InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ The End of Naraku ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Seriously…
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Last time: “Kagome!!” a voice screamed from somewhere off to the girl's right. Kagome stood frozen to the spot as she watched the tentacle speed towards her already bloodied form. `I'm dead' she thought briefly. Blood spattered on Kagome's face as the tentacle pierced the form that appeared in front of her. “No! NOOOOOO!!!!” Kagome screamed as the figure fell to the forest floor…
Chapter Ten:The End of Naraku
“Sesshoumaru, please be alright, please,” Kagome sobbed as she leaned over Sesshoumaru's body. Sesshoumaru looked into the eyes of his love and smiled softly. He raised his hand and ran his palm down her cheek. “I'll be fine, love. Don't…” he groaned before continuing weakly, “Don't worry.” Kagome smiled at him, “Rest, love. I'll finish this.” Sesshoumaru nodded and closed his eyes. `Kami, please help us finish this,' was his last thought before sleep overtook the taiyoukai. Kagome made sure he was breathing normally before standing and looking over the battleground.
Sango had managed to push Kohaku back against a tree and was holding him there. Inuyasha and the guards were still facing off against Naraku who was steadily being pushed back against the cliff side. Kagura and Kanna stood side by side fighting the onslaught of demons that Naraku had sent after them. Leiko was tending to Miroku since the poisonous bees had put him out of the fight. Kaori stood next to Kagome blood pouring out of the multiple wounds on her body as the two looked over the battlefield. Their gazes landed on Naraku and Kaori unsheathed her sword at the same time Kagome did. “Ready?” the older demoness asked the younger. Kagome's eyes streaked with red as she replied, “Yes. The bastard hurt my mate.” The two demons nodded to each other before taking off towards their target.
Naraku couldn't believe it. He was losing. The cat demons and Sesshoumaru shouldn't have been with the group, but they were. He glared angrily at the cat demoness and Kagome as they came rushing towards him swords drawn and ready to spill his blood. He looked around frantically trying to find an opening to escape but their defenses were flawless. It was almost as if THEY had set the trap for HIM. He backed up some more and felt something solid against his back. He was cornered and they knew it. “Problems, half-breed?” the cat demoness sneered at him.
Cold steel found itself against his throat as Kagome pointed her sword at his throat. Inuyasha, Kaori, Makoto, Kiyoshi, and Yasuo's swords soon joined hers. Even Tokijin joined in with others as Sesshoumaru stood between Kagome and Kaori. “The jewel, Naraku,” Kagome demanded as she pushed the tip closer to the half-demon's throat.
Naraku smirked, “You wouldn't kill me Kagome. You don't have it in you.” Kagome growled, “I didn't give you permission to speak, half-breed. Now, give me the jewel.” Naraku glared at her, “No.”
“Have it your way then,” Kagome stated as her sword started to pulse. Six other pulses joined the first as the seven swords began glowing simultaneously. Kagome's sword glowed a bright purple, Kaori's glowed a bright red, Makoto's glowed green, Kiyoshi's glowed white, Yasuo's glowed orange, Teutsaiga glowed bright gold, and Tokijin glowed blue as the group swung their blades together.
“Seisui-no-ken!!” Kagome growled. “Kaze-no-Kizu!!” Inuyasha screamed. “Raikou-no-Kizu!” Sesshoumaru exclaimed. “Seishou-no-ken!” Kaori yelled. “Seiryoku-no-ken!” Makoto exclaimed. “Binsoku-no-ken!” Kiyoshi yelled. “Bouei-no-ken!” Yasuo hollered.
The combined attacks hit Naraku head on and he screamed as he burst into pieces and was scattered to the winds. The mountainside blew apart and crumbled to nothing as the group stood watching in amazement.
When the smoke cleared, Kagome walked over and picked up the nearly completed Shikon no Tama. “It's finally over,” she sighed as she walked up to Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha walked up to the couple and knelt before them. “I guess my time is up. I'm ready for my punishment now, Sesshoumaru,” he stated sadly.
Sesshoumaru eyed his brother for a moment before stating, “I have the perfect punishment for you since you have redeemed yourself slightly, little brother. You will help take care of Kagome and my pups. Until the pup is born however, you will serve under the mangy cat that's asleep over there.”
Inuyasha glanced over at Kaori before nodding to Sesshoumaru, “I'd be glad to…Fluffmeister.” Kagome laughed as Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes at Inuyasha. Her gaze landed on Kaori and she cringed, “I'm going to go treat Kaori-chan's wounds. She's injured worse than the rest of us.”
Sesshoumaru nodded and looked over at his best friend. Four deep gashes were across her stomach, a deep cut was on her throat, her left arm had been sliced open from her shoulder to her wrist, and her left leg had a deep cut in it.
Kagome walked over to Kaori and started to undress her, but froze when she noticed something. “She's not breathing,” Kagome whispered quietly to herself. Kagome threw her head back and howled through the tears streaming down her cheeks, “Kaori-chan's dead!!!”
Kagome started sobbing uncontrollably as Sesshoumaru knelt down and checked Kaori's pulse. There was none. “She is dead,” Sesshoumaru confirmed softly.
“MOM!!” Makoto and Kiyoshi howled as they knelt next to the demoness. “Kaori?” a voice questioned sadly. Sesshoumaru turned and noticed Kaemon and fifteen other demons, Shippo, and Rin standing behind him.
Kaemon walked forward and gathered his mate into his arms. He brushed a strand of hair from her face and buried his face against her neck as he started sobbing. The fifteen cat demons stepped forward and sat next to him and the twins.
The youngest of all of them looked up at the tiger demon and asked, “Daddy is mommy going to be okay?” Kaemon stared as his youngest son through blurry eyes and started to respond before Sesshoumaru interrupted.
“She'll be fine, little one,” Sesshoumaru stated as he stood and pulled Tenseiga from its sheath. “Put her on the ground Kaemon,” he stated firmly. Kaemon nodded and placed Kaori on the ground.
Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes and saw the messengers of the underworld. He swung Tenseiga and destroyed the toad like things. He sheathed Tenseiga and waited. Kaori's major wounds had healed almost instantly as the group watched silently. Kaemon prayed to every god he knew that his mate would be okay.
Then they heard it.
It was faint at first, but steadily got stronger.
A heartbeat…
Kaori's heartbeat.
Kaori took a sharp intake of breath and opened her eyes to see her family smiling at her. She covered her ears as screams of `Mom, Kaori-chan, and Kaori-sama' filled the clearing. Next thing she knew, Kaori was being scooped off the ground and spun around by her mate.
Kaori laughed at him, “Kaemon, stop. You're making me dizzy.” Kaemon stopped abruptly and pulled her into a hug, “I was afraid I'd lost you, love.” Kaori looked up at him in confusion, “What do you mean?”
Sesshoumaru took that moment to pipe up, “You died, stupid cat.” Kaori spun around and faced him, “Missed you too, damn mutt. You brought me back, didn't you?” Sesshoumaru nodded and Kaori ran and hugged him. “Thanks…Fluffster. I owe you.”
Sesshoumaru shook his head, “No you don't. You helped me and Kagome get together, so I saved your life. We're even for once.” Kaori grinned at him, “I guess so.”
Kaemon came up to her and nuzzled her neck. “Let's go home, love.” Kaori nodded, “Okay in a minute. I've gotta do something first.” Kaemon nodded and let go of her. “Make it quick,” he purred. Kaori nodded as she ran up to Miroku.
She pulled a small box out of her kimono and handed it to him. “Here. I think you'll need this,” she stated as she grinned at him. Miroku opened the box and found three rings inside.
A diamond engagement ring and two golden wedding bands. “These rings hold sentimental value for Sango. They were her parent's rings. Her father left them in my care after his wife died. He told me to be sure Sango got them when the time was right,” Kaori stated as she looked over at Sango, “and I think the time is finally right.” Miroku nodded as he stood. “Thank you, Kaori-sama. For all your help,” he stated as he walked over to Sango.
Sango looked up as Miroku knelt in front of her. He looked down at the lifeless form of Kohaku and sighed, “It's a pity we can't save him.” Sango shook her head, “No, we did save him. He's finally at peace. I'll miss him, but at least he's happy.” Miroku took her hand in his and asked, “What about you? Are you happy?” Sango shrugged, “I guess so.” “Well, I don't really know if this is a good time, but I love you, Sango. Would you marry me?” he blurted out suddenly. Sango looked up at him before launching herself into his arms and screaming, “YES!” at the top of her lungs. Miroku laughed as he hugged her to him.
Kagome laughed as she watched the couple, “It's about time.” She then turned to Sesshoumaru and cocked her head to the side, “Now, what were you saying about pups?” Sesshoumaru grinned at her, “You're pregnant, love.”
“Really!?” she squealed with delight as she hugged him. “Yep. In about seven months, we'll have a pup to take care of,” he replied as he held her. “Hey! What about Rin and Shippo-chan, Sesshoumaru-sama?” Rin asked as she latched onto to his leg. Shippo jumped onto his shoulder, “Yeah, what about us, dad?”
Kagome chuckled as she picked Rin up, “We won't forget about you two. Trust us.” Rin squealed and hugged Kagome while Shippo latched onto Sesshoumaru's neck.
“Well, now what?” Inuyasha asked as he, Kagura, Kanna, and the guards walked up to the couple.
Sesshoumaru thought for a moment before turning to Kaori and Kaemon, “How soon can you two have a celebration party thrown together? One with all the lords and ladies of Japan so that I can announce the defeat of Naraku and my mating with Kagome.”
Kaori shrugged, “Probably in a week, but are you sure you want all of them?” Sesshoumaru nodded, “I don't think I stuttered, stupid.”
“I know that,” she replied as she stuck her tongue out him.
“Well, in that case, we can have one set up by the beginning of next week. I assume you'll want it at your place,” Kaemon stated. Sesshoumaru nodded, “Yes.”
“We'll see you then, Fluffster,” Kaori stated as she picked her youngest kit up. The twenty cat demons and Inuyasha bowed to Sesshoumaru, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Rin. “Goodbye for now,” Kaori and Kaemon said as the large family disappeared into the tree line followed by Inuyasha, Kagura, and Kanna.
“Goodbye!” Kagome called as they left. She turned to Sesshoumaru, “What do you say we go home?” Sesshoumaru smiled, “Sounds good. Sango and Miroku can come too.” “Alright, let's go,” Kagome stated as the group headed for the Western Lands.
“So, the half-breed was defeated?” a deep voice asked. “Seems that way,” a child like voice replied. “Do we move now, sister?” the deep voice questioned. The childish voice replied, “Not yet, brother. We'll wait until the pup is born. Then we'll get that arrogant taiyoukai back for hurting mother…”
“…by taking his pup.”
JMK425: Whoa, that was odd. I think I just moved into a new plot thingy or something. Anyway, the next chapter will basically have Kagome getting settled in as the Lady of the West… I think. If it doesn't, don't kill me. Please. Read and Review Please. Bye Bye!
Attack Translations (Well, roughly translated):
Kaze-no-Kizu: Wind Scar~ Inuyasha
Raikou-no-Kizu: Lightning Scar~ Sesshoumaru
Seisui-no-ken: Blade of Purity~ Kagome
Seishou-no-ken: Blade of Spirit Destruction~ Kaori
Seiryoku-no-ken: Sword of Strength~ Makoto
Binsoku-no-ken: Sword of Agility~ Kiyoshi
Bouei-no-ken: Blade of Protection~ Yasuo