InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Just so all of you know, I write all of my stories wail listening to songs and reading others work for ideas. Therefor, I would like to say a special thank you to all Inu Yasha fanfic writers out there. Anyway, time is passing by quickly, because the others have to search for Inu Yasha and then find Amy. By the way… did anyone notice I take spelling Jaken's name as Jacken? Also, I don't own Inu Yasha and Co. I just babysat Inu Yasha when he was a pup and now his and Kagome's troublesome litter.

Inu Yasha was putting his clothes back on, as he watched Kagome still sleeping. He smiled. Her new scent filled his nostrils with a mixture of his and the child. He smiled as he started to think of names. Would it be a male or a female? Who cared, it was his offspring and no one else's. He looked back. Kagome was so beautiful when she was a sleep, and her heartbeat calmed him, made him feel whole and at peace with the warring world around him. He needed some fresh air. This was a vital time for him and Kagome. She would need rest, peace and protection. It was up to him, Inu Yasha, to make sure that she got those things. Once outside, Inu Yasha picked up unwelcome scents. The scents smelled familiar, but being in solitude with Kagome for a week, he didn't remember too many. He pulled out his sword and growled, listening carefully to the voices that were coming closer.

"Shippo," He heard Miroku's voice reply. "You sure that it's Inu Yasha you can smell?"

"No one else smells as weird as that idiot!" Shippo yelled. Inu Yasha growled, putting away his sword and walking closer to them. Shippo gave a small squeak of terror and hid behind Sango. "H-hey there Inu Yasha,"

"What are you guys doing here?" Inu Yasha growled. "If I hadn't recognized your voices I would have sliced you all into pieces,"

"We have a problem," Sango started. "It's about…"

"Where's Kagome?" Miroku asked. Inu Yasha blinked in surprise, before growling angrily.

"She's resting!" He asked as Miroku backed away. "Now what is it?"

"It's about Amy," Sango replied. Inu Yasha blinked. Why were they bothering him about this? "She's missing,"

"And you have to disturbed me and Kagome why?" Inu Yasha muttered coldly. He had no concern for the other girl. She wasn't his, so why should he care?

"Morning!" Kagome called. She had gotten dress in the new kimono that her mate had given her for the ceremony. She walked up to Inu Yasha and kissed him. "Hi guys. What's happening?"

"Problems," Sango muttered under her breath. Amy was Kagome's friend. How was she going to explain this to her. "It's Amy,"

"What about Amy?"

"She was heading back to her time, when she vanished," Miroku replied. Kagome sighed.

"Maybe she's at my place getting some more stuff,"

"We found her backpack," Sango replied as she handed what was left of the tattered sack. Inu Yasha growled. He felt Kagome begin to worry, and the cloth reeked of a scent that he hated. He took the cloth and took a deeper sniff.

"Jaken," He growled it under his breath. Kagome starred horrified.

"Jaken!" She gasped the name was she started to fear the worst. "But that means that Amy is with…"

"Sesshomaru," Inu Yasha growled the name, full of hate. "If she's alive, there's a strong smell of blood on the fabric,"

Kagome froze. If Amy was dead, it would be her fault. It was her that brought Amy into this time line. Kagome jumped out of her trance as Inu Yasha held her close.

"Don't worry," He whispered. He was staying calm on the outside for Kagome's sake, but in his mind he was fighting all the hate at the memories of his brother. "We'll find her,"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

Amy was still as stubborn as she had been when she was three, and back then if she made up her mind, nothing could change it. True, she felt kind of safe near Sesshomaru when other youkais were around, but other then that, she wanted to be as far away as possible. She looked at her clothing in the body length mirror. Two weeks had passed, but Amy wasn't giving up that easily. She looked like a princess; her long hair set up in a fancy bun. She was wearing a fancy silk Chinese dress that showed her slender figure. Her eyes had been brought out with a deep red eye shadow, like Sesshomaru's, and her lips with a very deep red. Even her dress was a fiery red with golden laces dancing in no specific pattern. Aki, the young fox youkai, clapped her small paws together.

"You look lovely, my lady!" She replied as she then tied the golden ribbon around Amy's waist. Amy smiled weakly. "Something wrong, my lady?"

"I just miss my friends, Aki," Amy sighed. "Where I come from, girl would die to be in my shoes,"

"How are you, my love?" A voice asked. Amy turned her head to see Sesshomaru give her a smirk as he marveled her. She frowned and turned her back to him. "What is a matter? Does the dress not please you?"

"No," Amy replied coldly. God she hated him. "It's you that displeases me!"

"Is that so?" Sesshomaru replied, untouched by his mate's cynical remark. He held out a small box. "A gift,"

Amy starred. Dame he was smooth! He was keeping her a prisoner and treating her as a princess. "Thanks, but no thanks,"

"I want you to wear it at the party," Sesshomaru replied. "That way, the others won't kill you when I'm not looking,"

Dame he was really smooth. Amy took the box and opened it. She gasped. It looked like a chock necklace made out of icy blue silk, with a silver moon buckle on it. Amy was lost for words. It was truly beautiful. Amy stiffened as she felt Sesshomaru bent over her and pick the necklace up in his figures. Amy starred blankly as she felt the silk playfully dace on the sensitive skin of her neck. She heard a soft click as she felt the cold silver push softly against her, and the tingle of Sesshomaru kissing her on the cheek.

"I'll send Aki or Jaken to fetch you when the time comes," Sesshomaru replied coldly with his stone face. Amy remained the same. She starred blindly into the mirror, looking at herself. She had to be strong as she looked at herself. What was she to him? A toy for his pleasure, or perhaps a pet? Why was she here? Amy felt her eye release a tear as her hands made a fist and her eyes hid under her long fangs. She felt her anger build up. She hated him so much it made her sick. Enraged, Amy punched the glass of the mirror, ignoring the pain as the glass cut into her flesh. Aki coward in the corner of the room, fearing to speak. Amy was changing violently since she met Sesshomaru, but why now was a mystery.

Sesshomaru stopped the moment that the smell of Amy's blood filled his nose. He wanted to run back to her, but stopped himself. Amy was a stubborn girl, unlike other females who were more then willing to do as he pleased. Amy was different. She was head strong, shy, loud, said whatever she pleased, and hated him. She was being hard to get, and made it more of a challenge to win. He knew she would be planning to return to her friend and home, that was why he had given her the necklace. If she did runaway from him, the necklace would always bring him to her. He smiled inside. He loved her inner beauty and strong spirit. All he had to do was brake her. Sesshomaru entered to great hall of his castle. Hundreds and thousands of youkais were gathered, enjoying themselves. Most were with mates, and a few hopeful females stood, waiting for a chance to dance with the eldest of the great dog demon's sons. Sesshomaru motioned Jaken it was time to bring his mate out for display. Jaken nodded.

Amy sat in the same chair as before. She hadn't moved since Sesshomaru's entrance. She looked into the shattered piece of the mirror. Was this his game? To brake her like a horse? She hated herself. How could she have let such a demon take her? Amy looked at her bun. This was how he wanted her to look like, a doll, a stupid china doll! Without giving it another thought, Amy pulled out the hairpins, allowing her brown hair to fall loosely to her waist. Amy looked at the natural waves in the light brown ocean. She started to think of home. This was what she had wanted when her father had died. To be loved by someone, now all she wanted was to be with Kagome and her friends and family. Amy didn't feel of her family as her home. There was too much hate and secrets in her family. That was why she left. Amy snapped out of her trance when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in," Amy replied. The toad demon entered and looked surprised.

"Sesshomaru wish for you to be seen with him," Jaken replied as he lead the way. Amy walked past him, bring a cold storm with her. No one had noticed the changes in the girl.