InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Soul ❯ Observations ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

PLEASE! I need an Editor! I REALLY NEED ONE!

I say, "The longer the story is, the better," so Memoirs of a Soul might be a little slow. Thank you distorted-desire for pointing that out!

Chapter 3: Observations

The sun was shining down on Kagome's face when she woke up. Her face was plastered to the sofa, her clothes were tangled up, her hair was a mess and she was starving from a lack of food, but she couldn't help but feel right. Smiling brightly, Kagome practically jumped off the couch and started humming to herself. Today was a great day! Unfortunately, Kagome happened to glance at the clock.

It's 9 o'clock! I only have half an hour until the bus leaves!

"I'm late!" she shrieked. Kagome hurriedly put some bread in the toaster and dashed towards her bedroom.

Thirty seconds later, she hopped out of the room with a pair of unbuttoned jeans, and a backwards shirt, trying vainly to put on a sock. Grabbing the toast as she jumped by, she successfully got her stocking on, grabbed her bag, and ran out the door.

Kagome rushed to her classroom, expecting to see a bunch of people standing outside or sitting inside, throwing paper balls at each other. The door to the classroom was shut tightly and locked. The teacher hadn't arrived yet.

Kagome slowed down to a stop. She was early. What happened? Was her clock wrong? She glanced down at her wrist. Nope, the clock in the apartment had the same time as her watch. She still had more time. I guess I might as well mail the Nippon field trip letter.

Kagome started walking towards a postal box, when the came feeling of "perfect" came back to her. She felt the urge to express her sense of happiness, weightlessness, and freedom to the world. Knowing of no other ways to convey them, Kagome started to run.

The world flew past her as she ran with ease; she was running faster than she ever had in her life. Of course, she wasn't as fast as Inuyasha, but for a human, she ran as though she were a deer; speed and grace rolled into one package.

All too soon, a metal shape appeared before her. Absent mindedly, Kagome shoved the envelope inside the slot. She was dreamily staring out into space.


"Hey, Kagome!"

Kagome spun her head around. Sitting under a tree on campus was Yuka waving at her along with Eri and Ayumi.

"Hi guys," she yelled back. "I'll be right over!"


Kagome quickly gathered her books together and headed towards the group.

Eri spoke up. "Hey, how are you doing? We haven't seen you around lately."

Kagome blushed and blurted "You know that the Homework here is hectic."

Her friends nodded understandably. "Too true," said Ayumi, "especially true for you, Kagome, with your poor health and all. That would definitely take a toll on you."

Kagome's cheeks turned slightly red at that comment. "Hey, I've gotten better. The doctors say I made a full recovery!"

Yuka interrupted, "but Kagome, didn't you say last week that doctors have no clue what their talking about?"

"Um, I was talking about my other doctor, Dr. Hiroshi. Yeah, um, he's kind of an idiot."

The other girls looked at each other with big "oh's" of understanding.

"We get you point. So tell me, is your other doctor cute?" stated Ayumi while she leaned over the table.

Think quickly, Kagome! "Uh, actually, it's a she! Yeah, Dr. Keiko said I made a full recovery!" Kagome silently patted herself on the back as the other girls sat back in their seats in disappointment.

"Guys, will you just give it up? I'm not interested in guys. I have too many things more important than romance. Like homework, classes, family, and finding a job!"

Everyone swiveled their head back to Kagome.

"You mean you don't have a job yet?" screeched Eri. "How are you paying for that big apartment you have and your food?"

"Well, Mom bought the house for me and I have some money I've been saving since high school."

Yuka shook her head. "Well you better find a job soon. Your money isn't going to be there forever, and I don't think you would want to be barely paying bills on time."

"I'm going to start and look for a job next month. I need to get into the rhythm of things before I add a job to my schedule."

Eri nodded sagely. "Good idea, Kagome."

"Let up you guys! You are starting to scare me," Kagome looked around at the serious faces around her. "Okay, who are you and what have you done to my friends?"

She was rewarded with a slight giggle coming from the group.

"That's better. Now tell me, what's up?"

"Kagome, you know we worry about you. Ever since you got all of those illnesses, we've been wondering if you would drop off the face of the earth any second. Sorry if we seem a little over protective."

Kagome put a hand on Yuka's shoulder. "Its okay, I'm glad you worry. Makes me feel a little more wanted, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." Yuka suddenly grinned, "Who's up for some ice cream? My treat!"

Kagome laughed at the shocked expression on Yuka's face. She should have expected a riot!


Ayumi took a lick out of her ice cream. "You know what? I think that she might've really recovered from her illnesses."

"She who?" inquired Eri.

"Kagome, of course!"

"Yeah, she did seem better today." Yuka put in before Eri could embarrass herself more.

"She didn't have those black circles under her eyes."

"And she wasn't telling us that she was tired."

"And she actually laughed!" shouted Eri.

Yuka grinned at that statement. "Yeah, she laughed… When was the last time genuinely she did that?"

Ayumi thought carefully. "I'd say just before she started to attend school regularly."

"Hmm, I wonder what happened. Usually one would be laughing all the time if they just recovered from a series of illnesses."

"I guess someone she knew at the hospital died or something."

"That would be plausible."

Eri huffed. "Why are you worried about that? Kagome's better now. Why are we having a discussion over something that isn't important anymore?"

"Eri's right," agreed Ayumi, "we should just be thankful that Kagome's better. If she wanted us to know about something, she would've told us, right?"

"Correct" stated Yuka. "How about we go and get a pizza for her tomorrow? Does that sound okay?"

"Sure!" Eri burst out.

"Alright then, Pizza it is!"