InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Be ❯ Chapter 19

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 19

Inutaisho and Sesshomaru were sitting in a tepee discussing the problem with the invaders when they heard a roar come from the forest. Inutaisho immediately got to his feet and rushed outside. He lifted his nose into the air and what he smelled he didn't like. He started to growl deep and low in his throat as his son appeared next to him. He too had caught the scent coming from the forest, the scent of wolves. "Sesshomaru get the warriors together we must get to Kagome and Miroku before it's too late." Sesshomaru nodded his agreement then the battle cry went all over the village, calling all the warriors from both tribes to join in the battle. Inutaisho was in the lead leading the war party to meet the danger that had presented itself in the forest."

Jinx ran and started looking for Sango; the war cry had gone throughout the village calling all warriors to battle. She had finally found her coming out of the tepee that she and the others shared. She looked like death when she approached her. "Sango we must go to the battle w" Jinx immediately stopped when she saw her friend's expression on her face. "What's wrong Sango?" Jinx asked with concern. "Kagome and Miroku are not here that means the wolf demon tribe is attacking them, we must get to them quickly!!!" was all Sango said as she rushed into the forest with her katana's drawn and ready for battle, Jinx was following right behind her with her sword drawn as well.


Inuyasha had been running back toward his brother's village at full speed, `I have to get back to Kagome, I know something is about to happen but I can't tell what it is.' Then he stopped dead in his tracks he had heard the roar coming from Kirara. She was calling to him, Kagome is in danger and she was calling for help. Inuyasha heart just dropped, fear began to take over at the thought of his beloved under attack. He knew she was not fully recovered from the last attack so she was weak and vulnerable to anybody who attacked her. His heart was filled with pain as he started running even faster than before toward the village. "Damn I wish I could go faster than this Kagome needs me." Just then her call touched the very depth of his soul, the fear, anger, love, and hopelessness that she felt at that moment reached him. He was overcome with anger and fear at the thought of loosing her, he started to transform into his youkai form. When he had fully transformed he took off at lighting speed, `I will be there my love, I will protect you!' the only thing that you could see were the trees bending to the unseen force that went by creating a vacuum in its wake.


The first to arrive at the battle scene were Sango and Jinx. They had some how beat the warriors there. With the look of determination on their faces they charged. The wolf pack noticed the females coming towards them and started after them. What they thought was going to be an easy capture turned out to be their death. Both girls attacked without showing any mercy. The rest of the wolf tribe saw this and then started their attack on them also, but this time the men of the village joined them as they engaged the enemy.

Kouga was getting tired of waiting he instructed his men to bring down the barrier. They attacked it with everything they had. It was slowly starting to weaken. Miroku tried hard to keep his barrier up to protect Kagome. She was still on her knees crying and was of no help to him at the moment. He called to Kirara and said "Kirara my barrier will not hold for much longer be prepared to defend Kagome when it comes down, I will do my best to help." Kirara growled that she understood what he had just said and prepared herself for when the barrier fell.

Kagome was crying on her knees she didn't know what to do and was terrified that she would be taken away. `Get a hold of yourself Kagome if you don't protect the pack then you would have broken your word to Inuyasha.' Kagome stiffed at the logic of her thoughts, she knew it was right; she had to protect the pack. Weak or not she had to move to protect them or they will be killed all because of her. She slowly stood on her feet, and raised her hands; there she caused the golden bow and arrow to appear. She put the quiver of arrows on her back and pulled an arrow and locked it into place. Then she aimed, directly at the leader of the wolf pack. She made ready her attack and let go of the arrow, which was glowing blue as it flew directly at Kouga.

Kouga saw the arrow coming straight at him; he barely had enough time to get out of its way. The rest of his pack weren't as lucky as the arrow impacted and killed all of them in one shot. He glared at the bitch that had just killed his men. Then the barrier that was protecting them fell. The remaining warriors of his tribe attacked. Miroku and Kirara fought hard to keep Kagome safe but there was too many of them. At one point Miroku had fallen and was about to get run threw when a sword intercepted the shot he looked up to see Kagome fighting off the 'would be attacker' with her sword. She was killing them one by one until she came to the leader. It was time to face off with her enemy.


Inuyasha had arrived as the battle was raging he had to help them then try to find Kagome. He drew his sword and descended into the battle. As he raised his sword he cut as many of them as he could with one swipe. He helped his brother who was battling a group of the wolf demon tribe to protect Jinx. He landed next to him and together killed them all, "Sesshomaru help the others I'm going after Kagome." Then he ran off in the direction of Kagome's scent. Sesshomaru looked shocked to see that his brother was no longer a hanyou; he had the scent of a full youkai. He helped Jinx get up and together they fought off the remainder of the wolf demon tribe.


Kagome stood there in the clearing facing Kouga; he had a look on his face that was full of determination. "You will submit to me and become my woman or you will die." Kagome had to laugh at this. "I submit to no one especially not you!" she all but screamed. "We shall see about that." He attached her with his lighting speed she couldn't dodge the attack. He hit her full force in the chest crushing some ribs. Kagome found it hard to breath. She landed about 20 feet away from Kouga. He was making another run at her when Kirara came out of nowhere and attacked the wolf prince. They battled for a while when he hit her and she went down not getting back up again. Kagome was enraged, he had hurt her and now he hurt her friend she has had enough. She started to transform into her youkai form. Her claws and fangs grew to twice their length, her eyes turned red, and two purple stripes appeared on each side of her face as she slowly stood.

Kouga had stopped his attack and noticed that her scent had changed. She no longer had the scent of a hanyou but that of a full youkai. She started to growl low and deep in her throat. Then he moved to attack again but Kagome was ready for him, when he reached her she quickly moved aside and brought her claws to bear on his arm as he passed. He screamed in agony from her attack. He looked at his arm and saw were her claws had ripped his skin it was bleeding pretty badly. He became enraged and charge at her again she tried to dodge but he had predicted where she would move and caught her by the throat and pinned her down to the ground. She let out a cry of pain as she hit the ground and tried to get back up but couldn't. "Submit to me bitch! Then we can go to your new pack," said Kouga as he growled at her. "I will never submit to you!" He tightened his grip on her throat making it hard for her to breath. She was on the verge of passing out when a challenge came from behind them. It was Inuyasha.

Inuyasha rushed through the battlefield searching for Kagome. He came to a clearing where her scent was the strongest. When he got there he was shocked at what he saw. Kagome was fighting Kouga in her full youkai form. She had managed to dig her claws into his arm, when he turned around to attack her again she had dodge but Kouga had predicted this and had grabbed her by the throat. He had her pinned and was demanding that she submit to him. This enraged Inuyasha and he called out to his enemy, "KOUGA!! If you want to fight someone fight me. It's the only way you're going to take my Kagome from here because you will have to kill me to have her!"

Kouga let go of Kagome and she lay still on the ground trying to get some much-needed air back in her lungs. He slowly stood and turned his attention to the person that had just issued the challenge. What he saw made his blood run cold, Inuyasha stood there with blood red eyes and a sword that was twice it's normal size and his scent was different too. Inuyasha brought the sword in front of him and said; "Now we will end this once and for all." He attacked Kouga. Kouga leaped and tried to dodge but Inuyasha was faster, he hit Kouga with his claw right across his belly sending him crashing to the ground. He laid there panting trying to get up.

Inuyasha took a moment to look at Kagome, she was on her side trying to sit up but the attack from Kouga left her without any air and she was breathing hard. This enraged Inuyasha some more seeing that the filth that lay before him hurt his love. He took a step forward and raised his sword, "Now you die for hurting my Kagome." He brought the sword down and yelled "Wind Scar!" and three bright flashes of light came from the sword and headed straight for Kouga. Kouga didn't have time to move away from the attack. When the flashes of light hit him he let out an agonizing scream and then disappeared never to be seen again.

Miroku was staring to wake up as the final battle was done. He saw Inuyasha kill Kouga with the sword that Kagome had given him. He was bloodied from some cuts but other than that he was all right. He felt two arms wrap around his shoulders as Sango embraced him crying her heart out. She had thought that she had lost her love but he proved harder to kill than they thought. He embraced her back and then kissed her passionately; his father had appeared behind him along with Sesshomaru and Jinx. They looked at each other in awe and then Inutaisho broke the silence, "Is there anything you want to tell us?" Miroku was taken back by the presence of his father that he quickly let go of Sango and turned bright red from getting caught. "Well, I ah, I mean us ah..." "What Miroku is trying to say is that he asked me to be his mate and I said yes!" said a happy Sango with a smile on her face. Jinx squealed with joy, jumped, and hugged her friend. Then they all turned their attention to Inuyasha and Kagome.

Inuyasha was on one knee panting from the effort of killing Kouga. He looked to see if there were any more of the wolf demon tribe around but found that they were all gone. He turned his attention to Kagome who was now sitting on the ground. As he tried to approach her she started to growl at him. He stopped in his tracks and started to growl right back at her. She looked up with her red eyes and met Inuyasha's equally red eyes. They stared at each other for a long moment neither one of them moving.

Inutaisho told everyone that was around him to stay still; he knew that this day would come the day that he would make her submit to him. They were both in youkai form and this could be dangerous. "Do not interfere with what you are about to see. He must do this or she will turn on us all." The group in turn gave a nod of understanding and watched the pair in front of them.

Inuyasha was getting pissed, he had risked everything to save her and now she was growling at him preventing him from approaching her. He had enough it was time that she took her rightful place as the beta female of the pack.

: Beta female:

: Yes beta male:

: Submit:

: No! I submit to no one!:

: You will submit to me! I am the beta male!:

: No! I will not!

Inuyasha grew angrier by the second, the next thing he did was grab her by the throat and threw her to the ground with him pinning her there. He was on top of her and had her arms under his knees, making it impossible for her to move. She tried to get up but couldn't, he let out a little whimper and he lowered his head to her and said, "Submit to me, my love" he then gave her a lick on the chin and nuzzled her. She stopped her struggling and felt the lick and nuzzle from him this sent shivers down her spine. She couldn't say anything she just laid there with him on top of her. He whispered again "Submit to me" he purred the last words out that made her melt into his arms. Then he kissed her passionately, she returned his kiss with all the love that she felt for him and said "I submit to you my love and lonely you." She lifted her chin to expose her neck to him as a sign of submission. He kissed her along her neck and she started to purr. When he looked into her eyes they were no longer red but golden just like his. His eyes had returned to normal once she had submitted to him.

Inutaisho looked on and then turned to the others, "We should leave, what they are about to do is not something we should be watching." As the group turned around to leave they noticed that Miroku was not moving, Sango was enraged, she reached over and grabbed him by his ear and pulled him along with the rest of them, with him protesting the entire time, "What! I didn't do anything. Please let go Sango!" Sango just smirked but continued to drag Miroku with her. Sesshomaru looked to his father and said, "Do you think they will be alright out here by themselves?" asked a concerned Sesshomaru. "Well when we get far enough away I'll get Miroku away from Sango long enough for him to put up a barrier then she can have him back." Said Inutaisho with a big smile on his face. Sesshomaru had to laugh at this Sango was going to have her hands full with Miroku.

So the group left the clearing the only one's that were left were Kagome and Inuyasha.


I hoped you liked the chapter remember TO REVIEW!!!!!!!