InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Inu Yasha sat there, starring at the sleeping form. It was Sunday morning, and early; the sun was barely up. He slept maybe three hours that night. He couldn't believe what had happened. It kept playing over and over in his head, sending chills every time he remembered the more intimate of actions. They were now stuck together until death, and he didn't even really know her. She couldn't be a raving bitch in disguise. His stupid demons blood was making this more difficult that it needed to be. It wanted her, and did not care what anybody else thought. It could have given him time to get to know her, but no, it wanted it now. Figured!
Why the hell didn't she stop him anyway? She was innocent, she should have been afraid. Earlier that evening she had said that she didn't know him very well, and the thought of being married to a guy that she didn't know was kind of scary, so why the hell didn't stop it. She went through the demon mating classes. She knew what doing what they did meant, and still she wanted it. She wanted to be bound to him for all eternity; a guy she had known her entire life, but really just met. It was set now; there was no way to break it. All there was to do now was get to know each other… and repeat last night's events over and over. Yes that sounded great!
He leaned over and looked at the clock on the nightstand; 6:03am. He had a little less than a half an hour to get ready for his father's “talk” he wanted to have with him. For some reason he knew that Inu Yasha was going to be up at this hour, must run in the family.
Knowing that he had to talk with his father, he didn't want to leave kagome. She was the new princess of all demons, and she didn't realize it yet. His family had more power than just about anyone on earth. If there were even the slightest mentioning of an insult about any member of his family, not only would they hear about it, but a faithful follower would make himself “known” (beat up the unfaithful one). Inu Taishu never approved of that kind of behavior, but he was never able to stop it if it happened. He was more than willing to hear out any demons' complaints toward him. It was the best way to make the proper decisions and changes to his kingdom, and being.
That was all fine and dandy and all, but he still didn't want to leave his kagome. It took him a good 5 minutes to think of something special to do. He didn't want her to get mad when she woke up. Being jumping in the middle of the night and left in the morning was not a good way of getting on her good side.

“Father, you wanted to meat with me this morning?” Inu Yasha walked into his father's study. His father usually kept the door open. He didn't like to be caught up in all his work.
“Yes Inu Yasha, please sit down” he said, barely glancing up from what appeared to be a very thick contract.
Inu Yasha sat there, trying to see what the contract was about, and why it seemed so important to keep his fathers attention. That was a rare thing indeed.
Inu Yasha's father finished the last page and placed the stack in front of Inu Yasha. “I assume you do no know why I have called for you. I already signed those, all it needs is your signature.”
Looking down Inu Yasha gasped. His father had bought a mansion and signed it over to him. Looking threw the papers, he found that it included much more than that. There were two bank accounts, one for him and one fore kagome. Each held three million dollars. There was a car for kagome, since Inu Yasha already had one; a black BMW. Plus other things.
Looking up at his father, Inu Yasha couldn't close his mouth. His father did all of this for him. His father was rich, but he never spoiled Inu Yasha. As a matter of fact, he made sure that Inu Yasha had a good head on him. The boy had to work for what he got, and was never aloud to think of himself greater than any other person.
“I'm sure it would be to your satisfaction Inu Yasha.” His father broke his thoughts.
“But, why? I haven't even finished high school yet”
Inu Taishu smiled. “Yet you are a married man” he paused. “In demon ways of course. You will have a wedding as soon as possible at your new house. Take kagome there today, and show her around. She may want to decorate for her guests”
Inu Yasha just stared, letting it all sink it. He was getting married and becoming the master of his own house. “When is the wedding?” He asked quietly.
“Next Saturday, the invitations were already sent out”
“Next Saturday?” he repeated hoarsely. What would kagome say? Was she ready for that? Well she was ready for what they did last night, which bound her too him in much a stronger way, but ceremony; announcing to the world that she was his, the younger of the two princes. Oh god!

Kagome stretched her arms over her head and she yawned. She had been in bed for a good 20 minutes daydreaming about the events that took place a few hours before. He was so gentle and sure of himself. How did he know what he was doing? How much porn did that boy watch anyway?
When she first woke, she knew that he wasn't there. It didn't really catch her interest until now. Sitting up she looked around. A light steam came from the bathroom, he must have been there not too long ago. Smiling she fell back and stretched her arms out to the side, only to come into contact with something. Looking over she notice it for the first time. There was a single red rose laying on top of a note, placed perfectly on Inu Yasha's pillow. Sitting up, she brought the rose to her nose. The sweet sent seemed to surround her, relaxing every muscle. Grabbing the note, she read it over immediately.

My Love,
I do not wish to have you wake without me, but my father had called me downstairs for some important matters. I will return shortly with breakfast.
Forever Yours,
Inu Yasha

“He's scared you know” a voice brought her out of her daydream.
“huh?” Kagome looked up to see non other that Inu Yasha's mother standing in her doorway. When did she get there?
Kodoru smiled. “Your scent tells him to love you. He doesn't know what he is feeling, but welcomes it. To dog demons it is like the beginning of something better than life when they finally catch a mate, especially one that they feel the need to love. Some are forced to mate with others they do not know. Consider yourself lucky some random demon at your school didn't mark you”
Kagome stared at her. What did that have to do with anything? It didn't even make sense really; but in some way it did. Freaky!
Kodoru made her way to the bed and sat down next to kagome. Placing her hand on the young girls, she smiled. “You are now my daughter. You two are bound together for eternity. The only thing left is to have a human ceremony, which we have arranged for you. You will be marring next Saturday.”
Kagome gasped. Marriage? She didn't think that they would do that, considering that they were all demons.
Waiting for kagome to freak out, Kodoru cringed.
“Where will the wedding be held?” Kagome asked interestedly.
The older woman looked into kagome's eyes a little confused. Even she had freaked out when she was told she was marring Lord Inu Taishu. Looking into her depths of kagome's souls all she found was certainty, a bit of confusion. This girl knew she wanted to marry Inu Yasha, although she didn't know why. Their souls bonded on a level which no one living could touch, making it utterly impossible to separate them now. Smiling, Kodoru responded. “At your new home.”
“Here?” Kagome asked confused.
The older woman just shook her head, smiling a playful smile.