InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Us ❯ Thinking of You ( Chapter 2 )

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Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, even though I wish I did. I do not own a car, even though I wish I did. I don't own anything what's so ever, so please don't rub it in.

Warning: he he. It's too naughty for children under 13. Baby boy/girls please leave!!! Thank you

Summary: It's the day after the night after the fun after the…. Um… just joking it's after they have partied.

Chapter 2

I left the beautiful angel man in the hotel room. The night before is anything but a blur to me. Sure I drank a lot, but I remember it all.

He came up to me when I was dancing and he grabbed me by my hips. We started to dance to the music. The men that had been around me left, knowing they were no competition. I turned around to see who had touched me; it was the man who had been drinking at the bar. The angel man.

We danced as if we had known each other for a long time. He would run his hand on my breast and through my hair. I would touch his chest, waist, and hair. His hair smelled good and was so soft.

Eventually we went back to the bar and drank ourselves stupid. We were horny and the alcohol made us even more hormonally challenged.

Since I was born, I loved to dance. I saw a movie where this woman a stripper and she's trying to get back her daughter. Then I saw the Players Club. I liked to strip. I was always doing strip teases at parties. It was a gift you could say.

(A/N: I watch a lot of movies, but unfortunately I can't remember all the names.)

I danced for him, when we were in the hotel. Removing my shirt slowly, touching my breast and running my hands down my hips and thighs. I rolled on the floor and spread my legs. I took off my skirt. I crawled over to the chair he sat in and started to give him a lap dance.

I took off his shirt and kissed him after which. His lips were soft and warm. We kept kissing and touching. I unzipped his pants with my mouth and he threw them onto the ground somewhere. Then off came his boxer.

I lowered myself to suck his penis as I did so I hummed a song. The vibration made him climax even faster. But he took it out right before he did.

He kissed me on the lips and took me toward the bed. I sank down into it. His skin rubbing against mine and small groans escaping my lips. He was rubbing my inner thighs and it made me feel good. Then he rubbed his erection against the cut of my private. I wanted it already, yet he was purposely holding back on me.

Finally he came in me. I felt like I was in paradise. We both were eating the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden. We knew we shouldn't but we did anyways. I moaned and said his name, which he had told me in the car on the way to the hotel. A name, which I would probably never forget.

He was expertly, even though being drunk, going in and out of me. Rubbing my outer thighs, running his hands all over my body, and kissing my neck.

We went to sleep once done, but he did not pull me close to him or anything in that manner.

I awoke at 5 in the morning and grabbed my things. I put on my skirt and underwear, my bra and shirt. I grabbed my shoes and ran out of the room quickly, forgetting to close the door behind me.

Unfortunately, I forgot that I hadn't driven there. My car was still in Sex Pistol's parking lot. Bummer. I had to walk to a bus stop and ride it as close to the club as possible.

Thank God I had not forgotten my keys. The good news is that they had been in my skirt pockets, but the bad news is that my car wasn't there anymore. I went in to ask what had happened to my car. My friend Miko said it had been towed.

I grabbed the phone in the back of the club, since I did not bring my cell phone. I called my Mother and she said she'd be here in a while. She asked if I was O.K. and where I was. She got there and we went home. She did not ask me what I had been doing there or what had happened. All she asked where my locket was. I had not noticed my heart shaped locket was missing. But I knew I could not go back for it, it mattered not that it had been a gift from my dead grandmother.

When I got home it was 9:30 A.M.

Now, 15 minutes later I am sitting here in my room, thinking of the beautiful Sesshomaru. Wondering what he was doing at this moment.


Sesshomaru awoke because of a chill that was coming in through the door. He looked next to him and instead of the small girl named Kalika there, he found a pillow. He looked around the floor and only his clothes were scattered around. He looked at the clock on the nightstand; it read 9:45 A.M.

His head hurt a lot. He got up with the one of the blankets around him and closed the door. He headed for the bathroom rubbing his head with his left hand. He had a hangover that felt like nothing before.

He wished Kalika could be there, but he forgot about her instantly.

After his shower he dressed, grabbed his keys and headed out. As he was going out the door he felt something under his shoe. It was a heart shaped locket on a chain. He opened it and in it was the face of Kalika, the other side was empty. As if she was all alone in the world, without a soul mate. He put the locket into his jacket pocket until he got to his car. He put it in the little slot where his change was suppose to go and went home.

*jumping around like stupid* SO WHAT YA THINK?????? Good? Not so good? You suck Bitch, don't write anymore??? Oh, wait please don't say that, it'll hurt my feelings… PLEASE LEAVE YOUR REVIEWS. THANK YOU!!!!!