InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Annoyances ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha. Simple as that.
`words' thoughts
“words” speaking
Chapter Six:
`Three weeks. Three fucking weeks since that damn cat and my fucking brother joined our group. Damn flea bitten cat. This is the second week in a row that I've woken up like this' Inuyasha thought as he found himself once again dangling from a tree. He had been hog tied in his sleep and strung up from a tree again. `Come on, ya mangy cat. WAKE UP AND GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!' He glared angrily at the cat demoness who smiled at him. “What's the matter, half-breed?” Kaori asked as she grinned at him. He growled at her.
“Awww, poor pup can't say anything. Cat got your tongue, half-breed?” Yasuo called to the already enraged half-demon. Rin and Shippo laughed. “Inuyasha-sama looks funny. Rin loves it when Kaori-san does things like this,” the little girl called excitedly as she clutched onto Kaori's sleeve, “Can Rin and Shippo put flowers on Inuyasha-sama. Like we did with Jaken-sama earlier?” Kaori looked down at the two children and beamed, “Sure can, Rin-chan. You two get the flowers and I'll help you put them on the half-breed.” “YAY!!!” Rin squealed as she grabbed Shippo's hand, “Let's go Shippo!” The two took off running as Sango walked up to Kaori.
“You're pretty good with kids, Kaori-chan,” Sango commented as she and Kaori sat down on a log. Kaori grinned as she rubbed the back of her neck, “Hey, when you have seventeen kits, you better be good with children. They'll eat ya alive if you don't know how to deal with em.” Sango gasped, “Seventeen! I thought Makoto and Kiyoshi were your only kits.” Kaori shook her head as she stretched, “Nope. Those two are my second youngest. My youngest aren't even old enough to walk yet. Speaking of kids, when are you and the monk gonna stop playing around? You're obviously in love with one another, so why not mate or whatever it is you humans do?” Sango blushed a deep crimson and turned away from Kaori. Kaori got the hint and changed the subject, “Why am I smelling wolf?” Sango whirled around as Kagome shouted, “WHAT!?” Kaori and Sesshoumaru both sniffed the air.
“Definitely wolf, male by the smell of it. Less than half a mile away from here and closing in fast,” Kaori stated as she stood. The guards, Kaori, and Sesshoumaru fell into battle stances as a whirl wind sped into the campsite. Three feet from Leiko, the wind stopped and Kouga stood in the middle of the clearing.
Kouga eyed the demons standing between him and Kagome. A female cat demon with silver eyes and violet colored hair growled in his clan's ancient tongue,:: What business have you here, wolf?:: Kouga looked at the female in disbelief and answered ::I am here to see Kagome. Now, stand aside, fleabag.:: (A/N: They're speaking to each other through a series of yips, barks, and howls.)
The cat shook her head before speaking out loud, “I will not. Who are you and why do you wish to see Lady Kagome?” Kouga eyed the demoness again. `Hmmm, smells familiar… Ah, Lady Kaori! Crap. I'm dead. I called the Lady of the East a fleabag.' Kouga thought to himself before he bowed and answered, “My name is Kouga, Kaori-sama. I am the prince of the wolf tribe that resides in your lands. I apologize for my rudeness, milady. I did not recognize you at first glance.”
Kaori slid her sword back into the sheath and stood before walking up to him, “Apology accepted, for now. My second question has yet to be answered though, wolf.” Kouga stared at her for a moment before bowing at her feet. “I humbly request an audience with Kagome-sama in private, milady,” he stated firmly.
The `in private' part of his phrase immediately put Kagome on edge. Sesshoumaru sensed her uneasiness and replied, “Request…Denied. There is nothing that you can not say in front of the group, wolf.” Kouga looked up at Kaori who nodded in agreement to Sesshoumaru's statement.
“Sesshoumaru-sama is correct. Anything that needs to be discussed with his mate will be done in public. Is that clear?” Kaori asked as she raised an eyebrow at the look on Kouga's face.
Kouga jumped up and ran to Kagome, but froze as the blade of Tokijin was pointed at his throat. Sesshoumaru glared at the wolf and growled, “No further than that, wolf. Now, amuse us with your imbecilic tendencies.” Kouga growled at the demon in front of him, “Get the hell outta my way, dog breath. I wanna talk to my woman.”
Sesshoumaru's golden eyes suddenly turned blood red as he grabbed Kouga by the throat. A primal growl spilled forth from Sesshoumaru's lips as his blood beast began to take over. His beast tightened his grip on Kouga's neck as he growled, “Mine. Not Yours.”
Kouga started turning an interesting shade of blue as Kagome approached Sesshoumaru and wrapped her arms around him. “Don't kill him, love. He's a friend of mine,” she pleaded as she nuzzled the mark on Sesshoumaru's neck.
Sesshoumaru's gaze shifted to her, “Mate. Wolf trying to take Mate. No let wolf take mate. Kill wolf.” Kagome shook her head as she licked the mark, “No, love. He's not trying to take me. He couldn't if he tried. Remember? I belong to you, Sesshoumaru-sama.” Sesshoumaru groaned as Kagome began nipping at the mark on his neck. He dropped Kouga on the ground before turning around and picking Kagome up `bridal style'.
Sesshoumaru turned his golden eyes toward Kouga, “Kagome is mine. Do not come after her again.” Kouga nodded dumbly as he rubbed his neck. Sesshoumaru formed his cloud around his feet as he turned toward Kaori, “We will be back before dinner, I think. Stay in the area, mangy cat.” Kaori rolled her eyes and mock saluted him, “Yes sir, Mister Fluffmeister!” Kagome laughed as Sesshoumaru flew away from the campsite.
As soon as they were out of sight, Kouga stood and asked, “So, where's dog shit?” Shippo looked at him, “You mean Inuyasha? He's up there,” he stated and pointed to a tree. Kouga looked up and chuckled before calling out, “Just when I thought you couldn't get anymore pathetic, I find you tied up and gagged! That's a new form of pathetic!” Inuyasha glared at the wolf and mumbled, “Forsh Yush!” Kouga jumped into the tree and started poking Inuyasha's arm. A string of curses were heard from the half-demon's mouth as he once again struggled against his bindings. Kouga just laughed at him.
While this was going on, Shippo walked up to Kaori and pulled on her sleeve. Kaori looked down at the kit and knelt so that she was almost level with him. “Something you need, Shippo-chan?” she asked. Shippo looked up at her curiously, “Sort of. Kaori-chan, How did you and Sango meet?” “I'd been wondering that myself,” Miroku stated as he and Sango walked up to them with a very curious Rin in tow. Kaori smiled and sat down before pulling Shippo and Rin in to her lap. Miroku, Sango, and the guards sat down across from her.
“Well, I met Sango one day when I was on patrol. She was probably six or seven years old at the time and had been playing in a field when she fell down. I was passing through the field and saw her fall. I walked over to her when I smelt blood. Sango had scraped her knee up pretty good. I knelt down to bandage it, but she backed away and told me to leave her alone. I backed up a little and pulled a spinning top out of my kimono. I showed it to her and told her that it could make her forget the pain in her knee. She looked at me like I was crazy, which I probably am,” Kaori explained and shrugged, “anyway, then she told me that it was just a toy. I shrugged and wrapped the string around the top. When I spun it, I released a small amount of my energy and a dove flew out of the top of it. Sango cheered. A few more times of that and she let me bandage her knee. Then we played in the field for a bit before she had to go. I'd stop by and see her about once a week after that. She's been a friend of mine ever since.”
Sango laughed, “Lord knows how many times I got you out of a tight situation, Kaori-chan.” Kaori grinned, “Oh, and who got you out of trouble when you were caught spying on the village boys during their bath?” Sango blushed before Miroku's ever busy hand cupped her posterior. “Lady Sango, I had no idea…”his head met with Hirakotsu before he could finish his statement. “Damn Pervert!” Sango grumbled as she removed the boomerang from Miroku's thick skull. “He'll never learn,” Kaori, Shippo, and Rin sighed in unison.
JMK425: Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for all the reviews! I appreciate it greatly. Sorry for the short chapter!!! Now, you're probably wondering why I had Sesshoumaru sounding like a mindless idiot in this chapter. Simple, that's how I think his blood beast would sound. Anyway, Read and Review please!! Bye Bye!!