InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I won! I won! The series are mine! This paper in my hand proves it! Oh wait. *growls* Those bastards! So they think they can fool me !
A.N:I read your reviews. I didn't know it was that good.
Chapter 3
Kagome woke up blearily. Dark blue eyes met beautiful amber ones. Inuyasha looked at his mate lovingly.
“Mornin' ”
Kagome stared at him apprehensively. She wanted to ask him but she was scared of his response.
Inuyasha could sense his mate's nervousness, and he rolled over so that she was on top of him. “What's wrong?”
Lying sprawled on his chest Kagome chose to focus on his ears rather than his eyes. Suddenly, she saw the drooping of his ears, “Kagome, are you mad about yesterday? I know I should have asked you whether you wanted to be my mate, but I….I lost control.”
Kagome gaped at him and then very slowly asked him, “So……we…..mated ……yesterday?”
Inuyasha ears drooped even more till they were flat against his head. To Kagome's amazement, a soft whimper started to come out of his mouth, “I wanted to ask you yesterday, but that slut threw herself at me, and then you ran. I guess my demon took control then….”
Kagome gasped, “Wait! You mean you didn't kiss Kikyo?”
Inuyasha growled, “Of course not!”
Kagome's eyes narrowed and she tried to scramble off his chest, “That bitch is going to die!”
Inuyasha chuckled deeply and pulled her back on top of him. When Kagome resisted, he started growling in the back of his throat, immediately subduing his mate.
“Fine!” she muttered childishly, folding her arms across head and pouting.
Inuyasha just pulled her tighter to him. “I thought you'd be mad?” he reminded her.
Kagome's dark expression turned into stunned one, “Why would you think that I wouldn't want to become your mate? I do love you, you know.”
Now it was Inuyasha turn to be stunned. He asked in a small voice, which had a hopeful edge to it, “You do?”
“Of course I do.”
Inuyasha smiled happily, a rare sign for him cuz usually, he wore smirks and grins Leaning towards her, he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Kagome responded fiercely, opening her mouth and deepening the kiss. The both separated, gasping for air, “How come……turned so dominant on me yesterday?” she gasped. Inuyasha smirked at her, “I thought you liked it?”
Kagome blushed deeply, and flustered, “I did! I just- “
“When dog demons take their mates for the first time, they have to establish their dominance. When half demons take their mates, their demon side emerges and takes control. My demon had to make sure that you remained submissive.” Inuyasha explained. Kagome remained in thought.
When Kagome remained in thought, Inuyasha did not like being ignored, so he very deftly pulled her mouth to his, “This demon does not like being ignored. Kagome giggled, “What are you doing?”
Inuyasha flipped her beneath him and bared his fangs at her, “Ready for round Two?”
Kagome blushed deeply, and her eyes sparkled with laughter.
I love you mate.
As do I.