall.
It was then that Kagome realized that her tears had awakened his demon side; he was acting on his instincts now.
“Submit bitch!”
Dog demons, male ones were known to be extremely dominant. If their bitches did not submit to them, they were known to kill them. While dating, Inuyasha had explained to Kagome about all this so that she knew how to handle his demon side, if ever roused.
Kagome whimpered and bared her neck in submission. The demon Inuyasha growled in approval, and bent forward to lick her neck in acceptance. What he next did startled Kagome. Instead of backing away, like he should have, he closed the distance between them and started licking and nipping at her neck. Placing small bites, he would soothe them with his tongue.
Unintentionally Kagome moaned, moving her head to the side, exposing more of her neck. This pleased the demon, who purred in satisfaction.
Kagome's eyes widened. Had she heard correctly?
“Mate. Mine. My bitch. Good bitch.”
Before Kagome could form a response to that, the demon Inuyasha flipped her around. Now she was facing the wall.
`What is he doing?'
She got her answer to that as soon as she heard a loud rip and her nightgown fell to her feet in a heap. Now she was completely bare to him. But instead of panicking, as should have been done in this kind of situation, she started getting more aroused than she already was.
She started panting as Inuyasha started placing open-mouthed wet kisses on her back. Suddenly, he tossed her onto the bed. Before Kagome could recover from the sudden shock, she found her hands tied to the bedpost.
`What the hell?'
She looked at the demon, hovering above her. Though his eyes were crimson, she could see that he had managed some control over his youkai side.
“You're my mate. After tonight, any male who touches you dies. Nobody fucks you but me, got that bitch?”
Kagome nodded dumbly. Her arousal grew with his every word. She had only been with one man before and he had been a very disappointing lover. She liked rough sex, while he had held her as a delicate doll.
Within a flash, Inuyasha was on top of her body, totally nude. He crushed his mouth to hers in a bruising feral kiss. Kagome responded, just as fiercely and possessively. Lifting himself up on his forearms, he managed enough distance for her to see and appreciate his tanned muscular chest. His frame was lean and firm and incredibly mouth watering. Her hands itched to touch his chest.
Suddenly she realized where his smoldering gaze was located. On her chest. He was gazing at her large breasts, hungrily, like he wanted to devour them. A small blush started forming on her face, as Inuyasha kept staring at her breast. Suddenly, he buried his face in them and started licking around them. Kagome moaned. Inch by inch, he got closer to her nipples and they hardened in anticipation.
“Seems like you want something bitch. Tell me what you want.”
Kagome started to say something but whatever it was turned into a moan as Inuyasha started licking her breasts like ice-cream but purposely avoiding her nipples. Kagome groaned in frustration,
“Inu….Yasha. Ple….please….”
Inuyasha looked at his bitch who was whining and writhing beneath him.
“Say it bitch! That's it! Beg me!”
Kagome whimpered and gasped for air as his hand brushed against her core.
“Please. Suck me.”
Inuyasha grinned ferally.
“Do you want me to suck your tits or your pussy. Or I can do both. If you want me to suck you tits, start begging bitch.”
Kagome whimpered, “Pl…Please. I'm begging you! I'll do anything. Just suck `em!”
Inuyasha obliged and started sucking her nipples brutally like a babe denied milk. Kagome whimpered in pain and pleasure as he bit her nipples hard enough to draw blood. But instead of frightening her, it only succeeded in making her more horny.
As Inuyasha suckled at her breast more vigorously, his hand dipped towards her core and brushed it teasingly. Kagome drew in a harsh breath. Not paying her pleas any attention, Inuyasha switched to the other breast, kneading and twisting her other nipple.
Leaning back, he looked at her flushed form and a dirty idea came into his mind. He untied her hands, and stepped back.
“Pleasure yourself.”
It was not a request, but a command and Kagome got more wet She was too far gone to blush at his order. Instead she nodded obediently and lay back on her bed. One hand strayed to her breast as she started twisting it and pinching it very violently. Inuyasha sat across the room, watching her, as her other hand strayed to her pussy, and she thrust one finger in. Moaning lightly, she started pumping it in and out slowly. Another finger was added and she started panting as she pumped more violently.
Another finger entered her drenched pussy, which was not her own. It too started pumping wildly. His other finger crammed itself into her, as she gasped and cried, this time in pain as she was stretched. Her orgasm soon followed. She took out her fingers but Inuyasha had other plans, he added his other two fingers, stretching her more. She moaned more violently.
“Do you like it Bitch? Do you want me to cram more fingers in your tight box? How many fingers do you think it can hold?”
Kagome gasped as he started pushing the fingers in and out very violently. The pain caused her arousal to heighten.
“Squeeze your breasts.”
Kagome did as she was told.
“Listen carefully bitch! You're going to call me master. I'm your Master.”
Kagome gasped.
“Say it! Who am I?”
“M-My M-Master!”
Inuyasha purred approvingly.
“That's right. When you come, you're gonna scream who I am! Now cum!”
Pumping his fingers into her tight pussy with demonic speed Inuyasha saw her face contort in pleasure, as she screamed, “MASTER!”
As her orgasm passed, Kagome's breathing had hardly come back to normal, when she was flipped on her hands and knees and four fingers were added to her pussy from behind.
“Do you like being finger fucked bitch? Does my Bitch like it?”
Kagome whispered, in a gasping voice, “Y-yes Master.”
“Do you want me to do it again, Bitch?”
Kagome whimpered, “P-please Master.”
Inuyasha pumped twice into her pussy before stopping, and asking.
“What do you think I should do with you bitch?”
“As you please Master.”
Kagome found herself enjoying his game. She liked a male who proved his dominance over her. The sudden thrusting from behind raised her pleasure to very high levels as she screamed for her Master, loudly as she came.
“If you liked this, bitch, then you'll most certainly like this.”
Inuyasha bound her hands in front of her, so that though she could lean on her forearms, she could not touch him, as he had his way with her.
To be continued…..
A.N: I know this sucked But if you think its okay and that I should finish it please say so.