InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ me of all people.... ❯ Sango's Rude Awakening ( Chapter 15 )
Me Of All People
By: CiCi
**{::disclaimer: you know the drill....1st chappy....::}**
Chapter: Chap.: 15- Sango's `Awaking'
~~: Dedication: this happy chappy is for StrikingFalcon, aka SF. You know the one who helps me beat up poor sessho.....ah well he heals fast.*wink wink* Any who this is to her because 1) she's a great writer 2) because she pasted her finals! YAY! Whew finally...*late news I know.* 3) because well...lets just say she's been putting up with some one's bullshit. ::whistles innocently::~~:
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CiCi: well then! This chappy is about Sango waking up...hehe...and some of you asked what an intern is. Well an intern is: a student or trainee who does a job to gain work experience or for a qualification. And kagome and Sango have business class so they had to do an intern thing. Oh I have to tell you about this convo I had with my friend:
Jeff: how can you `like' sesshomaru? He's the bad guy?!!
CiCi: not really!! He's just caught between pain and what he wants!
Jeff: he tried to kill kagome!
CiCi: so did inuyasha!
Jeff: but he wanted the jewel!
CiCi: sessho wanted the sword!
Jeff: HMPF! {::mutters::} he's still the bad guy...
CiCi: he is not! {::keeps rambling::}
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*Sango's Point Of View*
her head was swirling. "Ohhhh what the hell?" she lifted her head from the couch. She felt like
her head weighed a thousand pounds. "Oh Jesus..."
"Hi how are you?" a head poked into her vison.
"GAH!" before she knew it she had punched inuyasha in the face for the second time.
When she realized who she "accidently" punched. She gasped. "Oh god Mr. Hishitoru...I'm so
sorry!" she got up to help him. His long black waves flowing below his shoulders. He waved her off. "I'm fine it's you who I'm worried about. You hit that marble really hard..." Sango rubbed
her aching head. It felt like a bunch of rocks tumbling around in a bowl.
"Yea I know what you mean..." she retorted.
"Yea I didn't want to check for injuries considering if you woke up you would've hit me like hell...of course you still did but hey that's ok! Wine?" inuyasha asked as he poured himself a glass. He looked up at Sango. She looked like she was having a mind war. She also looked tempted. She sniffed. "I really shouldn't my head would have a frenzy..."
inuyasha almost hit himself. "Sorry I forgot, um.... I have sprite?"
Sango almost busted out laughing. She covered her mouth with her hand. "I'm so sorry" she said between muffled laughs. Inuyasha's eyebrows drew together. "What's so funny?" he thought about it. `What was the last thing I said? I have sprite? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh god.' inuyasha shook his head at Sango. "You have a nasty mind..."
"Ah...don't you love it?" Sango asked sweetly. `Wow who would've thought that inuyasha hishitoru was normal as you can get...' Inuyasha threw her a doubtful look. Sango just smirked.
"Hey inuyasha can I ask you a question?" Sango asked gingerly.
Inuyasha did a sharp, quick nod. "Shoot."
"Why do you and your `half' brother, have different last names?"
Inuyasha dug his hands in his pockets. Rocking back and forth on his heels he nodded. "Seems weird huh? Yea, I changed my name to my mothers maiden name. Don't ask why. Long story."
Sango nodded. "Well any way on a better note kagome and I-"
suddenly miroku came bustling in the office. "Hey, ever you heard of knocking, dumb ass." inuyasha shot.
Sango raised an eyebrow. "Is that how ya'll great each other every day?"
Miroku shrugged. "Pretty much so...yea."
Inuyasha and miroku smiled and looked at each other. "Yea, I think I like this one." miroku started in German. Inuyasha raised his eyebrows. "I haven't really gotten to know her yet. But I have a feeling she'll be more `girlfriend.' than friend."he smiled. "If you know what I mean." inuyasha said back in the same language.
"Hey!" Sango cut in. "It's not polite to speak a different friggin' language when other people around you don't speak that one!"
Miroku raised an eyebrow. "How were we to know you didn't speak German?" he inquired.
Sango glared up at him. "I...uh...HEY!" she screeched as she felt his hand caress her back side. She started to slap him as fast as her hands could go. "You little...pervert...piece of-" miroku grasped her wrists and made her stop. She blinked owlishly, at his grasp on her wrists.
Inuyasha however cleared his throat. "Ok miroku, you can stop putting the moves on every woman you see."
Miroku smirked and let her wrists go. His hands finding they're way into his suit's pockets. Walking beside inuyasha he mumbled, again in German, "like I said you don't want her, I'll take her." miroku elbowed inuyasha lightly.
Inuyasha smiled. And replied. "You wish." he stopped when both noticed Sango standing there with her arms crossed over her chest and taping her foot lightly.
"Sorry Ms. takahashi. Form of habit." inuyasha said professionally. Sango's eyebrows drew together. "Ok, you guys are scaring me. One, your being nice is really really really scary inuyasha. Two, miroku...your" Sango said throwing her hands up. "I need mental help. Come on we gotta find kagome." she went to open the door with inuyasha and miroku right behind her.
CiCi: short? Yea I know...