InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Pulling the Cat's Tail ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha….La La La….Blah Blah Blah….
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Chapter Eight: Pulling the Cat's Tail
A chuckle escaped his lips as he watched his prey. Creeping along the ground, he eyed his target carefully ready to flee at any sign of movement. There was none. He stood when he was under the tree his target was asleep in. Looking up he noted the long violet colored appendage that swung lazily in the cool morning air. `Hehe…That's good.' He shifted his eyes around the still asleep group that made up the makeshift camp and grinned. He crouched on all fours and sprang towards the violet thing. He caught it and sunk his teeth into it. His target jerked awake immediately.
Kaori was yanked from her slumber when she felt pain shooting through her tail. “WHAT THE HELL!?” she screamed as she jumped up completely forgetting that she was in a tree. She screamed as she fell to the ground.
When the dust cleared, Kaori had her tail in her line of vision. “Shippo-chan, Get off my tail!” she growled at the little fox cub. Shippo released her tail and grinned at her, “You promised, Kaori-san.” Kaori stood and stretched as she eyed the little cub. “Promised what?” she asked him.
She fell to the ground as someone else tugged on her tail. “What is it with people and my tail today?” she asked no one in particular. She rubbed her backside as she spoke to the two bundles of energy in front of her, “My tail is attached, you know. Now, what did I promise?” Shippo and Rin rolled their eyes and exclaimed, “You promised to take us to see Kaemon-sama and your kits today!” “Oh yeah…” Kaori replied, “Well, finish packing and we'll get going.” “Alright!” Shippo yelled. “Okay!” Rin squealed.
As Kaori readjusted her sash, Inuyasha came walking up to her. “I'll go too,” he stated firmly. Kaori eyed him suspiciously, “Why?” Inuyasha sighed as he rubbed one of his ears thoughtfully. “Well, I wanted to formally apologize to him. Plus, I thought maybe it would be safer for the kids if two of us went instead of just one,” he stated almost hopefully. Kaori nodded, “That does make sense. Let me ask you this, do you know what you did to make Kaemon mad in the first place?” Inuyasha shrugged, “I assumed he was mad at me about Kagome.”
“Wrong, little brother,” Sesshoumaru stated as he sat next to the two, “Kaemon was angry at you not because of my mate, but because of what you did to his.” “Huh?” Inuyasha asked before it dawned on him, “Oh, he got mad at me cause I scratched Kaori?”
“Exactly,” Sesshoumaru replied before turning to Kaori, “How long will it take you to get there and back?” Kaori patted Kirara absently as she responded, “Well, since we're taking Ah-Un there and I plan on transforming to come back, I'd say Inuyasha and I should be back by sundown if we don't run into too many problems. If we do, I'd say midnight or possibly dawn at the latest.” Sesshoumaru nodded before his gaze landed on his mate.
“Mama, why do Rin and Shippo-chan have to stay with Kaemon-sama? Why can't Rin and Shippo stay here?” Rin questioned as Kagome helped the children pack. Kagome looked over at the little girl and sighed, “It's too dangerous here, sweetie. You'll be safer with Kaemon. Your dad trusts him and I know that Kaori-san would never put you two in danger, so I trust her mate to keep you safe as well.” Rin nodded and took the bag Kagome handed her. Kagome handed Shippo his bag and took both kids' hands as they walked over to Kaori, Inuyasha, Jaken, and Ah-Un.
Kaori bent down and picked the children up. “Kaori-chan, I trust you to get them there safely,” Kagome stated as she tied the bags to Ah-Un's saddle. Kaori nodded as she and Inuyasha jumped onto the dragon's back with the children.
“No need to worry, Kagome-chan. I'll protect the little ones with my life,” Kaori stated before turning to the guards. “Boys, Leiko, Yasuo, I'm counting on you to protect the group alongside Sesshoumaru. Keep a close eye on things. Inuyasha and I will be back later,” Kaori stated as Ah-Un took to the air. The guards bowed to her and the dragon took off.
As soon as Ah-Un was no longer visible, Kagome turned to Sesshoumaru. “I don't know about you, but I'm going back to bed. It's not even dawn yet,” she said through a yawn. Sesshoumaru nodded as he watched her climb back into her sleeping bag. Sesshoumaru turned and walked out of camp towards the stream.
When he reached the bank, he stripped down and dove into the water. He resurfaced and shook his long hair to get the water out. His gaze shifted to a rock by the edge of the stream.
“Did you need something, Yasuo?” he questioned the orange haired demon. Yasuo studied Sesshoumaru for a moment then asked, “When are you going to inform Kagome-sama about the pup? Surely you've noticed the change in her.”
Sesshoumaru nodded, “I've known for a few weeks now, but I'm not sure how to tell her.” Yasuo rubbed his chin for a moment, “Well why not just say it? Then maybe she'll try to avoid the fight as much as possible tomorrow.” Sesshoumaru shrugged, “I guess I could tell her in the morning.”
“Well you'd better,” Yasuo stated before heading for camp. Sesshoumaru watched him for a moment. “I will,” he stated before dipping back into the water.
Little did he know what the morning would bring…
JMK425: Well there's chapter Eight!! Sorry for it being so short. Sorry for not updating sooner. No excuse on my part really. Aside from writer's block. Anyway, I am currently working on chapters 9 and 10 and will be posting those sometime in the next week or two. You're probably wondering why Kaori didn't protest Inuyasha going with her and the kids. The next chapter will somewhat explain that. Also, Thanks for all the reviews!!!! I couldn't believe that I'd gotten so many. Thanks to everyone!! Bye Bye for now!!