InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Be ❯ Chapter 16

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The following chapter contains a lemon if you are not 18 or older you need to leave. You have been warned of the adult content of this chapter. If you are sure that you want to read it then on with the story.

Mike: *evil laughter* I'm going to enjoy this.

Jinx: *sob*

Cindy: oh dear lord what have I done.

Chapter 16 (LEMON)

The next morning found a very upset hanyou sitting next to Kagome. Not even kissing her this time had awoken her. She still slept not moving at all during the night. Sango had tried to get Inuyasha to eat something but he had refused. He was sitting by Kagome's side gently stroking her hair and rubbing her ears on occasion to see if she would wake up.(Mike: *evil laughter* Jinx: hey! It was well worth it ok!!!!!!! *pout* Cindy: you two……*sigh*)

Jinx came by to see if Kagome was any better. But found Inuyasha still sitting by her side not saying a word nor allowing anyone near her. Jinx left the tepee to find Sango and asked, "How long has he been like this?" "He has been like that since last night, he has not moved at all since he brought her here. He refuses to eat or let anyone near Kagome. I am staring to get worried about him; he has never acted like this before." Jinx thought about this a little before she replied "Kagome did use a lot of energy last night, at first to put the barrier around us, then firing her sacred arrows. She then used her new powers to get rid of the unnamed tribe and heal everyone in the tribe including Inuyasha; it's no wonder she hadn't woken up yet. She will sleep for a good while longer." Sango nodded her head in agreement.

Inutaisho came by to check on his son and Kagome. He found Jinx there talking to Sango with a somber face. He knew that Kagome was not awake yet and that Inuyasha was still by her side. "Nothing's changed I guess" was his simple statement, both girls said no. "Well you better go and get ready for the ceremony." Stated at her soon to be father-in-law, Jinx had turned to walk away to get ready when she had to voice her opinion. "Please if Kagome has not woken up by the time the ceremony is to begin do not make Inuyasha leave her side. It will break his heart, he feels responsible for what happened, and I know he does even though he was not at fault." Inutaisho was taken back by her simple words but he promised her that if the girl had not awakened then he would not force Inuyasha to leave her side. With a big smile on her face she turned to leave and get ready for the ceremony. (Jinx: *sigh* I love Inuyasha's daddy in this fic *big smile* Mike: but aren't you Sesshomaru's mate? Jinx: so, he's my father-n-law in this fic *raspberry* Cindy: hey! That's my line!)

Inutaisho walked into the tepee to where his son and Kagome were. As he approached his son he saw him and bristled. He sat next to him and started talking to him in a gentle fatherly voice. "Inuyasha if Kagome does not wake up for the ceremony don't worry about it. You can stay and protect her. Everyone would understand why you didn't attend." Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief once his father had said this. "Thank you" was all he was able to say. His gaze never leaving the sleeping girl for fear that he might miss her waking up.

As night started to approach Inuyasha tried once more to wake his beloved. "Kagome please wake up, the ceremony is about to begin and your friend would really love for you to be there. Please don't disappoint her. He leaned forward and kissed her; it was just a simple kiss full of his love for the girl. But what he didn't notice was that he was starting to glow, an eerie gold color and Kagome began to glow with her blue. Together the two auras met and began to mix. As if two half's of a soul were reunited after a long separation. After a minute of kissing her he started to feel her respond. He kissed her more passionately and she responded in kind. Soon her arms wrapped around his neck to bring him in closer to her. They continued to kiss, with him rivaling in her taste. He pulled away gently to trace kisses down her neck. She was purring to his caresses. He continued to nip and kiss gently down her neck. She lifted her chin to allow him access to her neck and went limp in his arms, she was in heaven and she didn't want him to stop. He enjoyed her neck for a little while longer before he stopped, causing her to whimper at his sudden withdrawal. "Do you want to go to Jinx and Sesshomaru mating ritual?" Her head was spinning and her eyes were glassy with her desire for him. But she knew her friend would love for her to go to the ceremony. She nodded yes and when she went to stand up she couldn't. She was still weak from the day before, Inuyasha had been holding her while she tried to stand up, so when she couldn't he picked her up and then headed out of the tepee with her in his arms.

They arrived at the mating ceremony and when everyone saw that Kagome was awake they were jumping for joy. He placed her on a blanket that had been set up and sat behind to her holding her in an upright position with her back against his chest. She leaned into his embrace and welcomed his warmth. The ceremony was about to being.

Sesshomaru stood in front of his father waiting for Jinx to come in. All eyes turned to the entrance of the tepee when she entered. She was wearing a beautiful white dress. It had the picture of the rising sun on the front made of golden beads with a half moon just in front of it made of blue beads. The edges of the dress were made of a golden color that had gems sewn in on the bottom. The dressed hugged her petit form perfectly showing off her curves. Her hair had been adorned with small white flowers that made her glow. Her eyes were the purest of blue indicating her happiness at the moment. Her cheeks and lips were of a rosy color that made her features stand out even more, and in her hands she held a simple bouquet of white and blue flowers. To put it simply she took Sesshomaru breath away. (Mike: *looks at Jinx* where the heck did that come from? You have yet to take my breath away *evil laughter* Jinx: *glares at mike* Cindy: wait! Aren't you gay? Jinx: yeah! So your opinion doesn't count.)

Sesshomaru was simply dressed he worn only his pants the color of black. Along the side of the pants there was the symbol of his pack. It was adorn with half moons in the color of gold with a blue background. On his chest he wore his armor. Adorn with gold, blue, and white beads. It showed the symbol of his pack plus hers to signify their union, a half moon with the rising sun in the background. His muscles showed on his exposed skin for her to see. His hair was pulled back and on his head he wore his bonnet of feathers showing his status as chief of the tribe. His eyes were of the purest gold she had ever seen and his expression was one of desire for her. It made her shiver at the look he was giving her as she approached (Jinx: *DROOOOOOOOOL* Cindy; *wipes drool off of Jinx's mouth* Mike, I'm going to need another rag here! Mike: *DROOOOOL* Cindy: oh god *sigh*)

As she was approaching the front to be with the man she loved she noticed that Inuyasha was holding a very weak Kagome against his chest. She smiled one of her biggest smiles at her friend letting her know that she appreciated her being there for her most special day. She reached the front and stood in front of Inutaisho and the ceremony began. "We have come together to join Sesshomaru and Jinx in this mating ceremony. For when Inu Youkai mate they mate for life. The first part of the ceremony requires that both share their blood." They both held out their arm for Inutaisho to cut across each wrist. They then opened their mouths and let the blood drip in to each other mouths. When this was done Sesshomaru licked his wound and it sealed, he did the same for his love and it healed. They turned their attention toward Inutaisho again. "They will now give each other the mating mark of life mates." They turned to each other, Sesshomaru took Jinx into his embrace and nibbled down her neck, this action caused her to shivered with delight as he nipped her neck, when he got to the junction of were the neck and shoulder met he bit into her flesh causing her to go weak in the knees. If it had not been for Sesshomaru holding her she would have fallen on her knees. He released her from his embraced and then gently licked the blood that was forming on her neck and the wound closed. Now it was time for Jinx to do the same. (Mike: OUCH! Don't bite me! Jinx: why you did me remember! *glares at mike* Cindy: *shakes head*)

She kissed and nibbled down his neck in much the same way as he had done to her. She noticed that he started to purr as she was caressing his neck, when she got to the junction where the neck and shoulder met, she too bit down hard. Sesshomaru growled a low and deep in his throat, as she released him from her embrace and she too licked the wound closed. Once they were done they looked into each other's eyes and both melted as each saw the desire for the other in them. They turned and faced Inutaisho. "Now I will seal the bond between them." Inutaisho put his hand over the mating marks that both had made on their necks. He muttered something under his breath and he began to glow a light of pure gold. The marks glowed from his touch thus sealing the bond and binding them together forever. He removed his hands and said "I now pronoun them, mated for life." With that Sesshomaru picked up Jinx in his strong arms and left the tepee heading toward there new home.

Sesshomaru arrived at the tepee that was to be home for him and his new mate. Once he entered the tepee he set Jinx down on her feet. He looked into her now golden/green eyes that showed her desire for him. He lowered his head until there lips met, first the kiss was gentle but soon it turned into a strong and passionate kiss. He wrapped his strong arms around her small waist as she wrapped her small arms around his neck making them come closer together in order to deepen the kiss. (Mike: here it comes *evil laughter* Jinx: *glares at mike* Cindy: this is going to be a long day *sigh*)

He started by removing her dress never breaking from the kiss they shared; when he was done she was standing there in front of him naked. It was the most perfect sight he had ever seen. Her skin was soft to the touch and she shivered as his fingers moved against her body. It was her turn to remove his clothing; she took off his armor and rubbed her hands along the rippling muscles of his chest. She then gently removed his pants until they slid right off him and lay in a heap on the ground. What she saw made her turn 5 shades of red. He was big but he was hers. He picked her up and gently laid her down on the soft fur of their bed. (Mike: hey Jinx nice move. *evil laughter* Where did you learn that one? Jinx: you're an ass you know that? Cindy: I don't know I think it's kind of funny. Jinx: *glares at Cindy* Cindy: you know as well as I do that doesn't work.)

Jinx lay on her back as Sesshomaru knelt over her. Holding himself up on his left elbow he gently reached down and kissed her again. He gently moved his right hand down to caress her perky breast as she moaned with desire for him. (Mike: I think this would be a good time to address to the people I'm going to make fun of jinx throw this whole lemon *evil laughter* Jinx: hump! Evil laughter my ass.)

He massaged her breast with his hand while he trailed warm kisses down the sensitive spot on her neck. Jinx was moaning with desire as he kept moving his lips down between the valley of her breast. Then he took one of her breast into his mouth and gently began to suckle. Jinx gasped, wiggling her hips and closing her eyes. Her breath began to come faster as he continued his assault on her breast. He then brought his other had down her side gently caressing the outside of her leg first then the inside. Her arousal was reaching his nose and it was getting stronger by the minute. He didn't know if he could hold out much longer before he took her but he wanted it to be a night for her to remember always. (Mike: *falls off bed laughing* oh my god this is great! *rolls around on floor* Jinx: *grumbles* Cindy: *giggles* Jinx: *sends death glare at Cindy* Cindy: *shuts up*)

Jinx was now panting with desire once he was satisfied with his administration of her breast he moved downward nipping and kissing his way down, looking for the spot that was getting more and more alluring by the minute. When he finally got to her wet spot he gently sucked on the bundle of nerve that causes her to yell his name in pure ecstasy. Careful not to cut her he gently slid in one claw finger and began to move in and out. Jinx gasped and started to pant even more; he then added another finger and that sent her into pure bliss. As he moved his fingers in and out gently pumping her as he was still sucking hard on the little knot right above it. Satisfied that he had teased her enough he removed his fingers from her wet box. Jinx whimpered at the lost of his touch but soon enough he had his tongue where his finger had been just minutes ago. She was in ecstasy again and within a few minutes she came in an explosion that ripped through her body as he greedily drank up her wonderful juices. (Mike: *laughs harder* oh …..My…….god!!!! *laughs harder if possible* Jinx: I so hate you right now! Cindy:*giggles*)

He moved upward and positioned himself at her entrance asking her with a silent stare if she was ready. She nodded her consent and he slowly entered her, careful not to hurt her until he reached her maidenhood, "I'm sorry but this will hurt" he pushed once more and before she cried out in pain he kissed her passionately. He waited until she was comfortable with his length, when she moved her hips to signal that she was ready, he carefully moved in and out of her slowly. As she urged him to go faster he built the desire in both of them once more. She started to scream his name as her muscle started to clamp down on his shaft and started to come once more, he came shortly after her with a howl of pure pleasure. They collapsed together completely out of breath. He lifted himself out of her and held her in his arms. "I will love you forever Jinx, my mate for life." And she replied "I will love you for the rest of eternity Sesshomaru" he held her against his chest and they fell into a peaceful sleep. (Mike: *wipes tear from eye* Oh that was great *sees jinx glaring at him and laughs again* Jinx: *sigh* Cindy: you're the one who said it would make the story good.)

The whole tribe heard the howl as it ripped through the entire area signaling that the mating was complete. Everyone rejoiced knowing that the chief had finally found a mate that will stay by him for the rest of his life. So the party continued without the guests of honor. (Mike: aw….. no more of teasing jinx. Jinx: *glares* Cindy: yeah to bad *sigh* Jinx: *grumbles* I hate you all)


Jinx: *glares at mike*

Mike: then you shouldn't have let me read it.

Cindy: if she wouldn't have let you I would have.

Jinx: *death glare at both*

Mike: I think it's time to go now *nerves laughter*

I hope that you liked this lemon it was the first one that I have ever written. Please review and let me know what you think. There are 4 other lemons in this story so you have to keep reading to find them. Bye!