InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Bonding ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, so don't sue. You wouldn't get anything anyway.
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Chapter Fifteen: Bonding
Sesshoumaru sat in his study looking out the window watching Rin and Shippo play in the gardens. He turned and looked towards his tail when he heard a small whine come from it. He brought his tail into his line of sight and gently removed Tsuwamono from it.
“What do you want? I know you can't be hungry. You just ate,” he muttered quietly as he cradled the pup against him. Tsuwamono grabbed onto Sesshoumaru's finger and pulled it towards his mouth before sucking on it. Sesshoumaru smiled slightly as he watched him.
“He's adorable, Sesshoumaru,” Kaori stated as she sat on the desk in front of him. Sesshoumaru nodded. “Indeed. How's my idiot brother?” he questioned as he eyed the demoness. Kaori sighed, “Still unconscious and now he's running a fever that wasn't caused by his injuries. I'm concerned about that. The fever developed while Kohana was checking on him last night.”
“That makes me wonder. Kohana's been rather lax in her duties recently and if I recall, she wasn't assigned to check on Inuyasha last night,” Sesshoumaru stated thoughtfully as he watched Tsuwamono clutch onto Kaori's finger with his unoccupied hand. Kaori made a clicking sound with her tongue and smiled as the pup squealed in delight.
“You know, Sess, you really shouldn't hold him that tightly. His bones are still very fragile,” Kaori commented quietly as the pup started making spit bubbles.
Sesshoumaru smiled as he loosened his hold slightly. “Kagome?” he asked.
Kaori smiled, “She's sleeping. She just had a pup about four hours ago. You can't really expect her to be up and moving around already, can you?” Kaori cooed at the pup and tickled his chin. Tsuwamono yipped happily as his tail wagged.
Sesshoumaru looked at her, “How do you do that? You did something similar to Inuyasha, if I remember correctly.”
Kaori nodded, “Doing things like this is the closest thing to playing that a pup can have at this age. The key is to be gentle and pay attention to them. As they grow, they'll be closer to the ones that play with them the most. Show them you care about them and they'll return that care.”
“Show me since I'm not used to this sort of thing…and what's that smell?” Sesshoumaru asked as he sniffed again. Kaori laughed, “Seems the first lesson will be changing a diaper.”
“Huh? You mean they don't go outside?” Sesshoumaru asked as he stared at his son in horror.
Kaori shook her head, “Heavens no. He's too young for that. Pups wear a piece of cloth around their waists called a diaper. That's what they go in. You would've known this already if you'd spent any time around your other two. Now, let's go change his.”
Ten minutes later…
“How can something so small fill one of those diapers that much?” Sesshoumaru questioned as he and Kaori walked to the gardens. Kaori shrugged, “That's one mystery no one wants to solve.” Sesshoumaru smiled as Tsuwamono snuggled into his tail even more. “He sleeps a lot,” he commented as he and Kaori sat under a tree. Kaori nodded, “Yep.”
Inuyasha growled at her for the eighteenth time in two minutes. “I'm not taking that,” he stated stubbornly. Tigara sighed and held the cup to his lips again, “Just take it. It'll get rid of that fever.”
“NO!” he barked as he snapped at Tigara's fingers. Tigara glared at him and straddled his bandaged chest. Inuyasha momentarily choked and Tigara took that moment to pour the medicine into his mouth. She grabbed the top of his head and his jaw and clamped his mouth shut forcing him to swallow the medicine.
She released him and started to climb off his chest when she suddenly lost her balance and fell on top of him. Her lips crashed onto his before either one of them could react. They stayed like that for a moment before Tigara suddenly pulled away from him and jumped off the bed.
Tigara blushed. “I...I …s...sorry…” she stammered before running out the door.
Inuyasha watched her flee the room and smiled when she left. “Hmmm, I should get sick more often,” he grinned before dozing off.
As soon as he fell asleep, Shippo and Rin fell out of the supply cabinet laughing their heads off. “I love blackmail material,” Shippo chuckled as the two crept out of the room.
Rin giggled, “Rin and Shippo-chan should tell Kaori-san about this. Kaori-san would help Rin and Shippo blackmail Inuyasha-san and Sesshoumaru-sama would never know about it.”
Shippo grinned evilly as the two headed for Kaori's room. “Sounds like a plan, Rin-chan,” he stated as he opened the door. Rin nodded as they entered the room to wait for Kaori.
Later that evening…
Kagome sat on the bed feeding Tsuwamono. “If I didn't know better, I'd say he's gotten a bit bigger since this morning,” she commented to the cat demoness in front of her.
Kaori smiled, “Well, Tsuwa's not a human pup. He's full blooded demon. They grow like weeds for the first three years of their lives. Tsuwa will be the size of an eight year old human boy by the time he's three. After that, his growth process slows down a bit. He won't be the size of a teenage human male until he's at least sixty-three years of age.”
“Really? Sheesh, I've got a lot to learn, don't I?” Kagome stated. Kaori nodded, “Yep.” Tsuwamono released Kagome's breast and rolled over to look at the cat demoness. He stared for a few seconds before he belched and laughed when Kaori crinkled her nose at him. Kaori stuck her tongue out at him and made a farting noise with it causing him to wag his tail happily as he grinned at her.
Kagome made a gagging sound and picked her son up off the bed. In his place was a large spot (A/N: He went through his diaper, but I don't want to elaborate.). Kagome groaned while Kaori laughed.
Sesshoumaru happened to walk into the room at that moment and had to back up a step from the smell. Kagome and Kaori looked at each other then the pup and grinned before turning to Sesshoumaru. “BATH TIME!” both women chimed. Sesshoumaru groaned and walked over to the bed while trying to breathe through his mouth.
Kagome handed Tsuwamono to him and the pup smiled at him. Sesshoumaru glared at his son before turning to Kaori, “Okay, how do I bathe him?”
Kaori grinned at him, “That's something you're gonna have to figure out. Just don't drop him into the water. He doesn't know how to swim yet. If you want, have Kaemon help you. Hiroshi needs a bath anyway.”
“Fine,” Sesshoumaru stated before carrying his son out of the room at arm's length.
JMK425: Okay, there's chapter fifteen. Its short I know. I'm sorry. The next chapter should take place roughly one week after this one. Yes, the pup will be taken in the next one. I think. If he's not, don't kill me. Anyway, thanks to everyone for the reviews. I love them. Read and Review please. Bye Bye!!