InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Unseen Danger ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Chapter Seventeen:Unseen Danger?
“No!! Sesshoumaru-sama, please don't kill her!” Tigara screamed as she jumped between the demon lord and her sister. Sesshoumaru glared at her as Kagome walked up to the two of them.
“Sesshoumaru, we aren't even sure Kohana had anything to do with this. So please, let's wait until Kaori gets back and have her read Kohana's mind. Maybe we'll find out what really happened,” Kagome suggested quietly.
Sesshoumaru growled as he glared at Kohana's unconscious form, “Fine, but if she had anything to do with this. She's dead.” Sesshoumaru turned sharply on his heel and stormed from the room. The doors barely missed hitting Miroku as they were slammed shut.
“Any luck?” Sango asked Miroku as he sat next to Kohana. Miroku shook his head, “No. The guards and servants didn't see anything. Inuyasha seems to have disappeared as well.”
“What!?” Kagome and Tigara screamed.
“You couldn't find him, Miroku?” Sango asked quietly. “I looked all over the place, but he's gone and no one knows where he went. The guards said they didn't see him leave either. Strange…” Miroku trailed off.
“Okay. Tsuwamono's missing. Inuyasha's gone. Kohana was found with a severe chest wound and is the only one that seems to know what happened. So, we'll have to wait until she wakes up, right?” Tigara questioned as she sat on the other side of her sister.
“Maybe, but it may be possible for Kaori to find out what happened. She can read minds, remember? I wonder if it'll work on someone that's unconscious,” Kagome wondered curiously.
“Let's hope so,” Miroku stated thoughtfully as the others sat down to wait.
Kiyoshi leaned back in the chair and threw his feet on the desk. “Ya know something, Makoto. This paperwork stuff is boring,” Kiyoshi stated as he stretched. Makoto looked up from a scroll and pointed a finger at him, “You lack responsibility, brother. Mother would tan your hide if she saw you slacking off like that.”
Kiyoshi shrugged, “That'd be better than this. How'd we get so much work anyway?”
Makoto sighed as he moved a scroll off to the side, “Well since that Naraku character is gone, mom has been bombarded with paperwork. Same with dad. I guess they thought we could handle some of it, so shut up and get back to work.”
“Umm… how bout no?” Kiyoshi replied as he placed his arms behind his head. Makoto opened his mouth to reply but didn't get the chance as the study doors flew open and Sesshoumaru stormed in.
Kiyoshi toppled backward on to the floor and looked up at Sesshoumaru's red brimmed eyes.
“Your mother. Now!” Sesshoumaru demanded as he glared at both boys. “O...Of course, S…Sesshoumaru-sama,” Makoto stuttered as he gulped.
Makoto reached into his kimono and pulled out a small beaded necklace. He bit his finger and let the blood drop onto one of the beads. “Kaori-sama of the East,” he whispered. Two seconds later, Kaori appeared on the desk naked as the day she was born. “MOM!!” Kiyoshi screamed. “Get some clothes on, for crying out loud!” Makoto added. Kaori growled and knocked Makoto upside the head.
“Well, if you wouldn't have summoned me when you did, I would've had some clothes on. Now what the hell do you want?” Kaori demanded as she plopped down on a cushion next to Makoto. “Sesshoumaru wanted a word with you apparently,” Makoto stated quietly. “Eh?” Kaori asked before she spotted the angry demon lord.
“Come with me,” Sesshoumaru ordered as he turned from her. Kaori jumped up and slammed the door shut before Sesshoumaru could leave the room. Sesshoumaru glared at her.
“Now don't you go glaring at me, pup. I don't know what's got you into a huff, but you'd better stop it right now. I don't take orders from anyone. Especially you,” Kaori spat as she poked him in the chest.
Sesshoumaru growled at her and grabbed her wrist. He twisted it and smirked as Kaori yelped in pain. Kaori twisted until her back was to him.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Let go, Sesshoumaru. You're hurting me,” Kaori whimpered.
`You're hurting me…' the words echoed inside his rage driven mind. `Wait. I'm hurting Kaori.' Sesshoumaru's eyes widen in realization and he released her immediately.
Kaori spun around to face him as she rubbed her arm. “What was that about, Sesshou-kun?” she asked quietly.
Sesshoumaru bowed his head slightly, “I'm sorry, Kaori-chan. I wasn't thinking clearly.” Kaori sighed, “It's alright. Now what did you want?” Sesshoumaru looked up at her and noticed tears sliding down her cheeks. Kaori wiped the tears from her face and smiled at him.
“I need your help. My pup and idiotic brother have gone missing. That damned Kohana was found in the bathing chambers bleeding to death from an apparent stab wound. I want to know what the hell happened and where my pup is, but Kohana's unconscious and I have no other way of finding anything out,” Sesshoumaru stated quietly. Kaori nodded, “So, you want me to read Kohana's mind and see what I can dig up?”
“Exactly. I'm sorry about your arm. I never meant to harm you,” Sesshoumaru stated apologetically as he opened the door for her. Kaori smiled, “It's alright. You didn't break anything. Just try not to do it again, k?”
“Agreed,” Sesshoumaru replied as the two walked down the hall towards the medical wing.
With Inuyasha….
“I swear I'll kill you for this!! Let me and the pup go, damn it!” Inuyasha screamed into the empty chamber. He struggled against the chains holding him and growled as they crackled with black energy and dug into his body.
“Shit. What the hell is with these chains?” he whispered as he sank back to the floor. `Okay. I'm stuck in some dungeon while the pup is god knows where. I can smell him, but what are those other scents? One of them smells familiar…Hmmm, can't place it. Damn.' Inuyasha jumped slightly as the door was slammed open.
Inuyasha watched as the person walked past the cells and growled when the person stopped in front of his. “YOU!!” Inuyasha screamed.
JMK425: Hmmm…should I end it here?
Kaori: *chokes the authoress* What are you kidding!? It's just getting good.
JMK425: Oh alright…
“KOUGA!! What the hell are you doing here?” Inuyasha demanded. Kouga sighed, “I wouldn't be here if I could get out of it. Trust me.”
Kouga sat down in front of the cell, “Guess it's just you and me for a bit, huh?” Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at him, “What do you mean? Where in the hell am I?”
“What I mean, idiot, is I'm the one that's guarding you until they say otherwise. As for where you are, you're in your brother's old castle. The one he abandoned after Kioko died. I'm only here cause my dad said he'd tell Kaori-sama that I had been hunting and killing humans in her territory.”
“Where's the pup?” Inuyasha asked as he settled himself against the wall. “Upstairs. They're preparing him for some ritual or something,” Kouga shrugged. “Ritual? For what?” Inuyasha questioned. Kouga looked toward the door, “A ritual to resurrect Kioko. The pup is to be used as a sacrifice.”
JMK425: AHH!! Evil mind. I honestly didn't expect this chapter to turn out like this. Please don't kill me. Anyway, thanks to everyone for the reviews!! Sorry for not updating sooner, but writer's block and a sinus infection at the same time is TORTURE!! Well, Read and Review please. I love reading my reviews. Thank you. Bye Bye!!