InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Be ❯ Chapter 22

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The following chapter contains a lemon if you are not 18 or older you need to leave. You have been warned of the adult content of this chapter. If you are sure that you want to read it then on with the story.

Chapter 22

Kagome was struggling in Inuyasha's arms he had a hard time holding her down to make sure that she didn't hurt herself. She yelled, "INUYASHA DON'T LEAVE ME!!" He had to pin her to the ground and shake her to see if she would wake up. He called out her name and Kagome eyes shot open instantly. She looked around to see where she was and her eyes immediately fell upon the man she loved, she jumped into his arms and started to cry as he held her and tried to comfort her in her time of need.

Sango, Inutaisho, and Miroku were sitting outside the tepee when they heard Kagome scream. They rushed into the tepee only to find Inuyasha struggling to keep Kagome from hurting herself. He called her name and then she stilled when she saw Inuyasha she had jumped into his arm and started to cry. They approached Inuyasha very slowly not wanting to threaten in any way in case he attacked them. He saw them approach and let out a low growl from deep in his throat and as long as they kept their distance he was fine. He looked at the still crying girl in his arms and when she began to calm he spoke gently to her, "Kagome, it all right I'm here and I will not let anything happen to you, and it was all a bad dream." Kagome stopped her crying and listened to what he had to say, `A bad dream, it was all a bad dream. But it seemed so real how could it be a bad dream?'

She steadied herself and raised her head to look at him, she knew what this dream meant, and it was a picture of what was going to happen if they left to go to the winter lands. "Inuyasha, it … it wasn't a bad dream, it was… it was a vision of… of what might happen if we go to the winter lands." She paused to catch her breath and continued, "The lands we are going to are they set in the valley?" his nodded yes to her question, "before the first snow falls in that area the invaders will come and attack the village. They will kill all the women and children; all the warriors will die trying to protect their families. Your father… your father…will…. die trying to save you." She started to cry again. She was shaking so bad that he had a hard time holding on to her. "They were taking you away because they say that you were responsible for killing hundreds of the invaders and their families. I couldn't reach you to help you! I failed you!" and if it were ever possible she started to cry even harder holding on to Inuyasha as if her life depended on it not wanting ever to let go of her love.

Inutaisho sat there listening to what the girl was saying as she spoke her eyes glazed over as if seeing what the future would bring. She like her son were seer's of the future, she could tell what will happen if events were not changed. Losing his tribe and his son in one day did not sit well with him. He got up and walked over to where Inuyasha was sitting holding Kagome. He sat down next to him and started to speak, "Inuyasha did you tell her what the winter lands looked like or where they were located?" Inuyasha shook his head no, he hadn't mentioned it to her, and he hadn't had the time to. "Kagome, do you know how far in the future this will happen?" Kagome lifted her head and stared into Inutaisho eyes, her eyes became glassy and expressionless as she answered "The answer you seek is in the near. If we leave to go to the winter lands the invaders will attack with guns. They will kill all in the tribe. We cannot stop them; our powers are not strong enough yet. We need time to get stronger then we might be able to defeat them." "Why do they want to capture Inuyasha?" asked Inutaisho with curiosity. "They want him because they say he is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of villagers. When Inuyasha was under Kikyo's control she forced him to attack the invaders. He was the only one that they saw, Kouga tribe were the one's who did the killing. We can see that he did not kill anyone he just lead the attacks and was left to take the blame." Inutaisho looked at his son with concern, `so this is what Kikyo had planned all along. She used me to get to my father and then tried to kill everyone in the tribe who would stand in her way.' Thought Inuyasha as he held his love even closer, Inutaisho had one more question for the girl, "When you say, we, who is we?" "We are the protectors of this land, the medicine woman or Miko as you call us, the hanyou, and the human. We live together as one; we protect the land from evil. Now that we have mated my mate shares in that responsibility, together we have the power to stop this evil but if we are separated our powers grow weak. We can still fight as individuals but our power is greater when we are united to protect." Kagome stopped talking and fell asleep in Inuyasha's arms. Inutaisho got up and began to walk outside, and then he turned to all of them and said, "I need to speak with all of you as soon as possible." He turned and left the tepee.

When they all walked outside, leaving Kagome to rest in the tepee under Kirara watchful eyes, they found Inutaisho in deep thought. They all sat around him and were soon joined by all the elders of the tribe. "If what Kagome says is correct, and I have no reason to doubt what she is saying because she is a seer, then we can not go to the winter land. We must find another area that will keep our tribe safe and will supply us with much needed food for the winter." They all nodded yes agreeing with what Inutaisho had said. "If this is the case then we need to send out a scouting party to locate such an area for us to move and we have to do it quickly. The sooner we move our tribe to safety the better it is for all of us." Everyone grunted his or her approval.

"Inuyasha I know that you don't want to leave your mate, but you're the only one that I can trust to do this job. I want you to take Miroku with you he can help in a fight and protect both of you if you are in danger, plus he is about the only one here that can keep up with you. I would like you to leave in the morning, is this agreeable with you?" Inuyasha had winced at his father's request, yes he did not want to leave his mate but he knew she had to stay and protect tribe while he was gone. He also knew that his father wouldn't make such a request if it weren't important enough to him. He nodded his agreement that he would leave at first light. "I have to tell Kagome where I am going, I don't want her to think that I'm abandoning her because of this quest." Inutaisho nodded his understanding and Inuyasha got up and went into the tepee to be with his love.

As the rest of the group stayed and discussed what they were going to do Inuyasha went over to be with his mate. He sat next to her while she slept, she had stirred and open her eyes and smiled at her mate. That smile melted his heart, as he laid next to her holding her close to his chest as he spoke, "I have to leave in the morning to find a new place were we can go for the winter. Father believes what you have told him and he wants the tribe to be safe. He is sending me and Miroku out to find a new location were the invaders will not find us." Kagome laid there listening to what he was saying, her heart ached at the thought of him leaving her she turn to him and said, "I want to go with you, I think I might know of a place where the tribe could go and be protected." Inuyasha was heart broken he knew she couldn't go with him because she had to stay and protect the tribe. "Kagome, I'm sorry but you can't come with me, you have to stay and protect the tribe while I'm gone. Please understand, I would love to have you with me but we must do our duty." Kagome nodded her understanding. He smelled the tears that she was shedding and held her close to comfort her. Kagome started to speak in a very low and soulful voice, "the place I know of is not far from here. You will be able to reach it in two days. You must travel south to a place with a big rock that looks like a head. When you near the base of the mountain you will find two rocks that look like doors. Once you are in front of it say `The protectors of the land have returned' the doors will open for you, once inside the doors will close to protect the land beyond. Walk through the tunnel till you reach the end there you will find what you seek."

Inuyasha was stunned by what he had heard. She knew of a place where the tribe could exist in peace away from the invaders. "How do you know of such a place, I have never heard of it?" "Since the beginning of time this place has existed to protect those who protect this land. It will protect us from everything that is to come. It will feed us as long as we take care of the land and only take what we need. We must put back into the earth what we use, in this way the land will protect us." He nodded that he understood her words. Kagome looked into the eyes of her love and said, "Since you will be leaving in the morning could we finish what we started by the lake?" She had the look of lust in her eyes as she reached for his warm lips and found them. He returned her kiss with as much love and desire as he could. When he broke the kiss he looked to the other member in the tepee with them. "Kirara could you stand watch outside and make sure we are not disturbed." The cat transformed into her huge form and growled that she would stand guard as she walked out of the tepee she laid in front of the door and stood watch.

He held her close to him as he started to trail kisses down her neck. Kagome started to purr at his tender touch as he started to remove her clothes. Soon she was naked along with him and he held her close to him. His hands caressed her back as she arched into his touch. Kagome started to feel the heat rise in her body and Inuyasha's nose caught her scent. His desires for her grew as he continued to move his hands up and down her skin. Her skin was smooth to the touch and every time his fingers caressed her she shivered at his touch. She raised her hand and ran it through his hair reaching for the two appendages on top of his head. She gently caressed them and he began to purr as desire was starting to build. He in turn reached for her ears and started to caress them in the same way that she had done to him. The sensation that she felt when he caressed her ears took her breath away. She couldn't take it any more. She rolled him over much to his surprise and now she was on top. She leaned down and whispered; "now it's my turn."

Inuyasha eyes grew wide as she started to trail kisses down his neck, her hands where busy caressing his chest as he started to breath heavily. She shifted her butt a little lower until she was sitting on top of his manhood. She slowly started to rock back and forth rubbing him in such a way that his eyes glowed red. As Kagome's heat started to rise her eyes had also turned red from the action. Inuyasha had enough and caught her in his arms and turned them over and now he was on top of her once again. He spread her legs and positioned himself at her entrance and began to slowly push in. He started to move in and out at a slow pace to torture her with want. As they continued their actions they began to glow, there mating marks started to glow even brighter. As he started to move faster at her request the heat was raising between them. Kagome reached her peek first as her orgasm started to clamp down around his member. Her action caused Inuyasha to loose control of his body and he spilled his seed into her. He laid on top of her for a few minutes holding her in his embraced.

The glow that had started reached its peek and then exploded around them. Both Kagome and Inuyasha were taken by surprise by this. He got off of her still holding her close and putting a blanket over them in the process. `I wonder where that light came from.' "I don't know I was hoping that maybe you could tell me." Responded Kagome to his unasked question, "ah, Kagome I didn't ask you a question," said the confused hanyou "But I heard you say where did the light come from," they stared at each other for a few minutes then something dawned on Kagome. She thought `Inuyasha if you can hear what I am thinking, say yes in your mind.' `Yes' came the answer as they were both staring at each other without speaking. "So the light meant that we are now connected even more, we can hear each others thoughts" said Kagome. Inuyasha nodded his agreement and then had an evil thought `now I don't have to say anything to you if I just want to have you.' He grinned an evil grin at her and then leaned down to kiss her. Kirara started a low growl out side signaling that someone was approaching. They quickly got dressed and he called Kirara back in the tepee before anyone arrived.

They sat together with Kagome leaning her back against Inuyasha's chest, Kirara had come and jumped on Kagome's lap and Inuyasha spoke to her, "Kirara when I'm away I want you to protect Kagome." The cat meowed that she understood and felt proud that he trusted her to protect Kagome. Kagome was petting Kirara behind the ear and she was purring when the rest of the group came in the tepee. Kagome looked up and saw that Sango looked like she had been crying and Miroku looked sad. `What's wrong with them?' asked a curious Kagome. `Miroku has to come with me tomorrow and I guess Sango is upset about it.' Came, the silent answer of Inuyasha in Kagome's mind, `Oh', She had some comfort with Inuyasha but Sango not being mated yet could not have it. `We have to get them mated as soon as possible that way they could comfort each other the way you did for me.' Thought Kagome `yes, you are right I have to speak to father about it once we return.' Thought Inuyasha,

Sango and Miroku kept on looking at Kagome and Inuyasha their expressions kept changing as though they were having a conversation but no one was speaking. This confused both of them and Miroku had to voice his opinion. "Hey is something wrong with you two, you look like your having a conversation but no one is talking." Both hanyou's looked at Miroku and raised an eyebrow at the same time. `Should we tell them?' thought Kagome `no let's have some fun' came Inuyasha's reply. Kagome slowly started to smile but it was Inuyasha that spoke. "No there is nothing wrong we are just enjoying each others company. I have told Kagome about leaving tomorrow and Kirara will keep an eye on her." "Oh, she is taking it well enough Sango is all upset about it." When he said that he looked at Sango who was crying in the corner of the tepee, Kagome got up and went to comfort her friend.

Sango looked at Kagome with sadden eyes. "What's wrong Sango, why are you so upset?" asked a worried Kagome. "Well I was thinking about what you said earlier and I'm afraid that Miroku is going to be gone for a long time. I want to go with him but he told me to stay here instead." Sango began to cry again. She felt awful for upsetting her friend that way. "Sango I'm … I'm sorry that I upset you with what I said before. I didn't mean too. I just didn't want anyone to die." Kagome was crying now, she felt a mental touch and she smiled, as her tears fell she continued "But I have told Inuyasha of a place that is only two days from here. So they won't be gone for every long." Sango smiled at her friend's words and she felt much better after hearing this.

As Kagome and Sango were talking in quietly in the corner of the tepee, Inuyasha nose caught the scent of salt water; he knew Kagome was crying again trying to comfort her friend. He sent a comforting note mentally, `Kagome don't cry you know we will be back really soon. We just have to be sure of the route that the tribe can take to the place you told me about. I love you and I will always come back to you.' Inuyasha noticed the smile on her face. Then he looked at Miroku and sighed "We have to speak to dad, you need to be mated with Sango so you could comfort her the way I do Kagome." Miroku looked shocked at what Inuyasha had just said. He started to get all nervous. "Miroku what's wrong don't you want to be mated to Sango?" Inuyasha had a smirk on his face as he asked this. "Well yes, I do but I don't know I'm scared that's all." Inuyasha had to chuckle at him, "what the great lecher doesn't know what to do?" Now Inuyasha was laughing at his brother. Miroku was so mad by the choice of words his brother had chosen that he leaped at him ready to thrash him for embarrassing him. Inuyasha moved out of the way quickly and made his way out the door with Miroku right on his tail. Sango and Kagome just stared at the pair as they left the tepee with Miroku chasing Inuyasha. The girls looked at each other and then started to laugh at what just happened.

The next morning Inuyasha and Miroku got ready to leave. As Inuyasha pulled Kagome close to him he kissed her gently letting her know that he will be back as soon as possible. She nodded that she understood "Please be careful, the way is not clear to me and I feel danger is near." He hugged her again "I promise to be careful, I will return to you. I love you." "And I love you Inuyasha." They kissed once again and then they pulled apart as he started walking away.

Sango was saying good-bye to Miroku, "Please be careful Miroku, I want you to come back to me." Miroku was taken aback by her comment but then he did something that he had wanted to do for a long time but was always afraid that she beat the living crap out of him, he pulled her close and kissed her very deeply. Her lips were soft and hot not at all what he expected, she relaxed into his embrace and she kissed him back with all the love and feelings she had for him. When he ended the kiss he was breathless he never knew that she felt this way about him. He leaned in close to her ear and said, "Don't worry my love I will return to you and when I come back we will be mated." At his words Sango legs went weak he had said everything she had hope he would say to her and that made her happy. "You better come back to me, I love you!" said Sango and gave him one more kiss before they separated and he turned to join his brother. As the two started walking into the forest the girls stood there watching as they disappeared. Sango turned to Kagome and said. "Do you think they will be alright?" Kagome had a look in her eye that she didn't like but Kagome answered her. "I don't know Sango, I really don't know if they are going to be in danger. It's like I can't see what is going to happen." Kagome was beginning to cry and Sango went to comfort her. "Don't worry, Kagome they will come back to us and if something happens along the way we will find them." Kagome nodded that she heard what she had said but there was something that was still there that she could not put her finger on, something that was going to happen and there was nothing she could do about it.