InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ All Hell Breaks Loose ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own it yet? Um, NO!! Please call off the lawyers.
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
JMK425: Warning: VERY strange chapter ahead. Read at your own risk. Could damage brain cells.
Chapter Sixteen: All Hell Breaks Loose
“Ok...No both hands…that's right,” Kaemon instructed as he and Sesshoumaru bathed they're children. Sesshoumaru stared at his son determined to bathe the pup correctly. “So I do this then?” he asked as he turned his son upside down and started to dip his head in the water. Kaemon rushed over to the inuyoukai.
“No!! Don't put his head in the water,” Kaemon stated as he helped right the pup in the taiyoukai's grasp. Tsuwamono squealed with delight at the newfound game and stared up at Sesshoumaru with pleading eyes.
“You can't possibly want to be turned like that again?” Kaemon questioned the pup.
Tsuwamono whined at the two demons. Sesshoumaru shrugged and turned Tsuwamono upside down again. The pup cooed and clapped his hands together. Sesshoumaru chuckled lightly and watched as Tsuwamono scrunched his face up. An odd sound followed by a strange smell caused Sesshoumaru to drop his son into the water in favor of clutching his nose.
“HOLY SHIT!!!” echoed through the chamber as Inuyasha ran across the room and dove after the pup. Inuyasha spotted Tsuwamono floating to the bottom of the hot spring but the pup just looked at him and smiled. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and grabbed his nephew and cradled him to his chest before bringing him to the surface. As soon as Inuyasha reached the surface, he glared at Sesshoumaru who stood with his mouth agape. “Oops. Uh thanks,” Sesshoumaru stated as Inuyasha handed Tsuwamono to him.
Inuyasha growled, “Stupid. Even I know not to drop a pup in the water at this young of an age. By the way, you've got one weird pup. Stupid kid smiled at me while he was practically drowning.”
Kaemon laughed, “Funny. Kiyoshi did that to me once when I was bathing him.” “Anyway, why are you outta bed, Inuyasha?” Sesshoumaru questioned as he washed his son with a rag. Inuyasha shrugged, “You know that fever I had this morning. Well I woke up a few minutes ago cause Kohana was wanting to change my bandages, but when she took them off, I was completely healed. She smiled and said I could get outta bed.” Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at him, “Did Inari authorize it?” Inuyasha shrugged again, “I assume so cause Kohana said she did.”
“Well, Inari did give her consent,” Kaori stated as she slid into the water. Tigara and Kohana stood near the edge of the hot spring with towels wrapped around them. “Kaori, why don't we wait until they're done?” Tigara whispered quietly. “No need to be shy,” Kaori stated as she wrapped an arm around Tigara's neck and grabbed Kohana's foot with her other hand. Before anyone could blink, the girls were pulled into the water with loud splash. Kaori laughed as Tigara and Kohana blushed a crimson color when they realized their towels were no where to be seen.
“Why couldn't you wait until we were done, ya damn cat?” Inuyasha asked as his cheeks turned scarlet. Kaori grinned, “Uncomfortable around naked females Inuyasha?” Inuyasha sputtered, “It…I…HELL NO!!”
Kaori laughed as she flung an arm around his shoulders, “Still a virgin, eh? No need to be ashamed or anything, but if you ever have any questions about the female body, ask Tigara. She likes you.” Tigara turned an even darker shade of red before diving underwater.
Kaori laughed even harder before feeling something bite her ankle. Kaori growled, “Alright that's it!” She dove into the water after her cousin.
Tigara suddenly burst through the water and went running for the door with Kaori fresh at her heels. Tigara slammed the door open and skidded into the hall before making a mad dash for the main entrance to the castle. `Hopefully, I can get outside before she catches me. Wait a minute…I'M NAKED!!!! Crap. I'm running the palace naked.' Tigara rolled her eyes as she jumped over the banister of the main stairs and bounded for the door.
Kaori grinned when she saw Tigara jump over the banister. `So she thinks she'll make outside? HA!' Kaori leapt off the banister and slammed right into Tigara. The two went rolling and stopped just before the main doors. The two began biting and clawing at one another not noticing that they had company.
“Why did you tell him that!?” Tigara screamed in Kaori's face as she tried to strangle the cat demoness. Kaori grinned as she shoved Tigara to the floor, “Because I know you wouldn't have told him.”
Tigara flipped Kaori onto her back as she clawed at her chest, “I would've eventually.” Kaori punched Tigara in the face before shoving her to the floor again, “That's bull and you know it.” Tigara slapped Kaori across the face causing her to bleed, “No it's not. It's the truth.” Kaori clawed at Tigara's legs, “Really?”
“Really,” Tigara stated as she flipped Kaori again, “How did you find out about that anyway?” Kaori grinned as she pushed Tigara off of her, “Let's just say some birdies told me.” Tigara leapt onto the demoness and bit her arm, “Birdies, eh?”
“Yes!” Kaori exclaimed as she clawed Tigara's chest. “Ladies, Ladies please, you're blocking the doorway,” a voice stated. Both women froze as they felt hands in places they didn't belong. Tigara looked down and found a hand on her bloody thigh. Kaori looked down and noticed a hand on her bleeding breast. Kaori followed the hand and noticed that Miroku was the owner of it.
“Damn monk, GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!” Kaori screamed as both she and Tigara punched him in the face. Miroku fell to the floor just as Sango walked in.
Sango sighed as she eyed the scene before her, “What'd he do now?” Kaori growled, “The same thing he always does.” Tigara shook her head before turning and heading back up the stairs. Kaori sighed, “Well I think I'd better get some clothes on.” Sango nodded in agreement, “Go ahead. I'll deal with him.”
Kaori turned and smiled when she noticed Sesshoumaru and Kaemon standing at the top of the stairs. Tigara walked right past them and bowed slightly before running down the hallway dripping blood on the floor. Kaemon grinned at Kaori, “You look absolutely ravishing at the moment my dear.” Kaori smiled, “Oh? Well, come with me and I'll show you exactly how ravishing I can be.” Kaemon leapt down and grabbed Kaori before heading out the door to the gardens.
Sesshoumaru shook his head, “I'm getting a headache. I didn't need to see that.” He turned and walked down the hall toward the study.
Inuyasha sat in the hot spring playing with Tsuwamono. “Ya know you ain't so bad when you're not stinking up the place,” Inuyasha stated as Tsuwamono stuck his tongue out at him.
“I agree with you on that one,” Kohana stated as she sat on the edge of the hotspring with a towel wrapped around herself. “So, what's your deal anyway?” Inuyasha asked as he wiped some spit off the corner of his nephew's mouth. “My deal? What do you mean?” Kohana questioned.
“Well, I know for a fact that you weren't scheduled to take care of me at all while I was in the infirmary, so why did you?” Inuyasha asked. Kohana shrugged, “I had nothing better to do.”
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at her, “Oh, I thought you were supposed to take care of Rin.” Kohana laughed, “I can't stand to be around her all the time. She's annoying.” “I bet Sesshoumaru would have something to say about that,” Inuyasha stated. Kohana glared at him, “You can threaten to tell Sesshoumaru what I said all you want. Hell, I'll tell him myself. I'm not afraid of the `Oh so mighty Sesshoumaru'.”
“Really?” Inuyasha asked suspiciously. Kohana nodded, “Of course.” She slid into the hotspring and swam to where Inuyasha was standing. Tsuwamono started growling as she approached. “Hush,” Kohana stated as she stared at a dumbfounded Inuyasha.
Kohana placed two fingers against Inuyasha's forehead and stated, “Flagga mand beinga kei soot mouta shinatsa kwei.” (A/N: These words have no translation to my knowledge. Basically, she cast a spell to control Inuyasha. On with the story!) Inuyasha's eyes flickered between red and gold before going completely white. Kohana swam towards the edge of the spring again with Inuyasha right behind her.
“Good job, Kohana,” Nariko stated as she and Matsu came into the room through a hidden door. Kohana bowed as Inuyasha walked past her and stood before the two dog demons.
Nariko scoffed, “Kohana get some clothes on them. I can't stand seeing them like this.” Kohana stood and glared at Nariko, “I don't think so. You told me just to get them to you. You said nothing about clothes.”
Nariko growled, “Do it now, Kohana or I may go ahead and let Matsu have your sister after all.”
Kohana growled, “NEVER! You stay the hell away from Tigara, you hear me.”
“Then get some clothes on them,” Matsu stated. “FINE!” Kohana exclaimed as she gathered Inuyasha's clothing. Once Inuyasha was dressed, Kohana took Tsuwamono who growled at her.
Kohana sighed as she dressed him and whispered, “I'm sorry, little one. Tigara's the only immediate family I've got. You understand, don't you?” A tear fell from Kohana's eye as the pup looked at her. Tsuwamono placed a hand on Kohana's arm and smiled. “I thought so,” she stated as she finished tying the sash on the pup's waist. She turned and walked over to the two dog demons. “Be safe, little one,” Kohana whispered to Tsuwamono before handing him to Nariko.
Nariko smiled at the pup before turning her attention to Kohana. “You've done your job well, Kohana. We're finished with you,” Nariko stated as Matsu pulled a sword from his sash.
Kohana screamed as Matsu rammed the sword through her chest. She fell to the floor and watched as Nariko, Matsu, Inuyasha, and the pup disappeared through the hidden door.
This was how Kagome found her.
JMK425: Well, there's chapter sixteen. Umm, I can't really explain why the chapter turned out the way it did, but I hope you like. Anyway, thanks for the reviews. I absolutely adore them. Read and Review please. Bye Bye!!