InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Meeting the Lords ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Simple as that.
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Chapter Eleven:Meeting the Lords
Kagome awoke as soon as the sunlight hit her face and sighed as she looked around the room. `Today's the day I meet the lords and ladies that Kaori's been telling me about. Hope I don't mess anything up.' She rolled over in bed and found that she was alone. “That's odd,” she thought aloud, “Wonder where he went.” Kagome threw the silk sheets off her and climbed out of bed. “Whoa…” she breathed as fell right back on the bed as a wave of dizziness washed over her.
“You got up too fast, Kagome-sama,” a woman's voice called. Kagome looked over to the door way and saw her personal servant standing there with a beautiful kimono in her arms.
“Good Morning, Tigara-san. Did you sleep well?” she asked the half-cat, half-wolf demon. Tigara nodded, “Yes. I trust you did as well, milady.” Kagome nodded as Tigara handed her the kimono.
“His lordship requests that you don't wear this garment until this evening. It belonged to his mother and he doesn't want it ruined,” Tigara stated as she bowed to Kagome.
Kagome smiled, “Where is Sesshoumaru this morning?”
Tigara pulled the balcony doors open and began making the bed before replying, “He's double checking the security for tonight. Then he'll be sitting down with Kaori-sama and going over the list of guests again. He wants to make sure no uninvited guests show up.”
“I see,” Kagome responded as she put the top of her old school uniform on.
“I don't think so, Kagome-chan,” Kaori stated as she walked into the room, “You've got a whole closet full of expensive kimonos and you want to wear that?” Kagome shrugged, “Is there a problem with that, Kaori?”
Kaori nodded, “That would be fine if you weren't planning on leaving these chambers. Since you are though, you'll need to wear this.” Kaori tossed a baby blue kimono with cherry blossom embroidery going from the right shoulder to the left hip and a navy blue obi to Kagome. Kaori noticed Tigara standing off to the side, “Tigara, help Kagome get dressed please. I'll be back in ten minutes to get her.”
“What for?” Kagome asked curiously. “To show you around this place as I'm sure Fluffmeister didn't show you everything,” Kaori stated as she disappeared through the doorway. The door had barely been shut when it was thrown open again.
Rin came running into the room and jumped onto the bed. “Rin is not wearing that, Kohana-san,” Rin stated as Tigara's twin sister walked into the room holding a green kimono in her clawed hand. Kohana sighed, “Rin-sama, you can not run around the palace in the nude. A lady does not do such things.” Rin stuck her tongue out at the half-demon.
“Rin put your kimono on,” Kagome stated sternly. Rin sighed and nodded as she jumped off the bed. She climbed onto a chair and stood while Kohana dressed her. “All done,” Kohana stated before turning to Kagome, “We didn't mean to bother you, milady.”
“No problem, Kohana-san,” Kagome replied as the half wolf demon bowed to her. “Breakfast, Kohana-san,” Rin demanded as she grabbed Kohana's hand. Kagome smiled as she followed the two.
Later that afternoon…
“So, whose room was this?” Kagome asked her self proclaimed tour guide. Kaori turned and grinned, “This was Inuyasha's room when he was a pup.” Kaori picked up a piece of a broken bed post.
“How'd his bed get like that?” Kagome asked.
The bed had obviously collapsed at some point. There were also claw and bite marks in the bed posts. The mattress was torn to shreds.
“Let's just say Inuyasha was a very active child. Too bad he never grew out of it. I've already had to order him a new bed and he's only been with me for a week,” Kaori complained.
Kagome laughed, “What'd he do to it?”
Kaori rolled her eyes, “His bedroom is at the end of the hallway. I guess he got bored the other night cause he ran from the other end of the hall and jumped onto his bed. The damn thing pretty much exploded. The pieces went everywhere and even broke some of the window that's across the hall from his room.”
Kagome was laughing so hard she was kneeling on the floor.
“Glad you think it's funny cause I sure don't,” Kaori stated as she crossed her arms over her chest, “Anyway, let's continue.”
“Hey, Tigara,” Inuyasha called as he walked into one of the guest rooms. Tigara turned and looked at him as she finished making the bed. “Yes, Inuyasha-sama?” she asked politely. Inuyasha rolled his eyes, “Don't call me that. Inuyasha is just fine.” Tigara smiled, “I'll remember that, Inuyasha-kun. Did you want something?”
“Is there something I can do? I'm bored out of my mind,” he stated pleadingly. Tigara giggled, “Sure. You can come with me to get some firewood for the guest rooms, if you want.”
“Yeah let's go,” he stated as he headed for the door.
“Inuyasha!” Tigara hollered. Inuyasha turned toward her, “What?”
Tigara smirked and walked up to him. She got within three inches of him and touched his arm. `What's she doing?' Inuyasha wondered as Tigara leaned closer to his face. She stopped just before her nose touched his.
Inuyasha leaned forward slightly as he stared into her violet colored eyes. He barely heard the whisper from her lips before she pulled away and dashed out the door.
It took a moment for her words to sink in. “I'm it, am I?” he smirked before dashing after her.
Neither noticed the pairs of eyes watching them.
Kaori, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo laughed as they watched Inuyasha run after the servant. “Seems he's taken a liking to her,” Miroku stated thoughtfully as his hand wondered to Sango's plump rear. “Pervert!” Sango screamed as she smacked him. Miroku rubbed his face blissfully as the rest of the group walked away from him.
“So, Kaori-chan, what do we need to remember for tonight's dinner?” Kagome asked curiously. Kaori rubbed her chin for a moment.
“Well, the main thing is that when meeting the taiyoukai from the North and South, be sure to cross your right arm over your waist and place your left arm behind your back. Then bend at the waist and bow until you can see the tip of their boots. As for the minor youkai lords, a simple nod in their direction is appropriate. Also, make sure to keep a tall and proud stature throughout the evening. Show no weakness to any of them as it could be used against the Western Lands. Another thing, do not speak to one of the male taiyoukai unless they speak to you. It is considered rude to do so. It is considered polite to speak with the female taiyoukai without being told to do so. So, don't be afraid to start a conversation with one of them,” Kaori stated thoughtfully.
“Is that all?” Kagome asked. Kaori nodded, “Aside from minding your manners, that's it.” “Let's go raid the kitchen. I'm hungry,” Shippo whined. Kagome laughed as she scooped him up, “Sounds good to me.” “Same here,” Kaori and Sango chimed as the group walked to the kitchen.
“I can't do this,” Kagome stated nervously as she stood at the front gate with Sesshoumaru. “Don't worry, love. Just follow my lead,” he whispered to her as the gate opened.
“Presenting the lords and ladies of the Northern Lands!” a guard announced. A male and female wolf demon walked up to Sesshoumaru and Kagome and bowed.
“Lord Yukio and Lady Michiko, I'd like to introduce you to my mate the Miko-Demon, Kagome,” Sesshoumaru introduced as he and Kagome bowed to the wolf demons in front of them.
Yukio nodded and walked forward as he stated snottily, “A pleasure I'm sure.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes and started to growl before Kaori's voice penetrated her thoughts `Kagome, I know he insulted you, but control yourself. He doesn't know you, so he's gonna be that way for a bit. Give Yukio-sama some time and he won't be like that. Trust me.'
Yukio watched the young demoness closely before he spotted Kaori and Kaemon. “Kaemon, Kaori, how're you?” he asked as he walked up to them.
Michiko walked up to Kagome next. “Nice to meet you, Kagome-san. I hope you can forgive my mate. He's always like that when he first meets someone. Just ask Sesshoumaru,” Michiko stated as she waved to Kaori and Kaemon. Kagome shrugged, “I guess I can understand why he's that way.”
Michiko nodded before looking over her shoulder, “Kouga, come here.” Kagome had to stifle a giggle at the sight of Kouga. He wasn't in his normal fur attire; instead he was sporting a blue haori with violet trim.
Kouga growled slightly as he approached Sesshoumaru and Kagome. Michiko bopped him over the head and growled, “Behave yourself, cub.” Sesshoumaru bit his tongue to keep from growling at the wolf himself.
“My son,” Michiko stated as she looked at Kouga proudly. “We know each other already, mother,” Kouga grumbled.
“Wait a minute. I thought you lived in the East,” Kagome stated as she looked at him. “I do, but I'm originally from the North. I like it better in the East,” Kouga stated before following his mother further into the courtyard of the palace.
“The lords and ladies of the Southern Lands!” the guard announced as the gates opened again.
A male and female dragon demon walked up to Sesshoumaru and Kagome and bowed. “Lord Kin and Lady Seiko, my mate, Kagome,” Sesshoumaru stated as he and Kagome bowed.
Kin walked up to Kagome and smiled, “Quite the little beauty, Sesshoumaru. I'm impressed.” Kagome blushed slightly as Sesshoumaru pulled her against him. “Thank you, Kin,” Sesshoumaru replied.
“Let me know if Fluffy harms a hair on your head, Kagome. I'd gladly protect you,” Kin stated with a lecherous gleam in his eye. Seiko walked up to him and smacked him upside the head. “I don't think so, buster. You keep your hands off the little lady, ya hear me?” Seiko growled.
Kin gulped and smiled at his mate, “I hear ya, love. I'm gonna go holler at Kaori now.” Kin walked away from his mate quickly. Kagome and Seiko laughed.
“Is he always like that?” Kagome asked the dragon demoness. Seiko smiled, “Yep, but I still love the big oaf. He lays a finger on you, let me know. Better yet, let Kaori know. She'll put him in his place better than I can.” Kagome laughed as she, Seiko, and Sesshoumaru joined the others.
“Well, shall we get ready for dinner?” Sesshoumaru asked as the group headed for the palace. “Yes!” was the shouted reply.
JMK425: So tired…*thud* Zzzzzzzzzz….
*Kaori walks into the computer room*
Kaori: ^_^ Since the author of this story has fallen asleep, I would like to take the time to thank all my fans!! You're too kind. Also, JMK would like to thank everyone for the reviews and is very sorry for not updating sooner. Seems my little vacation wasn't good for her. I LOVE being her muse! Anyway, please Read and Review. Bye Bye!