InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ A Plot? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. That should be obvious by now.
`words' thoughts
“words” speaking
Chapter Five: A Plot?
Two nights after their first meeting, Sesshoumaru once again found himself waiting for Kagome. He sat on the grass looking up at the stars and sighed, “I still can't believe this. I'm waiting for a human.” “She's not human anymore, Sesshoumaru-sama,” Kagura sneered as she landed in front of him. Sesshoumaru glared at the demoness, “What do you want, bitch?” Kagura flipped her fan open and covered her face before replying, “Thought you would want to know that the little miko demon will be in danger soon.” Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow slightly, “What do you mean?” Kagura pulled a feather out of her hair and it transformed. She jumped on it before stating, “You should talk to the cat demoness, Kaori. She knows.” Kagura flew into the night sky just as Kagome came into the clearing.
“Sesshoumaru?” Kagome questioned as she watched him. Sesshoumaru drew his attention from the sky and turned to Kagome. As soon as he turned, Kagome grinned and ran to him. She jumped into his arms and hugged him. “I missed you, Fluffy,” Kagome stated as she blushed. Sesshoumaru's eyes widened slightly before he returned the hug and responded softly, “I missed you too, Kagome.” Kagome giggled `He didn't get mad at me for calling him Fluffy.' Sesshoumaru sat on the ground and spoke softly, “I just had an interesting run in with Kagura. She said you'd be in danger soon. I'm not sure what she meant, but I won't allow it.” Kagome trembled slightly, “Well, what are you going to do?” Sesshoumaru locked his golden eyes to her now light blue ones. “I will be joining you on your quest and I will speak with Kaemon and Yukio to see if Kaori will be able to join us as well. That way we'll be sure that you are protected and I believe the mangy cat will prove useful in the final battle,” he responded thoughtfully. Kagome nodded before asking, “What about Inuyasha? He won't be too pleased if you and Kaori join our group. Sango and Miroku are still trying to get used to me coming to see you and Shippo doesn't really know anything just yet. The guards will be most pleased though.”
Sesshoumaru sighed and tucked a stray hair behind Kagome's ear. “I do not care what the half-breed and his whore thinks. Neither should you. Besides, the half-breed is marked for death anyway. I believe that I should accompany you not only to protect you but also to make the half-breed suffer for his insolence. It will make his death even more painful.” Kagome shrugged, “Alright, you can join us. I don't think I could tell you no if I wanted to anyway.” Sesshoumaru shook his head and chuckled slightly, “I'd still follow your group even if you told me no.” Kagome laughed, “That's what I thought.” Sesshoumaru nodded before pulling Kagome to his chest and lying back on the grass with her on top of him. He ran his claws through her hair lightly as she snuggled closer to him. `So this is what love feels like?' he thought as he looked up at the heavens. He vaguely became aware of Kagome drawing lazing circles on his chest with her fingers. A content purr like growl escaped from him as she continued her actions and looked him in the face. “You like that, huh?” she asked and flashed him a brilliant smile when he nodded.
He shifted so that he was above her and rested his forehead against hers. Sesshoumaru whispered, "I love you, Kagome. Will you be my mate?" Tears swelled up in Kagome's eyes, "Yes, Sesshoumaru.” Before Kagome realized it, both of them were nude.
Sesshoumaru slid down to Kagome's breasts. He alternated between sucking and pulling at them. Moaning his name, she instinctively humped at Sesshoumaru her body begging for more. Deciding he liked that reaction, Sesshoumaru buried his mouth in Kagome's pussy and ran his claws lightly along the inside of her thighs as he lapped his love's wet core with long strokes of his tongue. The flavor of his woman's essence excited his taste buds, and he pulled her firm, smooth thighs to his cheeks, stiffened his tongue, and probed. The tip of his tongue penetrated his soon to be mate's intimate hole, and Kagome shivered and hunched as Sesshoumaru wormed his tongue deeper in the tight, wet passage. He grasped her thighs, lifted and spread them wide apart, pushed them back towards her breasts and licked her cunt from end to end, his head moving up and down, his tongue extended to its maximum length.
Kagome's choked gurgle quickly turned into a loud moan. Sesshoumaru's broad tongue felt like a river of molten fire in her cunt, spreading heat to every cell in her body. When he opened his mouth wide and covered her entire pussy, she let out a wail that became a scream as Sesshoumaru's tongue settled on her clit. "Oh, Sesshoumaru!" Kagome shrieked.
Sesshoumaru lifted his head long enough to smirk and say, "I do believe I found the right place, love. Are you going to cum long and hard for me?"
She shivered under his heated gaze. His golden eyes locked onto her blue ones and she nodded, "Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama."
Sesshoumaru ran his tongue over her clit once again causing her hips to jerk so hard, she nearly pulled her cunt away from his mouth. Sesshoumaru grabbed her thighs and pulled her back into position, then returned to the pleasurable task of lapping her cunt. The tip of his tongue fluttered over Kagome's clit as he eased two fingers up her cunt carefully while being mindful of his claws.
Kagome grabbed Sesshoumaru's head with both hands and humped at him, and he chuckled deep in his throat. He moved his tongue faster and faster and increased the pressure on her clit, matching the rhythm of his finger-fucking to his cunt lapping, driving Kagome higher and higher, closer and closer to her climax.
Kagome suddenly exploded in an orgasm that almost seemed to tear her apart, a quavering growl burst from her throat as she thrashed and bucked so turbulently that Sesshoumaru had to fight to hold her down. Her eyes turned blood red and rolled back. Just before Kagome thought she would pass out from sheer joy, her orgasm subsided and Sesshoumaru crawled up and lay beside her, patiently waiting for her to recover.
When Kagome smiled at him, Sesshoumaru leaned over her with his palms on the ground by her shoulders and studied her radiant face, her vivacious blue eyes, her lush sensual mouth, her elegant features, burning the image in his brain and knowing she belonged to no other. He angled his hips and the head of his cock touched the gorged, gaping lips of her wet pussy. He looked at Kagome, who smiled as she grasped his shaft lovingly, rubbed the head up and down her slit a couple of times, and then stuck the swollen knob in her hole.
Sesshoumaru eased his cockhead between the velvety lips of her cunt and slowly sank his aching prick into her tight cunt. As he broke through her maidenhood, Kagome gasped as a tear escaped her eyes. Sesshoumaru paused and kissed her forehead in silent apology as he waited for her to adjust to him. She nodded when she was ready. He pulled back so that just the head of his cock was lodged between her pussy lips, pushed back in slowly until his silver cock hair meshed with her black bush, and then paused, savoring the feel of her creamy, sultry cunt embracing his shaft.
Kagome was tired of waiting and ground her pussy into his hard groin and felt another storm brewing in her cunt, threatening to sweep her up to another orgasm. Sesshoumaru felt it too and decided he should get down to business. He pulled back, drove into her with a forceful lunge, all the way to the hilt, rocking her body and jiggling her big, luscious breasts. She growled softly as he fucked her swiftly, using the full length of his rod, slamming into her so hard she scooted across the bed.
The rapid barrage of fucking thrusts drove her wild, turning her eyes blood red again, and her head swirled in a sea of passion. "Oh, Fluffy," she gasped, his battering jabs making her voice tremble, "I'm going to cum, but don't stop fucking me." He nodded as he squirmed his groin closer to her cunt so he could fuck her as deep as possible and send her to the release she so desperately wanted.
He fucked her with rugged, lightning-quick, turbulent thrusts that inflated his throbbing prick inside her pussy and brought a slobbering lather from her vibrating cunt walls. He growled with each frenzied lunge of his cock. He watched as her blood red eyes glazed over and fucked her faster, his heavy sperm-laden balls smacking against the cheeks of her ass.
Her face filled with ecstasy and every muscle in her body coiled. She saw his passion filled face and blood red eyes and knew she had to give him as good as she was getting. She humped and twisted and bucked, riding his wild fury, throwing herself into it blindly, fucking him as hard as he was fucking her, knowing her pussy was going to explode with enough force to demolish her mind.
"Ohhhh, fuck," she growled as he gave her more long, powerful strokes with his hard shaft, then shortened his strokes and fucked her ruthlessly, whipping them into a mindless frenzy, propelling them to the peak simultaneously.
Loving every moment of his furious fucking, she raked his shoulders with her claws causing a growl to erupt from his throat and she matched his powerful thrusts, smashing her crotch into his groin as he ferociously pounded her ass into the grass. "I'm cummmming," she howled, soaring into oblivion as her orgasm hit her.
He stared at her, reveling in her radiant rapture, having never seen anything more erotic. He growled and increased his fucking lunges using his demon speed as he lost the last vestige of control. His vision dimmed, he moved his head to the junction of her neck and shoulder, biting down as he rammed his prick to the hilt, barely aware of Kagome biting him and shuddered as his prick erupted harshly, sending thick streams of jizz spurting into her gulping pussy.
He lay on top of her, crushing her lithe body under him, and began licking at the wound on her neck causing Kagome to shudder with each flick of his tongue. Kagome licked the wound on his neck as well, causing Sesshoumaru to shudder with the flick of her tongue and she smiled as he rolled off of her and lay beside her. Kagome curled up against her mate and quickly fell asleep. Sesshoumaru watched her for a few minutes before dozing off as well.
Kiyoshi awoke the next morning and looked around the campsite. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kikyo were still asleep. Inuyasha was in his tree brooding. Makoto and Leiko were talking about something. Yasuo sat under a tree across from him apparently in deep thought with Kirara curled in his lap. Then it dawned on him. “Hey, where's Kagome-sama?” he questioned. Leiko chuckled, “Come with me, but be quiet and try not to wake them.” She stood and Kiyoshi followed her to a field just outside the forest. Kiyoshi's eyes widened as looked at scene before him. Kagome was curled up on Sesshoumaru's chest with his tail wrapped around the two of them. Sesshoumaru's eyes opened as the two guards stood there. He spotted them and placed a finger to his lips before motioning them forward.
Sesshoumaru watched the guards approach him and his mate quietly. When they got within hearing distance, they stopped. He nodded to them before whispering, “My mate and I will need a change of clothing. I will wake her in an hour. Be sure the new outfits are here when she awakens.” Kiyoshi and Leiko bowed to him. “I will retrieve a new outfit for you, milord,” Kiyoshi stated softly. “I'll retrieve one for Kagome-sama and I'll have Makoto inform Kaori-sama that the two of you have mated, Sesshoumaru-sama,” Leiko stated softly before she started back for camp. Kiyoshi watched her for a moment before bowing to Sesshoumaru and vanishing. Sesshoumaru sighed as he ran his claws through his mate's hair. “Kaori's gonna kill me,” he whispered to the wind as he slipped into a light doze.
Later that afternoon, Inuyasha couldn't believe what he was hearing. “WHAT!?” he screamed as Kaori and Sesshoumaru stood next to Kagome. “I said Kaori and Sesshoumaru are going to be traveling with us from now on. Also, Sesshoumaru is my mate now, so deal with it. Wait. Why do you even care? You've got miss clay pot over there,” Kagome motioned to Kikyo who glared at her. Inuyasha growled and started to respond but suddenly found himself flying through the air as Kaori punched him into a conveniently placed tree. “Enough!” Kaori growled at the half-demon, “You've been yelling for the past ten minutes and my ears can't take any more. Kagome-chan is right. You have the two-timing clay pot over there, so leave Kagome alone.” Inuyasha glared at the cat demoness in front of him. “Keh!” he spat before jumping into a tree.
Kaori growled at him before turning her attention to Kikyo. “I know what you and Naraku are planning, bitch. I'm telling you right now that it won't work,” Kaori spat as she stalked over to Kikyo. Kikyo's eyes widened slightly as Kaori lifted her into the air. She screamed as she was thrown in front of Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru glared at the thing in front of him. “Now tell us exactly what you are planning and I may let you continue to plague the earth. If I have to get it out of Kaori though, you will be sent to a place where you can never return. I'll send you to Hell myself,” he stated pointedly. Kikyo glared at the demon in front of her, “I'm not telling you anything.” Inuyasha fell out of his tree.
He regained his composure quickly and ran over to Kikyo. “Are you outta your mind!?” he screamed as he shook her roughly, “Sesshoumaru isn't like me. He's really gonna kill you!” Kikyo's eyes widened as she gulped.
“Inuyasha, move or I shall have to carry out your sentence sooner than I had planned,” Sesshoumaru stated coolly as he walked closer to Kikyo. Inuyasha looked at his brother then at Kikyo. “Sorry, but there's nothing I can do, Kikyo. You brought it on yourself,” he stated before jumping back into the tree he fell out of. (A/N: About time! Ooops…back to the story.)
Kikyo glared at him before turning her attention to the problem at hand. Kikyo sighed with relief as Kagome placed a hand on Sesshoumaru's shoulder and he paused. Sesshoumaru turned his head to his mate, “What is it, love?” Kagome looked up at him and growled as she flexed her new claws, “Let me do it.” Sesshoumaru eyed her for a second `Hmm, eyes streaked with red. Aw, what the hell let her do it.' He thought before chuckling, “Sure.” Kagome grinned baring her fangs, “Thanks.”
Sesshoumaru moved out of her way and stood next to Kaori. `You really think she'll do it?' he asked telepathically. Kaori grinned and responded `Definitely. Kikyo's been in her way for a while now, so I don't doubt she will.' Sesshoumaru nodded as Kagome cracked her knuckles. “You know Kikyo…You and I could've gotten along, but I really don't see that happening. I hope you find happiness in HELL,” Kagome roared as she sliced through the former priestess. Kikyo screamed before she burst into dust and was scattered to the winds. All the souls she'd stolen were released and Kagome felt whole once again.
Kaori looked at Sesshoumaru from the corner of her eye. `First kill. Fluffmeister, you'd better go calm your mate. She could kill all of us you know.' Sesshoumaru nodded as he approached Kagome slowly. Kagome growled before whirling around and facing her mate. She sniffed the air before growling out in a rough voice, “Mate.” Sesshoumaru nodded, “That's right, love.” Kagome allowed him to approach her and take her in his arms. He nuzzled his mark and waited. Kagome's blood stopped boiling and her eyes turned back to their normal light blue. “Sesshoumaru,” Kagome moaned. Sesshoumaru pulled away from her and smiled, “Feel better?” Kagome nodded, “Yep. What was that anyway?”
Before Sesshoumaru could answer, Shippo jumped onto her shoulder and giggled, “It was your blood beast, mama.” “My what?” she asked as she looked at the kit. “Your blood beast is kinda like your other self. With proper training, you can control it. Right now though, you won't be able to. Dad's the only one who can calm your other self,” Shippo replied. “Dad?” Sesshoumaru asked curiously. “Hope you don't mind, Sesshoumaru-sama. It's just since you're mated to my mother, I thought it'd be alright if you became my father. Is that okay?” Shippo asked nervously. Sesshoumaru's eyebrow rose slightly and he chuckled, “That's fine, son.”
“That reminds me…” Kaori started thoughtfully. All of a sudden a scream of “SESSHOUMARU-SAMA!!” was heard through the clearing. A little orange and black blur bounded out of the forest to Kaori's right. The demoness grabbed the blur and a struggling Rin was revealed. “Kaori-san, Let Rin go! Rin wants to see Sesshoumaru-sama,” the little girl demanded as she struggled against the grip on her. Kaori chuckled, “Nope. I need to speak with him first, Rin-chan.” Rin looked up at the demoness and sighed, “Okay, but make it quick, Kaori-san. Rin hasn't seen her Sesshoumaru-sama in a long, long time!”
Kaori ruffled the girl's hair before setting her on the ground, “Alright, squirt.” Rin stuck her tongue out at Kaori, “Rin's not a squirt, mangy cat.” Kaori burst out laughing. She clutched her stomach as she knelt on the ground, “Takes after her Sesshoumaru-sama alright!” Kaori was laughing so hard she had tears coming out of her eyes. The rest of the group wasn't too far behind.
Miroku was rolling on the ground, Inuyasha had fallen out of his tree, Kagome was knelt on the ground, Sesshoumaru was bent at the waist clutching his sides, Sango was in a fetal position, Shippo was rolling on the ground, Leiko was holding onto a tree for support, Yasuo was on his hands and knees, Makoto and Kiyoshi were both rolling on the ground.
Rin stood there watching all of them, “What's so funny?” This caused another fit of laughter amongst the group. Finally after about ten minutes, the group settled down.
Sesshoumaru sat next to Kagome and looked expectantly at Kaori, “Now, Tell us of Naraku's plan.” Kaori nodded as she pulled Rin into her lap. She waited till she had everyone's attention. “Well to put it bluntly, he plans to kill Kagome. Now the original plan was that after we got close enough to his fortress, a demon known as Ryu would come to take Kagome by placing a spell on her and luring her to the forest. From there, Ryu would take her to Naraku's fortress. Now, according to my sources, Naraku is unaware of Sesshoumaru, me, Makoto, Kiyoshi, Leiko and Yasuo. The reason for this is because he can not see us in Kanna's mirror. She won't reveal it to him either. That much she has guaranteed me. We can use that to our advantage. The clan of the East is extremely skilled when it comes to counter-spells. I believe that if we placed a spell over Kagome, the one Ryu casts will have no effect on her whatsoever. If I'm correct, Naraku will be a pushover. However, we can't go rushing into battle with an untrained miko turned demon, so I'm leaving the decision to you as to whom you wish to have train you, Kagome.”
Kagome looked over at the group. Her gaze landed on Sesshoumaru and she nodded, “I believe I would like Sesshoumaru to train me with my demon abilities. Do any of you know about miko powers?”
“I do,” Leiko stated. “Do you mind training me, Leiko-chan?” Kagome asked. “It'd be an honor, Kagome-sama,” Leiko replied as she bowed slightly. Kaori nodded, “That's settled then. Now, who's hungry?”
JMK425: Hi Everyone! Sorry for not updating sooner. Took me awhile to get this chapter to come out the way I wanted it. Thanks to all my reviewers!! Anyway, I will try to have the next chapter up before long. Read and Review please. Bye Bye!!!