InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ chapter 5` ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Inu Yasha walked threw the door, deep in thought. He marked her; he didn't mean to, it just happened. Now what? Does he have to let her move it? What if he didn't tell anybody? He smiled at that thought. As long as he doesn't tell know one would now, and he could remain the only person living in his room. Yes, that would work.
“You marked her” came a voice from the behind him.
Inu Yasha sighed. Of course there was some way to tell, there always is. Turning he looked at his father, who was not staring at him with a huge grin across his face. “yes father I marked her” Inu Yasha said bored.
“OK then, let's prepare. Inu Yasha clean your room and move your stuff to the room at the end of the hall. It's much bigger. We'll need room for her.”
“Father” Inu Yasha interrupted.
He looked at his son innocently.
“Look, I didn't ask her or tell her, I just marked her. She's probably at home crying right now because she doesn't know the identity of her now husband.” Inu Yasha sighed, ready for the yelling. It never came.
Inu Taishu laughed. “I did the same thing to your mother. Just bit her out of the middle of nowhere” He walked up to his son and patted his shoulder, only to walk off. “Move your stuff, I'll pick her up in the morning. It's a good thing it's Friday”
He went off and did what he was told, scared as hell of her reaction the following morning.

Sitting on the couch, kagome stared at the TV. It was 9am in the morning and she had been up all night packing. She was very much tired. She felt as if she could drop dead right now if she wasn't so pervious about meeting this guy and his family.
Kagome jumped at the knock at the door. Her mother ran from downstairs to answer the door; which was a good thing, because kagome didn't feel like getting up. Her mother welcomed the man into the house and showed him the 6 boxes that sat in a pile in the kitchen. He and another man carried them out of the house, one by one.
Her mother walked around the couch and crouched down in front of her. “Dear, the family servants are here to take you to their estate.”
Kagome's eyes widened. “Their rich?”
Her mother smiled. “Indeed they are. They will take good care of you”
Kagome hugged her mother like there was no return. After a few minutes, they pulled apart and kagome was ushered to the limo that awaited her. Waving good bye she ducked down into the limo and closed the door. They made their way to her new home.

“Hurry people, she'll be here any moment” Inu Taishu called out. He was never mean or demanding of his servants. As a matter of fact he overly paid them and paid for any schooling that hey might attend. Not to mention hired more than he needed so that if one had midterms or family business they could have a day or so off to take care of it. He was indeed a generous Lord.
The house was awake early that morning, preparing for their new lady. They prepared the finest breakfast, cleaned everything twice, and prepared a wardrobe fit for royalty, since she was now married into it. They ran back and forth hyper and excited. No one knew whether or not she was kind or cruel. All they knew was that she was 16, smart, pretty, and the powerful priestess everybody talks about. They couldn't wait to meat her.
Inu Yasha on the other hand, was nervous. Way too in fact. He dressed himself in is normal everyday clothes, trying not to seem too over doing it, like the rest of the house was. In reality, Inu Yasha was pleased that they were going to the lengths that they were, he just didn't want them to know that. Call it stupidity of a 17 year old boy.
“SHE'S HERE!” His mother screamed form down stairs. “EVERYBODY PLACES!!!” Inu Yasha started shaking. What if she didn't like him? What if he made the worse decision of his life? Oh no! Walking downstairs he saw every servant standing at the bottom of the stairs, in front on the double doors; army of servant style. Everybody fixed their clothes in anticipation. By the smiled on their faces, he could tell they were really excited. They couldn't wait to meat the legendary Kagome Higarashi.
His mom turned around and placed her finger to her smiling lips. “Shh everybody. The car parked. I'll escort her in” Opening the front door she exited the house, her husband it tow.

Taking a deep breath, kagome waited for the man to open the limo door. Once he did she hesitated. Finding her courage, she stepped out and looked around. The house was the biggest house she had ever seen. It was placed at the top of the hill so that she could see the entire city from where she was standing. There were trees and grass everywhere. She smiled. It was beautiful.
`ok, step one. Surrounding…perfect' she turned around to see two people standing in front of two giant doors. `Step two, parents' she was shocked to realize that one was human and one was demon. Doesn't that mean her mate is a hanyou? She made her way to them.

They watched as the girl stepped out of the car. “My god she'd beautiful” Inu Yasha's mother gasped. “No wonder he couldn't wait.”
They waited for her to make their way to them. Standing in front of them she fidgeted nervously. Gulping, she looked up at their faces to find warm smiles. They relaxed her.
“Nice to finally meat you kagome dear” The woman spoke first. “I am Kodoru, your new mother in-law”
“I'm Inu Tiashu, you new father in-law” the other spoke.
Kagome bowed. `I've heard that name before. But where?' “It's a pleasure to meat you”
“Well come on dear, let me show you around and introduce you to your mate”
Kagome blushed at her words.
Inu Taishu smiled. “Don't worry; we know he marked you without letting you see who he was. It happened more often that you know” he smiled
Kagome's blush didn't fade.
They escorted her into the house, where she was met with an army of servants. They explained to her how their servants are young humans and demons who have either no money or family; some both, and some just one. They get free lodging plus food, and free education. It's kind of a “home”, but this one allows you to make enough money to send home to help any poor family you have.
Walking over to a small girl she knelt before her. This girl seemed rather skinny and shy, barely 7 years old. Smiling warmly as the girl kagome reached her hand out. At first the girl pulled away, but after tying one more time she took a step forward. Everybody watched in amazement as she made her way to kagome. Kagome smiled and put a hand in her pocket, to pull out a lollypop. Handing it to the girl she spoke quietly. “You know when I get scared I suck on a lollypop. It reminds me of my dad. He use to give them to me every weekend when we visited that park. I brought one with me to help me threw this change in my life, but I think you should have it. You look like you need comforting”. The little girl smiled happily and took the lollypop, only to undo the paper and suck on it. Kagome smiled. “There, feel better?”
The girl nodded with a smiled.
“What's your name?” kagome asked.
Leaning forward, the girl whispered one word. “Rin”. Everybody paused for a moment.
“Rin, I'm kagome, if you need anything just ask, ok?”
Rin nodded.
Standing up she noticed that Kodoru was walking toward her. Taking kagome's arm in her she smiled happily. “You know kagome that was the first time she talked since she came here three weeks ago. You have such a way with children”
Kagome blushed, “thank you”.
No one noticed the hanyou on the stairs starring dreamily at kagome.
“I think it's time you meat your mate” she whispered into kagome's ear. Kagome nodded. Looking past the army of servants she called out to her son. “Come her dear, Kagome would like to see you”.
One by one the servants parted for her mystery man. She stood there waiting. There was only one person left. He stepped to the side to reveille non other that Inu Yasha. Kagome gasped causing Inu Yasha to flinch. He fidgeted nervously under to gaze.
It seemed like along pause, until kagome finally broke it. She had stared at him, confused at first; but then it all made sense. Looking at him for that moment, she realized how attractive he really was. Some force was drawing her towards his golden eyes. Smiling lovingly at Inu Yasha it hit her; this wasn't that bad. She knew how nice he was and that fact that he helped her before was proof he cared.
Inu Yasha watched her moods change, then land on one. He studied her to find what he was looking for; approval. He let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. Looking directly into her eyes, he was surprised to see that she was walking right towards him. Stopping right before him, she smiled.
Leaning on her tipsy toes she wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug. A hug she didn't know she wanted until that moment. She felt him wrap his arms around her and place his nose in her hair. Kagome smiled when a certain thought crossed her mind. Quietly she whispered, just enough for only Inu Yasha to hear. “Next time you jump me, make sure its somewhere else than a closet.”
Inu Yasha's face covered in red. She could feel the heat radiating off of it. She giggled at the thought.
The only thought going threw Inu Yasha's mind was… `Did she just give me permission to jump her?' Pulling back, Inu Yasha started to fidget once again under her gaze. Looking up at his parents he silently asked for help.
“Inu Yasha, why don't you show her your room?” Inu Taishu said, trying to lend a helping hand. His poor son was drowning.
Nodding, he looked back and kagome motioned for her to follow. Everybody watched as they walked from site. The entire staff released the breath they had been holding all at once.
“Thank you, you can go now” InuTaishu smiled at his staff.