InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Soul ❯ Complete ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: I'm REALLY sorry to whoever thought of Masaharu as Sesshomaru's family name! I couldn't find you to ask permission! Gomen!

Chapter 2: Complete

"College, I'm finally in College!" Kagome dropped her bags right outside her apartment door. "I never thought I'd make it!"

Kagome heard a chuckling coming from behind her, turning around; she came across a young man with light brown hair.

"Can I help you with something?" asked Kagome.

"Oh no, nothing at all, I'm just laughing at your reaction to finally making it to Tokyo University. Not a lot of people do that the moment they get here."

Kagome blushed. "Oh, that's why you did that? Well I'm just so excited about getting here!"

The man smiled and said, "Oh I see, you won't be excited for long though. College is tough."

"Thank you for the warning, then."

"No problem, bye!"


Kagome turned to the door and fished her keys out of her pocket. Taking a deep breath, Kagome opened the door to her new home.

"Wow, this turned out better than I thought it would!" The apartment had a large living room, a huge window with a prime view of the city, and a spacious and orderly kitchen. Pulling her bags in, and wincing as they scraped the hardwood floors, she turned and headed for the master bedroom. Peeking inside, she viewed a richly furnished room.

"Wow, Mom sure put a lot of time and money into this apartment." Suddenly she felt the need to laugh, and never the one to deny something to anyone, Kagome laughed and flung herself onto the bed. This was the best decision she had ever made.

"This College thing is the worst decision I have ever made in my whole entire life!" Two weeks had passed since Kagome had started her classes, and she still barely managed to finish all of her work. Kagome was trudging home from her Japanese History class, weighed down by all of the textbooks she needed to complete all of her homework. "I mean, c'mon! I know all of this stuff! I make hundreds on the tests, I do the extra credit, yet I still need to do all of the homework and site references!" Kagome started fiddling with her bag, trying to find her apartment keys.

"C'mon, I know you're in there… Show yourself! Aha! Gotcha!" Jamming the keys into the door, she pushed it open and unceremoniously dumped her stuff on the floor. Kagome dragged herself to the couch and flopped down on top of it. "Oh man, will the work never end?"

Lately, when she was under a lot of stress, she felt that she should have more, that she shouldn't be working so hard, that everything should be easier. The problem was that she couldn't figure out why it should be easier, why things shouldn't be so hard.

Turning her head slightly, Kagome saw an envelope sitting on the coffee table. Groaning as she sat up, she tore it open. Inside it said:

Dear Higurashi Kagome,

You are one of the few students in Tokyo University to be invited on this once in a lifetime trip! Only students with the highest grade point average in their college and high school records are invited. You get to take an all day exclusively paid tour of the Nippon Headquarters. You will be able to go in and actually work side by side with the company's employees and be able to interview the owner, Mr. Masaharu himself! The students chosen get to have extra credit in all classes for this participation, plus an excuse from the day's homework. The trip is on, Friday, September 2. Please reply with a positive or negative answer on the following sheet.


Mr. Tasuki

It's a field trip. Why are sending me on a field trip? Kagome reread the middle sentence, "Only students with the highest grade point average in their college and high school records are invited…" Does that mean that I have one of the top grades in Tokyo University, even though I failed most of my classes in 9th grade? Oh well, I guess I'll go, I've felt so haggard lately, maybe this is the change I need to get me back on track.

Kagome then reached for the pen, checked the box marked "Yes", and stuffed it in an envelope. Falling back on the couch, Kagome closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Outside the window, a bright white orb could be seen, hurtling towards the building. Stopping just outside a fourth floor window, it paused and went through the glass.

Inside, there was a young woman fast asleep. The orb went and landed on the woman, glowing even brighter than before. Then it was gone. The woman breathed deeply and smiled a contented smile in her sleep.

Sesshomaru was walking slowly through the park, enjoying the beauty of the place before winter hid it all. Sesshomaru rarely did this because of the busy life style a man of his position required. Turning a corner, Sesshomaru came across a playground with a tiny girl swinging on a swing all alone. The little girl was singing as she swung back and forth, her hair flying out behind her.

"Rin…" Sesshomaru shook his head slightly and peered again at the girl. It wasn't Rin, if anything the child resembled Inuyasha's dead wench more.

These humans must be getting to me. Inuyasha's dark Miko and my Rin have nothing in common.

Hunching his shoulders, he walked out of the park, no longer noticing its beauty.

The girl never noticed him, and she kept on singing until she heard her mother shout out.

She jumped off the swing and ran toward the voice, shouting, "Mommy!"

A young woman turned around to where the voice was coming from. "Oh Kagome, darling, please don't disappear like that!"

Kagome cocked her head a little to the side, "huh?"

"Sweetie, you need to tell Mommy when you go away."

"I'm sorry Mommy, I forgot!"

"It's okay, dear. How about we go home and get some Oden?"

"What's Oden?"

"Something I think that you will like a lot."