InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to Be ❯ Chapter 25

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The following chapter contains a lemon if you are not 18 or older you need to leave. You have been warned of the adult content of this chapter. If you are sure that you want to read it then on with the story.

Chapter 25

Inuyasha and the other's had returned to the village late that night. Everyone was tired from the long day's battle. As they entered the tepee Inuyasha put Kagome on the furs of their sleeping spot. He looked at her wounds and was concerned that it was not healing the way it was suppose to. She was still bleeding on her shoulder and she was having hard time breathing, he saw her cheeks flushed and a fever was beginning a sure sign of an infection. He asked Sango for help and she came over to look at the wound. When she looked at it, it was red and swollen. Sango left to go and get some water and some herbs to put on the wound. She came back shortly with the much-needed items and proceeded to treat Kagome. "Inuyasha do you know what kind of object she was hit with?" He thought for a moment and then answered. "I really don't know, but I think it was a knife. Why?" "This wound shows all the signs of a poison in her system. We need to get it out." "What's the best way to get it out?" asked a very concerned Inuyasha. "Well the best way, from what Kagome has told me, is to make a deeper cut and allow the wound to bleed or suck the infected blood out of her," said a worried Sango as she looked at the wound. "Suck the blood out of her?" Inuyasha was concerned he didn't want to hurt Kagome any more than she was already but he also didn't know how much blood he would have to suck out of the wound.

Inuyasha looked at the girl lying on the furs and then asked if everyone could leave them alone for a few minutes. Everyone agreed as they got up and left the two alone. Inuyasha reached a hand over to his love and caressed her cheek and she slowly opened her eyes. She looked at him through hazy eyes and he leaned down and kissed her. "Kagome you have some poison in your wound and it's not healing. We have to remove it. I am going to remove as much of the poison as I can but it will hurt." She nodded her agreement for him to proceed and he gently picked her up and removed her clothes to expose her wound. She was lying in his arms when he reached down and started to draw the blood that was making her sick. She winced and cried as he continued to remove the tainted blood finally after a while she had passed out.

He continued to do this until he saw that the wound was starting to heal on its own and the redness and swelling were going down. Kagome was still asleep in his arms and breathing easier after he had finished. He called for Sango to come back in and as he held her she bandaged the wound then he laid her down and covered her up. The rest of the group returned wanting to get much needed sleep. Inuyasha stayed awake a little longer before he laid down next to Kagome and fell asleep. As he slept his life energy mixed with hers to help her heel.


It had taken three days for Inuyasha and Kagome to heal completely. Finally the day came that the tribe would move to the new winter location. Inutaisho and Inuyasha were saying their good byes to Sesshomaru and Jinx. They promised each other to visit since they would be so close. Inutaisho could not resist making the comment that grandchildren would be wonderful in the near future causing Sesshomaru and Jinx to turn bright red. As the tribe was preparing to leave Kagome and Sango took their position at the rear of the group. Inutaisho saw this and walked up to them and said, "I want you girls to follow me." It was a command not a request so the girls grabbed the packhorses and followed him. They went to the front of the group with everyone looking at them as they traveled. Both Kagome and Sango felt uneasy at all the stares they were receiving but Inutaisho did not stop until he reached the front. When he got there he turned around to the girls and said, "This is where you belong in the place of honor not as outcast of the tribe. You have earned your place to be called one of us and I am proud to have you both in my family." The girls looked at each other, surprised by Inutaisho statement but they smiled just the same.

It felt good to be accepted as part of the pack and not be considered captives. They were finally free to walk among them and be a part of the tribe's lives. They had fought long and hard to protect these people and now they were family. Inutaisho looked at Sango and said, "When we get to where we are going I will make sure that no good son of mine mates with you. You both have to get busy and give me grandchildren or else I will be bored silly." He turned away and started walking to check on his tribe and all the while he was quietly laughing to himself at the look of shock on the girl's faces.

The tribe was about to move out and the girls were mounted on their horses ready to lead the way to their new home. Kagome was about to start moving when she felt someone land right behind her that almost made her fall off the horse, a strong arm wrapped itself around her small waist while stating, "Still can't ride a horse uh? Will I guess I am going to have to ride with you to keep you from falling off." Inuyasha said from right behind Kagome with a big smile on his face as his lips found her neck and started to nibble there. Miroku had also done the same thing to Sango only she was a little bit more balanced than Kagome and had not started to fall. But Miroku wrapped his arm around her waist just the same and gave her one of his big smiles that caused Sango just to melt in his arms. Kagome and Inuyasha both laughed at what they saw and then set off towards their new home.

It took the tribe two days to arrive at the place that Kagome had told Inuyasha about. They got off their horses and approached the big rock. Everyone stared at the rock with a look of disbelief on his or her face. `No one will be able to get through those rocks have the Chief and his son gone crazy?' everyone thought. As Kagome stopped in front of the rock she looked at her mate and said, "Are you ready for the new life we will share together?" "As long as I'm with you I'm ready for anything," was his reply. She smiled up at him and said, "The protector's of the land have returned." This time instead of the doors opening like it had done for Inuyasha and Miroku a voice answered her call. "Are you prepared to protect the land and keep it save?" the voice asked. "We will protect the land and our pack for as long as we both shall live." Kagome replied. "Then you may enter the land of the protector's." and with that the great stone doors began to open as the tribe stood watching in awe.

They traveled through the cave to reach the lush green valley that lay sealed behind the doors. They continued to move deep into the valley until they found a clearing and declared that this was a good place to set up their village. The location was ideal it had plenty of water and there was an abundance of animal life to feed them all. The tribe spread out and started to put up the tepees that would shelter them through the winter. Inuyasha, Miroku and Inutaisho had picked an area that was high above everyone else. From there they would be able to see the village and keep an eye on everything around them. They first helped their father set up his tepee and when he was settled Inuyasha and Miroku went to help the girls set up theirs. For as long as they had been together Inuyasha and Miroku had always shared a tepee, but this time to the girls surprise they built two. They were right next to each other but they would have their privacy to be with their mates. Inuyasha looked at Kagome who turned up an eyebrow at him then he felt her mental touch, `Inuyasha why do we have two tepees now? We have always shared a tepee with Miroku and Sango,' she asked. `Well it's about time that we have our own place we can't have fun if Miroku and Sango are in there with us now can we?' Inuyasha wiggled his eyebrow up and down while he was grinning at her. Kagome turned ten shades of red and said, `but Miroku and Sango are not mated yet, where would she sleep? She won't feel comfortable in the same tepee alone with Miroku; you know how he can get' Kagome said with concern in her eyes. `You don't have to worry about that they will be mated by tonight dad said so.' Kagome was even more shocked that she had to sit down. Inuyasha saw her and rushed to her side, "Kagome are you alright?" She slowly nodded her head yes and looked into his eyes. She had a big smile on her face that was as bright as the sun. He leaned down and kissed her and then said, "We have to finish in order to make preparations for the mating ceremony." She nodded her agreement and went to finish off what she had started.

As the evening approached the village had been set up and everyone was hurrying to make the preparation for the mating ceremony of Sango and Miroku. Kagome was helping Sango get dressed in a pretty off white dress; it had the half moon symbol on the front made of blue beads. The fringe on the bottom of the dress had alternating blue, white and gold beads all the way around it. She wore a necklace made of blue and gold beads that made her look gorgeous. When Kagome was done she stood back and looked at the work she had completed. She was perfect and Miroku was going to pass out when he saw her. Sango had the biggest smile on her face that anyone could have on a happy day like today. Kagome was glad that her friend was happy she would finally have a family of her own.

The ceremony was to be held in the center of the village; they had set it up in the clearing. Inutaisho was standing there in the middle along with Miroku waiting for Sango. Kagome came first and sat next to Inuyasha near the front, Sango came out of the forest slowly approaching Inutaisho. When Miroku saw her, his heart skipped a beat, `she is the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen, and I still can't believe that she had consented to be my mate.' She stopped in front of Inutaisho and then faced him. Inutaisho began, "we are here in the sight of all the gods in the first mating ceremony in our new home. This ceremony will be a little different than the mating ritual for the Inu youkai for in that ceremony I must seal their bloods for life. For humans we won't do this but I will ask this, "Sango do you take Miroku as your mate? To keep him from his perverted ways, will you love him and tend to him in sickness for as long as you live", "Yes" replied Sango. "Miroku do you take Sango as your mate? Will you promise to love her and keep her safe, and forever forgo your perverted ways and stay with her for as long as you live?" "Yes," replied Miroku. Then Inutaisho took out two necklaces made of blue beads, on the necklace you could see four fangs spaced evenly around the front with four beads in between each fang. He held them in his hands as he bowed his head and muttered something under his breath. His hands began to glow a beautiful golden color and when he opened his hands the color of the beads had changed to a mix of blue/gold and on each bead you could see the symbol of the half moon on it. He put one necklace around Sango's neck and the other around Miroku's neck. Then he placed his hands on both and said, "With these beads I bind you together for as long as you both shall live. May you have happiness together and a long life, you may kiss your mate," said Inutaisho happily. Miroku took a step forward and leaned down and kissed his new mate. When he was done everyone jumped for joy as the pervert finally got a mate that could keep him in line.

They all celebrated the happy occasion with food and drink for everyone. At one point during the night Miroku had caught Sango and picked her up in his arms and started towards their tepee. When he got there he set her down and then he leaned in to kiss her once again. She was nervous and he could tell. She was shaking all over as he held her close to him. He deepened the kiss hoping to get her to relax but she didn't. He pulled away gently and looked in her eyes.

"Sango are you all right? You seem scared?" she looked away from him and said, "I've never done this before?" He pulled her close to him and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry I haven't either." Her eyes grew wide as she turned to him and glared. "Don't lie to me Miroku, no one as perverted as you could still be a virgin, I refuse to believe that I will be your first." Sango was mad and she had turned bright red. Miroku started to falter but regained his composure and grabbed her by her waist and threw her on the furs of their bed. As Sango fell backwards he landed on top of her and kissed her with such passion that it took her breath away.

He started removing moving her clothing while he was still kissing her and before she knew what was happening they were both naked and lying on the furs. He held her down by her wrist to prevent her from hitting him as he trailed kisses down her neck. Sango wanted to fight but she was losing the battle. His kisses were causing her to go weak and soon her eyes started to close as he continued to assault her body. She arched her back trying to get him off her but that only succeeded in making him hard. He rubbed his manhood on her hips and she gasped at the sensation.

As he made his way down to her chest he found what he was looking for, her nipple stood at attention for his hungry mouth to have. He gently sucked at one nipple, occasionally nipping at times. He felt Sango give up her fight and he was free to release one of her hands in order to massage her other breast. She moaned at his actions as his hand wondered down her side, causing her to shiver at his touch. His hand slipped low looking for the warm spot that he knew was there. When he found it he was not disappointed, it was wet, extremely wet to his touch.

He gently rubbed her little button of nerves and kept rubbing while she moaned his name. His actions were causing the heat to grow in her womb. It became tighter and tighter until she couldn't take it anymore and screamed his name. She released into his hand making it more wet if it were even possible. He couldn't wait any longer. He positioned himself at her entrance and slowly entered her, making sure to go slow to allow her time to adjust to him. When he reached her maidenhood, he muttered, "I'm sorry Sango" and pushed the rest of the way in. She was about to let out a scream of pain when he caught her in a passionate kiss. He laid still waiting for her to adjust to him while he kissed her passionately.

When Sango was ready she gently rocked her hips and he started to rock slowly moving in and out gently. He picked up his speed as she encouraged his actions. He found a nice steady pace to build the desire again. As Sango was approaching her peek Miroku went faster, causing Sango to loose control of her body as her womanhood clamped down on his member. Miroku gave two more pushes and released his seed deep in her womb. He laid there panting on top of Sango being careful not to put his entire weight on her. He looked in her eyes and kissed her passionately and she gave into the kiss and returned it. "You are mine now Sango, now and forever" he said, "and you are my pervert now and forever" she answered. He rolled off her and held her tight against him. After a little while she turned to him and said, "Can we do that again?" His eyes widened at her request, `what have I created?' were his thought as he kissed her once more.

Down in the main part of the village the people started to break up the party and go home. They were tired of the day's activities and needed the rest. Inuyasha and Kagome were walking up to their tepee when they heard the moans coming from the other tepee. They both looked at each other and smiled knowing that Sango had not killed Miroku on their mating night. `Now it's our turn mate' as Inuyasha looked at his mate with an evil smile on his face. She looked at him and smiled, as she started to run towards the tepee with Inuyasha hot on her heels.

Inutaisho was the last to leave the clearing he wanted to make sure everyone got back to their homes and made a sweep of the area before retiring. As he walked up to his tepee all he could hear were the moans of his son's as the mating continued. He had hoped to get some sleep tonight but from what he was hearing there will be little of that. But a happy thought entered his mind as he entered his tepee. `Soon I will have grandchildren!'