InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Road Untraveled ❯ A road unmarked ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Memoirs of a Road Untraveled
By: SublimeMagnolia
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any Inuyasha characters. These are characters of Rumiko Takahashi. There are also characters used from Yu Yu Hakusho. I do not own these characters either.
Chapter two: A Road Unmarked
The day was perfect. It really was. The sky was clear blue and the warmth of the early spring weather was not overbearing. Trees blooming in various colors of pinks, violets, orange, and red hues allowed there aroma to drift on the breeze. Despite the pollen tickling her nose and making her sneeze, Kagome believed that today was the perfect day to set out on the road.
This morning she had sat down with Kaede for a brief breakfast of dried lamb's meat and baked bread with honey. Any leftover meat she had packed in her bag for the road. Kaede was kind enough to inform her of the happenings occurring around her. Sango and Miroku were prosperous in their rebuilding of Sango's village and had born twins, a boy and a girl. Kagome giggled and blushed at this information. Inuyasha and Kikyo were living on the outskirts of a village to the north and had born two children as well; one human and one full demon. Kaede found this fascinating; it seemed that hanyou's did not produce other hanyou's but either had a youkai or human for a child. Kagome was not too surprised at this; she did remember this from biology with the information on punnett squares drifting in her head. She did, however, find it awkward to know that they had children. It seemed as though, in just a summary of a few words, she realized just how left behind she was. She sighed and took a breath. I will not be discouraged.
Kaede had not heard anything from Shippo. That slightly worried Kagome. Her young fox kit was off in the world and no one had heard from him…it didn't sound like a good sign. I'll search for him on my journey. If anything, just to make sure he's alright. Sesshoumaru was just as allusive as always, although Kaede said she could have swore she saw him standing at the edge of Inuyasha's forest a couple of months prior. Kagome wasn't surprised at this, the taiyoukai in all his glory had always been a bit of the DON'T TOUCH ME OR I WILL SINK MY CLAWS INTO YOUR THROAT AND ALLOW MY POISON TO MELT YOU FROM THE INSIDE OUT type. Yep. He did have a way of freaking her out with just one look.
Kagome listened to Kaede ramble for a moment until the older lady suddenly got quiet.
“Kaede…is there something wrong?” The older woman looked at her under her lashes and stoked the small fire in front of her.
“Nay child. At least not right now. My bones have been tingling with the suspicion that something is coming and there are rumors from the south that a youkai is gathering followers, both human and youkai, and slowly moving north. There are some who say the youkai is formidable and has captured many powerful lives. I'm not sure what this could mean in the future…but…ye need to please be careful child on your journey.”
Kagome nodded her head. She'd have to keep an ear open for any more rumors floating around.
“Child, make sure you keep the tama close and hidden to you always.”
“Of course, Kaede. It really can't get any closer, it's inside of me.” It was true. The shikon had returned to her body the moment she had went back across the well two years ago.
“That may be so, child. Nevertheless, keep it hidden.” Kagome, again, nodded her head. She would have to figure out a way to keep her body hidden, or at least that portion where the tama resided. Those were the last words she had said to Kaede before saying goodbye. She had hefted her bag onto her shoulders after a quick change of clothes. She now wore a pair of purple hakamas and a white uwangi tied with a white obi. She kept her hair tied back with a piece of black cloth, the length thrown over her shoulders so the bag wouldn't pull it from its bindings.
Then she was off, her handy dandy bow and arrows close at hand. The road was stretched out before her like a winding ribbon of dirt. As she walked the silence was filled with the crunch of gravel beneath her feet and the whistling wind within the trees. She traveled like this for hours, never tiring of the constant quiet because, she guessed, it was a peaceful quiet.
The afternoon brought with it a sound like crying. Kagome paused in mid thought when she realized that the sound was not a part of her imagination. She stopped in the middle of the road, listening closely. The sound was small, and had the wind not blown in her direction, she may not have picked it up at all. The sound was coming from the forest. She stood for moment, contemplating her next step. Should she risk going into the woods and it be a set up to lure a young and unsuspecting prey? Or should she risk continuing on this road and it turn out to be someone in need of her aid? She nodded her head in affirmation, her decision was made.
She notched her bow with an arrow and followed the sound into the dense back drop of trees. The light from the road slowly faded the deeper she moved into the woods, while the sound grew louder. Its echo around her made it a bit more difficult to follow, but the closer she got the more she realized it was a child…after about five minutes of struggling she came across a fallen tree that seemed to be wailing. The roots of the tree were uprooted and broken in various places, its bark chipped away as though someone, or rather something, had scratched at it in frenzy. She leaned over it and came face to face with a small, but cute, round face with ocean colored eyes. It was a small youkai.
“Calm down.” she cooed as she placed her bow on the ground, realizing the poor creature had its foot stuck under the trunk. It's probably broken.
“Listen carefully, okay.” She smiled kindly down at the creature. “I'm going to lift this up, and then I want you to carefully move your foot out from under it. Do you understand?” The small youkai nodded…and then sniffled.
She moved to the end of the large trunk and placed her hands at the base in hopes of lifting it up, but her meager strength wasn't enough. I'll need something to lever it off with. She looked around and came across a thick sized stick. She picked up and dug it as far as she could underneath the tree until it stuck into the air at an angle. Then she pushed her weight down on it, watching with satisfaction as the log lifted itself long enough for the small child to get free. The youkai couldn't move too far though, which was an affirmative to Kagome that the child had a broken foot. Good thing he's youkai. It should be completely healed at most by the day after tomorrow.
She dropped to her knees and peered at the kit for moment, realizing that the small child was completely afraid of her. Those ocean colored eyes, which she already loved, stared widely and unblinking at her. She held her hands up in defense.
“I won't hurt you. If I wanted to hurt you, why would I help you?”
“I don't know! Maybe you want to take me back to your cave and eat me alive… I've heard enough stories about humans to not trust them!”
“And I've heard enough stories about demons to not trust them but that has never stopped me before.” She replied before she could stop herself. The young kit just stared up at her, she believed him to be a boy, with suspicion in his eyes.
“Listen, you have a broken foot. You'll a need a day or two to heal. Then you can run off and do whatever you'd like. But until then, will you let me care for you?” She looked at him with the best pleading and kind look she could muster. It really didn't matter what he said, she was going to help him anyway; this was just a formality. Besides, it helped her more if he was willing.
“Fine. You better not bite me!” She smiled down at him as she took off her bag and rummaged in it to find her first aid kit. She pulled out the roll of white clothe in order to wrap his foot properly.
“I promise not to bite you,” she replied sarcastically, “but I need your foot in order to wrap it otherwise it may heal back crooked.”
His fear of a crooked foot was more than his fear of her since he made sure to stick it out for her as soon as those words fell from her lips. She smiled down at him again as she gently wrapped the swollen foot.
“My name is Kagome. What's yours?”
“Kaito.” His parents must have named him that because of his eyes.
“My parents gave me the name because they said every time they look into my eyes they feel as though their flying over the ocean.” He said this in quiet tones, almost brokenly.
“Well, you do have beautiful eyes.” The young kit looked at her then blushed bashfully before turning his face to look at the bush beside him. She only continued to smile.
“So why are you out here by yourself? Where are your parents?” The black hair that framed his face, already disheveled, flew around his shoulders as he turned back to face her.
“They were kidnapped. My father was killed and the rest of my family was taken away. I was the only one who escaped.” He looked away again as if lost in memory.
“I'm a member of the southern wolf tribe. This great youkai, I don't know what kind he was, had been rumored to be gathering allies of all kinds to him. He swept through our valley and mountains taking with him all the powerful and killing any who rebelled. My father rebelled and was killed for it. My siblings are young, and for the safety of them my mother gave in and allied herself with the great youkai. I alone escaped. My goal is to reach the northern wolf tribe who are allies and brothers in hopes of having some revenge. Something has to be done.” She watched in awe as the young youkai shook in suppressed anger and was reminded of the first time she had met Shippo.
“I am headed toward the north as well.” Her plan was to stop by and see if Shippo was still studying at the fox training grounds. The place was towards the north, not to mention the northern wolf tribe belonged to Kouga. “I know the Leader of the wolf tribe as well. I'd like to pay him a visit myself.”
Kaito looked up at her, a bit of admiration in his eyes. She smiled.
“Besides, I need someone to protect me. You seem to be strong enough. Are you up to the challenge?”
Kaito's face changed to one of complete and solemn seriousness so quickly that Kagome had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.
“On my life and honor I will protect you as we journey forth to vanquish a growing evil.” His right hand lay on his heart while the left was lifted in the air as a sign of oath. She laughed then. The first real laugh she had heard from herself in months. Maybe this kit was just what she needed.
“Then let us venture forth young warrior into the dark abyss and come back shining in great glory, shall we?” He laughed at her. She gently lifted him onto her shoulders after throwing her back pack on. Grabbing her bow and arrows she continued deeper into the woods headed east of the setting sun.
The night came quickly and with it a coolness that wasn't there when the sun was awake. Kagome quickly made a fire using a couple of matches-of which, Kaito found fascinating. She pulled out some cooking gear that she had thrown in the bag at the last minute and made a batch of ramen and pomegranate tea. The aroma wafted into the air and she observed that Kaito was drooling at the mouth. Realizing he was a wolf and not really use to human food she made sure to pull out some of the dried lamb's meat that she had packed.
When everything was finished she fixed his bowl first: ramen, lamb's meat, and a cup of tea. She observed him delicately pick at the noodles before trying them, then when he realized that they were good, he downed the whole bowl in a much worse than Inuyasha sort of way. He drank his tea, which held a couple of herbs for pain and rest, then suddenly fell over into a deep sleep, his quiet snores the only sound aside from the crackling of the flames and the crickets in the grass.
She ate as well but did not drink the tea. She had no plan of going to sleep just yet. The night was clear and the stars bright. There was so many-more, she believed, than were in the future. Sighing, she looked back down at her hands, observing how the lines crossed and some even disappeared. The soft skin was starting to become dirty, and she realized she'd have to find a hot spring tomorrow if she wanted to bathe.
She bit her lip as she thought about this new enemy rising from the south. It almost sounded like Naraku. But it couldn't be, she had personally seen to his eradication. No. This was a new entity.
She took a deep breath and let it out again. It was becoming clearer that fate was not done with her yet. She was still needed. It felt good to be needed. It was clear that although many things had changed, the fates still had a plan for her in this world. She was not aimless, she had a purpose. She wasn't sure it was to fight this darkness rising from the south, but because her luck tended to swing that way she wasn't too surprised either.
I will have to learn to fight. There isn't an Inuyasha to hide behind or a Kilala to come to the rescue. I'll have to start my own training. But where to start was the question.
“I'll have to start building my strength. Maybe some pushups and sit ups before bed will be good.” Her thoughts were flowing off her lips and into the night air as if the owls were listening in with keen interest.
Before she started however, she pulled her journal from the bag beside her and a pen.
Dear Journal,
The day has come to an end and I have discovered many things. I have a new friend, although young, he makes me laugh and smile like I use to. There is a reason to live now, I am a wanderer, but now I'm not aimless. Not now. Kaito is his name. He is the sweetest and most courageous child I have met aside from Shippo. I will help him get to the Northern Wolf tribe. Hopefully I will see my Shippo again…maybe not. Nevertheless, there is no room to be sad today…but a great reason to worry. It is becoming clear that there is great danger moving from the south. I know it will not be long before someone finds out that the jewel has returned, if I do not learn how to hide it in time. Who or whatever it is will soon be searching for me just as every demon before has. I must do two things…become stronger and gather allies. I have been in this age but only two days and already the nights are growing thin.
I am glad I have come home.
She allowed the ink to dry before closing the notebook and tying it shut, then placing it and the pen back into the giant black back. Next she tried her weight at some push-ups. She made it to twenty before her arms gave out. Well that's pathetic. Next she tried her weight at sit-ups, which she did better, but not by much. She made it to thirty-six before collapsing back onto her sleeping bag.
She closed her eyes in meditation, making sure to put up a shield around her and Kaito while they slept. As she laid there for a moment longer in a deep meditation, the pain in her stomach and arms forgotten, she noticed something different about her powers. They were easier to grasp and see within her. She could fill it moving within her, down there around her diaphragm. It was surging forth wanting to be released but had no way of escaping. Ah…now I see. She had no idea when this change had happened. Maybe with time. Maybe with the suddenness of her mother's passing. Maybe a cold combination. It didn't matter. All she knew was that now there was a way for her to get to her powers. It was easier than ever before, all she'd have to do was meditate and practice more with manipulating the pink swirls of purity. She could use this.
She opened her eyes and was caught in the sparking eyes of the sky that were shimmering in thousands of patterns and constellations. Her heart beat stilled to a slow thrum and she allowed the peace of the night and the excitement of the next day lead her into a tranquil sleep, completely unaware of the pair of eyes watching her from just beyond her shield, then with a blink, turned around and faded into the background of the night.
A/N: Yay! A new chapter is complete! I hope you guys are enjoying this and if there is anything you think I'm leaving out or forgetting shoot me a review and let me know what it is.
Kaito- Ocean Flyinig