InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

`Damn it, Hojo's gone. Now what? Obviously that mate of mine doesn't want me. I have got to get out of here. Maybe I could talk my mother into letting me go to a human high school…no that won't work. I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL' kagome thought. Just then two strong arms wrapped around her from behind. Kagome caught her breath in her chest. She was too shocked to struggle.
He leaned his head down to her hair that lay on her left shoulder. Slowly he inhaled her sent; a small growl left his throat. He nudged her neck with his nose.
“What are you doing?” she asked in a hush voice. Suddenly, the mysterious figure behind her dragged her backwards. She heard the door to the janitors closet, across from her locker, open. “Please, don't” kagome pleaded quietly.
Ignoring this, Inu Yasha dragged her into the closet gently, not taking his face from her neck. He closed the door, preventing all light into the small space from entering. To kagome's surprise the closet was empty, except for a large box that stood up to her lower back.
Turning kagome toward him, he pushed her up against the door. Part of kagome wanted to call out for help, but the other part wanted to stay were she was. Confused by this reaction, she closed her eyes, wishing to not be stuck in this predicament; I mean she didn't even know who this guy was.
Leaning close to her face Inu Yasha smelled her confusion. Smirking at this he placed a hand on each thighs her up, forcing her legs to wrap around his hips. Quickly he turned around and sat her on the box behind him. The only thing that he heard from her was a small gasp as she placed her hands on the box to keep her balance.
Kagome opened her eyes again only to see black. She felt his presence, but couldn't see a thing in the dark of the closet. Kagome could have easily killed this demon with her miko powers, but for some reason she couldn't. It was as if this was something that she was waiting for. She felt clawed hands gently touch the insides of her thighs as they moved up.
Inside Inu Yasha's head, he begged for control. He screamed at himself to stop. His demon side just wanted her. In Human years he had just come of age, in demon years he was 2-3 years behind.
`STOP! You can't take her in the janitor's closet!' He could feel the warmth radiating off of her woman. Moving further and further up her thigh he came into contact with her underwear. `No, don't do it!' he warned himself. Lightly moving his fingers over her underwear he felt kagome's arm latch around his neck. Kagome continued to gasp for air as Inu Yasha continued his ever to gently assault.
He kept yelling at himself. `STOP, did you not read that book mom gave you. It was the mating rituals of humans. REMEMBER!!!! You spent all of last night reading it. What was the one most important thing? THEY WANT THEIR FIRST TIMES TO BE SPECIAL!! HOW IS A WELL USED JANITOR'S CLOSET SPECIAL!!! HMMM??? STTTOOOPPPPP!!!!'
That was what did it; the thought of his mate regretting it. Having her dislike it. That was not aloud.
Cupping her head in his hand he kissed her gently. Her warm lips were smooth and innocent. Slowly licking her lower lip, she slightly gasped, giving him enough time to slip in his tongue. She tastes so good. Deepening the kiss he longed for more. He needed to have her; all of her. There was only one way to do it and he was fully prepared too.
Kagome wrapped her arms around him as he deepened the kiss. He tasted like nothing that she had ever known before. It was almost like honey. He moved his tongue throughout her mouth, sending waves of heat to every inch of her body. She wanted more. She wanted him to touch her, to be in her. This kiss wasn't enough to satisfy. She needed it all.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sharp pain on the lower part of the back of her neck. Somehow the pain felt good. Somehow it sent even more shivers down her spine.
He did it. He marked her. She was now his forever, and she didn't even say she wanted it. Now she had no choice. Pulling out of her skin he licked it once. He could tell right off the bat that the two parks shifted into the shape of a dog demon. How did he know? It started to glow slightly. Pulling kagome back slightly, he kissed her gently one last time, only to disappear from the janitor's closet in inhuman speeds.
Kagome just sat there, confused, and wanting more. It took her almost 10 minutes to recover enough to venture out to class. To her surprise, the office attendants didn't mind that she was late to her first period class. As soon as she walked into the office, they all stopped and looked at her before smiling and continuing what they were doing. That wasn't the weirdest part. EVERY demon that she passed stared at her in shock while sniffing. What was wrong with her?
When school got out she ran her butt home as fast as she could. Reaching her house she walked in and slammed the door. Every demon in the street stared at her; shocked. Irritated she walked into the kitchen and slammed her books onto the table and threw her backpack under it. Sitting down she sighed a frustrated sigh.
“Kagome?” her mother's voice ran from the living room.
“What?” Kagome bit back.
Kagome's mom looked at her sharply but talked calmly. “Don't speak to me like that”
Sighing again, but this time in defeat, she nodded. “Sorry mom, just had a bad day is all”
Suddenly Mrs Higarashi gasped. Kagome shot her head around to look at her mother only to be faced with, the look of shock. Kagome clenched her fists together.
“What is so wrong with me? Why is everybody doing that?” Kagome slightly growled.
Mrs Higarashi leaped toward her daughter and glanced at the small dog on kagome's neck. “You've been marked dear.”
“HUH?” Kagome's eyes went huge. “Me? When?” The bite in the closet hit her like a bag of bricks. “OH MY GOD! I am practically married to a demon and I don't even know who or what he is. AHH” She slammed her head down into the table.
“What do you mean dear?” Her mother sat down next to her.
“He did it when I couldn't see him. He pulled me into a closet and marked me.” Kagome blushed.
“OH” Mrs. Higarashi went silent. “Did you guys-”
“NO MOM!” kagome banged her head against the table again.
Kagome's mom just smiled and hugged her daughter. “Well, I guess its time for you to start packing. They'll be here tomorrow morning to get you”
“What” kagome broke the hug and looked up at her mom. “What are you talking about, where am I going?”
“Sweaty” she hugged her daughter again. “You should have learned in your demon mating class about this. The morning after the demon marks his mate, if they are not of demon/demon blood, then it is his responsibility to take care of her.” She pulled away and looked into her daughters eyes. “You are now an adult, and will be given your own life.”
“But mom” kagome's eyes started water.
“Don't worry dear. I made arrangements with the family to have your things moved so they wont just show up with you unprepared.”
“Of course I knew about who your mate was. They have to tell the parents of the child family after Lady Fugin tells them of their mate. It's required by demon law”
“But I'm not demon mother, I'm human, a normal human”
Hugging her daughter again she smiled. “You were never normal my dear, nor are you just a human. You are the most powerful priestess that anybody has have seen in hundreds of years. That doesn't make you human either. You may have had human parents, but the blood that runs threw your veins has something special in it.”
“Mom, I'm too young to move out and start a family.” Kagome cried.
“You don't have to start a family kagome, just go to school. You can choose when you are ready. I know you won't let me down”
Smiling kagome nodded. “I will try my best mom”