InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Be ❯ Chapter 24

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 24

Early the next day the group set out to find Inuyasha. Kagome was in the lead followed by Inutaisho, Sesshomaru, his men, and on Kirara flying above them was Sango, Jinx and Miroku. Miroku was unable to keep up to the speed in which Kagome and the others were traveling and had climbed aboard Kirara and rode on her with the girls. He was in heaven riding between two beautiful girls but he had to keep is mind focused on the fight ahead. They saw a village in the distance and signaled the others.

When the group came to a halt they stopped on a hilltop and surveyed the village below them. Kagome was concentrating on finding Inuyasha. She had located her mate in one of the houses down below and went to tell the others. "I know which house they are keeping him in, there are villagers standing guard and there are more around the village." "Well we have to figure a way to get him out of there and leave without too much of a fight" said Inutaisho. Everyone thought of what to do and Kagome came up with a plan "well Sango, Jinx, and I can go down there and get there're attention. They won't think that women could do them any harm. You and the others will spread out and take different vantage points around the village. If it sounds like they want to fight then we attack and get Inuyasha out of there as fast as we can."

Everyone looked at her and nodded that it was a sound plan. But Sesshomaru had concerns and voiced them, "I don't want Jinx getting hurt can your powers protect her and Sango?" "Yes, my powers can protect us from their guns. But I will not be able to protect you as well. If I see them in time I can put up a protection barrier to protect you but if I don't then you will be on your own." As she said this she hung her head in shame, to her not being able to protect her pack meant that she had failed as a protector and it hurt her deeply. "We will be all right Kagome, we are warriors and we know how to fight," said Inutaisho. She looked up at the group and saw determination on their faces she nodded that she had heard their words and readied themselves for battle.

Kagome, Sango and Jinx walked slowly to the village along with Kirara. The cat would not leave Kagome's side since all this had started. She traveled in her large form looking all the more menacing. Kagome stopped and turned to her friends; "before we go down I wanted to thank you for helping me. I know that you are putting your lives on the line to save Inuyasha." Both girls looked and their friend and smiled big for her. That was all she needed to keep her strength up. "Sango when we get down there I want you to do the talking." Sango's eyes grew big "Why me?" "Because I don't want them to know that I can speak their language. I want them to feel free to talk so I can hear what they are planning. I can relay to Inutaisho and the others without the villagers knowing what I'm doing." Sango nodded her understanding, "I will do my best." "I know you will Sango." Kagome said as she turned her attention to her other friend, "Jinx, may I have your sword for a minute?" Jinx looked at her but handed her the sword just the same. "Why do you want it?" "I am going to give it a little power boost, in this way you will be able to help me protect the others if they get into trouble. Call it a belayed mating gift. Besides I know you can handle the extra power I give it and use it well."

Kagome smiled at her friend. Jinx was proud that Kagome had such faith in her to handle the new power she would give her sword. She swore that she would do everything in her power to be worthy of it. Kagome held Jinx sword in her hands and then she closed her eyes, she put her other hand on top of it and muttered a spell. Her hands began to glow very brightly and filled Jinx's sword with energy. She handed back the sword and told her that when she needed to use it the sword would know what to do and show her. She smiled brightly at her friend then they all turned and headed toward the village to get Inuyasha back.

Inuyasha had started to break free of the spell that binds him. He awoke in a house much smaller than the one that Kaede lived in. He was on the floor with his hands tied behind his back and rapped around his legs. He couldn't move for the moment because he was still very weak from the spell. The only thing that he could to was call `Kagome.'

Kagome stopped in her tracks once more as she heard Inuyasha calling her name. "Inuyasha has just broken the spell but he seems very weak, he is tied up and can't move for the moment. I also sense that he doesn't have his sword with him." The girls looked at each other, this was bad. Without the sword Inuyasha could turn full youkai and will be hard to stop. The girls steadied their nerves as Kagome called out to the men in Inu youkai language.

: Leader male is everyone ready?:

: Yes beta female we are in position:

She turned to her friends and said, "The others are in position, let's go."

As the girls entered the village the villagers noticed that they were Indians. They started to call everyone to come and take a stand against them as they approached. The villagers started to relax when they notice that they were just women and no men but the giant cat with them was a force to be reckoned with. As they approached the villagers began to surround them. Kagome took this time to speak gently to Sango and Jinx, "Sango, Jinx we must be careful, they think that they can overpower us and have their way with us. I will protect us but we must hold our ground. We are not far from the house were Inuyasha is being held. Kirara stay close to Sango and Jinx and protect them as much as you can." Kirara growled at her and Kagome understood what she said, "I will be all right, I need your to help to protect them, please." Kirara growled that she understood and would do her best to protect Sango and Jinx.

The girls stopped in front of a group of men they thought were the leaders of the village, Sango stepped forward and spoke, "we have come for the silver hair man that you have in the house behind you. He is the protector of the land and we request his release." "You request his release, well I don't think we are going to release him to the likes of you" said the tall man with no front teeth. "Why won't you release him? What has he done?" asked Sango. "He has killed countless of villagers through out this area, we have witnesses that have pointed him out as the one that attacked their village" he said. "He is not the one that attacked your villages, we had rouge tribes that were attacking villages though out this land and we have taken care of them, they will not be killing anyone ever again. So you have no reason to hold him," was Sango's reply. The man with not teeth just smiled a toothless grin at her and said that they would not release Inuyasha but that they were going to take them as captives.

Kagome heard what the toothless man had said she stepped forward to stand next to Sango and said, "Sango tell them that if they refuse to release Inuyasha that I will release my powers on them." Sango relayed the message and the grin from the toothless man faded away. He called behind his back for an old woman and she stepped forward. She stood in front of the men and they were not worried, because they knew that this old hag could subdue them just as she had done to the silver hair man.

Kagome raised an eyebrow toward the old woman as she approached. She spoke to her in her own tongue so that the villagers would not understand. "Why do you fight for them? Have you no pride for your own people?" the old woman just grinned at her, "my people cast me out because I would not use my powers to help them but these fools pay me well and give me anything I want as long as I do what they want. And right now they want you subdued." The old woman started to chant her spell and Kagome just stood there looking at her. Sango and Jinx raised an eyebrow at their friend and she just shook her head, as if saying that everything was all right. The old woman released her spell and as it started to approach the girls, Kagome began to glow bright blue and as the spell hit Kagome she broke it.

The old woman was stunned no one has been able to break any of her spells but this woman just did. "Who are you?" Kagome eyes stared directly at her and her symbol on her head started to glow. "I am the protector of this land and the person you have in that house is my mate. You will release him or you will suffer." The old woman took a step back from where she stood. "The protector of this land? But I thought that it was just a legend." "No it is not a legend I am here and I want my mate. You have two choices, one is to release him and you all will live or two not release him and die, the choice is yours." The old woman was about to run away when Kagome raised her hand and stopped her. "You will tell them what we have just discussed or I will kill you right here and now for being a traitor to your kind." The old woman nodded her agreement and started to tell the villagers what she had said.

The villagers could not believe that these three women and a cat could kill them. They thought that the old woman was out of her mind. They shoved her off to the side and aimed their guns at the girls. Kagome whispered, "They want to do it the hard way." Both girls beside her nodded in agreement and took a fighting stance. Kagome raised her hands up and in it appeared the golden bow and arrows. At the same time Inuyasha's sword appeared on her hip safely secured waiting for its owner. The villager seeing this got very scared, no one not even the old woman had been able to materialize a weapon out of thin air but this wench did. The girls stood there ground as the villagers prepared to attack. Kagome saw several men raise their guns and at that moment she put up her barrier as the shots rang out through the village signaling the start of the fight.

Inutaisho and Sesshomaru attacked from where they were as soon as the villagers made their move. It was the end of the villagers as everyone attacked full force. The girls had separated and attacked the villagers as they came rushing at them. Kagome drew her arrow and fired at the heart of the village. Her arrow was destroying everything in its path as it hit its mark. She then drew her claws and started to slash them in half. Sango was holding her own in a fight with her katana's she was a force to be reckoned with. Jinx was fighting with her sword; it felt lighter and stronger as she wielded it. She saw out of the corner of her eye that her beloved was in trouble. Ten villagers were attacking him and one was taking aim with his gun. She raised her sword in the air and pointed it at the would be attacker. The sword shot a golden beam at the man killing him and anyone around him instantly while protecting her beloved. Sesshomaru looked up in surprise and saw his mate protect him. He smiled at her and continued with the battle.

Inuyasha was still in the house when he heard the battle start. He was wondering what was going on when he caught the scent of his love. Kagome had come to get him and she had brought help. Inuyasha got a burst of strength and broke free of his bonds. He stood and walked over to the door. When it wouldn't open he used his claws to smash it, he stepped outside and saw the battle raging. He spotted Kagome fighting several villagers and she looked his way, at that moment of inattentiveness one of the villagers got her in the shoulder. She went down with a cry and Inuyasha yelled, "KAGOME!"

Kagome heard Inuyasha call for her but at the moment she had to deal with the villagers, they had surrounded her and had her in their grasp. She was starting to get angry and her eyes flashed red, her claws and fangs grew to double the length. She got a burst of energy and flung the enemy away from her. She was getting weak but she had to protect the others. Inuyasha was now trying to make his way over to Kagome, as he fought he was getting angrier by the minute, then he saw one of the villager sneaking up behind Kagome with a gun in his hand, he was fixing to kill her when he lost it. His eyes flashed red; his claws grew as he went into a fit of rage. He jumped and landed on the villager that was about to kill his mate. Kagome had heard someone behind her and turned just in time to see Inuyasha in his full youkai form. He was killing everyone on in sight when she called out to her mate, "INUYASHA!" He quickly turned in the direction of her voice as she collapsed to the ground; he was by her side in an instant. He held her in his strong arms while saying "MINE."

Kagome looked in his red eyes and held up his sword to him "protect me with this my love." As he grabbed the sword his mind returned. He looked at her with concern she was bleeding and he had to get her out of there. He looked for the others and they were all coming towards him when they saw Kagome go down. They were all unharmed as they made their way towards him. As Miroku approached he raised his staff and a powerful barrier surrounded them preventing the villagers from coming any closer. If anything all of the battles that Miroku was fighting were making his power grow stronger.

Inutaisho approached his son, "Are you all right?" his father asked with concern. "Yes, but we need to get Kagome out of here. She has been weakened by the fight," Kagome had erected individual barriers protecting each of them from harm. It was taking everything she had to keep them up. "Sango tell these fools that we are leaving, tell them that we have no desire to fight anymore. They will be left alone if the promise never to rise against the Indians again because if they do I will be back to finish what they had started." Said Inuyasha with as much hatred as he could muster in his voice. Sango relayed the message to the remaining villagers who nodded their agreement for letting them live. They had made a grave mistake in attacking them when all they wanted was the silver hair man with dog-ears.

As they entered into the forest all of the barriers went down when they sensed no one was following them. He put Kagome on the ground and checked her wounds. She winced in pain from his touch and he whimpered his apologies for hurting her. Sango went and got some herbs from the forest to help Kagome heal and they bandaged her wounds. Then he carefully picked her up and carried her back home for some much needed rest.