InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starring wide-eyed at the empty parking space, kagome growls to herself. Damn that stupid mate of hers! He left her here again. Every day this week he's left without her. He wouldn't even give her rides to school, psh, why the hell would he give her one home.
Looking down at her cell phone she watched as little colors dances around on the screen. Sighing, she knew what it was. Flipping it open she read the text messages from Ayame. Inu Yasha once again called her and asked her to drive poor kagome home. Moving over to the steps in front of the school, kagome sat and waited, just as the message said too. Ayame was busy working up the new dance moves and music for the end of the year bash, which she has been in charge of for the last two years; her older sister was in charge before that. Being wolf demons helps with your performance arts. They can smell what people like, not to mention they are much more agile.
Pulling her knees to her chest kagome rested her head on them. For the past few nights Inu Yasha has been missing. He's either locked in his study or out and about. When it came to bed time, he never showed. The couch in the study has been his bed multiple time, even though he denies it; she's seen him there a few times. Is it possible that he is that repulsed by her? Did she do something wrong?
Holding back tears, kagome put her cell phone away. She wont even bother calling him. She'd only get his voice message anyway, and never a call back.
Looking over her shoulder, she noticed the doors to the school opening, and Ayame happily walking threw them. Ayame was always happy, except when her mate harassed kagome; stupid Kouga. Technically they aren't mates. They've been destined, but kouga has yet to take her as his own.
“Hey kagome, I have some great news. Our dance moves this year are going to be “saucy”.” Ayame giggled.
Kagome smiled devilishly. “Oh really”
Ayame knodded.
Shaking her head, kagome stood and headed for ayame's car. “Well then ms. saucy, lets get going. I want to stop somewhere on the way home if its alright.”
Ayame followed. “No problem. Where we going?”
Kagome smiled. Oh yes, she would make Inu Yasha unable to keep his hands off her.
Inu Yasha was making his way down a very busy street at the moment. He was going a whopping five miles an hour. YAY!
Running his hands threw his hair he sighed heavily. He tried so hard to keep himself from kagome, for her sake, but he didn't know how much it would affect him. Being away from her and hurting her the way he has, tore at his soul little by little. Explaining why he was acting like such an ass would probably be a nice thing to do, but he knew she would tell him to forget it and come to bed.
Inu Yasha frowned when he thought of the day he met Miroku. The day kagome spent crying with her friend Sango on the floor of the living room.
“The names Miroku” Miroku smiled. “Inu Yasha I presume. Follow me, I will show you the kitchen. The cook made this really good mud pie an hour or so ago” he wrapped his arm around the confused half breads shoulders and continued to talk about the delicious mud pie as they entered the kitchen. Moving to two bar stools they sat at the island.
Miroku dug threw the fridge looking for the mud pie. Taking it out he grabbed two plates and two forks. “big slice? Small one?” he grinned.
“Um, big one?” Inu Yasha more asked than anything. He watched as Miroku cut two large pieces, which turned out to be half of the pie. Looking down at the piece that Miroku slid in front of him he cringed. This was defiantly going to kill his stomach. Maybe he could get away with eating just a bite and storing the rest for later. However he soon changed his mind, when he took that initial bite. This mud pie was the best thing he's ever tasted.
“So you married kagome?” Miroku smiled. “She's a beauty”
Inu Yasha looked up at him. “Nope, Not yet”
Miroku dropped his fork onto his plate, catching the half breads attention. “You haven't married and you've mated?”
Confused he knodded.
“And she's a priestess?” Miroku eyed him.
“Yeah so” Inu Yasha huffed.
“I thought you were having a reception on Saturday, not a wedding and a reception.” The young man slammed his head against the counter.
“What's the big deal?”
Sighing, Miroku picked up his head and glared at the hanyou. “To take a human woman into your bed before you marry brings great shame to her family; especially if you knock her up. You did you protection didn't you?” He eyed the hanyou who was fidgeting nervously. “You didn't use protection?”
Inu Yasha shook his head.
“How do you know she isn't-”
“She's not” Inu Yasha snapped in defense. “Demons and smell the change.”
Taking a breath Miroku calmed himself. “So you've taken her, and she is luckily enough to not get pregnant. So now all you have to do is not sleep him her until you are married to ensure her honor.”
“But why? If I had already taken her then what's the difference if I take her again?”
“It so ensure you don't cause more damage than you already have.”
[End flashback]
Stupid Miroku, stupid sex, stupid human traditions. Does everything have to be so complicated?
Turning down a small side street, that lead threw a jungle of suburban houses. Somewhere around here was a street called Delano Circle. Glancing back at the small paper with directions scribbled down on, he double-checked the name of the street he was now searching for.
“Maple, Oak, White Oak, Maple Mint, Jesus these people need to think of better things to name fucking streets” Inu Yasha cussed under his breath. After passing a Shillocknatra Street and Metamorphose Court he almost turned around, but then out of the corner of his eye he caught the next street sign; Delano Circle. Taking the right he searched the houses for the right address which didn't take to long. Pulling up to the curb he grabbed the file that sat in his front seat and exited the car. Pulling out his cell phone he turned it off as he made his way towards the front door. Turning back one last time to his car he pressed the arm button on his key chain, locking and arming the car.
Reaching the front door, he rang the doorbell. Not even a second later the door swung open to reveal a small fox demon smiling happily up at him.
“HI! You must be Inu Yasha” Moving to the side the boy continued to smile widely.
Moving past the boy, very cautiously, he never broke eye contact. Innocence radiated off the boy, and was creepy to the already nervous hanyou.
“Inu Yasha” a loud voice boomed from deeper in the house. Making his way around the corner into the living room he saw the people he had been trying to reach this entire time; Mina the decorator, Kyle the jewelry designer, Alex the Chef, and Siyo the party favor expert. Now it was time to get down to business.
“Good day to you” Inu Yasha bowed.
“Well what a well behaved prince. I tell ya that's hard to find.” Mina giggled.
“Indeed” Kyle smiled widely “but I think that the real issue here is what he have done for you in such a short notice and if you like it or not.”
Inu Yasha nodded as he sat down on a chair across from the two couches the others sat on. A decent sized coffee table sat between them, covered it papers and pictures. “Mina did you gather all of the materials for the plans we drew up?”
Mina nodded proudly. Pulling out a large paper bag, which looked as if it came from a department store, she started to pull a few things out. “Ok I have roses.” He pulled out three white roses with colored tips. “As you can see I dipped the ends of the roses in dyes.”
“Will that kill them quicker?” Alex asked quietly.
“Oh Not at all! Besides I'm not dipping the rest of the flowers until tomorrow night to ensure freshness for the next morning. The colors that Inu Yasha and I chose look nice on the white background of the roses I think. We have blue, purple, and red.”
“Very nice” Alex responded.
“Thanks. I also got the fabrics for the table clothes.” She pulled out a black square of fabric, along with a white one. “Ok here is the white for the table clothes, and the black for the strip on the top.” Pulling out a small plastic bag full of rose peddles with colored tips. “And I did a few of these just in case you felt it necessary to sew some to the white table cloth for extra color.”
“I think Kagome would like that, go ahead” Inu Yasha smiled. “Kyle, do you have what I ordered?”
“Of course my lord” he pulled out two ring boxes, a six inch by six inch flat box, and an 8 inch by 8 inch larger box. Opening the two small ring boxes he presented them to Inu Yasha.
The hanyou smiled at what he saw. Sitting down with Kyle, he designed them to please his kagome. Inu Yasha's was just a plane silver band, but kagome's wasn't. ( I can't describe it. ;ProdID=2804) He knew that she would love it.
“Ok here is the necklace and earring set you requested.” Kyle handed Inu Yasha the flat box. Inside were a pair of small plain diamond studs, a larger set of plain diamond studs, and a choker laced in diamonds. All of the earrings and the necklace were set in white gold. They shone brightly in the barely lit room. Taking the larger box he opened it to reveal his families wedding tiara. ( 58.shtml )He gave it to Kyle to fix some of the loose diamonds and have it sized to fit Kagome's head better. She will look gorgeous.
“Alex what do you have for me?” Inu Yasha looked up.
Alex grabbed picture from the table and handed them to Inu Yasha, who looked over then happily. ( Imagine the tips of the roses dipped in red, purple, and blue).
“Perfect” Inu Yasha smiled happily. It was all coming together! “And the food?”
“I've set up a buffet of meats, fruits, breads, and soups. I thought that it would be better to give the guests the opportunity to chose what they like, and there's a large selection to chose from.”
“Thank you” Inu Yasha approved.
“Siyo?” Inu Yasha raised a brow, for poor Lady Siyo looked nervous.
“I have a few things to choose from. I thought having a choice for the guests would be favorable.” She handed three boxes of different sizes.
The first box had a wine glass with the seal of the dog demons etched in it, with kagome's and Inu Yasha's name, and the date, etched in small cursive lettering underneath it. Inu Yasha nodded. The second box had this; ml, which Inu Yasha approved of as well. The last box however, made Inu Yasha laugh. It was those little heart shaped candies children give out during valentines day, except they had little funnies on them like: Honeymoon huh(with a sly looking smiley face), Can I take off the garter? Look at those bridesmaids and so on. Inu Yasha defiantly liked that one.
“That's great” Inu Yasha wiped the tears from his eyes.
Now a little more confident, Siyo took out a few pictures of the centerpieces she designed. They were basically just glass bowls with floating candle, flouting in water. Around the candles Siyo had gone to Mina to get come dyed rose peddles to let float in the water and whole roses to wrap around the bowls with a nice silky piece of white cloth.
Inu Yasha sat bake as the group of people started to talk about what they brought and any quick suggestions. Man he hoped kagome would like all of this. He imagined all of the things she could be doing at the moment but never once imagined the thing she was REALLY doing.