InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Be ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jinx: *jumps for joy* Jippi! Chapter 3 *hold up three fingers*

Cindy: *laughs*

Chapter 3:

Inuyasha had come back to the village to tend to his responsibilities while his father was away. Now that it was taken care of he sat with his back against the tree thinking. As he was thinking he looked up to see his brother Miroku getting slapped for the hundredth time by Sango. His brother had a tendency of having a wondering hand. (Jinx: that sure dose sound like Miroku…………….that could be because it is him *sigh* I'm an idiot) He himself had told him that he should keep his hands to himself and not touch any of the women in the tribe, but he couldn't say anything about his captive. She, although, had been able to contain his brothers wondering hands and beat him senseless very time he tried to grope her. It has been six month's since he captured her and he had the responsibility of providing for her well being.

It was well know that if you touched a captive it was your responsibility to take care of them and he wanted no part of it. He didn't want to feel responsible for taking care of anybody because if they died it was because you forgot to feed them failed to protect them and you were at fault, so he never touched them, he had always refused to aid them in any way to prevent him for taking responsibility. Maybe that is what his father had meant when he said he needed responsibility. He sighed deeply in thought.

Miroku now looked at his brother and decided to go speak with him. Miroku was the tribe Shaman, a spiritual leader, although he and Inuyasha were not truly brothers by blood, they were in a sense brother's because they had grown up together. His father had died when he was very young and his mother at childbirth. So when he was left alone Inutaisho had taken him in and raised him as his own. He and Inuyasha could be seen running around together and acting exactly like brothers. For this reason he felt closeness to the hanyou and he could feel something was bothering him.

"Inuyasha, what's wrong?" asked Miroku. "Miroku won't you ever learn not to grope Sango, if you stopped then maybe she wouldn't beat the crap outta you." Miroku smiled one of his trademark smiles and said "Ha, but it was worth the pain". All Inuyasha could do was shack his head in defeat. He will never learn and there was nothing he could do. (Jinx: wouldn't have him any other way either *giggle*)

Then out of nowhere Miroku spoke "hey Inuyasha, are you ready for tonight?" Inuyasha looked at him with a confused face; he had no idea what he was talking about. Seeing the confusion on his brothers face he continued "Umm, you were suppose to do the dance for the going away" Inuyasha face went horrid he had totally forgotten that he would have to dance for the going away. He would always dance to go south and his brother would always dance to go north. (Jinx: what about east and west? *thinks*oh I know! *hands Cindy a dancing pole* you do west and I'll do east. Cindy: no. Jinx: do you want to do east instead? Cindy: *sigh*)

A look of disgust fell over Inuyasha's face; he remembered why he had to dance ever since his father refused to do it anymore he had been stuck with it. Albeit it was only once a year but he hated it just the same. Miroku found the expression priceless because he had gotten his brother out of his current funk. "Man, don't tell me that the dance is tonight!" said Inuyasha. Miroku just put on the biggest smile he could and said "Yep, its tonight!" Inuyasha just groaned he didn't want to do it but he had to. They had to give thanks to the gods before they left to make sure that the trip to the south went well. He thought it was a waste of time personally because what got them there safely each year were all the preparations that were made before they left. Even though it wouldn't hurt just to give thanks, in cases something happened along the way,

He got up and started to go into the forest when Miroku stopped him "where are you going Inuyasha? You have to get ready for the ceremony" he stopped and turned around and replied "I'm just going for a walk I will be back in plenty of time for you to help me into the costume." He really needed the help because the damn thing weighed a ton, plus he had to wear that red paint that when left on for too long always caused him a rash for several weeks afterwards. He was determined to not let that happen again, once was enough! (Jinx: damn straight!)

As he entered into the forest he caught the sent of Jasmine. He had never before smelt something so pleasing and so calming before in his life. Not even Kikyou scent had this affect on him, her scent was of medicine and herbs, he had to get used to it first, because it always made his nose hurt. He decided to follow this alluring scent to see where it came from.

Kagome had been wondering around for at least a couple of hours. She had no idea where she or her family was. She was starting to panic when she spotted what look like a little boy wondering through the forest. Relieved that no one would let such a young boy be in the forest by himself, especially at night, she would ask his parents were the village was. So she slowly started making her way to where the boy was when suddenly she heard a cry for help. When she looked up she noticed that there was a bear chasing after the boy. She had to do something to protect the boy or else the bear would kill him. Looking around she quickly picked up a rather large stick and started running towards the bear to try and get its attention, she through the stick at the bear hitting it on the nose. Well the plan worked, the bear had left the small boy to come after her.

As she turned around trying to get away from the bear she noticed that the boy had headed back to what she thought was a village in the distance. But her main priority right now was to get rid of this bear. He was fast and soon he caught up with her and with the swipe of its claws on her right leg he brought her down. Letting out a shrieking scream in pain she crumpled on the ground. The bear had stood on his hind legs ready to attack when someone yelled out behind her and attacked the bear. She fell into unconscious instantly not seeing whom her savior was.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

While Inuyasha was following his nose to that wonderful scent that so captivated him he heard the cry of the child in the distance. He started running towards the cries upon entering the clearing he saw that a girl dressed in strange clothes was running away from the bear. She must have gotten his attention away from the child he heard earlier. But the bear had caught up to her and with a swipe of his claws he cut her right leg and she let out a ear shattering scream that he had to lower his ears to keep them from hurting. With her on the ground the bear reared on his hind leg getting ready to kill the girl. He jumped into the air and cried "Iron revere sole stealer" and cut the bear in half, killing it instantly. He turned around to look at the girl when he noticed that the scent he was chasing was coming from her. Her scent was so intoxicating; he was so focused on her scent that he almost didn't pick up the scent of her blood. When he looked down and saw her bleeding leg, he cut a piece of his shirt off so he could bandage her wound. Then he gently raised her in his arms and carried her bridle style back to the tribe. Never thinking that he was now responsible for her safety and well being, (Jinx: so are you saying that if he touches this *holds up box* that'd he be responsible for it now? Cindy: *shakes head in embarrassment*)

Miroku was busy getting Inuyasha costume ready for the ceremony that he almost missed Inutaisho return to the village. He greeted his father and asked how his trip had gone. Then he saw the elder straighten and sniff the air. "What is it, father?" Miroku asked, "I smell blood, human blood and it's coming this way" He turned in the direction that the elder was staring in when he saw Inuyasha emerge from the forest with a strange female in his arms unconscious. "Inuyasha what happened?" Inutaisho asked. As Inuyasha laid the girl on the ground he proceeded to tell his father what had happened in the forest. The elder was shocked to say the least that the girl had risked her life in order to save one of the tribe's children. He was very grateful for her courage and as he looked down at her his eyes got wide then he realized that she was wearing strange clothing that Kaede had told him about.

He got a smirk on his face and looked up at his son and said "well since you saved her you get to keep her, she is your responsibility" Inuyasha's eyes grew wide with understanding. How could he had been so stupid and touch her. He looked upon her sleeping form with her wonderful scent reaching his nose. He couldn't be angry not since he loved her scent. `Wait a minute; I couldn't have just thought that! I can't love her! Damn!!' (Jinx: *evil laughter* Cindy: Jinx *sigh*)

His father watched with interest as his son's facial expression changed for calm and cool to surprise and disgust. Yep he diffidently has feelings for the girl. "Well Inuyasha you better tend to her wounds or she might die" with that Inutaisho left. Inuyasha sigh and turned to Miroku "could you please go down to Kikyou and ask her for some bandages and salve for her wounds and don't tell her about the girl" Miroku turns to Inuyasha and says "why not?" Inuyasha sigh and explains that he wanted to tell her so she wouldn't have to hear it from anybody else. "Well if you are that concerned about it then you should go and get the bandages and salve," said Miroku. Inuyasha thought for a few minutes and asked, "Where's Sango?" "She is moving your costume over to the ceremony area, why?" Inuyasha heavily sighed, "No you go get the bandages and salve I am not about to trust you with her and your roaming hands". Miroku looked hurt at his brother's remark but turned around and left to go and get the much-needed items.

Inuyasha moved the girl into the tepee that he shared with Miroku and Sango and settled her on some blankets. He checked her over to make sure she was not injured anywhere else; aside from her shivering he saw no other wounds. He jumped when she moved her small hand and made contact on his bare feet. She was cold. He took off his shirt, which he didn't need it anyway because the cold never bothered him and draped it over her. She immediately stopped shivering when the warmth of his shirt wrapped itself around her.

He sat next to her, looking deeply into her face and taking in her scent. He noticed the gentle rise of her breast as she breathed deeply. Her hair was as black as night itself, her lips were pink and full, she had a small waist. Her shirt stopped short of covering her stomach and her skin was the white and silky to the touch. Her scent was that of Jasmine and it held no other smells of the invaders village like Sango had. No one has ever had this affect on him, not even Kikyou. He just sat there looking at her sleeping form. (Jinx: *sniffle*. Cindy: Jinx are you ok? Jinx: it's just so beautiful *sob* Cindy: oh my god)

Just then Miroku came into the tepee with the bandages and salve. He gave an evil grin at his brother while saying "Had a change of heart did you?" Inuyasha just glared at him and took the bandages from him and started dressing the girl's wounds. He was careful to clean, apply the salve and dress the wound. Once he was done he looked down at his work and smiled inwardly, he then stood and motioned Miroku out of the tepee. "We have to go and get ready for the ceremony". Miroku looked at him with a raised eyebrow "I could stay with her to make sure nothing happens to her." Inuyasha looked like he was about to kill his brother, "and who would protect her from your wondering hands?" he practically yelled at him. "You are not staying here with her, you are coming with me." Miroku knew that tone of voice and he knew that his brother would not let him stay with the girl. So with a hung head he followed Inuyasha to the ceremonial area and helped him get dressed for the event.


Jinx: *giggle*

Cindy: what are you giggling about?

Jinx: nothing *hides paper*

Cindy: what was that?

Jinx: nothing

Cindy: you were reading lemons again weren't you?

Jinx:……………maybe……R 30;…………

Cindy: *sigh*