InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Kagome's Fear ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcome back to the next chapter of Mating Season! I have a plan for something specific in future chapters. I'm not sure exactly when it will be implimented but I'm guessing in the next 5 chapters. It's a suprise, so I hope it actually suprises you haha

Disclaimer: I wish I did, but I do not own Inuyasha. This specific story does belong to me though

Chapter 11 recap:

Kagome and Inuyasha are arm in arm again while sitting on the floor of her bedroom. Eri sits in front of them and asks, "What happened? What do you need to tell me, Kagome?"

"Eri. .." She looks at Inuyasha and back towards her friend. She takes a deep breath in and finally says what no one else but Inuyasha knows.

"I was raped."

Chapter 12: Kagome's Fear

"WHAT?" Eri shouted with disbelief and immediately hugged her friend. "Oh Kagome, I'm so sorry. What happened?"

Kagome told her the whole story, occasionally glancing at Inuyasha and getting his much needed support. She could not have done any of this, be as strong as this, if it weren't for her half demon. She loves him more then life itself.

After Eri heard everything, not only about Kouga, but also the well, Naraku, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, everyone and everything, she stares at both Inuyasha and Kagome for a minute without another word. When she finally decided to speek up she said, "wow. I can't believe you have been going five hundred years in the past, fighting demons all day, and you still complain about schoolwork!"

Kagome lets out a laugh, a genuine, happy laugh. Her friends, no matter how intrusive they can be, always make her smile. She doesn't have to hold onto this secret anymore. Atleast, not from Eri. She knows she can trust her. She feels bad about hiding it from Yuka and Ayumi but she can't risk allowing too many people to know the truth.

"You have finally lost it woman." Inuyasha says as Kagome is still laughing hysterically.

"Oh, come on Inuyasha. She is right. I fight demons all day, practically live with them, and I still come home and worry about school!" She laughs some more, until she notices the random sad look on Inuyasha's face. "Inuyasha, what did I say?"

"Home." Was all he could say before his eyes flashed red.

Eri and Kagome gasped as they watched his eyes flash from red to amber, back to red and amber again, finally stopped at the crimson that everyone seems to fear. Other then Kagome, that is.

"Inu-yasha? What did I say?"

"Kagome, why does this keep happening? Why are you with a demon if he can't be trusted!"

Kagome went pale. She knew it wasn't a good thing when someone spoke like this while Inuyasha wasn't himself.

He turned to glare at Eri. "You. You are the reason."


He turns to Kagome real fast and does something no one would have ever expected, even as a full demon. It happened so fast, neither Kagome or Eri really understood what happened.

Kagome was laying on the floor in shock, she put her hand up to her cheek and felt blood. Blood from a scratch caused by the man she loves. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get those memories to leave her head.


As soon as Kouga pulled away from the kiss Kagome screemed, "INUUUUYYAAASSHHAAA!" She was surprised to feel a stinging sensation across her face. When she looked back at Kouga, his claws were dripping blood, her blood. Her cheek is oozing blood from the large scratch left behind by his demon powered slap. 

End Flashback 


Kagome started to cry, "Inu-ya-sha. Why?" She looked at the blood on her hand and back up at this man. This man she has loved for so long. The heroic half dog demon with long white hair and sharp claws. A man with eyes, usually so kind towards her, but currently, the color of evil. She looked at him. Her half demon, her hero, her mate, and couldn't help but cry. 'How? How could this happen?'

At the smell of tears and blood, Inuyasha was confused. 'Blood. Ka-gome's blood. Kagome?" He quickly snapped out of his demon state and looked over at the girl he cares so deeply for. Then he noticed his blood stained claws, and a scared but angry Eri sitting next to him. "Kago-me." He reached his hand forward but the last thing he would ever expect from her was a flinch. 'She's scared of me.' "Kagome. Please, don't be afraid of me. I didn't mean to. It wasn't me!" He goes to get closer but is stopped by Eri.

"Get away from her! She is scared and bleeding because of you."

"Kagome?" Inuyasha doesn't know what to do but he decided to pour his feelings out, even though he was terrible at it. "Kagome, I'm .. sorry. I promise. This won't happen again. We need to see Myoga and then we will find out everything. Kagome .." He reaches closer to her and she seems to warm up a little more as he continues to speak. "Kagome, I love you. If that wasn't true, you know I wouldn't have marked you. Dog demons only mark their soul mate." He gets slightly closer. "I don't know what's happening but I promise, I will do whatever it takes to protect you.. Even if I have to protect you from me."

Eri doesn't know why she trusts this demon after what he just did but she does. She backs away from in front of her friend and just keeps watching.

Kagome jumps into Inuyasha's arms to embrace him in a much needed hug. "I love you too, Inuyasha." She continues to cry into his Haori. "I know it's not your fault. We will talk to Myoga as soon as we get back."

He looks her in her deep brown eyes and smiles, a full fanged smile. He moves her hair from her face and continues, "I don't say it enough, but I really do love you."

She smiles back at him and joins him half way for a deep and passionate kiss. "I love you too."


Kohaku is tending to an old man in the village who had gotten injured earlier that day. All of a sudden he heard a voice, the voice that tends to follow him wherever he goes.

'Kohaku .. Kohaku .. Bring Kogome to me. You will do this as soon as you see her.' Kohaku is freightened. Instead of his usual blank stare, he is himself. But he can't seem to move his body. "NO! I .. I can't do that!"

The old man he was helping, backed away and ran into a hut out of fear. The old man screems, "THE BOY IS POSSESSED!" 

Sango looks to Miroku and says, "something is wrong. Kohaku!" She calls out "Kirara!" They Hop onto Kirara's back and rush over to her little brother to try and help him in whatever way they can. When Shippo hears the commotion, he too rushes over. 

"Kohaku, are you alright?" She bent down next to her brother who can't seem to move. He has his hands on his head and keeps repeating the same phrase over and over.

"I can't do it. I won't do it. You can't make me do it!" He falls to the ground as he loses conciousness.


Kagome is asleep on her bed while Inuyasha is watching over her. Eri speaks up, "you really don't know what's going on? .. Why you keep .. changing .. I mean."

"No .. I mean .. I don't think so. I'm not really sure. Which is why we have to go see someone who can help."

"So, you have an idea then? What it is?"

"It didn't start until recently. I know it has to do with spring, mating season to us demons. But .. "

"But what?"

He sees Kagome moving around and groaning as if she is having a nightmare.

"You can't run from me, Kagome. You are MY mate, after all."

"NO! You .. you're dead! How can you be here?" 

Kagome trips and rolls down a hill. When she reaches the bottom, she turns around expecting Kouga to try and hurt her again. But that's not who is there.

"Inu-yasha? What happened? Where's Kouga?" She looks all around but doesn't see any sign of the wolf demon that caused her so much pain and suffering.

"I killed him Kagome."

She smiles up at him but the smile fades when she sees his sudden transformation. 

"I killed him. So you will be mine." Inuyasha says in an extremely scary and seductive voice.

"Wait, Inuyasha! You said you would wait until I was ready!" She backed into a tree and realized she can't escape.

"Stupid girl. Why would I say that? Oh, I know. To convince you of some happy ending that isn't.. going.. to happen." He laughs evily and jumps on top of her."


"Inuyaashaa!" Kagome jumps awake from sleep and looks around, confused.

Inuyasha and Eri were there with worried expressions, just staring at her.

"Kagome, what happened?" Eri asked.


Inuyasha went to comfort her but she backed away from him. He moved his hand away and looked away. 'She's afraid of me. I caused her to be afraid of me.' "Kagome, I'm sorry. I'll just go and you don't have to worry about me hurting you anymore." He started to open her window and she jumped to him.

When she hugged him from behind she said, "No! Don't leave me! It was just a dream. I trust you completely Inuyasha. I am your mate after all, even though we haven't finished the mating ritual." She looks down in sadness. "I'm sorry."

He turns around, surprised. "Why are you apologizing?"

"Because it's mating season, I agreed to be your mate, I love you and I still don't feel ready. I'm sorry."

He hugs her real tight and just says, "Stop being stupid. I know what happened couldn't have been easy. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner. I failed you."

She pulls him into a quick and surprising kiss. When they pull away, she smiles. 

"What are you smiling at?"

"You. You know exactly what to say to make me happy."

Inuyasha blushes and looks away, "Keh, whatever."

Eri smiles. She knows something is happening and she wants to help her friend. 'I wonder what Inuyasha was about to tell me.'

The three friends sit up all night long, just talking about the Feudal Era and their lives together. Their plans to defeat Naraku and how to help Inuyasha. They have many laughs, tears and smiles. Especially Eri, for she not only feels closer to her friend Kagome. She also gained a new friend. No matter how strange he may be, she knows he loves Kagome and will protect her, no matter the cost.

Authors Notes: Chapter 12 done! YAY. Honestly, I write this as I go. I have almost no plan and when I do think of a plan, I end up going away from it haha. But one thing is certain. The thing I have up my sleeve will definitely happen soon ;)