InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

As soon as her soon to be mother in-law left her room, kagome immediately leapt from her bed and hauled ass to the shower. She was going to see her new house, with her new man, and don't forget her new car. Kagome had to bite back an excited manic laugh. It was too much for her to handle.

After the meeting with his dad, Inu Yasha made his way toward his and kagome's room. Rubbing the back of his head, he sighed nervously. He had to tell his mate the news. How would she take it? What if she didn't want to marry him? What if she only wanted to have sex with him? Humans don't get attached like demons do, they are known for their trysts. Those lucky bastards can do whoever they want whenever they want and not feel bad about it.
He was there now standing in front of the door. Wanting, kinda, to venture inside, he shakily reached his hand toward the doorknob.
Opening the door, it didn't make a sound. Taking a large gulp of air, he popped his head in the room, only to find it empty. There were clothes flung everywhere.
Starring at aw he didn't notice the light coming from the bathroom. However a giggles and a happy squeal did catch his attention. His head shot up to see kagome running from the bathroom to the closet and back to the bathroom. Inu Yasha just stood there and stared. She seemed happy, too happy. Is this a cause for celebration or a sign to run? He didn't know, nor did he think he was going to. The best bet was to venture further inside and attempt to not be caught in any unseen webs, if there were any. Hey a guy has to be cautious.
Closing his eyes he inhaled a giant breath of air. If kagome is all strange acting now, then how will she act when she find outs about the wedding. She'll run screaming for sure.
Preparing to open his eyes, he placed one foot inside the room.
Just then kagome popped her head out of the bathroom. “Inu Yasha, I'm so glad you're here. Will you grab a pair of my underwear please?” Then her head disappeared in the bathroom once again. Inu Yasha just stood there. Fear laced his entire body. He had entered the realm of married demon man, and he felt like duck out of water. No, that's not strange enough; an oopma loompa in a tiger's cage. There, that sounds about right.
“Isn't it great Inu Yasha” kagome giggled happy from the bathroom.
Inu Yasha took control of his body once again and made his way in search of the infamous panties. “What's great?” he answered. Well he had to say something.
“What do you mean what's great you silly. The house, the money, the car, getting married”
Inu Yasha froze. “klsid ndh yhseinf” he made an attempt to talk. He really wasn't expecting that.
Another giggled. “You're mother told me”
Inu Yasha's ear perked up. She knew and was excited. “And your ok with it” he asked warily.
There was another giggle, but this one was full of amusement. “Of course, why wouldn't I”
“YES SHE'S FINE WILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He screamed in his head over and over, while he did an unseen victory dance.

Kagome stepped from the limo while Inu Yasha held open the door for her. He insisted, it was his job to take care of his woman.
“Inu Yasha, can we drive ourselves for now on?” kagome asked.
“Sure” Inu Yasha said confused. Why did she not like the limo?
“The limo is so impersonal.” She moved closer and laid her head on his chest while rapper her arms around his mid.
Not sure of what he was supposed to do, he shakily wrapped his arms round her and looked down at her smiling face. Aww, bliss!
Retracting a bit, Inu Yasha wanted to wine, but that wouldn't do.
Kagome looked to her side, where the large house stood a good 20 yards from her. It was HUGE! There were two stories, what seemed like hundreds of windows, lots of white and green paint, and flowers everywhere.
“MIROKU YOU PERVERT! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, THE LORDS SON WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE” an angry female voice sounded from inside the house. Even with the windows closed and a good distance between the house and them, the two could hear her perfectly.
“What the hell was that?” Inu Yasha glared at the house.
Kagome grew still. She knew who that was. “Sango” she whispered.
“Huh” he looked down but was too late. She detached herself and booked it toward the house. Blinking once or twice out of confusing, he followed her. “Who's this Sango?” Inu Yasha called to kagome. They were halfway to the house now.
“You said that everybody that you have working for your dad are orphans right?” kagome asked a little more that slightly panicked.
“Sango” kagome felt tears fill her eyes. Reaching the front door she swung it open to reveille a familiar, yet older, girl hovering over a fear stricken boy.
The girl looked up toward kagome. Her jaw hung. “Kagome” she whispered. Taking a moment she studied her friend. “What are you doing here?” she asked almost embarrassed.
“What happened Sango?” kagome asked sadly.
“What are you talking about?” Sango looked down.
“Inu Taishu only take in people that have no one. The last time I saw you, you had a family.”
There was a pause “Demons attacked” Sango said almost monotone like.
Kagome knew by the sound of her voice that she was to drop it. Kagome understood anyway. Sango's family were from a long line of demon slayers. Now a days they serve as demon hunters; they were the special police force that was use to track down law breaking demons. There were hundreds of demons that wanted her family dead.
Con able to handle it anymore, kagome took off full speed toward Sango, knocking her over. “I missed you Sango” she cried.
“I missed you too” Sango cried back, wrapping her arms around her friend.
“OK, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?” Inu Yasha's voice was heard throughout the house and probably a few miles away.
The two girls ignored him and continued to cry in each others arms.
“You know my friend, this will last for some time, would you like to go look for a snack” Miroku managed to sneak up behind Inu Yasha and put his arm around him.
Inu Yasha looked over at the strange boy with a handprint painted on his face. “huh?”
“The names Miroku” Miroku smiled. “Inu Yasha I presume. Follow me, I will show you the kitchen. The cook made this really good mud pie an hour or so ago”
And with that they disappeared down the hall while the two girls stayed on the floor, just crying.