InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Kagome's Worst Nightmare ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

HELLOOOO EVERYONE!! Sorry for yelling, haha. I am here for yet another chapter. Don't worry, the story is about to get juicy ;P

I accidentally deleted this chapter and had to redo it. I did the best I could at recreating it. Sadly it's not as good as the first time around, but hopefully gets the point across anyway.


Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own Inuyasha, gosh he is sexy though ;)

Chapter 7 recap:

"Kagome, what are you doing?" Sango asks.

"It's fine. Kouga, I know you said you love me but it can't happen."

"Why not? Do you understand how wolves find mates?"

"Well, not really, but.."

"This is how." Kouga grabs Kagome before anyone could stop him and runs off at the speed of light. That's when Inuyashas eyes completely turn red and stay that way. He growls real loudly and in a deep throated voice says, "I will kill him. I will kill Kouga and then Kagome will be mine." Sango gasps as Inuyasha starts his chase after Kouga and the one he loves.

Chapter 8: Kagome's Worst Nightmare

Sango looks down where Inuyasha was just standing and notices he left behind the Tetsusaiga. She nervously picks up the sword and heads back towards the village. "Miroku! Shippo!"

"What happened? Where are Kagome and Inuyasha?" Shippo notices the Tetsusaiga in Sango's hands. Miroku realizes the same thing and declares, "We must go after them!"

"We can't."

"What do you mean we can't? What happened?" Shippo is very confused.

"Shippo, why don't you go help the men and women with their chores. I need to speak to Miroku."

Shippo slowly nods and reluctantly heads toward the village people.

"What happened Sango?"

"Kouga came for Kagome. Mating season starts in just a few hours and he came and took her. Inuyasha's demon escaped and when he left to go after them, he dropped the Tetsusaiga."

"So we HAVE to go after them!"

"We can't Miroku."

"Why not?!"

"Because Inuyasha has changed. He doesn't see us as his friends. He sees us as something that will get in his way. His demon is only thinking two things, get his mate and kill Kouga. There's no way he will let us survive but I'm almost certain he won't harm Kagome."

"ALMOST!? We can't just stay here while our friends are in danger!"

"We have to." Sango looks down and tears start streaming down her cheeks.

Miroku for the first time ever, doesn't do anything perverted. He wraps his arms around her in a soothing hug. "Hey, I'm sorry. Everything will be alright. They will be back before we know it. Why don't we head back to the village and have some tea."

Sango looks up into his eyes and realizes in this moment, that she really cares for this man. 'He's not trying to touch me inappropriatly. He's acting like he truly cares.' Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink when she realizes she's been staring into his deep violate eyes for the last two minutes. "Uuumm, yeah. lets go."

They walk back to the village but something has changed between the two of them. Miroku has his arm around her shoulders not trying to touch her any other way. 'Now is not the time.' Miroku thought to himself.


Inuyasha is running faster then ever before through the forest. He is not his normal half demon self. His fangs are larger then normal, they are protruding from the sides of his lips. His claws are longer and sharper, much sharper. He has purple markings on his cheeks, identical to that of his half brother Sesshomuru, a full dog demon. The most noticable change are his eyes. Crimson eyes. They are bright red like blood and death. People who look into the eyes of the demon Inuyasha would be terrified, the look of evil and melilcious intent. Or so they would think. 'Mate. Wolf stole mate. Kill. I will kill wolf and get mate back. .. My .. love.'


"Let me go!" Kouga is holding Kagome over his shoulder as they reach the top of the mountain where the wolf den is located.

"Ginta! Hakkaku!" Two scrawny wolves walk in and notice kagome being dropped onto the floor by the cave entrence.

"Oh, hello sister."

"Clear the den of all wolves. Make sure they are gone by sundown. My woman and I need to be alone tonight." He smiles at Kagome showing off his large wolf fangs.

"Okay, Kouga." They run off to clear the den, leaving Kagome and Kouga alone.


Inuyasha is getting closer. He is has been running through what seemed like never ending fields without rest for three hours now. 'Kill. I must kill him. I'm coming my mate. ka-go-me..'


Kouga turns around and looks at the beautiful priestess in front of him. "Sundown is apon us. I'm ready. Are you? I heard about your weird pink glow recently. So I have come up with a way for you to not be able to fight back." He pulls a necklace out of his pocket. This necklace looks very similar to Inuyasha's beads of subjugation.

"What are you doing?" Kagome backs up until she is all the way against the wall of the cave. Before she could do anything else, Kouga quickly put the necklace around her neck. 'What is this. What's going on? I feel so .. weak.' She lays down on the cave floor unable to sit up any longer.

{  "This necklace will prevent you from using your powers. You are just an ordinary human now. Tell me, Kagome. Are you ready? Are you ready to know what a real demon feels like?" That's when the wolf, Kagome thought of as her friend, jumps on top of her and pins her hands behind her, making her unable to move at all.

"Please, Kouga! Don't do this! I thought we were friends." A tear escapes her eye.

"It's mating season. There isn't any need for friends. Just a mate to do what I please." He forces his lips hard against hers and no matter how hard she tries to resist, she just can't seem to escape. She feels her shirt and bra being slashed apart by claws, not the clawed hands she wished were here with her. 'Please, Inuyasha. Save me.'

As soon as Kouga pulled away from the kiss, Kagome screemed. "INUUUUYYAAASSHHAAA!" She was surprised to feel a stinging sensation across her face. When she looked back at Kouga, his claws were dripping blood, her blood. Her cheek is oozing from the large scratch left behind by his demon powered slap.

"Yell that mutts name again and you will be sorry! Got it?!"

All she could do was nod and look away.

"You will look at me when I take you." He forces her face towards him as he feels all over her body. First he grabs her big round breasts with his left hand and starts to lick and suck on her nipples. Then with his other hand, slashes off her skirt and panties. She can feel his hardened cock rubbing up against her through his clothing. She shivers in disgust under his touch.

'Inuyasha, I'm so sorry. I can't stop him. Inuyasha will never want to be with me now.' She shuts her eyes tight and tries to think of her beloved dog demon.  }


Inuyasha is even closer to his love. He can see the mountain where the wolf demon tribe resides. That's when he heard a scream, "INNUUUYYAAASSHHHAAA!" Then he smelled salt from her tears, and blood. Kagomes blood. This caused his own blood to boil. His claws grew sharper then before, the markings on his face are an even more pronounced purple. And his eyes. Like a pool of blood, the blood of his prey. "Mate. Wolf will die." He rushed towards the smell of salt and blood, hoping he would be there in time.


 Kagome hears a deep growl and her eyes shoot open to see Kouga staring at her throat.

"I'm done playing around. I'm ready. You will be my mate now." Kouga rips off his own clothing and is completely naked within seconds. He uses his green hair band to tie Kagome's hands back to prevent her from moving even more.

Kagome shuts her eyes tight again and feels more of her own tears streaming down her face. 'Inuyasha, please help me.'

Kouga sees and smells the tears and blood on his mate and it turns him on more. He put his large cock at the entrance of her womanhood and holds her neck back by the back of her hair. He heard her whimper and his cock starts to pulse under the huge amount of pressure and need. "Feel me, Kagome. Feel me slip inside of you. Hard and Fast."

Then she felt it. He didn't take his time, he slammed his extremely erect and large penis into her virgin pussy, breaking her barrier and causing her to bleed. She lightly whimpers, not too loudly in fear that he would hurt her again. 'He stole the one thing that should never be taken. The one thing that can never be given back.'

Covered in tears and blood, Kagome feels a stinging sensation on her throat. She is shocked as she realized he just bit her! "W-what are you d-doing?"

"Making you mine."

He drains his cum inside of her pussy and continues to pump his cock in and out of her while licking and sucking on the freshly made mark on her neck. Her eyes are glued shut trying not to think of the feeling of warm liquid oozing out of her. That's when she feels the weight of Kouga disappear. She is too afraid to open her eyes until she heard a voice, the most comforting voice to ever reach her ears.  }



"Wolf dead. Mate safe. Mine."

She is nervous at first, seeing her hanyou like this. Full demon form and calling her his mate. But then she notices he takes off his Haori and wraps her up in it. In that moment she knows she's safe and passes out in his arms.



Authors Notes: Thanks for reading! I know it was dark and painful. It had to be done for what comes next in my story. I initially wasn't going to have Kagome fully raped and Kouga killed. Kagome was going to be sexually assulted and Inuyasha come right on time, and you know how Kagome is, she would ask him not to kill Kouga and bla bla bla. Well, this is the way my brain decided to go so I am happy with it. Poor Kagome though, always something :_(