InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Feelings Revealed ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it. Please call off the lawyers.
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Chapter Thirteen:Feelings Revealed
Sesshoumaru sat outside the door to the bedroom listening to her cry. `I should probably go comfort her. I want to, but have been in this situation before. Best to let her cry or she'll probably try to kill me and I'm not in the mood for that.' He sighed heavily as he laid his head against his chest. “I fucked up again,” he whispered. “Well, fix it, damn mutt,” Kaori stated as she sat next to him. Sesshoumaru bent his head back and rested it on the door, “How? I lied to her.”
Kaori shook her head and placed a hand on his arm, “That's not true pup. You didn't lie to her, but you didn't mention it either. Give her till tomorrow morning to cool off then try to speak with her about it. Just remember to approach the situation calmly. Don't let that temper of yours get the better of you.”
Sesshoumaru smiled, “That speech sounds familiar. You given it to me before, haven't you?” Kaori nodded, “Yeah, I gave it to you after you and Kioko got into your first fight.” “I'd forgotten about that,” he stated quietly. Kaori looked at the door then at him, “Tell me, do you love Kagome for Kagome, or do you love her because she reminds you of Kioko a little?”
“I admit, Kagome does remind me of Kioko sometimes, but that's not why I love her. I love Kagome because she's independent, confident, and beautiful. Kioko was beautiful, but she was shy, quiet, and extremely dependant. Really, there's no comparing the two of them. Kagome's the much better choice,” he stated confidently.
“Well, I think you need to tell her exactly what you just told me. Actually, I don't think you'll have to, right Kagome?” Kaori asked as the door to the bedroom swung open.
Sesshoumaru fell backwards with a thud causing Kagome to giggle.
“Uh, hi,” he stated as he looked at his mate. “Well, I'm gonna leave you two alone now…” Kaori started when she suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the other end of the hall.
Kagome poked her head out of the room as Sesshoumaru sat up and looked at the source of the noise.
Inuyasha skidded around the corner at the other end of the hall with a book in his hand. “…AND THAT IS WHY I LOVE INUYASHA SO MUCH!! THE NEXT DAY…” Inuyasha screamed at the top of his lungs as he continued to read the book aloud. He ran down the hall towards his small audience with Tigara fresh on his heels.
“GIVE IT BACK, INUYASHA!! THAT'S PRIVATE!” Tigara screamed as she chased him.
Inuyasha turned his head towards her, “Never! This is too good!”
He barely had time to turn his head back toward the book when he was tripped. He yelped as he landed on his face and slid ten feet only to stop directly in front of Kaori.
Inuyasha looked up at her as she, Kagome, and Sesshoumaru laughed.
“That hurt! Who tripped me?” he demanded. He looked to his right to see both Tigara and Kohana standing in the hallway.
Tigara stomped up to him and snatched the book from his hand, “That's what you get for messing with a girl's diary!”
Kohana walked over next and knelt down, “The next time you touch my sister's personal items, I'll be the one chasing you and I guarantee that I, unlike my sister, will catch you. Is that understood?”
“I was only joking, sheesh! Loosen up will ya?” he stated as he pulled himself off the floor.
Kohana glared at him, “Taking a woman's diary is not a joking matter. How would you like it if someone took something that was precious to you? Like your sword, for example.”
Inuyasha clutched Teutsaiga's hilt and growled.
“See, that's exactly what I'm talking about,” Kohana stated before turning to leave. She bowed to Sesshoumaru and Kagome, “I apologize on behalf of this idiot and my sister for disturbing you. We're taking our leave now.”
Kohana grabbed Tigara's arm and Inuyasha's left ear and pulled the two down the hall.
Kaori smiled as she looked at the two dog demons in front of her, “Well, now that the excitement is over, I'm gonna head out for a walk. You two play nice now.” She stood and walked down the hallway towards the gardens. Kagome watched until Kaori was out of eyesight then reached down and pulled Sesshoumaru up by his ear. “Ow, Ow, Ow,” Sesshoumaru yelped as he was pulled into their bedroom and forced to sit down on the bed. Kagome glared at him as she sat on a chair in front of him. “Tell me everything about your children and your first mate. I want the truth Sesshoumaru,” Kagome growled.
Sesshoumaru nodded as he situated himself to a more comfortable position. “My first mate was named Kioko. She was the former lord of the North's daughter and a full blooded dog demon. Her father and my father had set up an arranged marriage between the two of us. I didn't meet her until two days before our wedding.”
“A month later, Kioko found out she was pregnant with pups. I didn't find out about the pregnancy until the day the pups were born. A messenger had been sent to inform me of their birth due to the fact that I was away on business at the time. At first, I questioned rather the children were mine, but then remembered that Kioko and I had made love on our wedding night. The time frame fit, so I hurried home to see my pups.”
“Kioko was a good mate and mother for a number of years. She never asked me where I was headed and always greeted me with a smile. However, as time went on, I began to hear rumors floating around saying that she'd become unfaithful to me. I confronted her about it one evening at dinner and she told me not to believe everything I heard. I shrugged it off for about a month until one evening when I returned home early and she wasn't at the door to greet me.”
“I got worried and went to find her. I found her in our bed with the general of my army on top of her. I don't remember anything after that. My blood beast had taken over and I didn't get myself back until after I had stabbed Kioko through the heart with her own sword. Her last words to me were: `I'm sorry. Forgive me…'.”
“Unfortunately, I couldn't take care of Nariko and Matsu after Kioko's death, so I sent them to live with Kioko's father. Well, it wasn't so much that I couldn't, I just didn't have any time to spend with them. For some reason, they've developed an extreme hatred towards me because of Kioko. They wouldn't even speak to me the last time I saw them, so I don't think we'll getting a visit from them.”
Kagome was speechless as she watched Sesshoumaru lie down on the bed. “Why didn't you tell me when we met at the hot spring?” she whispered. Sesshoumaru sighed, “It's a piece of my life that I've been trying to forget. I learned an important lesson from the whole experience though. I learned that I need to spend more time with my family…with you.”
“Really?” she asked.
Sesshoumaru nodded, “Yes. I love you and don't ever want to lose you or our pup.”
Kagome gave him a teary-eyed smile as she crawled into bed and curled up against him. “You won't. I love you too much to let you go, Fluffy,” Kagome stated as she buried her face in his tail. Sesshoumaru wrapped an arm around her. “Sleep, love. We have a long day tomorrow,” he told her as he closed his eyes. Kagome nodded as she shut her eyes.
“Kohana, don't make me do this please,” Inuyasha pleaded as Tigara finished putting the lipstick on him.
Kohana grinned, “Well, you're the one that got nosy. So if you want to know what's on a girl's mind, you need to be a girl!”
“Hey Kohana, do you think we aught to lock him in a room with Kin. He drank too much and would probably mistake Inuyasha for a girl,” Tigara snickered.
Inuyasha turned pale and began struggling against the rope they'd tied him to the chair with. “NO! No fucking way in HELL!” Inuyasha screamed.
Kohana shook her head, “No, that'd be too much even for me. I can't stand to be alone with Kin for more than ten minutes a day. I've got a better idea. Why don't we take him down to the soldier's barracks and parade around with him there?” Inuyasha screamed so loud that Kohana and Tigara had to cover their ears.
“Enough you three,” Kaemon stated as he walked into the room carrying a wailing kit in his arms. “You woke Hiroshi with all the screaming,” he muttered as he rocked his son. Kohana and Tigara bowed to him before untying the ropes around Inuyasha.
Inuyasha bowed to Kaemon. “Sorry about that,” Inuyasha stated as he walked out the door.
Kaemon waited till Inuyasha was out of earshot before turning to the women, “Do you think he realizes he's still in a female's kimono, and make up?”
Kohana shrugged, “Do you think he noticed that his hair had been braided?” The three looked at one another and burst out laughing. They laughed even harder when they heard a string of curses coming from the hallway.
Inuyasha had just remembered that he was dressed in drag.
JMK425: Well, there's chapter 13! The next chapter will take place a little later in Kagome's pregnancy…I think. If it doesn't, don't kill me please. I am writing this story as I go along. Read and Review please! Bye Bye!!
Responses to a few reviews:
To Native Wolf Cub: You're first question was why the body didn't deteriorate. The reason is the sword she was pierced with somehow prevents any type of deterioration. I don't know how, so please don't ask me to explain further. Your second question was what are they going to do to Kagome and the pup. That will be explained in due time, please be patient. You're third question was who Kohana was loyal to. The answer to this is that she looks out only for herself and Tigara. About Tigara, her loyalty lies with both Sesshoumaru and her sister. As for her knowing about the events between Kohana Nariko, and Matsu, no she doesn't. Your other question was answered in the above chapter.
To Hotaru-lock: You asked a couple of questions in your review for Chapter 11. Your first question was when the pup was coming. It will come in due time (a few chapters…maybe). Your second question was about the demoness, Tigara and Inuyasha getting together. I believe that will be sometime in the next few chapters. I'm not sure, so please don't hold me to it.