InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maybe If, Another Time ❯ prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It stormed. Hard and with a fury none had ever seen before. It was day time though the darkness and quantity of the clouds blocked out all sunlight. Total darkness. Or, almost total darkness. That's what the people of the Sacred Village were experiencing. The only light was the dim glow of the makeshift candles inside the huts. The trees bordering the village were dancing with the wind and rain. They looked dark and ominous. More so than anyone had ever realized. They had a sense of foreboding to them. A sense of a sort of evil foreshadowing.
Everyone was inside. The children, who were usually running around and playing all sorts of games, were riding out the storm in the huts with their families, leaving the streets empty and bare. No one could have seen the figure standing at the edge of the forest. No one could have known what would happen in just a few moments time. No one could have stopped it. No one could have…..