InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Be ❯ Chapter 18

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jinx: *waves flag* Jippi! Chapter eighteen!!!!!!

Cindy: *sigh*

Mike: you're nuts!

Jinx: I try *big smile*

Chapter 18

Off in the distance in the ragged mountain range what was left of Kouga's wolf tribe could be found, over half of his tribe had died in the battle to kill the girl that the dog turd guarded. He had watched as he lost his love in that fight when Inuyasha had killed her with his bare claws, he had watched him do it, not being able to do anything to stop him. Anger radiated from the wolf demon as he was thinking of a way of to kill the girl. He had to avenge his love and what better way to do that than to kill the girl that Inuyasha was guarding. The thought of making him pay for killing his beloved was enough to put a smile on his face. Oh yes he will make him pay for what he did, but if rumors were true on what he heard about the girl she would make a good addition to his tribe. Her powers were great and if she pledged her protection then she would protect his tribe with her life. With her protecting them no one will be able to stop them from taking what he wanted.

Kouga sat in deep concentration when one of his men approached him, "Kouga we have word from our sister tribe to the north, they say they will join in our battle against the Inutaisho tribe." This was really good news that meant that they will be here in 5 days. Yes this was really good news, now all he needed to do was devise a plan to get the girl. This in itself would prove to be difficult because she was being guarded by not only Inutaisho tribe but by Sesshomaru's tribe as well, two of the most powerful tribes in the area. There had to be a way to get to her there just had to be and he had five days to devise this plan. So he sat in silence thinking of ways to get the girl, "and when I get her she will be my mate forever and together we will rule this land." An evil laughter could be heard throughout the cave as he continued to laugh and plot how to get his prize.


Inuyasha finally started to stir after three days; he disengaged himself from Kagome and laid her down on the furs. Then slowly he got to his feet and after making sure that his legs would support his weight as he stood and made his way slowly out of the tepee. He saw his father, brother, Jinx, Sango and Miroku sitting around the fire quietly talking. When he approached them they all gasped in surprise that he was finally awake and alone. He looked into their concerned faces and answered the question they were dieing to ask, "Kagome is still sleeping. How long was it this time?" His father looked at him and said, "It has been three days." Inuyasha stared at the fire, `um, three days well it sure feels like it, my whole body is sore.' He looked down and noticed that all the wounds were healed. Sango came over to him with some food and offered it to him; she knew he would be hungry after three days. He took the food and offered his thanks and ate it. After he had his fill he looked straight at his father and said, "Is there a way that we can prevent her from going full youkai?" His father had to think on this for a few minutes. Then he replied, "The only one that can possibly do that is Kaede and she is two days walk from here."

Inuyasha sat and stared at the fire some more before he got the look of determination on his face. He had come to a decision, "dad can you give me directions to where I might find Kaede? I want to ask her help for Kagome. If we don't subdue her demon side she will loose control and someone might get hurt." Everyone around the campfire was shocked to hear what he had said but understood his determination to subdue his loves demon side. "Yes I can tell you how to get there; do you want some men to go with you?" Inuyasha shook his head no; "it would be faster if I traveled alone. No one in the tribe can keep up with me and they would slow me down." "I understand when will you leave?" said Inutaisho with a sigh he knew his son would leave right away to help his mate. "Now, I want to go and come back as soon as possible, please protect Kagome for me while I'm gone. I'm afraid the danger is not over yet and she won't be strong enough to protect herself," said a concerned Inuyasha. "Very well, go north about 80 miles from here, you will find a large rock that sits on a hill overlooking the valley. Once you get to the rock wait there she will find you." Inuyasha stood and started to go into the forest but before he left he turned and said, "tell Kagome that I will be back soon and for her not to worry." His father nodded that he understood and Inuyasha gritted his teeth and took off at a fast pace to the north. (Jinx: running out of things to type. *slumps in chair* Cindy: good thing too? Mike: why? Cindy: Because there is only like a couple chapter left)

Kagome slowly opened her eyes the next morning she had felt cold and lonely, when she looked around she found no one in the tepee with her. She slowly sat up making sure that the place stopped spinning before she got up. She made her way outside to the beautiful morning sun. She had to blink her eyes to get used to the bright light that greeted her. She turned her nose up into the air and sniffed, `Inuyasha has to be around her somewhere' she thought but she couldn't pick up his scent. She grew sad and a lone tear left her beautiful eyes. `Has Inuyasha left me because of what happened the other day? How long have I been asleep anyway?'

With a heavy heart she started to walk toward the river. That place always seemed to calm her soul, and she needed that more than anything right now. She had not seen her friends or anyone else for that matter so there was no one to stop her from leaving the protection of the village.


One lone soul watched as the girl walked toward the river. Inuyasha was gone on an errand and Inutaisho and Sesshomaru were on the other side of the village discussing the invaders. This was the perfect time to get the girl while she was unguarded and defenseless. He made his way out of the village and back to the mountain region where the wolf tribe waited for his report.


Inuyasha had made it to the place his father had said before daybreak. He sat on the rock waiting for the old woman to show up. He waited on the rock for nearly twenty minutes before he caught the scent of the stranger. When he turned around he saw the old woman approaching him. He stood and greeted her with respect; he didn't want to piss her off before he asked her for help, so he was on his best behavior.

As Kaede approached she saw the young hanyou stiffen, `why is this young one here?' she thought. When she finally reached him he greeted her, `um, he wants something from me he is being way to polite.' "Young one why are ye here?" He bristled at the words she used for him but shrugged it off. "Excuse me for dropping by like this but I need your help." Inuyasha said in a low and respectful voice. "With what?" Kaede asked with curiosity. "Kagome has changed into a hanyou and three days ago when we were in a fight with a snake youkai she changed into her full youkai form. I almost couldn't stop her from attacking the rest of the tribe. I need something that will subdue her youkai, the way this sword does to mine." Kaede looked at the sword that hung by his side and asked where he had gotten the sword. He said that Kagome had given it to him the day he went full youkai and killed Kikyo, she said that he could protect his love one's with it. Kaede looked at the sword it looked very familiar to her but she couldn't place where she had seen it before.

"Come with me young one and I will see what I can do to help ye." Inuyasha followed Kaede to a small house that he didn't see before, `I'm sure that this house wasn't here a few minute ago.' He walked in and she indicated a chair for him to sit in but instead of sitting in the chair he chooses the floor right next to the entrance. She saw him do this and was about to protest but held her tongue. She thought about the sword as she was making some tea and then it hit her. "That sword ye are carrying has not been seen in over 1000 years. It belonged to a great youkai who protected the land from evil. His power was great and it is said that he cared deeply for a human girl back then. Together they kept the land free of evil until one day he was killed and his beloved had taken his sword and hid it for it contains great powers and anyone possessing it could rule the land for they would be unstoppable. I see that ye can wheel the sword and it transforms for ye when you unsheathe it, am I correct to assume this?" she asked, he nodded his head yes. "Then ye have been choosing by the sword to protect this land along with the young girl."

He sat there taking in all that she had said to him and it made sense. `Kagome had said that I could protect the ones I loved with this sword, so maybe she is a descendant from this youkai.' Kaede gave him a cup of tea that he accepted gracefully and she sat down in the chair that she had offered to him earlier. "Now for ye request, I have given it a lot of thought and I think I may have something that will help the young girl control her youkai side but to do this I need something from ye." He looked at the old woman "What do you want from me?" as he lifted an eyebrow at her. "I would need a fang from ye" she watched as he put a hand over his mouth. "A fang, what would that do?" he said exasperated. "A fang from ye will help control her youkai blood. Since the sword has accepted ye as its true owner then ye can help the girl also." Inuyasha didn't hesitate he said yes and waited to see what she was going to do. She went over to one of the cabinets that held a lot of thing in it and pulled a strange tool out of it. She turned to him and said "open ye mouth" he did and in a blink of an eye she had taken out one of his fangs as he let out a loud yell in pain. "Quiet child it will grow back within the day" he was mad but he knew it was for Kagome so he just sat there watching the old hag.

She took his fang over to another table and placed it there and then she got some herbs and sprinkled them over the fang. She muttered something under her breath that Inuyasha couldn't hear and the fang started to glow. She attached the fang to a beautiful blue beaded necklace said recited another spell and then turned to him. She handed him the necklace and he took it as she said. "All ye have to do is put this necklace around her neck and it will protect her. She will be able to turn full youkai but will retain her mind in the process not hurting those around her." He nodded his thanks to the old woman then stood. He had to get back to Kagome as soon as possible, something was up and he needed to be there to protect her.


Kagome sat by the river crying she had never in her life felt this lonely. To wake up alone that day and find that the man she loved had left her was heart breaking. She didn't know what had happened when she was fighting the snake youkai it was all a big blur. She felt alone and didn't know what to do. She had made a vow to protect this tribe and that part she must keep, but upon Inuyasha's return to the pack she would leave because she didn't think that he would want her around anymore.

She sat there thinking for a long time when a familiar scent drifted to her nose. Miroku was approaching very quickly. When Miroku reached the river he breathed a sigh of relief, `Good I have found her, Inuyasha would have killed me if something had happened to her while I was some what engaged with Sango.' He smirked to himself, he had swallowed his pride and had told Sango how he really felt about her, when she had professed her love for him too he was overcome with joy. He asked her right there and then to be his mate and she had agreed. When he went back to his guard duty he had found that Kagome had left the tepee and had set off to find her.

He approached Kagome with care he did not want to get her upset and make her turn full youkai on him; he so did not want to die today. He sat down next to her and noticed that she was crying, "Kagome why are you crying? Are you in pain? Can I help you in anyway?" Kagome looked at Miroku with saddened eyes and said "No Miroku there is nothing you can do for me. Please just leave, I want to be alone for a while." Miroku pondered this for a few minutes then finally realized that he had not given her Inuyasha's message. "Kagome before Inuyasha left he gave us a message to give to you when you woke up, he said that he would be back as soon as possible and for you not to worry about him. He went on an errand for his father under protest but he should return shortly."

Miroku noticed as he was speaking that the girl became very attentive to what he was saying and when he added the piece about him leaving under protest she had a relieved look on her face. `She must have thought that Inuyasha abandoned her after the battle.' "He has been gone for only half day but knowing him he will be back very soon," said Miroku as he watched her. "He left on an errand for his father?" she asked tentatively "Yes he did, you didn't think he would abandon you did you?" She winced at his comment that is exactly how she felt.

"I'm sorry, but when I woke up and there was no one there I thought everyone had left, I don't know what happened when I was fighting that snake youkai. The last thing I remember was getting hit and him about to attack me again. Then everything went blank. Do you know what happened?" she finished and looked straight into Miroku's eyes. Miroku sighed and then proceeded to tell her what she so desperately wanted to know. She lessened intently and was horrified that she had gone after Inuyasha, "Did I hurt him?" she started crying again. Miroku quickly reassured her that she didn't hurt Inuyasha and she relaxed. He had told her that he had gone to see an old medicine woman by the name of Kaede because he wanted to see if she could help seal her demon blood.

Kagome felt better after talking with Miroku, now she knew that Inuyasha had not left her but was seeking help to control her demon blood, she didn't want to turn into a youkai again and hurt any one of her friends especially Inuyasha.

"Miroku, why was there no one with me? The last time this happened I couldn't go anywhere or do anything without any of you guys being there with me." Miroku winced at her question but decided to answer truthfully any way she could tell if he wasn't telling the truth. "I was supposed to be the one guarding you but I had to speak to Sango. When she went by the tepee I went after her. I was only gone a few minutes and when I came back you weren't there, I panicked and started searching for you." She raised her eyebrow at him, "You didn't get Sango mad at you did you?" she had started to growl at him, so he quickly raised his hands in front of him and waved them like a maniac in front of himself "NO, NO, NO, I didn't as a matter of fact I made her really happy." "You did?" she asked confusion showing on her face. "Yes, I asked her to be my mate." Once Miroku had said this he lowered his head and looked at his hands. Kagome was very happy that the lecher had finally told Sango how he truly felt about her and that Sango had done the same. "Well it was about time." She started to laugh, Miroku looked at her and then he too joined in the laughter. Soon the laughing died out and Miroku said "we better get back to the village the others will wonder what happened to you." She nodded her agreement and started to get up and together they started back toward the village.

As they were walking back Kagome stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes were glassy and he put her hand over her heart. Miroku seeing this said, "What is it Kagome, who is coming and from where?" he had seen her do this before and it wasn't good. She searched the area and then her eyes grew wide, "Miroku!" she gasped, "it's the wolf demon tribe. There back and they have more warriors with them this time. He is coming after me and he wants to make me his mate. What am I going to do? I don't think that I can defeat them in my present state. I haven't fully recovered from my previous battle." Kagome showed fear in her eyes.

Just then Kirara bounded from the tree and landed right in front of her. She transformed into her large cat size and roared her most powerful roar into the sky. She was calling for Inuyasha, but he wasn't anywhere near by. "Kagome we must make it back to the village." He grabbed her arm and started pulling her to the village with him. Just then the wolf tribe appeared and they surrounded the pair. Kirara started to growl at the approaching wolf tribe. Kouga the leader stepped forward and said, "You bitch will come with us, you will swear to protect my pack and become my woman, or else we will kill everyone." Kagome shook with fear; she didn't know what to do. "Well I don't think she is going anywhere with you, you will have to get by me first!" Miroku all but yelled at the leader of the wolf pack. Then he raised his staff and muttered something under his breath and a strong barrier appeared around the three of them. "Kagome, my barrier should hold until help arrives, Kirara's call should lead them to us." Kagome was in shock, she fell to her knees and started to cry and all of a sudden she let out a cry of anguish that reached to the heavens, the whole forest shook as she yelled out for her beloved "INYASHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!


Jinx: ok, since we don't have anything more to think of, Mike, Cindy, and I are not going to do the editor notes until the last chapter.

Mike: yep sorry dudes.

Cindy: oh well.

Well since Mike and Jinx have nothing else to say then I will be posting the chapters much faster. But before I do that you will have to leave a REVIEW and tell me what you think.