InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Yes I know, Amy has the world's strangest last name, but all the other names that came to mind would show like I stole her from another writer. I don't own Inu Yasha or Co. He just sleeps in my room during the winter.

Sesshomaru sat in his castle. He felt strange. He had been walking around, looking for a life mate but didn't find any worthy of his blood. When he had run into this Firewolf, he thought he would had at lest a battle, when a girl appeared. He could smell her fear over for the creature. He could have laughed at the way she waved her arms and shouted. Like a Firewolf would care. Then she threw this object at it. He looked in his hand. A small oval shaped piece of golden jewelry. Looking hard, he discovered that it could be opened. Inside was a picture of the girl and writing on the other side.

`To my loving Grandchild, Amy Meadows'

"What a strange name for a female human!" He laughed inside a little, but stopped quickly. He had followed her as she ran for the waterfall. When he saw she was trap, he was about to save her. What a gutsy woman she was, especially for a mortal. She jumped off the edge and lived. She did however give a pretty loud scream. Sitting there, Sesshomaru looked longingly at the picture. "What a female,"

"Sesshomaru-sama?" Jacken asked as he dared to step forward. "Any luck finding a suitable mate?"

"Perhaps Jacken," Sesshomaru replied in his usual cold tone. He thought hard.

"Should I?" He wondered. "She is a human after all. But she is unlike any female I have seen. She reminds me of Inu Yasha's girl… What was her name? Ah! Yes, Kagome. But I hate Kagome and Inu Yasha, so I should hate the girl as well, and yet…"

"I have Jacken," Sesshomaru replied as he smiled an evil smile. "Jacken!"

"Yes Sesshomaru-sama?"

"Find this girl," Sesshomaru replied as he handed the toad like creature the locket. "Bring her to me. I want her alive and unharmed!"

"But Sesshomaru-sama," The toad replied trembling. "She is a human,"

"I know this. Now bring her to me!"