InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Worry and Pain with a hint of Pervertedness ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Inuyasha. I do own Kaori though.
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
A/N: Okay, before I start this chapter, I wanted to let Native Wolf Cub know that Sesshoumaru was about 120 when he met Kaori. Kaori was about 200 at the time. Now, Sesshoumaru is 320 and Kaori is 400. So, they've known each other for about 200 years.
Chapter Seven:Worry and Pain with a hint of Pervertedness
“Hey Kagura. Thought I'd smelled you around here,” Kaori stated as she sat down next to the wind demoness. Kagura glanced at the cat from the corner of her eye. “I'm surprised no one else did,” she stated thoughtfully. Kaori shrugged, “No idea how they could've missed that god awful smell. Anyway, what'd you want to talk about?”
Kagura sighed, “As much as I'd like to tell you that Naraku's forgotten his plan; I can't. He's still going through with it. Hopefully, Sesshoumaru won't leave Kagome alone.” Kaori nibbled on her lip, “I don't think Fluffmeister would, but you never know with him.” Kagura nodded, “That's true. By the way, I think you owe him a beating don't you?” Kaori grinned, “Yep. I'd almost forgotten about that.”
The two sat in silence for a moment.
“A day and a half,” Kagura mumbled. “Eh?” Kaori questioned. Kagura turned to face her. “A day and a half until this damn fight is over. Kanna and I can finally return home,” Kagura stated wistfully.
Kaori patted her shoulder, “Dad will be pleased to see you two again. Even if you are his step children.” Kagura nodded, “We'll finally be able to spend some time with our family. I can't wait.”
Kagura stood and pulled a feather out of her hair. It transformed and she jumped on it. “You had better figure out where Sesshoumaru and his mate went. She's going to need protection soon,” Kagura stated as she flew into the sky. “Bye Sis!” Kaori called and waved to Kagura. Kagura waved back before she disappeared from view.
As soon as Kagura was out of view, Kaori took off running towards camp. Halfway there, she slammed into someone. “Damn cat, Watch where you're going,” a male voice said. Kaori looked up at the person in front of her. “Sesshoumaru…,” Kaori gasped before jumping up, “Wait. If you're here, then where's Kagome?”
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at her, “Kagome's asleep near a hot spring a half mile from here. Why?”
“YOU LEFT HER ALONE!!” Kaori screamed as she spun around and bolted for the hot spring. Sesshoumaru rushed after her, “What the hell? Kaori, tell me what's going on!” Kaori whipped her head around and growled, “No time to explain. Just come on!” Makoto, Kiyoshi, and Kouga came running up beside her. “Mom, what's going on?” Makoto called as he ran alongside her. The group reached the hot spring and froze.
Kagome stood next to the hot spring with blood dripping off the sword Sesshoumaru had given her. Her ebony tresses were blowing in some invisible wind as a purple light crackled around her. Kagome swung the sword to get the blood off and turned to face the group. Her aura calmed as she spoke, “Good thing I paid attention to my training.” Kaori let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and grinned, “Yeah.”
Beside her, Sesshoumaru growled softly, “You looked stunning like that, love.” Makoto, Kiyoshi, and Kouga nodded in agreement. “You aren't hurt, are you?” Kaori questioned as she looked Kagome over. “Nope, but he is,” Kagome said as she pointed to the headless body of a large black dragon.
Kaori laughed, “Yeah, pretty badly too. You think that `Duck tay-pee' stuff from your time could fix him?” Kagome shook her head, “That's Duct tape and no I don't think so.” Sesshoumaru walked up to Kaori, “Could you and the misfit club go elsewhere? I need some time with my mate.” Kaori rubbed her chin thoughtfully, “Maybe… but first…”
She cracked her knuckles before rearing back and punching Sesshoumaru in the face. “That's for leaving Kagome alone and this is for mating with her after only three days of courting.” Kaori kicked Sesshoumaru where it counts and he doubled over in pain. She kneed him in the face while he was doubled over and left him laying there as she headed for camp.
“Damn! I'd be surprised if he's able to move at all after that,” Kiyoshi whimpered in sympathy. Makoto and Kouga nodded in agreement. “Well let's get him back to camp,” Kagome said as she started to gather her things.
Makoto transformed to his true form and Kiyoshi threw Sesshoumaru's unconscious form onto Makoto's back. Kiyoshi took the yellow backpack from Kagome and they headed back to camp.
Back at camp….
“What happened to him!?” Yasuo laughed as Kiyoshi placed Sesshoumaru on Kagome's sleeping bag. “Mom” Makoto replied as he sat next to Sango. “Kaori-san did that to Sesshoumaru-sama?” Rin asked curiously as she poked the slowly forming bruise around Sesshoumaru's right eye. “Yep. You should've seen the look on his face!” Kagome squealed as she fell to the ground laughing.
Kaori jumped down from a tree and looked around camp, “Hey, where's Sango and Miroku?” Inuyasha looked at her, “I thought Sango was with you and Miroku's taking a bath.” Kaori nodded and headed for the hot spring near the camp.
As she approached the spring, she masked her scent and aura so Miroku wouldn't sense her. A gasp to her right alerted her to Sango who was hiding behind a rock watching the monk bathe. A grin spread across Kaori's face as she approached her friend. When she was right behind Sango, she leaned towards the girl's ear. “Like what you see?” Kaori whispered quietly.
Sango screamed and jumped up. She whirled around so quickly that she lost her balance and fell into the hot spring. Kaori jumped on the rock and watched as Sango spit some water out of her mouth. By this time, Miroku was already swimming in Sango's direction. “Kaori! I'm gonna kill you!” Sango screamed before she whirled around and smacked Miroku.
Kaori laughed at her, “Now that sounds familiar… Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, that day you were caught doing the same thing you were doing a minute ago.” Sango screamed and stormed out of the hot spring. “I was looking for something!” she exclaimed as she started back up the path.
Kaori sat on the rock as Miroku approached her. “Was she really looking for something, Kaori-san?” Miroku asked as he leaned on the rock next to the demoness. Kaori chuckled, “Nope. She was looking at you.”
“I see,” he replied thoughtfully.
“You know, she really likes you,” Kaori stated as she watched him from the corner of her eye. “I really like her too, Kaori-san. I'm just afraid to say anything, so I try to show her,” he smiled lecherously. Kaori laughed.
“I know, but the thing you need to do is be blunt and honest with her. Sango-chan didn't grow up like normal girls and she hates it when people don't get to the point. Also, stop grabbing other women's asses. It's sending mixed messages to her. You say you like her, yet you flirt with other women in front of her. What do you think that tells Sango?” Kaori pointed out.
Miroku sighed, “You're right, Kaori-san. I do need to stop. You seem to know a lot about relationships. First, you help Sesshoumaru and Kagome get together. Now, you're giving Sango and me advice.”
Kaori chuckled, “Well, I've seen many seasons in my lifetime. Many relationships as well, so I suppose I know a little about them.”
Miroku nodded, “Thanks for the advice, Kaori-san.”
“You're welcome,” Kaori replied as she stood and began walking back towards camp.
JMK425: Well, There's chapter seven! Thanks to everyone for the reviews. I love them!! Now, for those of you who read the