InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome sat in the hall way tying to catch her breathe. The show had been over for about 10 minutes and she had changed and prepared for her next class. Every once in a while the performance art club would take two hours out of a normal school day to perform for the student body. It was supposed to bring the artistic sides out of the demons since they were normally into sports and mating; for the most part it worked.
Finally able to breathe after that fast pasted closing number. Walking to her locker, she stopped right in front of it. Turning around she noticed a girl's bathroom next to the janitors closet. Not entirely sure of where that closet came from, she turned back around to her locker. Was that always there?
Shaking that thought out of her head she opened her locker. The sound of metal on metal echoed throughout the empty hallway. Grabbing her books she heard the doors that lead to the theatre open, and the entire student body and enter the hallway. Sighing, kagome closed her locker and started her journey threw the crowd to get to class. Halfway threw the crowd somebody wrapped their arms around her waist and pulled her against their stomach. Being that kagome wasn't facing the boy she had no idea who he was.
She felt his breath reach her ear. The hot breath sent shivers down her spine. Her heart started to race and the boy started to move his fingers across her lower stomach to her hips, where he started to rub down the side of those to her thighs then back. Unable to move, and just not wanting to flee from this feeling just yet, kagome stood there, mouth slightly open.
Then the boy spoke in a deep lustful growl. “I found you”. Moving his hands to wrap around her once again he licked her ear. “Mine” he growled once again.
Kagome gasped. Her mate was standing right behind her. Wanting to turn around she couldn't find the strength. As soon as the word mine flowed into her ear the warm body behind her disappeared. Turning around all she saw was hundreds of kids pushing their way though the hall. She stood there, the only unmoving body, looking from demon to demon, trying to find the body she longed to have against her once again. There was no one there. Just the same demons that already had mates. No one new!
Sad, she turned around, only to bump into the chest of yet, another guy. Looking up to apologize, kagome realized he was human. Glancing behind him he saw that most of the demons were glancing at him warily.
“HI” the boy said. He smiled brightly.
“Hello” kagome responded.
“Are you Kagome Higarashi?”
Kagome smiled up at him. “Yes I am, can I help you”
“My name is Hojo. I was told you come find you being that you are the only other human at this school. I put in all of your classes so that I would have somebody to talk to. She office clerk said that you would be able to protect me.”
Kagome laughed nervously. “She did?”
“Yeah, she said just ask about...Kouga, I think it was.”
“Um, don't worry about that” She grabbed his arm and started to lead him to their class. “Let me show you around.”
Little did they know that they walked by a growling hanyou standing outside of a large group of his demon friends. “Who the hell is that?” he growled to himself, not really looking for a reply.
“That's hojo, he's new” Said a voice somewhere next to the hanyou. He turned around to look right at Ginta. “He transferred here this morning from some human school a few hours from here. Supposedly, he didn't fit in their. His parents thought I would be better of he was to transfer to a school that was use to the things he does.”
“Things he does?” Inu Yasha asked.
“Yeah, supposedly he had a sick twisted mind for a human. Not sure what they mean by that, but I kinda want to find out.”

Kagome sat in her anatomy class looking down at the poor creature on her desk. Poor frog; why did they have to dissect the poor thing anyway. Looking to her lab partner she noticed he was starring at the frog rather strangely. Looking round the class she stopped on a pair of golden eyes starring intensely at her. `why is inu Yasha starring at me?' she asked herself.
Kagome blushed and looked back to her frog, completely missing the smirk on the hanyous face. Wait a second…what frog? Where the hell is the frog? Looking around she couldn't figure out where it was. Suddenly the glass went up in ew's and laughs. Kagome's head snapped to her lab partner immediately, only to scream and fall backwards out of her desk. She was so disgusted in her partner that it took her a moment to realize that strong arms had wrapped around her to prevent her from falling to the floor. Standing straight up she immediately dug her head into the chest into the mysterious demon.
Closing her eyes kagome screamed at Hojo. “HOJO YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO EAT THE FROG!!!!” She felt the arms of the boy wrap around her. Then it hit her. She was in the arms of yet another boy. Glancing up she saw the last person she thought would be there; Inu Yasha, and he was growling at Hojo.
“HOJO! GO TO THE OFFICE” screamed the teacher. Nodding his head the boy stood and walked out the door, still eating the frog.
Kagome felt her stomach flip. “Oh god, I need to go to the bathroom.” She took a step from Inu Yasha, only to have her legs give out, and to be caught by the same arms by before.
“Inu Yasha, can you please escort Kagome to the bathroom?” the teacher asked. “I don't want to have to clean up whatever content is currently in Miss. Higarashi's stomach.”
Nodding his head, he picked kagome up bridal style and left the class. Walking down the hall, kagome's sent filled his nose. The sweat sent of honey and wildflowers surrounded him, bringing a smile to his face. Then his eyes snapped open. She was in heat. `Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit' inu Yasha chanted inside his head over and over until he reached the girls bathroom. He saw the janitor's closet his father told him about, filling his head with thoughts of kagome's pale legs. Shaking those thoughts mostly from his head he placed the girl down onto her feet. She wobbled to the bathroom door and opened it.
“Thank you Inu Yasha, you can go now” She said before closing the door.
`Oh god' he mentally screamed and he took off running for the men's bathroom, to take care of a currently uncomfortable appendage.

The rest of the day went along just fine. Kagome didn't unload her stomach for the school to see and inu Yasha managed to control his hard on until he got home. Both had dreams of pleasurable events that both knew were soon to come.
However, neither were prepared for the next day. It took place 10 minutes before the first class.

Turning the corner, he could smell it; she was in heat. Noticing the glances the male demons where giving her, he growled deeply. Kagome didn't hear it, but it was obvious everybody else did, for they turned their heads quickly back to what they were doing. The bell rang and all of the students left the hall of lockers and went to class. All made sure not to make eye contact with the hanyou, who was hunting his pray down the hall a ways. They knew what was happening, and did nothing to stop it. No one wanted a beating from the son of the great dog demon. Making enemies with that family was like sighing you death certificate.
After all the dreams he had the night before and that delicious sent, a demon can only take so much.
He was now merely a foot from her as his arms reached out to her.