InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Betrayal and Lies ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Inuyasha. If I did, I wouldn't be writing this.
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Chapter Twelve: Dinner and Deadly Schemes
Two figures walked silently down the dark corridor. They stopped at a door with an unusual symbol carved into it. It looked as though the symbol had been carved quickly due to the ragged lines that formed it. The symbol was of a dragon and a snake wrapped around a crescent moon. Under the symbol were the words, `Death comes on swift wings to all who enter this room'. The two figures ignored the warning as they opened the door to the room.
Candles immediately sprang to life as the two people entered the room. The room looked as though it was once a bedroom of some sort. Now, vines covered the walls, bed, and ceiling. A large oak tree was growing in the center of the room and the light from outside illuminated the face of a young dog demoness who appeared to be in a peaceful sleep.
The sword sticking out of her chest, the tear stains on her cheeks, and the blood stains on her kimono showed a different picture to all who laid eyes upon her form. The figures approached the tree and knelt before the woman.
“Mother, you'll be with us again soon,” the girl with the child like voice stated. “Yes mother, soon we'll be a family again,” the deep voiced boy stated. The girl turned her head to the left of the tree and grinned, “Kohana-san, did you bring us some good news?”
Kohana stepped forward and bowed to the two dog demons in front of her. “Of course, Nariko-sama. I brought the information Matsu-sama requested,” Kohana stated.
Matsu smiled, “Good work, Kohana. Now, who will be taking care of the pup?” Kohana waved her hand in the air and an image appeared of a silver haired half-demon dressed completely in red.
“His name is Inuyasha. He's Sesshoumaru's half brother,” Kohana stated. Nariko rubbed her chin thoughtfully, “Hmmm, Inuyasha, huh?”
Nariko looked at Matsu and smiled. Matsu smiled as they both chimed, “Perfect.”
At the Western Castle….
Inuyasha sneezed. “Damn it! Now who's talking about me?” he wondered as he got dressed for dinner. “Who'd want to talk about you?” Shippo asked as he sat on Inuyasha's bed playing cards with Tigara.
“Shut up, kit,” Inuyasha growled as he tied his sash roughly. Shippo stuck his tongue out at him.
Tigara giggled, “Really cute, Shippo-chan. Inuyasha, you're going to rip that.” Inuyasha growled, “I still don't see why I have to wear this.”
“Because it's expected, Inuyasha-sama,” Rin stated as she walked into the room. “Keh,” Inuyasha scoffed as he walked out onto the balcony.
Tigara noticed Rin looking around the room. “Did you need something, Rin-sama,” she asked the little girl.
Rin pouted slightly. “Rin can't find Kohana-san. Kohana-san was supposed to help Rin get dressed, but Rin can't find her,” the girl whined.
Tigara smiled, “My sister will be back before long. For now, why don't I help you get dressed?”
“YAY!” Rin squealed as she grabbed Tigara's hand and led her from the room.
Shippo jumped off the bed and walked out to the balcony. He jumped on the railing and smiled, “You like her, huh?” Inuyasha shrugged, “So, what if I do?” Shippo said nothing, but sat on the railing next to Inuyasha as the two looked out over the Western Lands.
“Stop torturing me, Fluffy. I can't take anymore,” Kagome groaned as Sesshoumaru teased the entrance to her pussy with his cock.
“Just admit it, love. You love it when I'm possessive, don't you,” he teased as he licked her earlobe. Kagome shuddered as even more heat added to her already overly heated pussy. “No, I don't,” she breathed.
Sesshoumaru smirked as he kissed and nibbled her neck causing her to moan.
He leaned back and grasped her breasts gently before running his thumbs over her nipples. He pushed his hips forward slightly and stuck the head of his cock in her before pulling back out again.
“Se..Sesshoumaru! Stop teasing,” she groaned. Sesshoumaru smiled at her, “Admit it and I'll make that ache go away.”
Kagome glared at him, “Fine. I admit I love it when you're possessive. Now, come here.”
She reached up and grabbed his head as she pulled herself onto his lap.
Kissing him deeply, she grasped his cock in her hand and shoved it into her pussy as she pushed her hips against his. Sesshoumaru groaned and grasped her hips as he started pounding in to her. Kagome met each of his thrusts and could feel herself nearing her peak.
She growled and sunk her fangs into her mating mark as she tumbled over the edge. Sesshoumaru sank his fangs into hers as he too fell off the edge. They stayed in that position for what seemed like an eternity as they waited for their climaxes to subside.
Finally, after several moments, they pulled back and began licking the blood off each others necks.
--------------------------END OF LEMONY STUFF!--------------------------
Kagome climbed off his lap and sighed, “We'd better get ready. I'm gonna go take a bath.” Sesshoumaru nodded, “I'll join you.”
“So, where are you from, Kagome?” Seiko asked politely. Kagome smiled, “I'm not from this era. I was born in a place called Tokyo that exists five hundred years from now.” Kin gasped, “Wow, so how'd you get to this time?”
“Through a well outside of Inuyasha's Forest, it's not there now,” she stated sadly. “What happened to it?” Michiko asked.
“There was a weird light that came from it then it exploded,” Sango stated before Kagome could.
“I see. So, you're stuck in this era?” Kin asked curiously. Kagome nodded as she shifted her food around on her plate.
Sesshoumaru saw this and placed a hand on top of hers, “Are you well?” Kagome smiled, “Yes. I'm just not really hungry at the moment. My stomach's kinda queasy.”
Kaori smiled, “That would be the pup, Kagome-chan. It's making your stomach queasy.” Kaori reached into her kimono and pulled out a bottle with some strange blue liquid in it. “Drink a bit of this. It'll help,” Kaori stated as she handed the bottle to Kagome.
Kagome pulled the cork out and smelled the liquid. It smelled like blueberries. “It won't hurt the pup will it?” she asked cautiously. Kaori shook her head, “No. Taiyoukai have been using that stuff to help calm morning sickness for centuries. It works, trust me.” Kagome nodded and took a sip. She immediately started feeling better and began wolfing her food down.
Sesshoumaru chuckled, “Thanks, damn cat.” Kaori grinned, “No problem, Fluffmeister.”
Yukio looked up and down the table then looked at Sesshoumaru. “Where are Nariko and Matsu? Surely, they would've joined their father for his mate's coming out dinner,” Yukio stated arrogantly.
The table went eerily silent as Sesshoumaru turned pale.
Kagome looked at her mate, “Who're Nariko and Matsu? And what did he mean by father?”
Sesshoumaru gulped as he looked at his mate, “Nariko and Matsu are my daughter and son. They're from my first mate, Kioko.”
Kagome jumped out of her chair, “You never told me about having another mate. Why did you keep that from me?” Tears had begun to stream down her face, but the tears turned to full out sobs at what he said next.
“You didn't need to know,” he replied.
Kagome turned and ran from the room.
As soon as Kagome was out of earshot, Kaori stood and slammed her fists on the table as she glared at Yukio.
“YOU DUMB SON OF A BITCH!!” Kaori screamed as she tried to lunge at the wolf demon. Kaemon, Kin, Sesshoumaru, and Inuyasha grabbed on to her and pulled her away from the table.
Sesshoumaru turned his head to the wolf demon and growled, “We'll discuss this later, Yukio. For now, Get Out Of My Sight!”
Yukio smirked and walked out of the room.
“Kaemon, calm your mate. Kin, Inuyasha, help him. I need to go find my mate,” Sesshoumaru stated as he walked out of the room.
Sango looked at Seiko as she watched Kaemon gather Kaori into his arms. “Seiko-sama?” Sango called to get the dragon demon's attention.
Seiko looked at her, “Yes?”
“What happened to Sesshoumaru's first mate, Kioko?” Sango asked curiously. The room froze as Seiko shrugged, “I don't know.”
“Sesshoumaru killed her,” Kaori answered.
“What? Why would he kill his mate?” Inuyasha asked in disbelief.
Kaori sighed, “He found out that Kioko was sleeping with several guards. Of course, he confronted her about it and she lied to him. He believed her lies until he caught her in bed with the former general. That was when he killed her. Years later, he realized that it was partially his fault that she ran to other men. He was never around to spend any time with her or their children. Sesshoumaru even tried to make amends with his children, but they wouldn't even speak to him. Nariko and Matsu's loyalty lies with their mother even though she's dead. They won't forgive Sesshoumaru for ignoring Kioko.”
JMK425: Hmm, left another cliffy. Oh well! Thanks for all the reviews. I love them! Also about the `Death on swift wings' thing I think that may have been in some movie or something. I don't know. Well, Please Read and Review! Bye Bye!